Participant ID,"GROUP (1 = control, 2 = Student, 3 = Professional)",Book,Rope,Fork,Table,Pants,Bottle,Brick,Tire,Shovel,Shoe,fluency,elaboration,originality_mean,originality_max,literature,music,crafts,cooking,art,perform,grit,prospective_uncertainty,inhibit_uncertainty,self_eq,other_eq,uses_eq,openness,intellect,enthusiasm,assertiveness,industriousness,orderliness,compassion,politeness,volatility,withdrawal,Gender,Enthicity,sex_orientation,Age 1,1,"read paper weight weapon to balance out a table as a foot rest","neck tie lasso decoration back scratcher whip necklace dog leash","yard art back scrathcer comb weapon ","as a ladder massage table operating table bed sled shelter","a jacket make a back pack wash rags as a flag start a fire with","planter rain catcher weapon target for shooting book end paper weight","paper weight yard art weapon book end foot rest ","planter swing workout equipment sand box ","weapon baseball bat to make a catapult grave marker","planter fly swatter book end paper weight as a football in a pinch hang in a tree as a decoration",-0.64942503,-0.72709018,0.62525022,0.005694553,1.227058649,-1.45175457,0.749506116,-0.893204153,-0.458890676,-1.205277324,-0.864498734,0.207516953,-0.179194897,0.271366864,-0.832121015,-1.535712957,0.770964921,1.05736959,0.777951181,-0.194603652,-0.013676312,0.647769272,0.633765996,0.441693783,-0.015860317,0.868140399,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,34 2,1,"to read to pretend to read to prop open a door to use in a car if you're too short to see over the driver's wheel to use as a weapon to use as a room decoration to make art out of it to slide across the floor with it to give as a gift to reference somthi","to hang to bind someone to use for tying things down on a moving vehicle as room decor to use as a lasso to use to climb up to use as exercise equip to use to jump rope to use for double dutch to rescue someone to use as a harness to use as a bridge to use as a tightrope ","to use for food to use as a weapon to use to pick something up to use as a back scratcher to use as a way to get to an itchy spot in your cast to use as a prop to complete your little mermaid cosplay to use as a pointing tool to use to fish something out of water to use as contraband in a prison ","to use as a gathering place to use as a place to set meals to use in a wrestling ring by throwing someone on it to use as an altar to use as a barricade to use as a sewing table to use as a decoration to be a work of art not meant for daily use to use as a display area ","to use as clothing for the legs to put it on your head as a funny costume to use as a pattern to sew more pants to protect the legs from the elements to use as a flag ","to send a message out to sea to drink stuff out of to break over someone's head to use as a weapon by stabbing someone with a jagged bottle to use as bowling pins. to use as a piece of art to use as house decoration to use as a mystical tool to use for target pr","to build a house to make a brick stove to throw through a window to use as an accent in the house to use as a door stopper to use as a weapon to use as a toy to use as an archway to make a monument with","to use on a car to make a swing set from a tree to use as a flower pot to use as a decoration to use as a weapon to use as a spare tire in the truck to use for ATVs to use for football practice roll tires for exercise ","to dig as a weapon as a decoration as a ritual tool to shovel coal in an old-time train to use as a makeshift javelin ","to use as footwear to throw at someone to kill insects to decorate a room to throw like a football to help a prince identify a mystery woman ",0.359740943,1.879706979,-0.301960766,0.183459952,-0.038166128,-1.349814296,-0.361247301,-1.475928187,-0.497372508,-1.142504692,-1.365834475,1.223591924,0.886542082,1.097536206,1.052673936,-3.2496171,1.022392631,0.405565858,-0.001689069,0.005394393,-0.468720019,0.439914584,0.871458173,0.840446413,0.795393944,0.944631636,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,22 3,1,"as a weapon as a fly swatter to balance a table as a coaster as a weight as a dough kneader to make steps ","to play jump rope as a weapon to make a close hanging line to whip someone","A weapon small shovel ice pick back scratcher drum stan antenna","A stool ladder decoration wheel ","make scarecrow outfit a mop a flag stockings costume ","To bash over your head for luring me into this severely underpaid hit without even bothering to give workers an estimated time to complete!!!! Taking advantage of workers by offering unfair pay using unethical tactics is frowned upon by mturk workers you crook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! weapon ","weapon yard decoration weight fish tank decoration ","Yard decor swing weapon table float","Weapon ice pick lever broom hatchet","Weapon decoration roach stomper ",-0.815847158,-0.508711398,0.897299886,-0.045563076,-0.490489781,0.143383086,1.268340945,1.149493694,-0.808327913,-1.205277324,-2.308605671,-0.098585747,-1.429260015,1.034523726,0.404960871,0.745483756,0.186912909,1.44236052,-0.132012397,1.058289528,2.17730093,-0.654451847,-0.174757451,0.480246276,-1.834298253,-2.053676844,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Bisexual,28 4,1,"Table top Hide objects in it by hollowing it out Use it as a hammer Use it as a cutting board to chop vegetables Use it as fire kindling ","Use it to hang a chandalier Use it for wall art Use as a seat belt ","Comb hair Dig a hole As a weapon To pry things open Make into a necklace ","A ramp to drive over A raft Firewood Use it to barricade a door Cut it up and use as skis Use it as a painting canvas ","Tourniquette Bandages A makeshift flag A face mask ","A weapon To dig a hole Break it and use to tile a table Use as a vase Turn into a lamp ","A weapon Level a chair Book end Door stop Use as a shelf ","Tire swing Rip it up and make jewelry Melt it to make other products A chandelier Make it into a bag ","A weapon Stir a pot of food Use as a base for a shelf ","Kill bugs Use as a drinking cup Make art with it Use as a hammer Use the shoelaces to make a necklace ",-0.748869181,-0.140729114,0.901023865,-0.030925594,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-0.97332108,0.737455666,-1.358759522,0.687118232,0.175321996,0.968593776,-3.673110008,-0.28350541,0.461769104,0.731488407,1.356641054,0.42521596,-0.237155363,-0.076767094,-1.901461959,-2.082405567,Male,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,38 5,1,"doorstop paper weight stepstool divider ","belt put in a basket, sit in front of it and play a pipe to make it rise out of basket like a snake room divider use as sex ","poke holes to vent tv dinner bust a balloon use as spoon use to hold nail or screw so you dont hammer fingers ","use as bed use as tent stepstool ","run up flagpole and salute ","plastic or glass? store liquids use as urinal if glass, keep behind door for protection recycle for extra cash ","keep behind door for protection stack shelves on to make entertainment center use as stepping stones use as step stool(may need more than one ","tie to tree branch and use as swing use to recycle ","use to remove cow/horse poop dig use to hold up scarecrow ","wear tie many to back of newlyweds car throw at someone you are mad at ",-1.116299391,-0.261733681,0.37860018,-0.450847894,-0.018730981,0.423776537,0.120271377,-1.549559593,-0.332688063,-1.205277324,0.208685845,1.096951604,0.002633821,-1.656481266,-0.503970087,0.429804236,-0.199409172,-0.468861163,-2.646077156,-2.395584345,0.694227636,0.925792217,-0.924910903,0.62192595,-0.146938041,1.37238884,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 6,1,"doorstop knowledge boredom weapon projectile step weight bug killer cat shelter scale","game shelving handle bracelet coaster pet toy tug of war handrail pet scratching post rope swing ","food weapon mix things scrambler scratcher pitchfork pry open stuff toothpick","meeting place wrestling weapon toy car racetrack toy soldier arena home office ","swing window escape ","weapon build a ship inside fruit fly trap vase ","doorstop weapon break into house window break into car window weight build house foundation ","wheel workout weight ","dig a grave find treasure weapon break into house break into car ","excersise bug killer weight ",-0.552066624,-0.856265128,0.543500185,0.360393494,-1.208260536,-1.45175457,-0.351510137,1.140522361,-0.796246052,-0.84691149,-0.398369133,0.003433291,-0.179686546,0.809972405,0.377708942,-0.263428926,0.019822663,-0.23543863,0.013557509,0.525562644,1.121964097,1.100498199,-0.173019364,-0.466705233,-1.066576123,-0.963935316,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,26 7,1,"Rain cover Paper weight Hat Chair Pillow Book stand ","cat catcher fire wood for hanging for jumping","Carver rake hair clips ","seat happy place fun place for kids","hat hose","drink mouse catcher","weapon paper weight","swing tosser ","weapon ","hat soup bowl",-1.354567289,-1.05859375,-0.141224042,-0.567437053,-1.583075166,0.914112926,-1.193925142,0.955705464,-0.030007282,-1.205277324,-0.417388409,0.144138888,0.098240301,0.13976489,0.868961573,-0.452834189,0.401136696,-0.154027849,-0.388900012,-0.138394356,0.757742941,0.797482669,0.865650594,1.016939878,-1.007693291,-0.448705584,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,45 8,1,"sit on, leveler weighing cover wall house table create a fire burn something bed face mask cover on the head spank the kid kill flies hit someb ","tie pony tail decoration center table plate glass bowl connect two together bridge ladder hand cuff kill someone hang something ","eat stab something kill somebody poke something hit the flies protect your self pick up trash decoration use it to write on the wall dig scratch your head ","sit on it eat wall cover on the head cover on the rain roof chair bridge a pathway decoration doll house shelf box fire wood ","floating cover your body protect you from cold use as a blanket a rug a face mask a panty brief bra shirt short cover to the head a hat wipe a dirt handky bandage ","drink on it decoration vase a pot makes a different sound music pathway wall lantern window curtain put dish washing liquid on it. storage kill someone ","bridge pathway house table plate chair stove oven building roads wheels stool leveler paper weight statue mold glass igloo ","wheels sit on it plate for the hog swing chair garbage container vase pot storage road bumper frame decoration center table stand shelf wall black top eraser ","to dig to kill hit someone sit on it drink on it eat on it remove poop decoration ","to walk hike run protect your feet hit someone spank a bad kid slap someone kill insects chew able toy for dog decoration wall window c ",1.914374471,-0.318288922,0.189111546,1.045358539,-1.291916132,-1.45175457,-1.688237667,-0.814061284,-1.249724984,-1.205277324,-2.552860498,1.886836648,1.963650584,1.463044524,-2.52062583,0.078180686,-1.370432377,-2.718325615,-2.536861897,-3.246095657,1.085024595,1.856979847,-0.43659699,1.696874857,-1.569159389,0.936071873,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,36 9,1,"write procedure plan daily note for weight for reading for studying ","tie mark boundary line make mesh to join to hang to protect ","for pick up to cut to mix to stir to separate ","for study for height for cutting for arrange for eating food For ironing for writing for painting forreading","To protuct body to design for fashion ","for drinking for trasporting liquids for keep paper weight for planting ","making wall weight making house making building making steps ","for bike for car for weight for road for separation ","for mixing for pickup ","for protect legs for weight ",-0.674947143,-0.807892978,-0.519725025,-0.451710135,1.154245377,0.855597734,-0.313141048,-1.549559593,-0.196127042,-1.205277324,1.399768591,0.0225491,1.922941208,-0.194498882,-0.609538615,-1.740809798,0.290788233,-0.783640444,-1.49515605,-1.58838737,-1.587327361,-1.016969442,-1.436393857,0.254999191,0.339241713,1.103754878,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,23 10,1,"Knowledge development Vocabulary Expansion. Memory Improvement Better Writing Skills "," Hanging a Swing. Use old rope for hanging tree swings or any other kind of swing. Knots. Ropes have tensile strength and so can be used for dragging and lifting.",For,"Used for reading Writing Eating Keeping books ","Pants to wear. Comfortable to wear. Good looki","For store water Storing fruit juice","Used for building house. Used for buil ","used in cars used in two wheeler used in bus "," Shovel is a tool for digging. Lifting and moving bulk materials. Used in agriculture ","Foot wear Protects legs Useful for running ",-1.308251977,-0.618959308,-1.357099533,-1.463806152,-0.622453928,-1.45175457,-1.688237667,-1.353638411,-0.432922453,-1.205277324,-0.03385362,0.427015752,1.063577175,0.16311191,-0.465581626,0.189107835,-1.02356267,-1.37736094,-1.542422414,-1.77891314,-0.057046641,1.014255643,0.404188126,1.056892037,-1.30414319,1.109459043,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 11,1,"read learn write smack mosquitoes put below pans use as a weight record diary communicate get injured ","cling on play with reach out bungee jump go down go up connect between two objects or places make shapes and lines show ties ","eat foods with bend over open the can with","put stuffs on eat foods on gather around with others stand on to reach out to the high places study on build cook on use as a stable surface","wear hide lower parts of body with fashion uniform use as a cleaning cl","put fluids in carry fluids in mix fluids in heat fluids in chill fluids in freeze fluids in ","build a house or objects with use as a weight make arts with play with ","carry objects or people make decorations or arts with recycle ","move or carry objects from one place to another with make a hole on the ground or sands smack hard objects into the ground ","wear protect feet from rough or sharp pieces or temperatures from ground make design to run, walk, exercise throw ",-0.566844285,-0.252686352,0.075294472,-0.371650815,-0.944214821,-0.91848433,-1.33200264,-0.247399554,-0.833140075,-1.205277324,0.53545928,-0.826123476,-0.323441356,-1.483400106,-1.686537266,0.168450564,-1.612341285,-1.589212537,-1.13661623,-2.388488531,-1.183409214,-1.366972089,-1.533716321,-0.113612741,-1.273344874,-0.755752385,Male,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,32 12,1,"as a weapon to fuel a fire scratch paper to carry something hot to sit on and raise height to balance uneven chair legs ","to tie a knot to hold something in a science experiment as a weapon for working out to tow a car ","to stab someone to put holes in wall to pry open something to ","as a workout board dance floor step stool fire starter storage space barricade ","a shield to help start a fire ","to pee in as a sound enhancer noisemaker weapon ","weapon to break a window as decoration for art to paint as a picture stand ","as a play toy to workout as a weapon to melt down and use the materials ","as a weapon to prop open something ","as a weapon to hide something inside",-0.888844669,-0.527393639,0.829103529,-0.147338554,-1.66327858,0.96889329,-1.740324259,-1.364189267,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.831816316,1.430157065,1.533146143,0.423926443,-0.249319345,0.481401414,-0.440747321,-0.038460098,0.518904626,0.644656777,1.294730425,0.939074337,-0.450723737,0.102600716,1.749258995,1.396271229,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,45 13,1,"read it stack it climb a stack of them kill a bug study it be inspired by it memorize it recite it perform from it read it to another donate it burn pages decorate with it photocopy it ","hit a nail hit a person self defense remove a nail weigh down something that would blow away break a window smash a cell phone cut open a fruit crack open a nut ","eat fling food scrape scoop stab musical instrument tune a piano bear right bear left point throw it tap make noise lick ","sit around it set things on it stand on it decorate a room display things break it down into pieces for use have sex on it change a baby on it write on it work on it barricade a door use a protect","wear them model them rip them and use fabric wrangle an animal strip seductively out of them layer them for warmth use as a rope tie and bundle things together lasso draw on them paint in them to protect clean pants uniform hold things in pockets ","drink out of it make music by blowing across an empty bottle smash it make a xylophone use pieces for a mosaic use as a vase display as decoration reuse for fresh liquid use as a weapon clink for a toast feed a baby feed a baby animal clean it scrub off th","masonry for a building or wall stack them high to reach something use as a weapon break a window make a flower bed decorate a walkway paint donor recognition weigh down something light put under a rickety table leg ","put on a car deflate it make a swing make a community garden use as a planter melt recycle paint it put it on a bike use as a spare roll it down a hill sit on it dog pulls it for exercise burn it ","dig a garden dig a grave hang it in a shed use it as a weapon scrape ice paint it use to knock down something high scoop out water stir cement spin something around the long handle carry bags across your bag hang horizontal","wear donate kick put on your pets take out laces for rope model display sign it have a celebrity sign it leave tracks to follow make design in the sand draw on it hang over power line seduce someone in heels be comfortable walk over gl",1.562630534,0.943774283,-0.080575824,0.576319575,-1.189132094,-1.45175457,-0.791020036,0.955705464,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,1.859823942,2.142467737,0.744082034,0.404654354,-0.85674721,0.757395625,-0.487852097,1.687555432,-1.2055794,1.100684524,-0.030631168,1.358051538,-1.384382129,-0.476488948,-1.156335235,-0.03287629,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,28 14,1,"reading material projectile weapon fly swatter door stopper paperweight","tying things up storage ","eating stabbing back scratcher bug killer","storage game night dancing platform","clothing dish rag dust rag","liquid storage toilet weapon projectile target","weapon projectile door stopper paperweight straight edge","swing inner tube",,"clothing fly swatter paperweight old woman's house",-1.101862788,-0.969146073,0.88000536,0.526382387,1.582963824,-0.72114414,1.295102358,1.499708295,1.90605402,-1.069823027,-0.243882939,0.010271842,-1.380804658,1.103988171,1.190871239,0.832132816,1.359358191,1.816366076,1.099178314,1.391343355,0.523103893,-1.532791615,1.213474393,1.120525837,0.532034934,-0.154287666,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,34 15,1,"paper weight Bug Masher Build a toy fort for kids Use a small book to even out furniture Use it to fan your face if you are hot","Use it as a measuring tool use it to replace the cord on a ceiling fan use it in your garden as a border for your mulch Use it as fires starter Use it as a dog lease Hang it between two walls so that you can dry clothes on it use it as a whip for a horse ","paper weight bend it and use as a picture holder use it to scratch your back make designs in sand use as","turn over and hang blankets for a childs fort break apart and use for kindling use it to sit on use it to prop a door open use it as a work bench in the garage Use it as a planter table in the garden ","Use them as a sail on a small boat use them as a flag use them to clean up a spill rip them up and dry them to use as headband rip apart and use as a belt use to start a fire use for a scarecrow use as a eye mask for sleep ","cut the top off and use as a planter fill with glass marbles and use a home decor paint correct measurements on the side and use for a measuring cup fill with pre-made pancake batter use as a template or stamp to cut play-doh fill with rocks and use as an anchor leave air in it and use it for a bobber while fishing ","use as a paperweight use in garden for decoration use it to crush fresh garlic use it to keep a door open ","use as a planter in a garden paint and use as a decoration in your yard use for a tire swing used to sit inside and roll down a hill cut rubber up to use as a border in your garden ","use as a place marker for a grave use it in a garden as a guide for tomato plants to grow upwards use it to hold down large plastic tarp use as a tool to get leverage under something heavy use it to pick up animal waste ","use it as a planter in the garden use it as a paper weight paint in a stylish way and use it for design purposes squash a bug use to keep a door propped open put ink on the bottom and use as a stamp for crafts ",-0.421057701,1.606715918,0.609813154,-0.273421884,-1.14955914,0.575824261,-1.486520886,0.211171791,-0.836993694,-1.205277324,-0.361780137,1.07446897,0.529086411,-0.181724131,-0.067740709,0.085586406,-1.021288872,-1.432547688,-0.535262287,-1.899970889,-0.096232384,0.077045523,0.526144147,1.073521256,-0.16568239,-0.015629148,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,44 16,1,"Weight for exercising arms or legs Cookie tray Door holder Window holder Balance a desk etc. Cheese tray","Exercising arms or legs Tie lots of different knots as decorative Paint different colors, hang above a door as a curtain Paint different colors, hang above a window as a curtain Hang flowerpot from ceiling ","To crush garlic with handle As a teaspoon with handle To dug a small hole for a flower in the soil As a weapon ","To sit on top To sleep on top after covering with a blanket Put a blanket over to make a play area for kids Use reverse and put some restraints on sides for holding a baby inside securely Break the legs and use as weapon Break and burn Break the legs and use the top to paint a picture ","Cut and turn into shorts Cut lines and use as bandage Cut big parts to use for cleaning Bundle together and use as a pillow Tie the bottom of legs and use it to carry things ","Plant a small flower in it Break and use to cut something if made of glass Fill and use as a door holder Fill and use as a window holder Fill and cover and use as exercise weight Paint and use as decorative Candle holder ","Cover with aluminum and bake fish, meat etc. on top of it Weapon to throw Door holder Window holder Table leg balancer Paint to use as a decorative Plant small flowers in its holes Use as exercise weight Book holder Candle holder Cookie tray ","Lifesaver on water Burn to show where you are in case lost Paint and put on wall as decorative Outline for a wall clock ","Weapon Separate handle to use as a walking stick Separate handle and burn if made of wood ","Plant a flower in it Candle holder ",-0.476267099,0.821853638,0.431873083,-0.78784287,-1.509945869,-0.621031404,-1.894842625,-1.364189267,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.292889893,-0.313538611,0.355148762,-0.545571685,-1.067103744,-1.470799446,-1.794697046,-1.676654339,-0.965465963,-0.645634472,-0.422694057,-1.123022199,-1.548996687,-1.748809695,0.444023579,0.182897717,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 17,1,"place mat shelf support fly swatter drink coaster secret compartment level for a table ","necklace belt plant hanger dog leash boat tie tie swing hanger clothes line skipping rope fishing","can opener sling shot book mark","as a bed book shelf desk plant box ","laundry pin holder garbage bag holder scare crow swim trunks ","candle holder door stop wind chime vase ","shelf support planter plant starter door stop car wheel tire stop paper weight ","swing plant box/ container law decoration chair shelf support water ","garden decoration shovel fire place poker Christmas decoration ","bug swatter planters door stop wall hanging dog chew toy dog fetch toy ",-0.674110949,-0.761235237,0.496000469,-0.102657877,-1.547809243,-0.901026726,-0.534516335,1.075926185,-1.062600255,-1.205277324,-0.84460336,0.766021013,-1.183562994,1.302799106,0.537053704,0.805187941,-1.049205661,1.376194954,-0.000246156,-0.756937385,0.623884141,0.833042383,0.624050736,1.211767197,0.113403834,-0.670070648,Female,African American/Black,Bisexual,33 18,1,"Doorstop Kindling Paperweight Papier mache Cat box liner","Pants belt Bracelet Jump-rope Fire kindling Weave basket Swing","Dig a garden Melt down for metal Conduct electricity Scrape out gutter Bend into jewelry ","Build dance floor Break down for firewood Stack them and climb them Block a doorway Slide down a hill","Re-stitch the fabric into new clothes Arm warmers Dog shirt Wrap around head for turban Use for tug of war game","Insulate a wall Build a ship inside of it Break the glass and use it for decoration Line the path of a garden Bury a time capsule","Doorstop Paperweight Weapon Build a wall Block off a room Ballast weight","Build an insulated wall Make a swing Burn for black smoke Recycle the rubber Make a crate buggy ","Make a see-saw Break up ice Melt the metal and repurpose it Weapon Scoop up food Clean dog poop","Recycle the rubber Shield hands from heat Line a garden path Block a door Hold down some papers Tie laces together and throw as a game",-0.535378814,-0.267565578,0.480346262,-0.081834957,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.17881906,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-2.406452179,1.16656673,0.433713585,0.754175067,0.642184377,1.570569754,-0.98607868,1.130263925,0.321465343,-1.148921251,2.161443233,1.01953125,0.516878843,1.627312541,-2.031163692,-1.967656732,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,28 19,1,"Paperweight Art Papercrafting Turn into a hiding spot Origami ","Suicide Belt Towing Bondage","Wind chime Eating Artwork Weapon Music instrument","Counter Storage Firewood Poker Step stool ","Flower pot parachute net fishing net butterfly net rags ","Drinking out of Artwork Storage Weapon ","Weapon Paperweight Art Sidewalk Road Building ","Bonfire Planter Swing Driving on Armor ","Weapon Digging ","Plant pot footwear Spare materials throw at a leader ",-0.747828007,-1.029460669,-0.276036382,0.015625563,-0.318892717,1.244613886,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-0.926039219,-1.205277324,1.533585906,1.950740814,-0.406738877,0.816454232,-3.162067175,1.326237321,0.117966376,-0.709977984,-3.272400141,-2.953853846,0.351122886,1.460077047,-4.557149887,1.229306698,-1.036762595,-1.462067485,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,24 20,1,"paper weight decoration dining plate shelfs ","necklace decoration room divider ","screwdriver wand weapon pick er upper ","decoration shelf chair tv stand raft platform ","decorations rope life line ","decoration weapon ","weapon wall border paper weight ","decoration yard border ","weapon decoration fence ","decoration paper weight weapon ",-1.121179581,-1.087023854,1.148671508,0.151294082,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.713562846,-1.353638411,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.499987364,-1.003897667,-1.085660815,0.236855969,0.483427316,1.17220974,-2.05535531,-0.389192045,0.565732896,0.011671822,1.79699862,0.476546943,0.732147634,1.174498677,-1.711202025,-1.989093065,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,59 21,1,"reading learning book keeping decorations entertainment coloring studying writing in book ","jumping tying knot sailing ","eating stabbing","dining studying ",,"hold water drinking",,"driving rotating swing","planting landscaping","wearing walking running basketball soccer sports",-1.38600862,-1.153750062,-1.923547864,-2.034362793,-0.767220914,-1.303052425,-0.132088259,-0.058505155,-1.35762012,-0.957348526,-1.998983026,1.294717431,1.693174839,-0.801718295,-0.279100448,1.330879927,-2.309345245,1.608140945,-0.076804712,0.962276757,1.211282849,0.863165915,-0.656221807,-1.099764943,1.358351231,0.075824127,Male,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,39 22,1,"read learn entertain knowledge teach fuel support fix challenge bored defense","hang exercise trow lift up to hook tie up ","eat defense attack utensil unscrew fix things ","eat put things study cook operation sleep dance ","climb exercise fire cleaning hit something hang dance dye ","drink hit something decoration play craft recycle security ","hit something build support decoration weapon ","play move decoration recycle handbag transportation ","build dig decoration hit something mix weapon ","walk weapon run decoration move float in water ",-0.189095229,-1.056390524,0.530188024,0.425038546,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-0.794644058,-0.270364195,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.976007164,1.040899873,1.327343345,-1.30399859,-1.01918602,-1.287442088,-1.559486747,-1.62426579,-0.529518485,-0.571512341,-1.81804347,0.411064208,-1.445372105,-0.355244935,1.27423954,0.676342428,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 23,1,"Read As a stand To fix a chait with a short leg To press flowers Make a fire Dry wet bills Draw something on ","Tie things Play games Pull things Create a counterweight Play jumping rope Tie someone’s hands As a leash ","Pick up food Recycle the material Hurt someone Comb hairs As a homemade slingshot Cut tiny holes in different surfaces Reach places that are too far under furniture As a mixer To mash bananas ","To eat on Beer Pong To reach high places As an obstacle in an obstacle course To barricade something To make projects on To paint on it ","To wear them To make costumes with it To put over something so that it cools To make presentations Change them (make holes on them) and wear them later differently Paint them with something","To store a liquid When broke , as weapon To send messages from the water To see something up close without spilling it Change its shape and make something artistic. To put it over a sheet of paper so it doesn’t fly out. ","To build something To stand over it and reach places To make red dye To hit someone To break something To weigh something ","To move a vehichle To set on fire To make a swing As a method of short transportation To recycle rubber To play with kids To make them plant vases ","To dig something To hit someone To show the effects of gravity To knock things over To move things quickly from one place to the other To smash things To break yhe ground ","To wear To throw it somewhere To make painted footprints To protect your feet from sharp objects To kill insects ",-0.152506098,0.491863936,0.497097909,0.628797948,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,1.408134103,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-2.237214327,1.606859207,1.367277861,0.123323098,-0.60370785,-0.43350184,-2.343391895,1.177529573,0.208977371,1.3388623,2.336944818,1.887052178,-0.607503533,-3.085078001,0.328637034,-2.032013178,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,45 24,1,"As a door stop paper weight weapon a stand decoration art for throwing games for competitions to read Cup holder to balance a chair or table ","As a weapon To tie something For a boxing or wrestling ring To start a fire To cut something Tug o war Art Decoration To hold something Balance rope For measuring Noose ","For eating Art Decoration weapon paper holder Carving tool Magic trick metal conductor for games","For art To eat at To use as a computer stand Television stand Beer pong games Play board games As a weapon As a night stand Decoration To hold a door To start a fire to jump over To store things on top of it ","To wear To tie things with As art As a decoration on a wall To roll into a ball for a game As a door stop As a rag to clean with ","As a weapon Decoration Art paper holder Door stop Store liquids in Store items inside Build a ship inside of it Build a lamp with it Use it as a magnifier For games Recycling ","Weapon Door stop Paper holder Art Decoration Part of a wall construction Knife sharpener As a stoop To break things with exfoliator ","As a swing For a car To hit for excercise with hammer To roll down the hill with For exercise obstacle course As a bunker As a shield As a weight","As a weapon To dig dirt As a door stop To break things with To hold a door","To plant a tree As a weapon To wear To break things with ",0.52827394,0.197853222,0.454956621,0.664707065,-1.502871752,-1.386597037,-1.235441208,-0.186181858,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.581614852,-0.049813423,-0.471558213,0.305022269,0.067705907,0.204686388,-0.453083634,0.405490965,0.2199893,0.198184058,1.013802528,-0.103227086,-0.01664957,0.307503968,-1.142462373,-1.196391582,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 25,1,"Step on some papers Keep important notes To take a breath Also used to coin something ","To hang clothes To play jump rope To hang the shoes To tie something ","To eat To break an air pump","To place things on top To coin something To cut the meat on top To cut over the fish To cut the chicken on top","To dress ","To drink water To drink juice To drink liquor To play To throw ","To build To coin something To hold something ","To roll For a car to work For a motorcycle to work For a bicycle to work To make toy cars","To beat cement To collect garbage To take land ","To dress To play football To throw a target So that a door does not close",-1.047571301,-0.496258438,-1.255868435,-1.873877525,0.072826527,-0.356434494,-0.548006773,-0.080975704,0.435432106,0.590046823,-0.181781545,0.505110562,1.188214898,-0.991666734,-1.215155244,0.033564508,-1.260041595,-0.409344643,0.199006096,0.463095248,0.397475392,0.231428891,-0.388520539,0.280811012,1.169403553,1.103974581,Male,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,36 26,1,"read put your monitor decorate gift ","tie suitcase climb a wall hang clothes pull a car play jump do excersice ",,,,"carry water put flowers ","build a wall ","car spare play ground to float decorate trees ","dig a hole protect yourself pick up the garbage ",,-1.528451443,-1.028362632,-1.040430069,-1.370577455,-1.66327858,-0.342958808,1.188056946,1.334502697,-0.483486086,-1.205277324,-0.392760038,-0.754043221,-0.670837283,0.767148495,0.56376034,0.702623427,0.648172498,0.699641168,0.493869334,0.251632094,1.236665726,-0.251680851,1.021101356,1.542400479,-2.041836977,-2.111102343,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,31 27,1,"Read it. Doorstop. Paperweight. Use it to flatten out curled papers. Use it as a writing surface. Smash a spider. Use it to prop open a window. Use it to fill otherwise empty space in a box to keep something else from moving. USe it as a decoration on a shelf or ta","Use it to secure a boat. Hang a swing. Bale hay. Jump rope (exercise.) Play tug-of-war. Lash down a load in a truck bed. Use it to safely climb a ","Eat. Stab food. Use it as an improvised tool to pry. Use it as the ""arm"" to fling food at someone else. ","Use it for eating. Use it as a desk. Stand on it to reach a high place. Float on it in a flood. Take shelter under it. Use it to build a play fort for a child. Turn it over and hide behind it. Use","Wear them. Tie off the legs tight and use it as a sack. Cut it up to make a quilt. Roll it up to be a makeshift pillow. Burn them for heat. Use them as a makeshift rope to tie something up. Use them as a makeshift towel to dry up a mess. ","Fill it with water. Break it and use a shard as a knife. Use it as a club. Put flowers in it as a vase. Put a note in it, seal it, and send someone a message in a bottle. Recycle it. Use it as landfill. Blow on it ","Make a wall. Use it as a paperweight. Use it as a doorstop. Throw it to break a window. Throw it as a weapon. Use it as landfill. Use it as a makeshift hammer. Use it as a counterweight to keep something else in place. Grind it up for dust. Use it as a w ","Use it on a wheel. Make a tire swing. Make a planter. Use it as landfill. Burn it to send a smoke signal. Shred it into rubber pellets for playground material. Recycle it. Cut it into strips to use as an insulating bumper material. ","Dig a hole. Use it as a prybar. Use it to prop a door open. Stick it in the ground and use it as a tentpole. Move snow and ice. Use it as an improvised defense weapon. Burn the handle for warmth. Use it to pick up carry a dead animal away without touching it.","Wear it to protect your foot. Use it to stomp a bug. Hide something in it. Use the lace to tie something up. Burn it for warmth. ",0.046896834,1.502928853,-0.062046435,-0.493068367,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-0.607024133,0.427026749,-0.906407058,-1.205277324,-2.636960268,-1.09598887,-1.700552225,0.895619929,0.170687228,1.116757512,-0.057721153,0.505145609,0.288067132,-0.555078328,1.555540562,0.25765872,-0.362395406,1.181293488,-1.728111029,-2.12488842,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,35 28,1,"hang on the wall and use as a shelf cut the insides out and use as a box to hide secret items in simply put with others on a shelf to make guests think your more intellectual then you really are. ","arrange in a unique shape and glue it on the wall for artwork. weave pieces together into useful items like a bag, plant hanger, carrier use to secure your trunk lid down when carrying a large item and the lid wont shut","bend into unique shape for an art piece use as a tool to help hold your nail against the wall while hitting the nail with your hammer so your fingers dont get smashed use one as a holder and insert thin items between the tines use as a shovel for ga","take the legs off and use the table top for a shelf cut the legs really short, put a cushion on the table top and use as a bench or chair decorate the table top and use as art piece lay a sheet of glass on top and insert photos between the glass and table top ","cut the legs shorter, sew them shut and fold to make into a bag cut the pants into squares and sew into a small blanket or pillow cut into pieces and use as swiffer pads to clean your floors cut into pieces and use as rags cut the legs and make into a pair of shorts ","hang on tree branches as decorations recycle alot of them and get cash for the glass insert a candle in the bottom and use as candle holder use as a flower pot vase ","stack several with boards in between and make a unique shelving unit arrange in shape, fill with sand and make a firepit arrange / stack into walls and use as edging in the garden or your property ","run a heavy duty rope thru it, and hang it over a tree branch to have a tire swing turn it on its side, fill the middle with sand for a sand box for the kids use it as a weight and flip over and over for cross fit training tool fill the center with soil and plant flowers or other organic material ","use it as a tool to dig a hole remove the handle and paint the metal scoop with a design, hang up as outdoor art piece use as a weapon ","use it to hide something inside of fill it with soil and grow a flower in it hang several on the wall and use them to store or display smaller items ",-1.018541336,1.812305212,-0.22878246,-1.737108231,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.149442911,0.265281081,1.597921252,-0.425676376,0.045904957,1.090000153,-1.810338497,1.257766843,1.016287804,1.507299542,1.204031706,1.571132421,1.503308415,1.583985329,2.290499449,1.79628098,1.106294394,-3.889127016,-1.957793117,-1.776725173,Male,African American/Black,Bisexual,21 29,1,"For reading. Gaining knowledge. Writing. Develop science knowledge. store data. ","Used for construction. for hill climbing. climbing rocks. used in ships. ","used in kitchen. used for eating.","used for writing. used for arranging books. used for reading. used in kitchen. used for keeping tools.","pants are used for wearing. protects our body from heat and cold. fashionable.","used for store drinking water. for storing drinking beverages. for storing medicine. ","used for building home. used as weight. used for building walls. used in garden lane.","used in bikes. used in cars. used in trucks. used in Buses","used in construction. used in agriculture. for digging soil","used as foot wear. for jogging. used in sports",-1.069737911,-0.550183833,-1.736480594,-1.092277884,0.463851392,-0.71219635,-1.068422794,-0.340229899,0.287499279,-0.464652628,0.227810845,-0.386186898,0.989003837,-2.192331076,-0.219396159,-2.102238178,0.858279705,0.149097517,1.109900236,0.983590424,-0.578478992,-0.672955692,-0.179957539,-0.379393995,1.964985728,1.421710372,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,28 30,1,"read ","tie rope a calf hang a bench tow a vehicle","eat with stab food with rake a garden with ","sit at it to eat fold clothes on it play cards at it decorate it have a meeting at it ","wear them take them off! put your phone in them",drink from it,"throw it at a window build a house ","put on a vehicle to drive use as a swing","dig ",wear it,-1.41565454,-0.771147192,-3.852283239,-4.884322643,-1.151492476,-1.10691011,-1.162486911,-0.592570961,-0.576601982,-0.542716563,1.404967427,-0.499560952,0.390447825,0.844923198,0.673505843,0.224182218,0.839998305,-0.056087393,-1.861575603,-1.264873862,-0.568582773,0.601340711,0.375375479,0.989866018,-0.274568737,0.461386532,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,67 31,1,"paper weight light a fire napkin toilet paper paper mache cat toys wrapping paper use as a level to support an uneven table or chair cover a mouse hole ","starting a fire decoration weapon trip wire ","shank nail shovel musical instrument stake for a tent pick a lock hol","shelter ladder sled wheel (if it's round) firewood wind break shield if I had wheels-I could use it as a cart to carry stuff ","filter weapon burning material sling rope material for a shelter first aid napkins hammock nap sack ","weapon flower vase candle holder magnifying light to start a fire cutting with the broken shards rolling pin use as a hammer to smash nuts ","weapon weight wedge","flower pot shredded and used as a mat burning material in a pinch swing bumper shoe soles weights ","weapon pole stake pry bar,","weapon fly swatter water holder container ",-0.283737689,-0.584974468,0.974244416,0.270938635,0.885443151,0.201898247,-0.839126289,-0.317506969,-0.763726652,-1.091441989,1.138936162,1.15512526,1.180206537,-0.976549268,-2.08577919,-0.767430007,-0.370334417,0.163957343,-2.589469433,-1.620756149,-0.720681131,-1.220921993,-0.786243379,-1.370184779,1.39876163,1.383422375,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,28 32,1,"Paper weight Ramp Stash container flatten crumpled paper fire starter stash cash origam","necklace bracelet clothesline noose snare fishing line lassoo plant supporter wick ","small shovel rake scraper ","ironing massages desk tv stand foot rest cooking eating drying rack ","tourniquet bandage headband roll or cut into shorts roll into pillow blanket for small child or animal quilting ","science experiment funnel bong rocket container ornament store chemical fill with sand art broken glass for art recylce ","fire pit paper weight under tire to keep vehicle from rolling to cook chicken pizza oven landscaping driveway heat smash window ","swing grip for walkway or biking bridge plant holder make into patio pavers ","dust pan pry bar snow sled scare crow sign post ","door stop store socks bail out boat weapon ",-0.174750358,-0.68822515,0.006037368,0.13373667,-0.843935847,-1.45175457,0.338640392,1.37038815,-1.14182961,-1.145806313,-1.335250974,1.296209335,-0.179010361,0.04497904,-0.147154957,0.141066596,-1.688428402,-0.4223409,0.086369403,0.364004821,0.875043213,1.290335417,0.075910069,0.027476631,-0.810560703,-0.780735493,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,54 33,1,"doorstop paperweight pillow weapon table glass coaster ","shelves handle bracelets rugs coasters toys for animals ",decorative crafts,"door prop foot stool desk tv stand night stand plant stand towel holder ","potholders purses handkerchiefs quilts throw pillows car seat covers aprons bracelets ","canisters planters piggy bank scoops ","doorstop paper weight weapon bug smasher table ","tire swing tire fence tire planter tire table tire outdoor pond tire picture frames ","use as stakes for birdhouses yard art wall decoration Table with shovel as the center piece","planter bug smasher chew toy for puppy bronze for baby shoes",-0.655599833,-0.864559233,0.388730288,-0.348303884,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.351159692,-0.486815065,1.017953753,-1.205277324,1.081242919,1.960610151,2.138640642,0.619248927,0.641349971,0.656733453,0.384529769,-1.924227357,-0.402460128,-1.579916,0.380563855,1.36412704,0.593012333,0.081723213,2.413921356,2.08986187,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,45 34,1,"Laptop stand bookend doorstop calendar cross word puzzle paper towel weapon paper weight tv stand notebook kidnling ","noose bridge dock tie caution tape swing whip railing suspension dog leash bondage towing ","hairbrush plant market weapon toothpick trowel hammer etching tool screwdriver ","barricade firewood bed fort desk countertop carved art piece modern art ","a flag flotation device sail a bioazard rope bolero turburn hat pillow ","a weapon a magnifying glass musical instrument candle holder surgery tools canning a flower vase rolling pin ","doorstop bookend weapon glass opener nut cracker hammer pizza ozen paper weight ","planter tire swing weight lifting paper weight flower bed ","weapon a plow measuring item fulcom ","doorstop paper weight laddle measuring scoop ",0.050913263,-0.737887084,0.830268979,0.954307199,0.076278687,0.200435579,0.089067481,-0.315927476,0.686007798,0.282603741,0.481271416,0.534980893,0.294591755,-0.671419501,-0.651229799,-1.268883824,-1.554089427,-0.699916303,-0.690619588,-0.048187479,0.520169139,-0.083085082,-1.550902128,-1.099584699,0.828479469,0.46271947,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,19 35,1,"read study stack borrow browse turn pages research escape learn gain knowledge imagine ","tie knot loop secure hang pull lasso trap climb wrap macrame braid ","eat hold pierce poke stab scrape puncture ","sit eat study set clear clean food breakfast lunch dinner family holidays drinks meals playing games building puzzles ","wearing warmth covering clothing going out getting dressed ","drinking holding liquid filling up pouring out containing something pills baby milk message sending beverages ","building stacking creating mortaring chimney houses wall driveways fireplace walkway ","driving rolling moving car transportation bike wagon wheelbarrow spare ","digging moving dirt moving gravel removing earth making a hole making a trench ","wearing walking killing a bug covering feet driving dancing kicking running protecting feet ",0.521656573,-0.995583653,-1.646999717,-0.866254747,-1.128057122,-1.45175457,0.624911785,-1.168268204,-0.796246052,-1.205277324,0.536533356,0.717575729,0.716727495,-0.933005214,-0.272167474,-0.501205266,-1.091100812,0.378795177,0.103477918,0.244771332,-0.107774377,-1.320655584,-0.553278923,0.1870756,1.403694034,0.049431875,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 36,1,"Umbrella Firewood Fly swatter Back Brace Divider Frisbee Back scratcher ","Clothes line Fire starter Leash Ladder Splint Grip Bed/Hammock ","Back scratcher Mix things Catapult Bookmark Prop open a door Weapon ","Bed Fort Ledge for jumping Use material for fire Shield Block an entryway ","Headband Umbrella/Cover Sleeves for arms Cover up an open wound Cape Fan Flag ","Potting plants Throwing object Fill with seeds Entertain with bottle flipping Cut open and use as bowl Neck","Make a pathway Throwing object Anchor Weight for working out Stepping stool Build a wall Smash a bug Door stopper ","Wheel Mini garden Swing Inner tube Agility drills Workout tool for tire flipping Shield Target practice ","Catapult Weapon Bat Door stopper Pole for a tent Javelin Sword Ba","Throwing object Glove to keep hands warm Bowl Smash a bug Burn for heat Football ",-0.095899507,-0.626044631,0.9781124,0.838469446,-0.023202911,-0.888242066,-1.722376466,-0.215871304,-1.14182961,-0.598982751,0.690333426,1.324156165,-0.10891667,-0.803743064,-0.032487269,0.785805106,0.350555152,-1.477207184,-0.277618855,-0.980764627,-0.18497473,-1.443795919,0.701237202,1.08593154,-0.121641614,1.057208657,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,27 37,1,"READ LEVEL WEIGHT DECORATION HIDING PLACE KNOWLEDGE ADVENTURE TIME KILLER ANSWER KEY BOOSTER SEAT HARD SURFACE FIRE STARTER COMFORT SHELF FILLER ","TIE HANG SECURE ATTACH CAPTURE NOOSE LEAD BLOCK GUIDE SAFETY TETHER NET KNOT ","STAB POKE PUNCTURE SCOOP ASSIST PRY TEAR TEST ","SURFACE COMFORT GAMES HIGH UP EATING SURFACE ","CLOTHES WARMTH PROTECTION MODESTY COMFORT SAFETY FASHION STATUS ","VESSEL CONTAINER PACKAGE CONTAIN CONVEY TRANSPORT COLLECT ","STRONG RE-ENFORCE BUILD ENCLOSE WALL SMASH STURDY ","WHEEL GRIP SWING GARDEN RECYCLE MULCH PLANTER","SCOOP DIG SCRAPE FILL IN COVER UNCOVER ","PROTECTION CLIMB STOMP RUN COMFORT STYLE FASHION ",0.151624054,-1.108202696,-0.227973893,0.339683324,-0.813462615,0.071025319,-0.156959429,1.149557829,0.345127493,-1.083033681,1.32408905,1.185295343,1.366882324,0.319822431,0.258059233,0.455663264,0.654603899,0.436334193,0.345135897,0.791640103,0.906663179,1.192264557,0.65200448,0.88535428,0.914533794,1.088767052,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 38,1,"to read for knowledge to learn to make fire with using pages to carry to build muscles to elevate sonmething to hit with as an umbrella to look at pictures in ","to tioe things with to hit soeone with to attach things to or with to attach to an achopr to hold a boat tio bundle things with to measure things","to eat with to stab with to scrath a surface with as a light shovel in the garden to make marks injto something to grasop something something to throw to look at ","something to eat on to put things on to study on to wrtoe on as a makeshift bed to stand on like a ladder to put chairs around ","to cover ones body to protect ones legs to cover private parts to wear stylisdhly to be part of decent society to make rags from when old ","to drink milk from to drink water or fluids from 'to store fluisd in as a container for sand or similar material. to mix things with after putting together and in to feed a baby to drink booxe from 'to stroe things in to use a s a weapon iof need be ","to stack wuith as a weapon top sue to buiol;d structures to use as a border say inm a garden to use to out thingfs onto to raise things up for decroation ","to purt on your car to use rubber to make somethinh into this to roll down a hill to msue a a toy top p[aly with to create a smelly and smoky fire to plant tjhinmgs in the cebnter of ","to difg with to palnt with to bury things wuith a weapon to make a garden with to irrigate soil with to feed a largre animsal food ","to pout on feet to protect feet to walk in to make kicking easier to throw at someone different types of different sports occasions for ladies to match with wardrobe ",-0.054600682,0.811792791,0.3320795,1.129971981,-1.201400876,-0.177894741,-1.512899041,-0.893204153,-1.058746576,-1.205277324,-2.105455399,0.878813863,-0.958721101,1.234919429,0.617273629,0.47421214,-1.811867714,-0.546020806,0.099226162,-0.204440594,1.696808696,1.199577808,1.017249227,-0.058415227,-1.262266994,-1.650176764,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,62 39,1," Use to while the time away give it to your son to read record events biography of a person write stories about interesting places ","use it to tie something use as suspender use to fasten things together use to keep animals in captivity ","use it to grab food use it to eat noodles use it to take meat use it to check if the meat is soft enough to eat use it to take food and place in the mouth ","part of furniture set in the home use it to study place stuff on it use it as a workbench use it as a tool to sit on useful during family or individual meals ","covers our private part use it to look sexy use it to healthily ","use to store liquid keeps drink keeps water storage ","use for building a house use as a wall used ","moves a car used as wheel for bicycle used for motor bike ",,"a shoe is worn to keep the sole warm worn as a fashion item worn to match our cloths worn to show class especially if they are very expensive shoes ",-1.041207194,-0.058124177,-1.819810867,-2.456877947,-1.042206049,-1.45175457,-0.994924486,-0.559055448,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.634792566,1.482692838,0.531821191,-0.815989614,-1.834783912,0.346244961,-1.251109481,1.30226624,-1.744932532,-1.852927566,-0.810557067,0.262976527,-1.596533895,0.24193503,0.139602438,1.156057239,Female,Hispanic,Gay/ lesbian,22 40,1,"reading to clean floor with papers as paper weight drawing cutting drawings gain knowledge scribbling learning language ","tieing objects committing suicide playing as swing tieing flowers ","can eat noodles punching holes put holes in newly made food like biscuits can punch objects take out objects, from dust ","putting objects to sit use computer as a baby shelter hiding objects putting safe obljects in a place for drawing","wearing as bottom cleaning house cleaning whiteboard if we tie the two ends of pants, i can be used to store mini objects in it ","putting liquid crush and reuse as another plastic item to grow plants store items in fridge can make a candle use as flower pot can draw on it and keep in showcase ","can build home conduct poojas by keeping 5 bricks brick powder can use for teethcleaning can break anyone head kids game for cooking ","for holding vehicles children game by running with tire recycle and use different items ","putting mud on holes breaking someone head make as decoration piece in home ","wearing at legs putting small objects, when keeping in showcase for killing insects recycle and use for different objects ",-0.662263393,-0.064813524,-0.168958485,-0.198300898,-1.201400876,0.143383086,-1.063444614,-0.443320692,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.99955368,-1.876612663,-1.8039639,-2.555844545,-3.553943634,-1.415132403,-2.470087051,0.822045863,-0.294233888,1.21221745,1.028556824,-2.815209627,-4.452541828,-3.970649719,1.5227952,-2.155174017,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,54 41,1,"weight something to sit on straighten out papers a plate to eat on a step stool a weapon a hat a fan snow shoes ","as a leash wrap up trash tie up a trailer to help you learn how to balance to hold on to soda bottles ","to brush hair to dig in dirt for gardening to fling snow balls to pick fruit from trees scoop dog food to scrape dirt off stuff ","use as a buffet a bed a pet bed to do tricks spread out flowers to decorate as a big wall hanging use it as a ramp for cars use as storage ","as a torniquette to hang plants repurpose into a skirt to sturdy vines or small trees use it to wrap your hair ","a vase a picture frame a lamp utensil holder a ka","an iron a plate a weapon a chair to tenderize meat smash potatoes use it as a cooking surface use it in place of a pumice stone ","a swing a flower planter a sled a chair use it as a game ride in it fill it with ice and use it to put soda cans in ","scoop dog poop fling huge snow balls use it as a big hammer put out fires knock things out of trees knock things off of buildings get things out from under your bed scoop cat litter ","throw it at things to plant a flower scoop dirt use it to smack things hold items ",-0.174942613,0.163817152,0.338121086,-0.00344021,-0.728787303,-1.03186655,0.270574272,0.333337158,0.265012652,0.192467988,1.524834394,-0.130477935,0.136582226,-0.893778622,0.171211869,-1.449675798,1.216253877,0.127879977,0.103083849,-1.443060279,-1.349083781,-2.200619221,0.590471148,1.275519967,1.050064445,0.570154607,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,36 42,1,"seat body armor hat paper weight workout equipment fuel for fire weapon torture device chew toy massage equipment","weapon suicide device tie belt lasso tight rope ","weapon picture hanger hat hairclip","bed dance platform ","head wear scarf weapon rope mask shirt whip","weapon container musical instrument ","seat weapon workout equipment ","furniture cage for small animal pillow toy hat","weapon spoon ","drinking device hat weapon glove",-0.846125722,-0.97172612,0.430336386,-0.167445317,1.634760857,0.58540839,0.222718075,1.094962835,0.430579394,1.66519773,0.933929265,0.334406942,1.4125911,-0.582978785,-0.264300734,0.445549786,-1.142681003,-0.290117651,0.622679472,0.962723076,0.585279226,0.420216769,-0.010797691,0.062835895,1.273655295,0.413426518,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,50 43,1,"entertainment education distraction door stop table equalizer facial obfuscation appearance of intellect conversation opener paperweight decor ","climbing things escaping tying things down on a car or trailer making a swing covering a basket doing macrame tying bags shut tying someone up/down holding your bumper on staking down a tent hanging a criminal ","eating food stabbing people decorative repurposing as wall hooks screwdriver moving food from one container to another bookmark ","to eat food on to play games on to use as desk for work/school to store boxes on to sleep on to 'have relations' on to hide under to do crafts on to chop up for firewood to sell for money to bl","to cover ones body to wear as a scarf or headdress to block cold air from under the door to give to charity to burn for a fire starter to use as a flag to cut up for rags stuff for a stuff for a scarecrow","drink from cut up to start seedlings in as flotation devices to refill and carry with paperweight (if full or heavy) cut up for crafts like pencil holders and such make little domes for seedlings to protect from frost ","build a house/other structure pave a walkway break a window hit someone paperweight doorstop art project hold up table or chair leg hold down tarps ","make a car move planter hold down tarp walkway recycled ","dig holes hit someone hold open a door fill in holes shovel trash ","to cover feet to kill a bug to hit a guy to hold door open ",0.034774531,0.294457108,0.409768611,0.13327001,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.465426207,-1.152330279,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-2.205022335,-2.035187721,-1.84398818,1.317346215,-2.105446815,1.601157546,-4.321156979,0.067051925,-1.178184509,-1.190015316,-0.202928856,-1.735562563,-2.931106329,1.067108154,-1.305428505,-2.117801428,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,37 44,1,"prop something up sit on to make yourself taller squish a bug build a ""wall"" read use the pages for art/cards paper machete ","tie something in a tree swing clothesline open a jar art wrap around a flower pot home decor projects pull a car out of a ditch dog toy jump rope lasso leash belt curtain tie back ","hair comb keep leaf cutter bugs off seedlings(stick in dirt next to plant) musical instrument bend the metal to make sculpture melt down the metal for an art project ","sit on stand on use the wood to make something else cut the legs off and make a shelf kitchen island ","flotation device use the fabric to make a purse turn into a skirt quilt patches use multiple pairs of pants tied together to make a rope use the pants to breath under water by filling with air ","planter funnel use multiple bottles to make a raft put over a seedling to protect from birds jewelry mouse trap ","raised garden bed fire pit hold down a tarp break a window ","swing planter wishing well cover with twine to make stools chair table legs tetherball game bird bath sink tic","metal art garden signs bird house stand plant holder ","planter bottle opener bird house ",-0.284516454,0.119290099,0.262197286,-0.352118313,-1.66327858,-1.206044793,0.270801246,1.37038815,-1.058746576,-1.142504692,-0.251930535,2.309395552,2.495141745,-1.134592175,-1.246436119,-0.051628873,-2.219069719,-0.290988326,-1.110433936,-0.810379803,1.9561131,1.963591576,-0.82953316,-0.526376665,2.233244181,1.894665956,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 45,1,"Read bookend table balance plate coaster arm rest kill bugs ","swing hold a bucket lock a door jumprope car tow pet leash ","eating hair comb poking holes piercing plastic wrap ","eating reading homework blanket fort folding laundry meetings ","wearing napkin for wiping hands comfort ","drinking vase for flowers glass ice hard ","building house fireplace hard red foundation walls ","rubber round car wheel ","metal handle work snow dirt hard ","rubber laces feet running working out clothing heel ",-0.548379838,-1.005043983,-1.997046709,-1.572973251,-0.866778493,-0.883569121,-0.25246793,-0.442213058,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.966807544,-0.710753143,0.124365009,0.567007303,0.434426606,0.317927808,-0.952370644,0.776496708,0.956562042,-0.256210595,-1.565896869,-1.932011008,0.980232596,-0.333220243,-0.496787101,-0.103767052,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,33 46,1,"reading paperweight straight edge shield weapon fuel for a fire cover your head from the rain cover your head from the sun ","climb a mountain hanging yourself tie someone up make smaller pieces of twine out of it use it to pull something heavy throw it to someone to save them from drowning ","eating stabbing someone musical instrument use it as a shoehorn ","eating meals stand on it to reach something high up display things for sale organize data in the form of a table display a centerpiece ","cover your legs cut them up and use the pieces to patch other clothing cut them up into bandages tie them off at the cuffs and fill them with ai","hold liquid candle holder musical instrument break it and use as a weapon break it over someone's head send a message save coins in ","build a wall build a chimney throw it through a window to get someone's attention use it to smash bugs hold down light objects ","use it to move something with ease use the inner tube as a flotation device flowerpot use it as a seat ","move snow move dirt it can be used as a weapon building sandcastles bury a body ","use it to run on use it to walk on smash bugs throw it at somebody ",-0.610124767,0.097863548,0.09427534,-0.484181613,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.352669954,0.455942333,-0.06898091,1.463044524,-2.318533659,-0.269566894,-0.796231627,0.108656831,-0.05532499,-2.754464626,0.152660608,-2.931765795,0.565782487,1.496139169,-1.892036915,-0.848466694,Male,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,33 47,1,"Paper weight door holder pillow in class pressing flowers decoration to s","rug swing shelving basket necklace drawer pull hammock ","hair brush scratch back mix things toothpick pry something open murder weapon ","desk chalk board bed foot stool bar tv tray piano ","cape parachute make patches cleaning cloth baby diaper ","bird feeder plant watering candy dish vase candle holder rolling pin lantern ","break window step stool paperweight weapon doorstop flowerpot hammer coaster dumbb","swing planter sidewalk dog bed ottoman speaker stairs jungle gym basketball court ","self defense snake killing wood chopping water moving fire sta","hammer paperweight door stopper purse flower planter spider killer money hider book end bottle opener ",-0.066078231,-0.849533796,0.5090186,0.549270988,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.505677938,-1.549559593,-0.052447498,-1.091441989,0.924498379,1.189051151,1.002642512,-0.544443727,-2.494089603,-1.76522696,-3.001657248,-1.299021363,-0.829164207,-1.142786264,-1.157257795,0.203850359,-1.772910953,-1.913263083,1.043459892,0.658608735,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,68 48,1,"chair paperweight decoration step stool garlic smasher hold something closed hold something open placeholder bordom killer spider killer weapon prop something up smush something Christmas tree food","dress belt latch lock shoes hold something open hold something closed decoration safety guide roadblock guide closure fire starter turniquette weapon hanging device hold something up hold something down restraint ","hair straightener spoon knife launcher hammer weapon shovel dart weaving something separating things toothpick hair accessory screwdriver ","bed stand decoration weight bench puzzle board step ladder risers hiding place display fort puppet show shield blockage hold something open hold something closed squish something ","shorts jacket hat decoration motivation pillow blanket towell backdrop cloth design place creativity station marker tester curtains parachuette tug of war rope cat tunnel bandage weapon ","vase weapon glass container storage bath accessory water basin rolling pin cookie cutter cooking vessel art decoration paint brush goggles megaphone rocket spitoon toilet ","weapon wall step ladder paintbrush decoration paper weight cooking device divider painting surface heat source table bench counter protection door opener hold something open hold it closed smush something bug killer stop something keep something in place ","swing decoration planter play toy exercise equipment squish something roll something paint brush spin something step ladder stop something/buffer circle templ","spoon post hole digger knife weapon hold something open knock something down reach something high push somethign down baseball bat mile marker balloon holder decoration bird bath ","mittens hat bra weapon kill spiders stand taller flower pot photography accessory warning message indicator paint canvas knock somethign down hit something scare someone ",2.500164032,-0.122185081,0.702716947,2.066161394,-0.042331334,-1.45175457,0.040597558,-1.103672028,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.687867761,0.347267419,-0.182704195,0.60700053,0.74510622,0.563372314,-1.020147562,-0.912433743,0.87163043,-0.37273261,0.377822995,1.60056448,0.480459183,-0.001447142,-1.212723613,-0.99338758,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,43 49,1,I use a book to raise my monitor so that it is at eye level and does not strain my neck. You can use a book to straighten out a wrinkled paper of picture or to press a flower or a four-leaf clover. Books make good door props. You can use a book to raise you up to r,"To tie someone up with As a dog chain As a pulley To hand stuff on As a clothesline As a jump rope As a trap to trip an intruder or as a prank To Play Tug a war ","To create designs on cookies or play doe To fling food or other small objects To pry something open To poke holes in anything the fork can poke through As a weapon ","As a ladder to reach high places As a barrier to block a door or window To move heavy objects As a weapon to push onto someone As a bed As a fort ","Cut up and use as wash rags Cut up and use as toilet paper Cut up and use as paint rags Cut up and use as paper towels As a flag To Tie someone up ","Fill with sand and use like a sand bag use as binoculars use as a container use as a piggy bank ","As a wall Build A house Make a planter Use as a hammer Use to flatten meat Use as a door stop Build a","Make a planter Make a swing Make a fence mulch ","Use as a base to make a scarecrow Use as a weapon ","Fill with dirt and plant something Make a puppet Use as a hammer Use as a weapon Use as a paper ",-0.678927004,0.549622774,-0.205652907,-1.124212027,-0.768525183,-1.434296966,0.591234446,0.818869054,-1.249724984,-1.205277324,-0.792285085,1.161542296,0.199013114,0.822063029,-0.736572504,0.883565187,-1.499428153,-0.489990771,-0.138236076,-0.395636827,0.440978706,1.350655794,-1.263149858,-1.032348633,-0.74426806,-0.243393928,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,47 50,1,"paper weight make a purse from it use the pages in art projects. Hollow out and make it into a storage box use the binding to make your own journal or sketchbook you can read them to gain knowledge stac","clothes line jewelry craft projects for decoration make a rope basket tie on a part that has fallen off your car with it. use it as a dog leash make a rope fence for a flower garden","use as a tool in printmaking impromptu stirrer eat food with it use several to make a charming windchime use as garden decor dig small holes with it for planting seeds pry open a stuck box or ","remove legs and us the top as a headboard glue cork on the top and remove legs then hang on wall for a bulletin board our across door to keep out thieves throw a tarp over it for a quick tent","shorts cut off legs and sew up holes then use top for a large bag cut into little pieces then boil and make into paper pulp (only for cotton pants) open up sems in legs then change pants into a skirt","make a bottle tree to keep evil away put a note in a bottle and throw it into the ocean use as a vase use for storage of beverages cut off top and make into a glass ","door stopper paper weight paint like a town house for Christmas decoration get a bunch of them and make a wall ","a swing a raft in the water put dirt in the middle and create a mini garden cut up and make into flip flops cut up and use pieces for found object print making stack a bunch and make a column ","hang in garden as part of decor use as the base for a farm inspired mobile brace against door to keep out crooks use it to scare off a wolf","cover with paper mache and turn it into a lamp base depending on the shoe maybe turn it into a bag use as a secret storage place for cash take apart and reuse pieces in a multi media art piece take apart and reuse lea",-0.622502327,1.312055707,0.073544316,0.069493257,-1.66327858,-1.253484964,-0.169624016,0.047250714,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.778756976,1.298213482,0.936079979,0.089014478,-0.039799612,-0.319530636,-1.527257681,-0.94530946,-0.68456465,0.122804239,0.100202672,-0.100739419,-0.267434835,-0.933506608,0.961063385,0.058370363,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,39 51,1,"To read To use a decoration To set something on To use as a weight ","To use for an emergency To use as part of a decoration or art project To use for clothing ","To use as a utensil To use to help as a tool ","To set something on To use as a decoration piece ","To use for an art project ","To use for an art project To store something important in To use a gift for something for someone ","To use to hold something down or in place To use for an art project To use for a decoration To be used to block something ","To use for a swing Use it for an art project or as an object in a photograph To use as a weight ","Hard to come up with an another idea other than to dig ","To use for an art project or as an object for a photograph To use as a tool ",-1.354862571,-0.159561351,0.138396353,-1.152962923,-1.201400876,-1.45175457,-1.585805893,-1.290557861,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-0.863640606,0.727111042,1.176608324,-0.111452632,-0.466912359,-0.236054689,-1.739094853,-0.487222224,-0.436837316,-0.371245772,0.050265074,-0.70039469,-0.53493166,-0.163549706,-0.18960166,-0.050546393,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,38 52,1,"Press flowers paper to draw on cut out words to make poems weight to hold down a tablecloth Decoration for a bookshelf secret hiding place, if you cut a space inside the pages ","climbing making a zipline making a clothesline tug of war tying someone up leash for a dog making a swing making a bridge tightrope walking tying a door closed knotting the end and using as a weapon towing a car ","digging used as a weapon used in painting to make an interesting texture stabbing holes in a potato before cooking opening a plastic package cutting or tearing something roughly comb","put a blanket over it to use as a fort safe place to protect yourself during an earthquake used as a stage or platform for performing place for animals to stay dry under, if placed outside lemonade stand ","wrap around your head for protection from the elements use as a scarf tie around your waist for a belt use as a water filter if you tie the end of the legs can make rope from small strips of the material if you cut it apart ","storage for small items reuse for drinking container makeshift rolling pin use the bottom as a stamp, covered in paint or ink put a message inside and throw it into the ocean or river a lot of plastic bottles threaded onto long sticks can make a greenhouse put a candle in the top of a glass bottle plastic bottles can be cut apart to make planters ","used as a weapon put under a table legs to make a table taller put behind tires to keep car from rolling away used to hold a door open painted for decoration can be used to hold up a board for a makeshift table weight down a tablecloth ","planter fill with sand to make a dust bath for chickens tie a rope to it and hang it from a tree for a tire swing put your kid inside and roll them down a hill place for small animals to hide in bumper for a dock or side of a boat put on the ground","weapon used as a pole in limbo break open a pinata handle can be used as a bat in baseball if you're desperate kill a small animal breaking up branches or tree roots popping balloons breaking down walls ","planter key holder if you tie your keys to your laces can be used for hiding small objects if you cut a small hole in the sole on the inside put on your hands to protect your hands from the cold and wet used as a weapon if you tie the laces together you can swing them like a bolo ",-0.064436033,1.722602963,-0.080727033,-0.638665259,-0.952367544,-0.19746694,-0.5880391,-0.380587608,-1.14182961,-0.392251015,-0.160164952,1.090854287,1.081139922,0.577240407,0.818539202,0.146584511,0.495144099,-0.181932837,-0.657210529,-1.072795272,-0.160699904,0.89801693,0.770038843,0.611470222,0.4008753,0.903265834,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,39 53,1,"paperweight doorstop brick plate kindling jack stool booster seat pillow coaster shield chest protector straight edge ruler ","neck tie belt pulley swing jump rope bridge net webbing pendulum ","toothpick perforation maker paper weight lock whisk scooper lawn aerator sculpting tool defense weapon ","chair bed paper weight door block barricade desk dance floor fort treehouse bench bench press ","windsock shirt bandage tourniquet rag wash cloth towel baggy facemask rope headband hat gloves arm warmers socks ","paper weight defense weapon musical instrument vase measuring cup looking glass protractor coin bank pot canteen ","paper weight door stop plate shoes defense weapon meat tenderizer booster hammer abrasive car stop ruler ","protractor door stop paper weight water tube snow tube bowl toy bowling ball swing bird feeder ","spoon paper weight knife plate baseball bat lacrosse tool baseball glove golf club pan defense weapon ","bowl paper weight door stop canteen loofa gloves sponge ",0.929992735,-0.86318022,0.694952786,0.977515876,-1.547809243,-1.45175457,-0.91479677,1.629028559,-1.35762012,-0.536210179,-0.725112021,-0.453766942,0.146721795,1.147883892,0.752238989,1.186561942,0.104567565,1.063642263,1.083493352,0.648194075,1.92033112,1.237390399,0.847439229,-1.581017137,-1.670605421,-1.752829909,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Asian/ Pacific Islander",Straight/heterosexual,45 54,1,"door stop paperweight kindling entertainment toilet paper random word generator relay race marker step stool riser prop projectile headrest spitball raw material gift canvas for paint","hanging items measuring distance marking area tying someone up leash for an animal kindling for fire rug climbing apparatus wall hanging lock on door sex toy trip wire jewelry pull for door bell reminder weapon ","eating utensil cooking utensil poking someone weapon shovel reacher to get something that's farther away back scratcher head scratcher projectile toothpick ","step stool place to store things barrier to hide behind door stop foundation for a pillow fort place to eat off of place to store liquor place to put a television kindling for a fire book shelf","sleeves flag blanket head wrap rags quilt insulation rug wall hanging canvas for art tapestry ribbon wrapping paper curtain slip mat outside in the ice leash ","vase to store water to measure things for cooking decoration break it up for a mosaic holder for pens/paintbrushes draw on it for art fill it with sand door stop (filled with something) letter carrier in water build a ship in it break it and use it as a weapon scatter shards on places where you don't want birds to be look through it to see the world differently projectile pee in it on long car trips make ice in the freezer hold shampo","door stop paper weight projectile bookend riser in cupboards measure things burn incense on it hide a key under it mark a place where you buried something warm it up and put it in your bed for a footwarmer cook things on it in the oven ","planter swing black smoke fire to signal someone put it on corner or garage so you don't drive into it toy hula hoop door stop use it to trace a circle ","dig break things cut things decoration wedge something open hit someone weapon remove snow scare away animals door stop back-up door lock (","projectile door stop planter fungus grower hide money ",1.37101984,0.539113462,1.158729076,1.074985504,-0.65771997,-1.45175457,-0.411420584,0.020637676,-0.052121904,-1.205277324,-0.315433592,-1.147665501,-1.452518582,0.829699695,0.125655934,1.107044697,-0.279727966,1.724933743,0.066808626,-0.081896037,1.409557939,-1.11683917,0.115957402,0.494497865,-1.925273299,-2.076494932,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,62 55,1,"doorstop defensive weapon hide valuables pillow decoration computer stand paper weigh","dog collar dog toy rugs handrail walking bridge letter design ","picture frame holder recipe card holder weapon hair comb tent stake d","shelving chair firewood wall decoration bed ","wall decor guitar case clarinet case gun case backback computer case scarecrow ","flower vase decor weapon watering can magnifying glass torch ","doorstop weapon lift a piece of furniture flower planter hammer paper weight leg for sofa block for wheels ","swing planter sled horseshoe game chair ","hammer decor weapon support fence post stool ","door stop weapon flower pot toss game leveler hammer",-0.301805586,-0.816060781,0.723574042,0.223213851,-1.66327858,-0.960075319,-1.097356439,0.198552027,-0.538120151,-1.069823027,0.105732948,-0.313400596,-0.214966476,0.237534821,-0.10423284,-0.794351816,-1.077173829,-0.679671407,0.028329669,-0.755541801,-0.14117457,-0.615528941,-0.001852172,-0.57579118,0.06003955,-0.469191223,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,52 56,1,"doorstop firestarter hammer prop tray table toilet paper dog toy club weight ","climbing wrapping define an area tying someone up dog leash hang a hammock pull up well bucket lashing things together whipping someone ","eating to make something more tender poking someone stabbing someone flipping rocks yard ornaments metal sculpture digging in the dirt ","eating performing surgery writing using a computer sleeping building a model putting together a puzzle blocking a door ","wearing cut into pieces for patches arund the neck like a sweater a hat stuffed with other clothes rolled up to swat insects carrt","for medicine for water for seeds yard sculpture broken into bits for mosaic to plug a hole as a weapon to juggle to make musical sounds ","build a house toys hammer door stop thrown as a weapon walkway pounding meat for cooking build ornamental structures dog pen goat pen ","for cars planter smelly fires rolling toy stacked for climbing cut it two and arranged in patterns walls racing against other tires used to block off an area ","digging hitting flattening cooking on the end stuck into the ground to make a fence baseball bat fly or moth swatter javelin ","foot cover hammer flattening meat before cooking spanking throwing at something juggling tossing ",0.354161978,-0.231348202,0.407274216,0.333272666,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.256105065,-0.591055512,-0.820955217,-1.205277324,-0.419677943,-1.253456712,-0.34752813,-0.397172779,0.029193519,1.127681136,-2.37469101,-1.094204307,-0.084675685,-0.886917889,-0.347772658,-1.713063717,-1.316389084,-1.426535249,-1.691693306,-1.967849493,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 57,1,"research reading decoration on table create shelf on wall frame pages create legs to support table top booster seat for child stand on to help reach something up high teaching learning fan weight plate coaster ","wall decor hang pictures from wear as a belt make picture frame make coaster make basket use as clothes line use to measure something use to secure something tie around something create lasso ","use as windchime use as back scratcher use as head scratcher create jewelry use to paint use in garden use in music wrap thread, ribbon or yarn through it decorate picture frames use as comb ","bed shelf bench tv stand fold laundry on iron on paint on draw on sew on ","cut in to shorts create a baby wrap/carrier cut in to bracelets cut in to headbands cut and make jewelry cut and make capris make towels pot holder use fabric for different project ","lamp candle stick holder light fixture wind chime wall decor ","fire pit oven stepping stones landscaping border paint on break window ","tire swing flower bed create mulch cover in rope and make a seat cut in half and create yard decor ","weapon wall decor paint and decorate with ","planter weapon baby shoes as decor ",-0.045219503,-0.210111022,-0.172492668,-0.721908271,1.308966994,1.296986818,0.712878287,1.629028559,1.696599722,1.426236272,-1.43001616,-0.924123466,-1.84398818,1.17034781,1.179142475,1.54780364,-0.39869523,0.754097104,0.848799706,1.13392365,2.439831734,1.660559773,1.213474393,0.873934448,-1.721624017,-1.205530643,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Straight/heterosexual,44 58,1,"stepping stool window prop writing surface weight balance door stop ","tug boat to shore clothing line weights","Christmas tree ornament Wind chime chip ","floating platform on water block door or windows ","makeshift flag bandages for limb wounds bindings for door to ","transport message out to sea collect rain water body for a telescope hold fishing bait","hold up window balance weight smash open nuts grind ingredients ","swing seat punching tool for boxers exercising tool","paddle for boat cook meat on a camp fire",draw large letters on sandy beach,-1.168453097,-0.731313646,0.994875491,-0.626758873,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-0.06501177,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-0.663460314,-1.393615484,0.335227549,1.547128439,-1.170387626,-0.416664243,-1.148044229,-3.953632832,-4.358613014,-2.020812273,-3.246095657,1.38765192,1.733019471,-0.809215367,1.696874857,-1.277621627,-0.1693362,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,55 59,1,"decor paper weight ","a tie anchor ","garden marker comb place holder sling shot tent stake ","fort fire wood kids play set ","shorts floating device shade flag bag cat bed small animal house ","paper weight lighter lamp ","door holder step ladder book ends anchor building downspout diverter wheel chock paper weight decor computer monitor riser ","garden boat bumper signal fire kids play area shredded for a track use it to roll down hill ","hammer divider weapon decor bat flag ax ","planter paper weight fetch toy shovel ",-0.57938236,-0.89156121,0.471829653,-0.120277658,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,0.699332833,-1.02425921,-0.084751911,-1.142504692,-1.769898057,-0.249198079,0.112524547,1.340457678,0.906150699,1.262844324,0.319215536,-0.483671874,-1.390190363,-0.351117581,2.076642036,1.020462394,1.130205274,1.195129991,-0.476540864,-0.082981631,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,25 60,1,"Stool Shield Bandage Stabilizer Digger Surface Protector Air Conditioning Storage Device Filter ","Lasso Swing Bandage Binding Device Pulley Lever Blindfold Barrier Slingshot Net Web ","Digger Prying Device Scraping Miniature slingshot Tuner Fork Lock Picker ","Desk Shield Barricade Snowboard Support ","Comfort Clothing Insulation Rope ","Storage Containment Drinking ","Projectile Door Stopper Flint Striker Storage Container Stepping Stool","Storage Insulation Projectile Locomotion","Digging Striking Prying Climbing ","Clothing Protection",-0.645477474,-1.056963682,0.453012913,0.993869781,-0.945507824,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.089125276,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.207636833,-0.008555395,-0.675410032,-0.164979607,-0.4786551,0.09500993,-1.248095512,-0.542892098,-0.701967299,-0.274933368,0.102560468,-0.264952868,-0.92364496,-0.598023832,0.274370641,-0.563329577,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 61,1,"weight self defense safe doorstop barbie's dressing room greeting card decoration pillow ","shelving seating rug floating bed handrail bridge ladder wall cat scratching post chair mirror frame ","hair accessory barbie hair brush garden tool picture holder jewelry ","decoration eating seating bench desk tv stand ","knee pads patching other pants heat pack quilt cozy cozy purse ","vase spray paint container dog toy planter hummingbird feeder mini ecosystem ","garden bed edging weight door stop elevate appliances patio outdoor firepit tiered planter ","gravel substitute swing table firepit garden mulch planter ","digging moving dirt lifting snow ","wine bottle holder flower pot toy sailboat birdhouse high heel coatrack ",-0.325830489,-0.861372113,-0.07953269,-0.51853317,-0.659813881,-0.729653955,-0.626854718,-0.026930491,0.290493429,-1.101351023,0.248579636,-0.138869599,-0.058600951,-1.211874843,-1.922851563,-0.780005395,-1.79774797,-1.403782964,-1.108591199,-0.570070386,-0.338814378,-1.048167944,-1.666183114,-1.694314718,0.429770708,-0.190898836,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,65 62,1,"read bookend coaster protection bullet stopper hit someone with it entertainment paper to write on start a fire with teach with use as a paperweight use it as lead weight in skydiving making a splash in a pool stack up for a door stop cat to sleep on dog to chew on use as a pillow ","hanging mountain climbing killing someone tieing up a boat tieing up a plane hang a picture hang something from a ceiling use to swing something from as a weapon hang a swing from a tree rope swing into water ladder to treehouse tight rope tire ","eating stabbing picking stuff up off the floor annoying the cat scratching my head scratching my back puncturing a tire scratching in a cast poking an eye out magic act of poking an eye out pick my nose use as a steering toggle on a parachute. steer a boat get something which fell ","sit on eat on use to start a fire scratch my back with play cards on scratch my head with cooking on packing a parachute on storing stuff on putting a sewing machine on ","covering my rear keeping warm with waterproof for skiing start a fire with give to a friend donate to charity decorate use as a parachute wear as a flag wear as a tail ","drink from pee in put a note in and throw it in the sea hit someone over the head with slash someone's throat with put beer in put wine in store soup in store objects in decorate put in cabinet as decoration. put marbles in store pins in ","hit someone over head with build a house outside of fire pit landscaping pathway build a doghouse decorate label for sidewalks like walk of fame set plants on paperweight throw in contest ","wheel on car wheel on bike roll with a stick for fun put on a wagon decoration in house spin on a stick scratch my nose use as glasses frame burn use as backdrop for shooting range use in paintball ","digging make a grave decoration using in a parade posing with smokey the bear beating someone over the head stab in throat use as a ladder ","wear on foot hit someone on head with throw at george bush decorate play sports in wash give to dog to chew on ",1.152298093,0.853057325,-0.194484726,0.174371958,0.476350754,1.296986818,1.031797171,-0.477779657,-0.966333151,-0.997141302,-0.328113616,-0.254686087,-0.396407455,0.301414788,0.044226341,0.559942961,0.2347316,0.145781294,0.307426751,-0.064962909,0.766618669,0.156143069,-0.110374525,0.06324666,-0.734378278,-0.795563996,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 63,1,"weight learning material house hat home notebook","weapon jumprope ","to eat poke people ","dance studio workbench chair","shelter hats bandana","vase sand holder weight","head basher paperweight part of a wall pencil holder art piece knife sharpener ","a rolling pin a chair a swing game wheel ","hole digger art costume ","art piec facric throwing utensil ",-1.044260979,-0.965078652,0.223343417,0.04646204,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.654083252,-0.653788626,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,1.354192019,0.68117249,0.80013454,-0.024673082,0.019464361,-0.226143181,-0.485263348,-1.274141788,-1.025191307,-1.222609282,-0.784181893,0.097084031,-0.343853265,-0.092691518,1.265657544,0.360094935,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,47 64,1,"Studying Learning Reading Looking through Writing Work Teaching Doorstop Decor Entertainment ","Climbing Fixing something Lifting things Dragging Knots Bracelets ","Eating Photo stand Plant marker Art Wind chime Cream something Mash something ","Eating Playing cards Playing a game Doing a puzzle Working Doing schoolwork ","Clothing Quilt Patches Purses Knee pads Heat pack ","Vase Cup Soap dispenser Candle jar Chandelier Lamp Jewelry stand Paint stamp PL","Wall Door stop Planter Paper weight Weights Path Candleholders Bench Yard Art Walkway Fire pit Garden markers ","Swing Dog bed Ottoman Table Stairs Sandbox Playground Chairs","Digging Lifting Moving things Weapon Wire cutter Measuring tool","Anchoring a small boat Hammering nails Door stopper Candy holder Flower planter Book end Paper weight Bug swatter Back scratcher",0.193881094,-0.853200197,-0.026668025,0.715594471,-1.316870332,-1.45175457,-0.679994166,0.737721384,-0.211283267,-1.205277324,-1.344640613,1.186332464,0.775873542,0.681282818,0.128586546,0.886627913,-0.282418728,0.632080734,0.681532979,0.738926828,1.876367569,1.172726512,0.023306159,-0.091719322,-1.5491606,-1.688309789,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,47 65,1,"sculpture shelf fire starter create art create candle holder fold the pages into decorative flowers ","create clothing create accessories accent furniture spiral it into a mat make a pencil holder toy for a dog ","create sculptures use them to hold photos turn them into hooks for coats and things make jewelery","create a clubhouse turn into a shelf turn into a dog kennel re purpose into a bench ","turn them into a shirt create a jacket create art projects like a wreath create a tote bag create accessories make a pillow","create drinking cups pen holder make an instrument make a planter ","projectile make a fireplace paperweight door stop ","create a small garden make a sculpture make a pet bed turn into a small table tire swing make into a chair make a sand box ","make a sculpture make a shelf ","make a planter make a sculpture make a hat create accessories ",-0.749785066,-0.401810735,0.347827137,-0.161567718,0.315997839,-0.324961126,-0.537005424,-0.100561976,0.807686388,0.142766073,0.800068796,0.535550892,0.851802111,-0.637102008,-0.663120568,-0.065335818,-1.218578577,-0.209634662,-0.612176836,-0.409643352,-0.059830785,-0.498608917,-0.390621871,-0.16270563,0.938672841,0.131341323,Male,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,33 66,1,"Table Stand Clean up watery messes Make into paper airplanes ","To attach things To turn into a necklace A play toy for animals","To plow dirt with To get small things out of crevices To pick teeth with To use as an electric conductor ","Use as a shield Use the legs as a bat Use the table top as a art piece","Clean up spills Make plush toys Make art Patch a hole by cutting up the pants As a parachute if they're closed","A weapon To hold a plant To hold toxic liquids To hold a bug To use as a small boat","A weapon To stand up a table To make mud pies in the holes Use as a base for a heavy object Break windows","As a toy to roll down hills with As a shield As a storage container As a pot","Open windows Get rid of tree stumps As a weapon To hold up a flag","As a weapon As a pot To hold plants in A toy for certain animals",-0.88489145,-0.125157148,0.736652315,-0.172379524,-0.574785769,-1.404054642,-0.457565993,-0.024393747,-1.14182961,-1.205277324,0.472402632,0.935183287,0.699069679,-0.306384981,-0.677183151,-0.812180519,0.446635097,-1.046867609,-0.600101352,-3.128255129,-0.971479595,0.448257893,0.627906144,1.540449262,0.660929859,1.155868292,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,23 67,1,,,"weapon cooking digging","seating set decor","clothing cleaner knot","vase water holder container","weapon building decor art","wheel rolling decor seat","weapon digging tool decor doorstop","planter walking doorstop",-1.224621415,-1.164599657,-1.165031195,-0.94077605,-0.302531391,-0.935942054,-1.176204324,-1.353638411,-0.12086492,-1.007050514,0.512205124,0.955492198,1.534030318,-0.95636642,-1.570830345,-0.331968784,-0.394510776,-1.217963099,-2.609844208,-2.699217081,-0.566907227,0.488583088,-1.349704504,-0.643614709,0.51781553,1.497490644,Male,American Indian,Straight/heterosexual,25 68,1,"PAPERWEIGHT FLOWER PRESS DECORATION EDUCATION READING COLLECTING SELLING SHARING ","TYING UP ANIMALS DOCKING A SHIP HOLDING A MAST KIDNAPPING SECURING A LOAD ALKING A DOG CATCHING CATTLE PULLING A CAR ","EATING EPARATING STABBING STIRRING STRAINING ","EATING DRAWING HOMEWORK CUTTING OUT COOKIES COOKING BUILDING PLAYING ","CLOTHES WRAGS CUTT OFFS QUILT SCARECROW ","WATER BABY JUICE STORAGE DRINKING CANNING ",,"SWING DRIVING PLANTING RECYCLING",,"WALK RUN WEAR PLANT IN KILL SPIDERS DOG TOY ",-0.773476779,-1.030375242,-0.470922291,-0.387866348,-1.422668338,-1.45175457,1.295102358,1.37038815,-1.35762012,-1.142504692,-0.769093096,2.320523977,2.53196454,1.463044524,1.190871239,1.601157546,0.869332314,1.272757053,1.414499283,-2.119550467,2.048578024,2.008019209,1.154923916,1.667181134,-2.057167768,-2.198998928,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,28 69,1,"hit someone stack up to use as ladder stack up to use as table kill cockroaches and spider pillow ","extract water to use as toner use as food ingredient (candied, baked, ice cream etc) dry it to make wall decoration bookmark","poke someone with it use as toy decorations ","as a bed as a weapon (throw at somebody) turn it upside down and put a blanket on to make a 'cage' for cats to sleep in ","turn into shirt hang yourself with it washcloth mat cut into small pieces for decoration or use for other purposes ","grow a plant inside it put sand, water, marbles in it to make into a house decoration a container put holes on to make an instrument","hit people with it draw on it as decoration as pillow sit on it temporarily use it to break other things ","turn into swing a chair ","hit people with it grow flowers","hit people with it grow something in it ",-1.070263863,-0.136377573,0.849414289,-0.398830712,0.265358806,-0.91848433,1.137406468,-0.568090916,0.53195554,-1.205277324,1.396609306,1.129798412,-0.31077826,0.422439486,-0.776159763,-1.294569969,0.445454687,-0.670630634,0.00332508,-2.198914051,-1.156396627,-0.950309634,0.386892498,1.559663415,0.526016235,1.076827288,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 70,1,"Doorstop paperweight Step stool Weapon Fan Drum ","Swing Noose Lasso Belt Pitch a tent Clothesline ","Musical Instrument Weapon Hair Brush Nose Picker Rake ","Firewood Fort Bed Ladder Shield","Wind Sail Use for a quilt ","Musical Instrument Weapon Put a miniature boat inside Send a message ","Step stool Weapon Doorstop Paperweight Plant stand ","Get inside and roll down a hill Planter Tire swing Obstacle course Throw a bal","Weapon Eat with it Use it as a hammer Play spin the shovel (spin the bottle)","Put a plant in it (planter box) Drink out of it Door stop",-0.802127302,-0.799012721,0.990718424,-0.041517623,-1.502871752,-1.45175457,-0.812364876,-1.364189267,-0.796246052,-1.020261168,-2.162358046,1.039016724,0.001276659,1.463044524,1.190871239,1.601157546,-0.014746647,0.556747317,1.416806698,0.90105623,2.316786766,1.346810341,1.213474393,1.393642068,-1.944345355,-1.359004617,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Straight/heterosexual,34 71,1,"Doorstop Read Press flowers Paperweight Prop door open Squash a bug Use pages to mop up water Frame pages Decorate a bookshelf ","Tie up dog Hold a robe closed Hold pants up Tie wagon to a bicycle Hold the trunk of a car closed Tie bags together when traveling Hold trash up when camping Keep small children from being lost Make a rope swing Hang a potted plant ","Eat Pry a jar lid open Dig in the dirt Scrape food out of a can Scrape burned food into the trash Get olives out of a jar Use it like a whisk to mix foods ","Eat dinner Hold important papers Do homework Stand on to reach something Jump off of for fun Turn on its side and make a fort Turn on its side and hide behind Plan world domination Spread out maps or other large papers Lay on it if you’re ","Wear them Tie around your head for sunshade. Tie the legs closed and use to carry things Spread out and use as a rope or lifeline Use tee","Hold liquid Hold fireflies Emergency pee bottle Drum Blow across the top for fun Bowling ball - it sorta rolls Target Weapon ","Build something Throw at something scary Stand on top of it Prop open a door Hold something closed Press a sandwich flat Press the water out of something Use as a home for a tiny animal Hide a geocache Warm it in an oven and use a","Drive on it Roll it down a hill for fun Plant flowers in it Plant a tree in the center Make a tire swing Have a tire throwing contest Chip it up and use for the floor of a playground Recycle it into shoes ","Dig flowers Chop the head off a snake Dig a ditch to divert water Draw shapes in the dirt with the blade Stick it in the ground at an angle and try to bounce off the handle ","Squash a bug Wear on your feet Dance Hold a door open Trip your husband in the middle of the night ",0.115090944,0.919487178,-0.045543704,-0.073378779,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,0.800798178,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-1.904456854,-0.602840543,-1.763893843,0.066150099,-1.554167986,0.438627779,0.07693053,0.320783794,-3.13139081,-0.177580208,1.593401432,1.385100722,-4.878023148,-1.695941567,-1.400152326,-1.782906294,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 72,1,"Steps a leg for a broke table a weapon a head rester ","Tying things up a jump rope game building exercises ","Eating utensil a weapon to grab things ","A resting area A ladder To climb things ","Clothing A head rest Something to light a fire with","A weapon A container","A weapon A stool A burial ground","A weapon Sled","Shoveling dirt A weapon A divider","Bottle opener drinking glass flower pot",-1.26477766,-0.80476445,0.25000155,0.043928266,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.364189267,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.73568511,0.159084961,0.186529294,-0.915107548,-2.425741911,-0.595074773,-0.501873732,-2.400636196,-1.483704805,-0.509780586,0.036005355,-1.846391082,-2.377320766,-1.381681323,0.247946382,0.289836168,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,29 73,1,"table leveler door stop paper weight file folder step exerciser step stool building block to hold open a win","belt cat scratch post pull chain tinsel ","meat tenderizer potato masher pipe unclogger shredder door stop balloon popper whittler ","barricade stand to block out light from a window fire wood clothes hanger baby gate flooring ","scarf rags pillow scarecrow's legs sack window shade fire starter blanket ","club weapon door stop paper weight ant home bug catcher vase lamp base mixing bowl container ","door stop paper weight weapon barricade table leveler step stool step exerciser exercise weight ","swing seat planter cut up and use for flooring barricade building block flip for exercising flotation device ","large spoon mixer weapon demolition tool sled door stop garage opener prying tool ","door stop paper weight planter bowl cup bank toy boat cat toy dog chew toy ",0.128092527,-0.711198926,0.826995194,0.761500597,1.092818022,0.265626371,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,0.54529959,-1.205277324,0.603706837,0.3018969,1.165743947,-0.088023804,-4.059333324,0.618009627,-0.117724411,-0.806159079,-3.564909697,-2.668676615,-0.939364552,-0.258121341,-4.990105629,0.351745754,-1.837474227,-0.234640539,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,36 74,1,"Level a wobbly table. Balance helper. Throwing at someone to get their attention. Fan when it's hot. Weapon. Bug smasher. Fort material. ","Clothing. Wig. Ladder. ","Comb. Weapon. Painting tool. Picking stuff out from under your fingernails. Back scratcher. Foot scratcher. ","Fort. Hiding place. Desk. Dance floor. Step stool.","Hat. Bag. Towel. ","Candle holder. Money holder. Weapon. ","Weapon. Small chair. Small step stool.","Swing. Fort material. Weapon. Seat. Flotation device.","Weapon. Fan. Cutting device. Large spoon. ","Throwing weapon. Drinking receptacle. Bug smasher. Hand warmers. Fashion accessory.",-0.855598688,-0.892213285,0.266286522,0.008111401,0.035177644,-1.146736503,0.415590703,-0.351639986,0.455877244,-1.205277324,-0.042928606,-0.229498327,-0.197058871,-1.164848328,0.063892581,-0.18629764,-1.288269997,0.081431501,-0.555230558,0.14448753,0.289043456,-0.225953415,-0.168571904,-0.9178496,0.289337486,0.384083331,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 75,1,"Read Paper weight Practice balance (upon your head) Give an enemy many paper cuts Prop a door open A step up A foley sound effect for closing things An ultimate strength test of tearing it Throw at a burgaler trying to escape ","Nailing Nails Bludgeoning Unnailing nails Break Through Wall Break off door knob Dildo Physical Comedy prop Detroy Objects Startle enemies ","Eat Stab Clean teeth Back Scratcher Balance on finger Dig Gardening Evening out ingredients Make-shift dart Fork-bending magic trick Mirror (reflection) ","Set things upon Bed Work-out Surface Barricade Boat Battering Ram Cut a hole in it for masturbation purposes Reach Lightbulb Drum Slam to gain people's attention Hiding Place ","Wear on legs A sleevy vest Turnicate Strangulation Auto-Erotic Asphixiation Shorts Absorb Water Bandage Wound Warmth Tug of War Whip Pillow Cover a spill ","Contain Liquid Weapon in bar fight Contain salt/pepper Musical instrument (clinking) Musical instrument (blowing) Smash Sound Effect Jewish Wedding Bottle Dance! A Toast See the ","Build a building Paper weight Deadly Weapon Door Stop Tie a string to it for a sort of heavy toy Tie to someone's feet to make them drown Knock someone unconscious Grinding Mortar/Pestle ","Fascilitate a car Climb inside and roll down a hill Flatten things Crush bugs Workout weight Bouncing Toy Balancing act Stepping stool (on its side) Cut open and wear as sh","Dig Bludgeon Jousting Piercing Break Through Wall Pole Vault Booby Trap (hide in leaves) Impressive Heavy Baton Twirling Clonking on Head Transporting Hazardous Materials Spoon for a Giant Weight Lifting ","Cover feet Warm Hands Foley Arts Dancing Generate a horrible smell Door knocker Skidding Get someone's attention by throwing Grab the laces and Twirl to celebrate ",0.854457498,0.115249552,0.672832787,0.757444441,-1.547809243,-1.317704558,-0.155679554,0.890367568,0.19675532,-1.020121098,-0.21351181,-0.533551455,-0.752686381,1.251262188,-0.050850391,1.475414634,-1.702738404,-0.861122012,0.145723566,0.118177131,1.018814921,-0.255784839,0.090408124,0.664883912,-1.755411386,-1.82260406,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,44 76,1,"coaster a door stop a plate a level a stool a paperweight a weapon fly swatter a hat a tray/platter a sun shade ","christmas tree garland drawer pull clothing hula hoop baseboard trim curtain tie backs ","hair brush gardening tool tooth pick wind chime a weapon a musical instrument de-linter tool to make textured swirls in the ceiling handle on a counter a back scratcher ","a fort a shield a weapon a barrier a hat (small table) ","a float a hat for a bunny a rope a grocery bag a blanket a boat sail a flag a kite a towel toy storag","a flower vase a weapon a light a bank a shovel ","a weapon a plant stand a door stop a paper weight a level a stool ","a planter a table a chair an ottoman a dog bed storage bin ","spoon door lock door stopper weapon ","plantar weapon door stop fly swatter ear muff ",-0.169334322,-0.49481073,1.36735177,0.726625681,-0.791960597,-1.386597037,-1.375204921,-1.418234468,-0.842956066,-1.205277324,-0.630261064,-0.610505581,-0.643429816,0.062973872,-0.386118352,0.061205413,-1.292651057,-0.756286502,-1.150518656,-1.620181918,-0.151964054,-1.265017152,-1.994740605,0.106891304,0.085988455,-0.468996555,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 77,1,"Novel Text Audio Literature Libretto Reading material ","Twine Jump Cable S","Utensil Pitch Break in the road ","Desk Counter Coffee table Side table ","Pantalones Leggings Jeans Joggers Sweats ","Baby bottle Beer bottle Canteen Water bottle Container ","Wall House Blocks Road ","Rubber circle Wheel Swing ","Digger Dirt mover Spoon ","Flip flop Boot Tennis shoe Flats High Heels Running shoe Loafers ",-0.859181941,-1.058895946,-3.92279315,-2.597355604,0.73178947,-0.237003371,1.295102358,1.278813839,2.063517094,1.13220799,-1.682036638,2.195823669,0.189018294,1.463044524,1.190871239,0.633666396,0.443214029,1.816366076,-0.792978227,0.184408829,2.485761642,2.008019209,0.967907369,0.389997333,0.728438497,-0.029921966,Male,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,30 78,1,"doorstop leaf/flower press firestarter weapon food masher decoration booster for sitting footrest prop for photos ","jump rope hanging plants coil into sculptures hold things together tow things cover a chair swing pull a child around in a wagon wrap around a tree to pull it down fix something that's broken tether an animal ","bend into a sculpture small splint dig dirt hold up a sign stab vegetables hold flowers roast marshmallows ","eat at use for drawing/painting turn upside down for a fun ride for kids sled bed for a dog burn for firewood use to build a small fort decorate for artwork a desk display things to sel","fabric for tablecloth tie closed to make bags coat for small dog tie into a tourniquet hat clean up messes burn in a fire keep someone warm stop bleeding plug up a ","vase break into pieces to use as a mosaic hold oil hit someone over the head in ground as a garden decoration make music by blowing over opening make music by striking with an object ","weapon paperweight hold up a table doorstop decoration smash spices break windows placemarker in a line decoration in garden paint to make art ","make a swing bounce on it roll it down hills for a game cut up into sculptures burn a chair a bench paint for decoration in garden ","dig things weapon to hit someone paint for a decoration use to hold something up leg splint incorporate into a piece of furniture ","throw at someone hit someone paint for decoration hang on the wall hang on a tree put a plant in it use it to hide things in deodorizer ",0.336047113,0.264010966,0.724712789,0.572316229,-0.181547761,0.224973604,-0.482429773,-0.089521676,1.181336403,0.29115203,0.367772579,0.016414655,0.439291418,-0.881052315,-1.179997325,-0.616089463,-1.409673929,-0.820718288,-0.666632235,-0.524538755,0.237055093,-0.119700797,-1.346774936,-1.043582082,0.463381827,0.004206758,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,American Indian",Straight/heterosexual,47 79,1,"It is used as a stand It can be used as a paper weight","It can be used to make border. It is used as a line","It is used to prick the potato. It is used to make holes ","It is used as a ladder to take things from higher height. It can be used as a sitting chair","It can be used as a rope to tie things It can be used as a cleaning towel","It is used as a craft item. It is used as a roller.",,,,,-1.728201032,-0.604604781,0.254763544,-1.283251405,-1.060977221,-1.45175457,-1.774462938,-1.353638411,-1.35762012,-1.132595658,-2.083736658,2.198110342,2.420159101,-3.192958355,-3.563154221,-2.782390594,-0.514531195,-2.415988207,-2.214766026,-3.189207315,-0.644864619,1.762066126,-1.711560488,1.197937727,1.338388443,2.277364492,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,43 80,1,"read tell stories record stuff contains drawings and pictures door stopper fuel for a fire ","climbing hanging stuff tying people and animals up making a rope fence use as a lasso ","help to pick up food cut food make holes in the food use as stirrer pick up spaghetti throw as a dart arrange ","put stuff on its surface as a meeting table surface to write on as a barrier burn it to make a fire h","cover legs and waist decorate the legs keep warm use as rags use as rope to tie stuff ","hold liquids roller pin for pancakes hit people's heads break it as use as sharp weapon put a m","as a door stopper build houses as a paperweight as a small stool ","move a vehicle as a swing as a seat as a planter play as a toy use as exercise equipment ","dig soil use as a weapon ","cover the feet throw it at people as a door stopper use as a hammer as a glove hold water ",-0.603248835,-0.264734507,-0.059714437,0.301756024,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.52947408,-1.384756923,-0.718584657,0.131307751,-0.547706306,0.791129172,-0.100859322,0.218307987,0.269263506,0.326739997,1.487525702,0.643276036,0.164676338,0.522576749,-0.644256353,-0.477858186,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,28 81,1,"door holder reading weapon rolling papers backpack armor at school shooting window prop levelling furniture press flowers straighten bent photos store sentimental items write draw kill a bug practice posture walking learn weight donat","hang something hang someone macrame make a bridge how long is this rope? tie an anchor tie bouys in a pool rescue someone from drowning crafting tie up dog farm stuff tow a car measure distance use as belt use as suspenders tie something down in truck hang clothes ","comb your hair eat food scratch an itch screwdriver press a pie seal pastry make jewelry out of it make windchimes jewelry hook on wall stir stab lid of jar for insects rake the fairy garden ","make a tent climb on top sit on it bullet shield snow sledding decorate it make puzzles on top repurpose it ","make purse wear them use for patches cut into shorts embellish or decorate take them off wash them make a shirt dress a scarecrow dress a snowman donate ","paint it glue marbles to it spit cup reuse cut into wine glass windchimes vase pickle peppers christen a boat hit someone on head rolling pin sun catcher in tree (after painted) fill with homebrew ","build a house build something decorate landscaping secure car on jacks door stop paper weight I used a cinder block as a teething toy crush it to powder flatten something under it (picture) grow air plants ","make a tire swing cut into a horse tire swing container garden push around yard for exercise keep for spare make shoes recycle for products Yard art roll a kid down","dig paint face and stick in ground to make a friend weapon put in the garden tool box ","planter soles for elbow pads patches for other shoes art exhibit at the science museum! throw over the power line spider killer place on a shelf donate dip in bronze baby shoes on christmas r",0.992908418,0.432617456,-0.166430354,0.487052977,0.969632685,-1.45175457,1.162731647,-1.353638411,0.408907175,-1.205277324,-0.337143987,-1.057465553,-1.03166306,0.241543233,0.311914861,1.482565284,-0.073254935,-0.430219322,-0.53565371,-0.636634827,0.060226474,-0.37374559,0.898756504,0.915838718,-1.715784788,-1.131998897,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,23 82,1,"to read to write to study to decorate shelves to enjoy to learn to make crafts ","to climb to get down to tie a knot to grip on something to tow a vehicle to hang clothes for drying to hoist flags ","to eat to pierce to make small holes to dine to cut ","to study to dine to set a desk to stand to sit to put a lamp to keep books to read to write ","to wear to cover lower body to fashion ","to keep liquid to decorate to make crafts mouthwash container han","make walls pavements increase any objects height to make fire","a wheel to play with use it as rubber burn to make long lasting fire make tire swings use as floats in water ","scooping digging throwing ","planting house plants bottle opener ",-0.680099905,-0.530118465,-1.069963098,-0.999171197,-1.208260536,-1.404054642,1.241579652,-0.961796165,1.640969753,-1.05028832,-0.727447808,-0.561403096,-0.589729965,0.525551856,0.462535024,0.823400438,0.747440279,-0.053760502,0.411321968,-0.021864098,0.506736279,-0.243278235,0.543090522,1.127055287,-0.693608046,-0.736994267,Male,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,37 83,1,"stepstool paperweight sunvisor lift your bed height with coaster booster seat ",,"plant identification stakes package opener stir things with ","fort plant stand barricade room divider ","wind tunnel flag funky hat ","vase fairy garden musical instrument ","table legs paper weight ","swing plant planters workout equipment ",,"hand warmers ",-1.393880486,-1.020327568,0.893562019,-0.089427315,-1.66327858,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-0.116074458,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-0.320505768,1.928206801,1.661846161,-0.246623322,0.452140123,0.383563697,0.354859859,0.092511132,0.239414066,-0.369240671,1.261433005,1.186713934,0.495577753,0.879982889,-0.94942832,-0.884773016,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 84,1,"use as a tool to learn new things. used as a way to escape reality. use under a wobbly table leg. use for kindling if you are desperate. use to teach children by reading to them. ","use as a leash between my two cats when I take them walking. use as a way to tie up a boat. use as a way to connect two teams with tug of war. use as a jump rope. use to outline where I want to edge around my garden. use to climb a mountain. use to lower a bucket. ","use to eat my food. use to pry something open. use to cut a package. use to stir my pasta while cooking. use to make holes in a potato before microwaving. use in self defense. ","use to place my plate on to eat dinner. use as a table to do homework. use to place tv on. use to place cups on. use in front of couch to place decorations on. use as a barrier if in a fire fight. use to hold a door closed. ","use as clothing to keep my legs covered. use as a tourniquet. use as a flotation device if you are in deep water. use as a makeshift leash if your dog gets out. ","use to hold liquids. use as a weapon in self defense. use to hold sand and seashells from vacation. use to hold pills. use to hold pencils/pens use as a vase for a flower ","use as building blocks for your home. use to build a wall in your garden. use to build a path through your garden. use as a weapon in self defense. use to prop up a table leg that is uneven. ","use on your car. use as a garden container. use to build a wall. ","use to dig a hole. use as a weapon in self defense. use as decoration. use to weed garden. ","use as protection on my feet. use as weapon in self defense. use as a makeshift hammer ",-0.642334223,1.015070558,0.090162873,-0.325090855,-1.09279108,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.142504692,0.11232309,-0.227713391,0.889944792,-0.084477656,-0.432361722,-0.116170168,-1.96230638,-1.524389386,-1.279313684,-0.394422203,0.265821099,-0.190857083,-0.826478541,0.293543249,0.762907743,0.535297215,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,38 85,1,"read gather information learn as a weight for paper hide things press things, like flowers to decorate ","tie things up tie things down belt pull things decoration to learn about knots to knot hold things closed compress things lasso group things to burn ","to eat to mash to stir decorate pry to hit something throw poke ","to eat at set things on decorate hide behind display gather prepare food on set up buffet on stand on sit on climb on as a present dra","wear decorate art paint fly tear up clean with cut wash ","drink from carry things fill up build with build in crawl through paint decorate roll stand on spray with break ","build with make a fence paint decorate throw hit break write stack hide behind handle weightlifting climb conceal things press things ","put on car put on bicycle roll climb inside ride on ride in burn decorate stack use for weightlifting bounce measure balance ","dig decorate paint pry tamp step on ramp hit brace something swing ","wear tie slip on hide things stack as a weapon throw hit hang give as a gift ",1.116274118,-0.597715557,-0.404714882,0.552162349,0.530575395,0.297066599,0.195956677,0.564764857,1.181336403,0.834533989,0.385231555,1.031932354,1.275176406,-0.138556704,-0.020528909,0.077352047,0.032020889,-0.187637284,0.187561065,0.428913742,0.69721967,0.290141851,-0.296337813,-0.133099884,1.368399501,1.192770123,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,33 86,1,"Door Stopper Paper weight Weapon Stand Head rest Fire Starter Toilet paper Napkin ","Swing Weapon Lasso ","Utensil Weapon ","Stand Weapon Door stopper To eat food on","Clothes Blinds Comforters","Weapon Paper weight Urine holder ","Door Stopper Paper Weight Weapon","Stand Swing ","Weapon digging utensil poop scoop ","Door stopper Slipper Throwing device Weapon",-1.148726344,-1.039851665,0.665217459,0.720006704,-1.66327858,-1.183654547,-1.841319919,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,1.21333456,-2.060565472,-1.561012387,0.006061721,1.190871239,1.601157546,-1.558873653,0.95645684,-1.581251144,-0.374299973,-1.964734197,-2.991515398,0.881044507,-0.084627785,-2.057167768,-1.909624338,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,33 87,1,"weight press to flatten things fuel for a fire paper for origami altered book art evening up table/chair legs fanning oneself with a thin book hard flat surface for writing on gluing to the wall as an art exhibit or for a child cut up for collage ","macrame swing unwind into smaller fibers for tying smaller items handle erotic wrap around an object if you need it thicker decorative projects rope ladder fencing use ","comb hair turn into jewelry stick in ground to label garden plants bend handles of two forks to stand upright, use tines to hold up notecards adding texture to clay projects shredding soft material makeshift sieve ","take off legs, use top as a panel, door, etc Take off legs and use them for other things turn upside down, drape a blanket over legs for a play tent turn sideways for shade, to support camera/still life drapery etc ","cut apart to use for sewing projects tie legs together for makeshift binding cut off a leg, tie one end shut, use it as a sack wear over other clothes to protect from dirt ","fill with water, turn upside down in soil for a plant waterer cut holes, fill with birdseed, hang as bird feeder if glass, break and tumble fragments to make jewelry if plastic, cut shapes and decorate with translucent paint for stained glass effect. Cut off top and use as a cup Cut off top and bottom if a cyllinder is needed. Cut off bottom, turn upside down, feed plastic b","paperweight doorstop use with boards for bookshelf paint for decorative uses brick with holes, use as a stand for a pole scrape shoes break up into gravel for landscaping ","use as a planter use as a tire swing shred rubber for landscaping cut shapes of rubber use to carry water use for an obstacle course, exercise tire dragons cut apart to add bumper cushions to things ","use as a writing surface use as a post use handle as a pole walking stick paint head or cut/punch for decorative use punch holes in head for makeshift sieve weapon ski reach high places ","planter use soles for impact bumpers use soles for grip-feet on objects cut leather apart for small uses use laces or velcro to fasten other items use used smelly insoles as pest repellent? hang on wall toes-down as a pocket ",-0.032712586,1.254539609,-0.191001281,-0.861906528,-1.464153528,-1.45175457,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.249724984,-1.205277324,-0.808034837,0.372117251,-0.073046587,0.023659969,-1.786059737,0.302812576,-4.07835865,-2.362784386,-1.969511271,-1.805369973,0.655894458,0.624055922,-2.232112408,-0.502229691,-0.790597022,-1.172466874,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,28 88,1,"seat booster door stop weapon fire starter toilet paper hand fan coffee table ","outline hammock decoration ",,"float if wooden stool stage ","flotation device vegi bag long headband rope ","miniature boat holder sand holder liquid holder musical instrument ","paper weight window breaker weapon door stop ","swing playpen garden frame for veggie's ","wall decoration giant punch bowl mixer weapon ","cat equalizer planter for small flower ",-1.161494732,-0.958943129,0.731560409,0.072650604,-1.047853708,-0.684759498,-1.001021981,-0.826475084,-0.350995481,-1.060197353,-0.610479772,0.606801689,0.713146567,0.597459912,-0.179690257,0.707782626,0.227323785,-0.324745953,-0.61426717,-0.70438242,0.152321175,-0.626318097,-0.745705187,0.312187254,-0.268144548,0.460807532,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,29 89,1,"rip pages to start fire clothing door stop child's seat artwork note pad hammer even out table legs practice balance step stool weapon bird cage/catbox liner ","cat toy jewelry dog leash secure door locks artwork belt headband door stop pet collar ","weapon jewelry comb clean fingernals brush pets pry things open back scratcher gardening tool pointer ","ladder door stop exercise tool (eg, weight bench) block door (secure) shelf desk poker art piece take off legs to make weapons burn to keep warm bed ","towel rag artwork cut off to make shorts head wrap cat bed ","art piece weapon put ship in door stop statement jewelry piece candle holder vase roll out dough (rolling pin) water plants hold paint ","Weapon door stop plant stand paperweight exercise weight weigh down corpse art piece pet brick - the new pet rock bookend","Exercise tool sled chair garden feature pet bed base use rubber for edgy fashion jewelry door stop hula hoop","weapon exercise tool art piece decorative garden feature baton cat box cleaner","Door stop planter weapon art piece bed for rodent pet (gerbil, hamster, etc) hammer hold cotton balls ",0.377850741,-0.430130363,0.822395027,0.904964566,-0.117384784,-0.211433977,-1.894842625,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,-2.083236933,0.655280232,-0.049011938,-0.052389503,-0.93481493,0.295732796,-1.045444965,0.149800271,-1.738079071,-2.854146719,0.992918372,-1.223557591,-2.583791494,1.209909558,-1.386110783,-1.464545608,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 90,1,"reading paperweight book ends to hold up other books writing on ruler for straight edge learning vocabulary hiding money hiding papers cover hot coffee to keep hot ","pulling items tying off a boat making a ladder to get out a window tying books together to make them easy to carry make bracelets make a climbing rope make a swing off a tree ","eating food poking things sifting flour and sugar making tic tac toe symbols on cookies learn to braid ","eating on doing homework climbing on to reach something higher block a door folding laundry pet bed making food ","covering legs creating air pockets for life saving cut into shorts keeping legs warm cutting up material for patches holding wallet holding phone keep butt warm hold keys in pockets ","hold water hold liquid refill drinks transport liquids feed a baby build sandcastles at beach flip game mix wa","build a wall build a house paperweight break a window weights for working out ","drive a car drive a bike strollers esp jogging strollers toy cars melt to make shoes keep as a spare play kids games football conditioning cross fit exercise ","snow sand digging dirt digging up a tree digging for powerlines beach toy killing a snake propping things up keep a door closed ","cover feet cover hands tie around power lines use for dolls use as a planter kill a spider throw at a cat to stop scratching furniture ",0.044408422,0.043274276,-0.507361829,-0.27971524,-0.724880815,-1.45175457,-0.935444951,0.356919348,-0.627165616,-1.205277324,-0.756458342,0.286105156,1.987969041,-1.79818213,-0.132808149,-0.269959569,-0.647256672,-0.742261827,-1.866973996,-2.051685333,-0.360874295,-1.331334829,-1.408090234,0.589215159,1.052985311,0.33342132,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,53 91,1,"Shelves Desk Weights Desk Scrap paper Weapon Table Step stool Paper weight ","Cat toy Dog toy Lasso Boating Weapon Hand restraint ","Dinner Garden tool Hair comb Decoration Weapon ","Bed Desk Beer pong Display ","Blanket Fabric for sewing Chair cover ","Storage container Cut in half and use as funnel Vase ","Weapon Paperweight Wall Craft","Garden pot Tear up and use as mulch Decoration ","Weapon Snow clearing TIki torch ","Weapon Paperweight Dog toy ",-0.919198573,-0.95029062,-0.034383819,-0.840493202,-0.836898088,-0.838674664,-0.979927182,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-1.205277324,0.667778313,1.272911668,1.432744026,0.124384634,-0.097009383,0.570987761,-0.758108854,-0.880184054,-0.073714837,-1.025539398,0.167681649,0.560552895,-0.197242364,-0.036497138,0.898487508,0.758624494,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,34 92,1,"A high seat A foot stool As a heavy press As a weapon Slam down as a noise maker Flick the pages as a fan for cool air ","Use as a leash to walk a dog Restrain someone Use to climb down from a window Use as a whip Make a lassoUse to m","As a weapon Stab in the ground as a mark Use for digging To itch your back As a toothpick Use as a tuning fork Heat and use as a branding iron ","Flip and use as barricade for door Hide under during emergency As a card table Use to start a fire ","To start a fire. Use as an emergency rope. Hide something in the pockets. Fill with air as a flotation device. As a parachute. To rest","As a weapon. As a hammer. Use as a noise maker. To hold water. As a shovel. Recycle for money.","To raise a table. To hold items in the holes. As a paperweight To hold candles. Make a firepit. ","Use as a bed for a dog. Use as a garden bed for a plant. Run with it for exercise. Make a fire in the middle. Pore concrete in middle to hold a basketball goal. To sit in. ","Use as a weapon. To use as a hammer. Put in ground and make a scarecrow. As a catapult. ","As a a hammer. Use as a flowerpot. To use as a cup. As a paper weight. ",-0.531870842,0.221953556,0.700075328,-0.352833241,-0.959405243,-0.570834279,-0.423200279,0.420961916,-0.281582057,-0.166037887,0.949579835,-0.925787866,-0.563890219,-1.69842124,0.321894288,-1.827107072,0.097669847,1.06855464,0.588825703,0.249874875,-0.556087554,-1.585475922,0.433224887,-1.353739858,0.454719394,1.272150517,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,25 93,3,"Read Step stool Tiny house for a mouse Evening a table Cover a hole Key to a hidden room Hollow it out for hiding things Lighting it on fire for light Bludgeoning weapon Fan Support for head while laying down ","Hanging things Whipping Tying around objects for storage Pretend snake Limbo Lasso Physical protection (wrapped around hand to provide cushioning) Ruler/Distance measuring, especially over curves Towing a car Clothes line Zip line ","Eating food Combing hair Tiny catapult Using the tines to clean tiny cracks in things. Bend/fold into jewelry Cable organization Clay/ceramic work, patterning and precision tool Stabbing ","Putting food on Fort/House Blockade for a door Palanquin Funeral pyre Soap box/Grand stand Defense against guns Shade Ladder/Step stool Diving board ","Clothing Life preserver/water flotation device Water transportation Large size tying/securing with knots Flag Fake hair Toy for animals to play in. I'm thinking ferrets specifically. Planter for plants ","Drink container Instrument (jug style blowing) Instrument (percussion) Hourglass Waste collection (tobacco, sunflower seed shells) Collectable Stain glass/sculpture work Recycling to art Carnival style games ","Building a building Throwing through windows Push up assistance device Weights Hard surface for cutting Home alone style traps Level Trail markers Pathway pavers ","Vehicle moving Swing Rolling down hills, transportation Shredding for turf/surface beads Workout training Nest Gardening/Planting Barrier building Weighing down large piles of dirt/rocks/grain ","Digging Weapon Serving device for food Stirring Signaling device using the reflection of light off the spade Engraving/Carving Fan Fire starter/spark Really poor soup","Wearing on feet Play telephone Home for tiny animals Weapon (again) Warming device for hands Pretend duck head Very not intimidating nun-chucks Hammer ",0.508751988,0.134151384,0.667437315,0.833538175,-0.893666089,-0.510056734,-0.667939901,-1.289042354,-0.76758033,-0.362903774,-1.159234047,-0.098432831,-0.096160382,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.767186105,-0.937532425,-0.768623352,-1.870212555,-0.023655344,-0.919918597,-0.29469347,0.676213145,-1.090295672,-0.229227558,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 94,3,"door stop to read to stand on pretend bird flip book exercise fan for breeze pick teeth with pages balance on head place in shirt for armor hurl as frisbee or discus balance place on ear for silence hang open at binding for","to tie to hang oneself binding practice knots pretend snake belt headband tie to ceiling for exercise tie around extremity to bind blood flow whip flail pretend hair swing in circle pretend gun measuring device burn to time soup cook time wrap around leg for ","to eat with to drum with pluck at for vibration/sound ding on plate or floor scratching itches practice twirling stab cockroach place in ear or shirt pocket as flair use to stitch pleats more evenly use to reach something through a small crack practice throwing balance on finger pl","stand on to reach light sit at to eat lunch turn upside down and build hard-floor tent with legs screw off leg for weapon pick up whole table as weapon! lie on table drum on table knock on, testing for different pitches for music making play card games (or imagine playing them) stand on its side and roll it on the corner hold over hea","wear them on legs wrap around head like scarf wrap around should like shawl wrap around neck flag to wave two elephants side by side capture and disseminate Lipton Cup-o-fart wear as awkward shirt bind a wound tear off pieces for scrap use as rag ball up and toss place under door to prevent draft jump rope (with difficulty) ","fill with fluid fill with sand blow over hole at top for sound tap with fingers flip in hand gaze through like ineffective telescope break for makeshift slashing implement tuck in pants as obviously fake penis tuck in shirt as hump collect saliva sma","smash stuff very low step ladder balancing exercise (up on narrow edge) place in shirt for fake mic pack toss in air use to scratch itches use as pumice stone use as wood filing tool tie off in shirt as over-sized blackjack start building house (here is brick #1) juggle awkwardly","tie to tree place in car boot as spare walk/roll it down the sidewalk workout tool (flip it) workout tool (carry it around neck) bounce like a hoop-shaped basketball leave in yard as mosquito breeding ground scrape of rubber for use as garden weed block set on fire (will burn a long time, but very bad fumes) leave on ground","dig stand on practice flipping into hands caveman pogo stick makeshift battleaxe post to tie pants to for flag chop roots stand on head and slide around hold over head to look bigger and frighten bear knock on with knuckles for percussion instrument backscratcher baton routine break for pie","wear shoe hammer in nail give to child store wallet throw at fools juggle keep in pocket for later flatten leaves underneath crack nuts on rock silly narrow hat makeshift elbow guard cannibalize for leather cannibalize for laces - create mask or handguard smash bug twirling trick on finger tap on wall ",1.504447937,1.719497442,0.482010543,0.853892744,1.62978065,1.088291287,1.214818239,0.681607187,1.792267442,1.204749584,1.9048388,-0.639552474,-0.097193748,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.821900249,1.035938621,0.667563915,0.732362032,-0.859032512,0.228056565,0.207483739,0.876492381,0.812426507,0.651781797,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,43 95,3,"Entertainment Shelf Secret compartment Hat Friend Topic of conversation Firewood Propaganda Secret messages Doodle pad Weapon Stepping stool Seat cushion ","Tie line Suicide (morbid?) Pulling a boat Holding paintings Climbing up a mountain Jump rope Hair tie Lassoing cattle Restraint Handcuffs Knot tying drills Decoration Belt To pull yourself up a mountain Using as a tra","Twirling spaghetti Conducting electricity Making music Wind-chime Decoration Musical Instrument Combing your hair Eating in general Skewering Cutting food when you don't want to use a knife Reaching into small places Poking people Bending silverware for fun Back scratcher to pry things apart ","Step ladder A gathering place A surface on which to place things, mainly dinner A clutter catcher Barrier Hiding place (behind/underneath) Storage A noise making surface Something to knock on if you want good luck (wood ","Article of clothing to put on your legs to cover your butt Fishing net Flag Bandanna (when cut) Knife sharpener Donation item Barrier between yourself an a chair Seat cushion Hat Bib A ","Holder of liquid When smashed: a mosaic To drink beer out of Musical instrument (when blown into) Weapon A sharp object (when smashed) Way to collect coins Decorative Soap dispenser Hair tie holder Flower vase Fake microphone ","Smash windows Paperweight Weapon Build a house make something very heavy Put on top of a pool cover to make sure it doesn't blow away Plant stand Mouse home Garden wall Step stool Driveway Vert","Wheels on a car Garden barrier Playground equipment for kids to climb on Playground flooring so kids don't hurt themselves Practice for balancing in a circus A really lame trampoline Paint to look like a giant donut and pull pranks on people Sell to a rubber dealer and make some money Sculpture Make a ti ","Dig a hole Fill a hole Trip somebody Hit somebody and hurt them Paint a face on the big end and make it a shovel person Shovel coal Plant a garden Smooth cement ","Use as a silly telephone Protect feet from the dangers of the ground in the world Keep stinky feet smells in Plant plants in them (See Wall-E) Keep our feet dry Balance on your head Tie together and throw over a telephone wire as a marker Bang together to make loud noises Stomp bugs ",1.172020435,0.818918347,0.274059832,0.644089282,-0.291364729,0.905165136,0.53771162,-0.011979948,-1.35762012,0.56264025,-0.373863101,-1.752048969,-0.93542701,0.396069825,-0.154651776,0.5048244,1.266405225,1.625178933,0.663086057,1.041133523,0.159695327,-1.764908552,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.684165835,-1.174073696,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,27 96,3,"Level a table iPhone holder Writing pad Drum Fan Step ladder Shelf Door stop Bug-squasher Flower- ","Door stop Window pull Swing Hanging plants Picture frame Decorate lamps Pull laundry bag or other heavy things Door locks","Several together make wind chimes Business card holder Picture holder Place card holder Tile scraper Door stop Pull chain Musical instrument Pry open a can of paint","Stage Art space Canvas for art Drum Fort Repurposed into shelf Desk Sled Seat Shade Protection Stool Toy race track ","Tie books together Tie shelves together Dust cloth Hanging plants Sew up bottom and use as a bag Canvas for art Streamers Wind sock Repurpose fo","Sand art Candle holder Jewelry holder Bug catcher Light holder/lantern Mini-Table leg Music stand iPhone holder Musical instrument ","Door stop Patio Stepping stone Bug squasher Heat/ a Warmer (after left in sun) Paper weight iPhone holder Step stool Mini table leg Leve","Swing Races Plant potatoes Plant flowers Exercise Playground equipment Shredded, makes great rug/mat Outdoor playing space- instead of mulch or rocks-shredded tire Door stop ","Sled Musical instrument Make a scarecrow Make a yard sign Break a window Use as lever to lift something heavy Confused witch prop -flies on a shovel instead of broom Serving dish ","Planter Door stop Lamp An item to hide Flattens play dough ",0.509438932,-0.093889132,0.871799767,1.304788113,1.262640715,1.244613886,0.902760267,0.883529246,0.893580735,1.639195323,-0.066086791,-2.200446129,-1.526430845,0.651979327,0.74373138,-0.247937426,1.10119462,0.480644643,0.251879424,1.085603714,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.509017825,-2.829464436,-0.130142793,-0.193485677,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,34 97,3,"read research write study record weight fuel copy recite memorize teach ","tie swing climb knot attach items hold together pull anchor lasso ","to eat with pierce used as leverage when cutting meat used to gather hay or mulch to tune as a direction change ","to sit at to eat at to store objects work on used for spreadsheets and listing information as a guide through information in a book ","to be worn protect legs from weather conditions such as sunburn protect legs from insects like ticks to hide our reproductive organs fashion style to hold things in pockets ","to hold liquid to drink from to pour from to transfer beer from a fermenting container to a bottling container to store messages and send them out to sea ","used as material to build a house visual art as a weight foundation a lesson in taking something step by step material sturdy and stable ","rubber used for the wheels of a car material used for physical training protection from lightning gravel substitute used in landfills ","used to dig used to transport soil from one place to another manual labor landscaping survival snow removal gardening to put large amounts of food into your mou","protection for feet foot stability support comfort walking or running aid fashion and style corporate market used for work ",-0.053842157,-0.01806326,-0.717552781,-0.346532464,1.227058649,0.866412938,1.162731647,-0.122075252,0.787794232,0.681582272,-0.234623432,0.181791678,0.623557687,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,1.296462059,-0.314935595,0.140633121,0.464888126,0.578674912,1.365590811,-0.136610538,-0.450760573,0.779168248,0.956368566,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 98,3,"hat, door stop, wings, fan, flipbook, kindling, text based art, reading, creating new stories, papier machier, cat petter, fly swatter, back scratcher, drum, drum stick, stool, ","fake hair, jumping, pulling, snake, cat toy, thin hammock, tight rope, basket weaving, whip, telephone wire between two cans, invisible curtains, room outline, ","hair brush, eating, weapon, painting tool, lever, patterns in sand, cat scratcher, back scratcher, hang something on a wall, flinging food/toys, drumstick, floppy utensil magic trick, ","stage, tap board, eating, writing, discussion over, pedestal, hiding under, fort potential, light table good for making dinosaur costumes, leashing a pet, displaying important/pretty things,","hat (like bunny ears), cutting into shorts, covering your butt, protecting your legs on hikes, use as a flag, burning in protest of the patriarchy, painting to express yourself, ","blowing into with different amounts of water in each for different tones drinking from making light installations goggles bongs ","home to many small bugs surface serves as inspiration for landscapes building walls building homes/art/architecture throwing and breaking things door stop dropping on someones foot running with as a weight ","planting getting around a seat a canvas a tiny bed a fake steering wheel a see through ball a heavy hula hoop a skid mark writer a ","dig yourself out of the shit bury someone feed an elephant dig out of prison clang with another shovel for a loud metal rhythm shovel scrooge mcducks money lean on it like a crutch ","get around dance pull out the tongue to make it look like a face make a ""rat king"" with all the laces paint them wheel around tap foo ",-0.75452894,0.492017508,0.353900641,-0.664864123,0.675475776,0.826293588,1.058558583,-1.012523293,-0.328292072,-0.159570336,0.867296159,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-1.576624036,-0.108645044,-1.724339008,0.37744531,-0.602087617,-0.357524723,-0.83264643,-1.636473536,-1.484207869,0.288704664,-1.372506857,1.447994709,1.452770114,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,33 99,3,"Study Bed time story Reading for leisure To prop up a camera Put under your pillow to help you stop snoring ","To climb out a window Sailing To tie someone up As a dog leash Help someone get out of quick sand Gym class (physical exercise) Pull a car Keep doors closed during a hurricane ","To eat As protection To comb your hair To cut foods such as carrots To get an itch Poke holes into something Mix food like eggs Scrap something off a counter (like gum) Screw a nail Garden ","To eat To socialize Beer pong To reach something high up To make crafts To study To barricade a door To make a fire ","To keep warm To hide unshaved legs To exercise To go to work To clothe yourself To protect your skin For comfort ","For water For alcohol For decoration Spin the bottle ","To build a house Protection To build a wall To break a window For weight (holding down a tarp) To make a path/road ","For a bike For a car For sledding As a swing Exercise (if you have multiple) ","To dig a hole For protection To garden As a beach toy ","To protect your feet Kill a bug Complete an outfit Pat dust off a carpet If I don’t have a hammer, use a shoe as one ",-0.308835179,0.121088669,-0.430112273,-0.10382577,1.086951017,-0.794811606,-0.08882267,-0.956345081,-0.10597185,1.794184446,0.505770028,-1.078989148,-1.165812135,-0.463045597,-0.931154609,-0.709787369,0.524953544,1.400707722,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.391486853,-1.121553421,-0.605928183,-0.213365063,0.428673208,0.529142618,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,27 100,3,"reading standing on propping something up sitting on tracing for a shape pressing flowers cutting a box out of the pages and hiding something inside drawing in research as a prop decoration cooking reciting from memorizing from transcribing from learning gi","knots noose lasso docking a boat pulling a heavy load a leash for an animal tug o war part of a swing tying someone up a finish line jumprope tying something to the top of a car decoration a fake snake a prop a necklace a bracelet tying yourself to another person us","brushing your hair eating your food picking food out of your teeth cleaning under your nails tuning serving food stirring powdered ingredients mixing scrambled eggs slicing up soft food scratching your back self defense cracking an egg scratching your foot prying something open as a lever to get a nail out of a wall opening a bottle making ventilation holes in plastic on microwave food making ventilation ho","eating upon drawing upon lying on method of organizing ideas or concepts multiplication table picnic table dining room table coffee table side table card table dancing on a table tables have turned sweetheart table kitchen table drafting table tool table water table toy table serving table guest table nig","wearing giving a gift a costume folding pillow dancing warmth washing drying hanging puppets hiding inside disguise running taking off pulling down using to wipe up a mess ","fill with liquid fill with sand fill with coins put a message in a container smashing it using as a weapon filling with perfume filling with lotion filling with shampoo filling with conditioner filling with soap blowing into a vase recycling throwing away breaking it filling with wine filling with beer milk bottle drinking from it peeing in it ","building decoration throwing hurting someone weight anchor cooking with heating it chipping away at walking on making a fence making a wall making a path making a barrier working out with it to build muscle ","on a vehicle on a bike on a carriage on a stroller tire swing working out/exercise tire tunell rolling it rolling inside it carrying it playground equipment measuring a circle tracing a circle bouncing it on a toy sleeping inside it resting atop it hiding in it a prop dropping it ","digging hitting someone over the head gardening building a sand castle clearing a path or area burying something stabbing someone using it as a lever using it to carry dirt using it to carry stones shoveling snow shoveling rocks shoveling dirt shoveling sand shoveling gravel breaking ground construction digging a grave digging a hole digging a tunnel digging a path escaping from prison digging ","wearing on your foot throwing dropping tying matching melting washing cleaning polishing dancing tapping ballet pointe jazz running tennis basketball athletic cycling riding special occasion christmas baby soft shoe walking hiding wearing on your hand",3.543875456,0.95609504,-0.752244592,0.941490471,1.514632106,1.296986818,-0.552237153,1.289304495,1.595666051,1.913126349,-0.768592656,-1.872354031,-1.556560636,0.826052785,0.777038395,1.27234447,0.557946682,1.492078781,1.27103126,1.090558648,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.549394906,0.79456681,-1.452240467,-0.991891861,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 101,3,"Read Stack Alphabetize Burn Donate Buy Arrange Peruse Scour Enjoy Detest ","Climb Tie Wrap Bind Build Pull Whip Jump Fish Lasso Strangle Cut Skip Hang ","Eat Stab Lick Poke Scrape Scratch Jab Point Tap Bite Chip Break Cut Chop Bang ","Hold Present Furnish Stand Sit Dance Eat Gather Invite Offer Dine Lay ","Button Adorn Protect Hide Warm Cover Dress up Distinguish De-feminize ","Drink Hold Fill Break Throw Attack Empty Pour Send messages Cork Share Feed Suck ","Lay Build Beat Stack Doorstop Paper weight Hold down Construct Sink Break windows ","Roll Transport Pop Fill Slash Stab Jump through Run through Carry vehicles Spin Bounce Pump in ","Dig Fill Attack Hit Pound Flatten Stab Chop Dump ","Tie Wear Tap dance Turn shuffle Kick off Walk in Run in Protect feet Untie Dress Up Dress down ",1.294878364,-1.009722471,-0.163206741,0.233871683,2.0897789,1.296986818,1.140583992,1.629028559,2.33549428,1.554760575,1.431664109,2.014978647,2.240157843,1.049307227,0.767926395,1.025752902,0.235532671,0.83707732,1.343374252,1.428390622,1.871598244,1.330355287,0.911001205,1.430357695,-0.158007726,-0.320692867,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,29 102,3,"Step stool weapon reading kindling for fire weight hiding place taking notes ","tie a knot climbing up lowering down restraint towing whipping lashing diving something up jumping rope lasso ","eating weapon combing hair picking teeth catapult arm as a tool th ","eating studying reading arm wrestling taking surveys wood work drawing sculpting painting playing music playing games beer pong flip cup rage cage poker ","cover my legs cover my arms shelter from sun canteen tear up to make ties make shorts trade for shoes ","hold liquid hold solid throw at enemies blow across opening to create music drum throw at friends ","crush something stand on it throw it mostly just throw it ","sit on it roll it fill it with water mosquito nest drive on it burn it throw it as a weight ","dig a hole smack someone move dirt catapult arm ","wear it throw it burn it trade it ",-0.06985759,-0.578779221,-0.022413976,-0.445308834,0.726211965,-0.761503994,1.058558583,-0.222773761,0.071226202,-0.228810444,-0.283594102,-1.640686393,-1.421067238,0.281726897,0.595373631,1.337454438,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.40297249,0.43089065,0.647102773,0.975598156,0.643800557,1.21242106,-0.55846554,-0.855995953,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 103,3,"Script Shield Hat Bullet Catcher underneath clothes Serving tray Bible to swear on Rolodex Laptop Computer Wedding Album Axe ","Hair accessory Belt Lasso Snake Penis Extra Appendage Long Nose Ponytail Animal tail A ring ritual tug-of-war tying a person up Jump Rope The contents of a zit popping ","Hair brush Pitchfork War weapon Dental Equipment Pen or Pencil Hardware Tool Fake Hand Weightlifting equipment Toothpick Small Snake or Lizard Taser ","Bed Wall Cave Standing podium Desk House Tent 4-legged Animals Boat Prison Cell Counter Separation Glass in a Store or Prison Barricade Bench ","Arm Warmers Pigtails snot coming out of nose an extra pair of legs Rope Lasso Fanny Pack An invisible person only wearing pants 3 legged race accessory Turban Bra Tribal Chest Clothing Bib ","Spyglass Telescope Kaleidoscope Finger trap game Electric Drill Rolling Pin Gavel Inked Stamp Hand weight ","A poop with very little fiber Curling weight Tombstone An iron A sandwich A hand tool One part of the ten commandments A bar of gold paperweight doorstop small puppy","hula hoop Ship wheel An inner tube A hoop skirt A purse The opening of a cave A ring for a really big giant A chair aquarium Submarine window A really big piece of calimari ","A rifle a rolling suitcase a cooking pan A see-saw a robotic arm a construction vehicle back-scratcher a flag pole an exotic serving tray a pizza board an alpaca a ","phone banana microphone spoon bowl a furry rodent a small animal a stringy puke an iron a glove an ice skate a big nose a sandwich a taco ",1.25386703,-0.088137582,0.914120197,1.032850385,0.143706426,1.131756186,-1.031779408,-0.238364115,-0.440040946,0.377484113,0.805668831,-0.586703122,-0.150431558,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.755217075,-0.669206083,0.341589779,0.499791831,-1.4935534,-1.013772607,0.582181096,-1.393543482,1.000396848,-0.198162794,Male,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Other (Please Specify)",Straight/heterosexual,29 104,3,"read paper weight hammer step stool fan tripod for camera or video foot stool foot rest decoration brag","to hang a hammock to whip someone to wear as a tie or scarf climb tight rope walk make a rope ladder jump rope tie up a dog or a person gently tie kno","comb hair back scratcher eat with small sword fight stick in a piece of meat whip eggs scrape stuff off with play in the sand with zen garden tool garen tool","step ladder perch dance space hide under sit on prop legs up turn over and use as a raft build a fort under black a door with write at eat at play cards and games serve drinks and dinner display flowe","an odd shawl sit on on the grass bundle up as a pillow cover yourself like a blanket make a flag with a stick window shade lamp cover picnic blanket ","collect sand collect stuff like marbles and rocks put fairy lights inside water carrier flower vase incense holder ash tray weapon a musical instrument wind chime bird feeder","door stop step stool paper weight weapon garden tool tripod barrier beach blanket weight ","a swing a flower pot a chair cat bed dog bed baby holder toy garden decor tv table a window lawn chair small pool kiddy pool sand box litter box ","a weapon garden tool dig a ditch make a scarecrow on marching band baton pull up bar ","mouse house planter dog toy wear as a hat drink champagne out of open a wine bottle with a hammer a bug killer fly swatter dig in the sand with float in the pool drink h",0.85317415,0.155675814,0.543416977,0.297154069,0.354662061,-0.056629401,0.347297579,-1.420367479,-0.78235966,0.20553863,-1.464318395,1.091567278,0.58645165,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.92273587,0.069592685,1.432619214,0.328310341,-1.387272716,-2.151767015,1.213474393,0.675486982,1.192307115,1.44713974,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,47 105,3,"door stop reading lifts(to raise bed/chair) weight book ends paperweight prop exercise prop gift decoration storage (letters/secret notes etc) leaf or petal press weapon ","tying objects together boats to hang oneself to abduct someone tying suitcase/luggage to a car roof whip abseiling haystacks hitching trailers leading parties of people bridges swings ","food weapon jewelry scuplture flagpole scratching back picking teeth pressing things open raking mini sand garden comb instrument (musical) ","desk eating at studying at as a pretend ship to stand on to reach things storage bed fort (play time) dance prop/theatre set piece drum exercise prop bench press weight press for prints ","trousers fashion pretend hair mini shirt head dress rag dust cloth rope flicking whip ","drink storage to drink from weapon musical instrument (wind and percussion) baby bottle grain storage glass tumbler decoration vase pencil /stationary holder book ends shooting pract ","step/lift for car wheel as part of a wall weapon seat goal markers for soccer paperweight doorstop well covering (weight) commem ","toy for a car wheel covering for a well plants (can plant inside) seats decorations sculptures props jungle gyms floats hula hoops (bicycle) cross fit training tractors ","to dig weapon commemorations plaques decor toys weights for exercise props pole flagstick drawing in sand tool frying pan for ","dressing draw in sand with weapon pretend telephone costume scrap material science experiment fly/bug killer sceptre to poke with tent peg",1.148732543,-0.28023684,0.488372684,1.806017876,-0.177828699,1.084056258,0.53597033,1.629028559,0.008474553,0.557161331,-0.047657523,-2.323724508,-1.558493376,0.590788603,0.145217896,0.63963908,1.283593893,1.489360452,1.003758907,1.033146977,-0.629676938,-1.209608555,0.412943006,0.684537232,-0.332076252,-1.314263463,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,32 106,3,"Read Paper weight Gift Prop up other books Impress people Resource Decoration Toilet paper weapon chair booster posture aid Hide flask or money ","Belt noose whip jump rope bondage rock climbing ","shovel food rake for a miniature Japanese sand garden hair comb book mark weapon jewelry decoration gift ","Dinner Sex Arts and crafts Tailoring (cut fabric) Seat Bed Decoration Gift Tea service Bed side Cards ","Under (pants) Floatation device headband gift costume protective gear workout fashion statement ","Booze wine Soda Water Beer emotions weapon musical instrument decoration gift drinking glass paper weight rolling pin ","Wall house chimney how I buy my weed (by the brick) weapon paper weight outdoor BBQ fire pit table Pizza oven ","Wagon car truck motorcycle bicycle exercise (flip it) toy floatation device bumper ","dig slice through roots musical instrument weapon decoration gift walking stick flag pole mirror (if you shined it up really well) ","fashion statement protection corrective performance enhancer (athletic shoe) gift weapon increase height warmth House (old woman who lived in a sho",0.653418422,-0.61364001,-0.744345963,-0.033285245,-0.557569623,-0.66543448,0.797839344,-0.571894646,0.455880374,0.611569047,0.486484528,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.789791942,0.298191428,-0.436328471,0.089641295,0.069618694,0.522208452,0.813721776,-0.214169428,1.04560864,0.572804809,-0.394993603,0.697768867,1.305493951,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,45 107,3,"Reading Paper Weight Step paper mache balancing object mirror steadier door stop object","exercize object binder pull and leavy used to tie up object wall art picture hanger coaster coozie lighting fixture lasso make","jewelry eating making music arts and crafts back scratcher hair brush cuticle pusher nail scraper can make paint effects/textures on wall rounded end could be uses as a cold eye press co","to hold objects door reinforcement upcycle to make more furniture barracade material fortress extra seat bed ","wear on legs used as tourniquet bandage makeshift arm warmer cut into shorts turned into jean quilt curtains floatation device when filled with air ","to hold liquids fighting object light prism music maker message carrier for experiments light reflector ","to build objects door stop bookend step paper weight fighting object arts and crafts object puppetry balancing weight balancing object ","workout object transportation object toy swing gardening object (plant flowers in) bouncing object reinfor","dig fighting object object puppetry sundial walking stick anchor for other object paper weight arts and crafts to make sandcastles for cooking for hunting ","clothing toy to hold objects paperweight bookend planter fighting object flattening tool door stop laced used to tie up objects ",0.475556135,-0.330643445,1.266107559,1.545318961,1.361299276,0.972136736,0.441377252,0.48762688,1.552920222,0.993687809,-0.237530276,-0.35536164,0.031201147,-0.134136602,-0.299024612,-0.751597643,0.033934496,-0.23185873,0.421004295,0.321307868,0.086706989,0.572700918,-0.803482115,-2.080954552,0.391725093,0.344722211,Prefer not to respond,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,27 108,3,"as a weight information pleasure learn words for meaning knowledge to improve posture to kill bug/fly raise my height to even an uneven table to hide money ","on my boat to secure with knots to hang oneself tie down loose objects for a game of tug of war for a cat toy to climb up to a window, etc. to learn balbnaceto walk across (tight roap) ","to eat with to stab something to hold paper in the tongs to poke holes in pie crust, etc to dig in dirt ","to stand on to work at to eat at to play under to play cards on to gather around to store object on as a work place - draw on etc to iron on to perform surgery on for lamps ","to keep body warm and covered to make rags from for games - 3 legged ","for flowers to hold drinks and liquid to store food to float in water to send a water message to make round cookies or other food in to circle to feed a baby to catch bugs ","to build wall, etc to smash something was a door weight or other type weight as a decor, with inscriptions and designs carved in as a song lyric (thick as a brick) ","for an auto, bike etc as a swing to burn in bonfire to train athletically, for balance etc. as a toy to hold something in place for games of rolling as a weight for strength building ","dig dirt snow removal as a lever smash things to measure something - handle ","protect feet to crush something, bug etc. for dancing to make one taller with heels to hold objects as a piece of art to bronze a baby shoe ",-0.151264086,0.498342931,-0.213966966,-0.653772712,0.906244874,0.104890607,-0.433520734,-0.97386241,-0.468706757,0.921006143,0.630850673,0.387061745,-0.132493958,0.587024748,-0.881890297,-1.874688387,0.353856176,-1.978298545,-1.201292515,0.177175671,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.925690591,-0.375375777,0.87617135,-0.033761296,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,67 109,3,"doorstop, shelf, to balance uneven table legs, kindling, decoration, to read, as blocks for building","noose, decoration, lasso, necklace, to organize cables together, belt, climbing, pulley system, ","eating, combing hair, scratching back, as a trowel for potted plants, as a flathead screwdriver, two together to pick up something ","as a desk, to eat on, storage, as a vanity, ping","to wear, use as a sail or flag, cut up to make a headband, turned into a quilt, cut into shorts, ","vase, to drink out of, light fixtures, to dispose of cooking grease, decoration, ring toss, a tornado science project, ","building houses, door stop, bookend, paperweight, pathways, fireplaces, ","car/bike/vehicle, hanging garden, swing, protective bumper around sharp corners, wheelbarrow, ","digging, a serving spoon for dirt dessert, as a weapon (if necessary), to hammer a stake into the ground, ","on foot as a flower planter ",-1.754703045,-0.198539034,-0.27301988,-2.461643696,1.116212249,1.179456234,1.214818239,1.149557829,-0.495000601,1.50840354,1.71019E-09,-0.353648394,0.05782016,-1.002370596,-1.904589534,-0.733991385,0.6772331,0.858570695,-1.095329165,0.270910084,-0.562285006,-0.50882405,0.573895454,1.336942077,-0.183066919,0.938202024,Non-binary/ third gender,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,30 110,3,"paper weight bug swatter fan notebook step stool nutcracker ","hair tie lasso jump rope whip art ladder ","to pull things out of the toaster catapult balloon popper to make prints in dough to stake a tent into the ground draw four lines in the sand paint four dots at on","chair bed fort shelter/safety during earthquake platform giant tray shelf stretcher flotation device (if it's made of wood) ","backless shirt cape scarf jump rope sash rope blanket tourniquet whip towel broom ","mallet rolling pin vase cup candle holder musical instrument storage container rocket shower ","paper weight mallet shelf stepping stool musical instrument dumbell door stopper ","swing exercise equipment means of transportation door stop bowl step stool design maker in cement playground ground material (instead of bark) ","mallet/hammer giant spoon to stake a tent to etch with crutch axe soil leveler bridge ","paper weight hat storage container flower pot cereal bowl cup hammer bug swatter musical instrument hanging artwork candle holder ",0.278007329,-0.603429854,0.656517744,1.000914097,0.948901057,0.979708433,0.771077991,1.34347403,-0.811025441,1.352053642,0.940525293,-0.053908009,-0.603127182,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.186433569,-0.170257092,-0.686889529,0.014164593,-0.49274224,1.222953796,-1.415699005,-0.318243474,-0.849366128,-1.664705396,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 111,3,"Read a book Use as a weight Write thoughts in Schedule appointments in Draw in Write a book Wedge into a door to hold it open Put on bookshelf Use an assortment of books for decoration Study ","Tie a knot Secure two things together tightrope walk climb up climb down climb across lasso make a noose rope off an area ","to eat to prod with poke holes with in the road, to create two paths to hold food in place while cutting with a knife to check tenderness to scratch an itch ","to eat on to study on to put a computer on to put coffee on to put coffee table books on to put a lamp on to put an alarm clock on to put bed time reading books on to present a display on to sit around and talk to do food prep on to carve into ","to wear to keep warm to prevent sunburn to prevent scraping during physical activity to be fancy to be casual to be modest to fold to hang to put in drawers to wear over underwear ","to drink out of to store a beverage to step on and smash to break on the edge of a table and use as a weapon to make liquid portable to pour to store alcohol to store any liquid to decorate with to feed babies their milk ","to build a house to throw in protest to make a road to weigh something down to make something sturdy to make the pyramids to build a wall to build a foundation to fight with to smash something with lego","to put on a car so it can be driven to lift for exercise to swing in to weigh something down to roll around to ride a bike to create a buffer between two solid objects ","to dig to excavate to bury to strike to plant and garden with to make a hole to build a sandcastle ","to protect your feet to run in to exercise in to look fancy to dance in to kick something with to play sports ",0.516503334,0.796887338,-0.895755589,-0.285419434,-0.438648015,-1.007775307,0.090581745,-1.420367479,-1.062600255,-0.762563348,0.36246267,-0.424159884,-1.293171167,-0.572598338,0.290482193,0.337519735,0.859948337,-0.901558638,0.47504741,0.657903016,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.244431809,0.665257514,0.606883526,-0.352935612,Male,Hispanic,Gay/ lesbian,31 112,3,Reading. Writing in. Hitting someone. To hold a small postcard. The tear a page from and burn for a fire. To rip a page out and use to kill a bug. tear a page out and use to draw on. to highlight and underline things that you like. To fold pages. To pull out of its binding and use the binding a small portfolio. To carve out the inside and hide a treasure in. To kill a bug with. To stack with other books and make pretty decorations in your room. To open and close. to flip through the pages and hear the sound. To make a fan. To make a flip book full of pictures that show the progression of something. To,to tie something. To tie someone. To drop an anchor with. To hang yourself or someone else. To knot into different kinds of knots. To make a bow. To pull things up into a high space. To hang things from. To tie something to the roof of your car. To bind up a stack of books. To tie something down. To keep something in a place. To make a lasso. To catch an animal by laying a trap. To pull on to make a bell ring. To pull levers and make curtains go up and down. To ,To eat. To use like a small pitch fork. To stab someone. To take a picture and hold it in the wall by using a fork as a nail. To poke lots of holes with. To dip in paint and then make a design out of the prongs of the fork. To use as an instrument to play on a glass or a table. To separate out the prongs and make it into a sculpture. To melt and see what happens. To put in your mouth. To use to cut things when u don't have a knife. T carve your name in a tree. Keep as a treasure if your ariel in the little mermaid. To bend with your mind if your powder i,eat at. stand on. gather with friends and sit around. Sit on top. Turn upside down and sit inside the legs. Hide under. Turn on it's side to protect u from enemy fire. To have sex on top of. To throw groceries on or books on to do work at it to dump your purse and bag on after a long day. to sit a candle on. To break the legs off and have a sword fight. To use the hard top as a surface to draw a picture. to carve your name in. to stick gum under. to dance on top of. to flip over if you're really mad and need to make a point. to ,to wear on your body. To make a flag in a bind. To bind someone up in a bind. To tear up and wear on your head if your head is cold but now your bottom might be chilly haha to wrap around like a scarf. To wear as an awful shirt. To tear up for scraps and make into rags for cleaning. to use as a pillow to use an a hilariously sad blanket. To keep your legs warm. to hide an easter egg in. To keep your wallet. to throw up into the sky and yell i did it so as to provide you with a sense of victory when u dont have a graduation cap.,to drink from to put a flower in to break and use the shards to make a mural make of glass pieces to break and cut someone with to blow into and make music to put a ship inside to send a message into the sea in a moment of desperation to store under your sink just in case but you're not quite sure why. to stick your finger in and see if it gets stuck. To put on a hat while u do a dance with it on your head to balance on your nose to hold a treasure to keep beer in to spin for spin the bottle to store ,"to throw to build to injure someone to use as a bit of chalk. To hide a key under. to build a house to throw through a window with a horrible message tied to it i mean you shouldn't do that but one could. to lick cause why not what does a brick taste like prob not safe but who knows u can taste it if u want to smel ",for a car to get inside of and get rolled to use in a work out to put on a bike to take off a bike to make a unicycle to roll down a hill in a contest to spin to just for fun to make tred marks ,to dig to hit someone to spin to twirl to dig in the san to use as an oar when in a bind to get snow off your street to caress someone with as a surrogate arm if you were armless as a peg leg a ,"to wear on your foot to keep your foot warm to kill a fly to throw to get peoples attention by banging it on a table most objects can be used as weapons to keep a mouse friend inside of so it has a tiny home to store jewelry in to make u taller to help u run or walk or bike to smell and then regret having smelled it to break in to pretend its a phone to keep int he trunk of your car just in case to throw in your gym bag to take the laces out and use them as a bit of twine in a jam to throw over telephone wires ",-1.775198817,5.955242157,0.07272552,-2.288193464,0.713205695,-0.320994705,-0.394924641,-0.424287945,0.638152361,-0.0933562,-1.091545343,0.459685355,-1.131388545,-0.176160559,1.106760859,0.350011945,0.889202535,0.410661787,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,1.15841639,1.169890642,1.075781226,-0.305390835,-0.062603131,-0.336629301,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 113,3,"reading coffee table decoration flying seagull library filler coaster headrest booster seat scratch paper kindling knowledge repository reference helper escape pod shim ","noose ladder harness halter fake snake lariat lasso lashing vine swing climbing helper bridge clothesline ","eating utensil road divider doneness tester pig sticker tuning soundmaker vocab item pasta twirler bagel splitter carnitas shredder avocado masher floor clatterer d","surface bed dining place mesa writing place apartment filler moving burden set piece hiding under place earthquake protection flatten the coyote drop out of window giant frisbee ","leg warmers sex stoppers zipper bags UK panties yoga mat bag material proto-cutoffs long shorts clothing tan leg preventers hairy leg hiders cozy ","liquid container wine holder smashy weapon sharp when broken flower vase candle holder earthenware grain storage beer holder stage prop spinner (game) kiss pointer finger trap sex toy ","builder window smasher landscaping lego step up makeshift hammer vocab item weapon drop on a seesaw ","rolling swing dog bed junkyard pile highway rubbish car shoe hat song topic (wheels on the bus) bouncy bom","digging scooping patting earth down making graves planting flowers planting trees gardening cleaning stalls hitting a bad guy in the face cutting a root spinning like a top balancing on your palm making art piece - sunburst on the g","foot protector torture device binding feet covering soles winter warmth summer protection from hot ground sand trapper bug smasher kicker athletic implement hand puppet laces vehicle stink bomb status symbol ",1.233617544,-0.259534985,0.329864681,1.553400755,-0.408767581,0.80976516,-0.457565993,-0.215807274,-0.926039219,1.424735308,-1.15097785,-0.808591664,-0.400592536,0.480865598,0.616813004,-1.825474501,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.195136175,0.515402496,-0.207370192,-0.597279966,0.110423267,-1.659641862,1.273914456,-0.278880149,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,38 114,3,"Read Learn Discover Knowledge Tell Story Adapt Carry on Head Throw Slam shut Rule Comfort Quiet Inspire Ignite Revolt","Tie sailors knots Rig something up Hang someone Nuse Rope burns Tug of war Lugging logs Anchoring a ship Flying a sail Pulling a car out of the muck Lasso Pulling someone out of a well Pulley system ","Eat Poke someone in the eye Dancing fork in beauty and the beast Poke a potato or pie for steam vents Seal dough shut for baking Comb hair like in little mermaid Use as a weapon Dig out of a dirt prison U","Eat at table Talk around Climb on to reach something Dance on Use as a stage Tap dance Blockade a door Study at Commune Discuss a revolution around Discuss a great idea around Fix something on Sew or craft on Drawing table Drafting master plans Drawing illustrations ","Wearing for farming Dancing pants Flashy pants for getting attention Running fast Stealth pants for a diamond heist Thermoinsulating from cold weather Intimidating Impressing someone with your great butt Zipping up Taking off Belting ","Drinking Bottle dancing Cheersing at a bar Putting flowers in Playing the bottles musically Quenching thirst Saving important liquids Smashing Cooling off Chugging Could pretend it was a pirates telescope ","Building a wall Stopping a door Making historical buildings on the east coast The color brick red Laying foundations Throwing through car window Hiding money or keys under Having a secret stash of something in a brick wall Growing ivy down Making a plant wall Hanging Christmas lights","Flipping at the gym For cars Changing tires Popping tires Race track rapid changing tires in pit Tire swing For gardens Building eco homes off the grid Damning up a shore Throwing in a landfill Burning up rubber As a place to sit A table in a post ap","Digging Gardening Bashing a skull in Digging for money Digging to hide a body Staking claim on a piece of land Shoveling horse stalls Blocking a barn door Scaring away robbers on the property ","Walk Cover feet Dance Tap dance Slide Run in the Olympics Traction Jump Do parkour Skate boarding Land safely Protect arches Entice Dazzle Impress Show status Sexuality Drag queen work shoe Stripper shoe",1.395982862,0.934812546,-0.498072535,0.307133526,-1.547809243,-0.737672508,-0.84921968,-1.039011955,-0.207315922,0.694792986,-0.613697171,-0.032284703,0.404093206,-0.301412791,-0.24739325,-2.014620781,-0.340920985,-1.852054954,0.34226045,-0.570700407,-0.402700722,0.242190719,-0.123030305,0.367102474,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Straight/heterosexual,32 115,3,"to read, to enlighten, to amuse, to entertain, to make my iphone sit higher on the table so that I can get a more flattering angle of myself in the video I'm shooting, to burn, to peruse,","To tie a knot, to tie someone up, to pull, to play tug of war, to hang something, to climb up, to climb down, to shimmy down, to coil, to reinforce, to whip someone or something, to lasso a little ","to eat, to electrify yourself by getting toast out of the toaster, to poke holes in things, to pick your teeth, to score a pie crust, to scratch an itch, to pound on the table to show that you ","to eat upon, to sit upon, to fold up, to set up a display, to talk across, to play footsie under, to set, to stand on to reach up higher, to lie on, to hide under, to brace a piece of wood you","to wear to be pantsed to decorate to french cuff to know if you're gaining or losing weight to cut into shorts for the summer to ","to store liquid to drink from to break over someone's head in a bar fight to send a message to make sand designs in to play as a musical instrument to put on your fingers, clink together and say, ""Warriors, come out to play -ay!' ","to build to decorate to stack to use as a weapon to break with a karate chop ","to swing on to swing on and then jump off of into a lake to transport your car to sit in, if you can fit, and roll down a hill to impress white trash to use ","to dig holes to use as a weapon to flatten out a pile of dirt to bury something to store in your garage to garden ","to wear to throw at President Bush to beat off an attacker to add to your collection to slide along the ice in the winter to protect your feet ",-0.807574034,0.973466277,-0.000636072,-0.948743045,1.533724189,1.296986818,0.144316673,-0.427666306,0.034442805,1.603148341,-0.043916345,0.125058934,-0.006672541,-0.763147593,0.039228927,-0.126688957,0.508100867,-1.133030176,0.096943557,0.111588068,-0.608384013,0.568045914,0.335378379,-0.124016307,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,47 116,3,"Bed-raiser Paper weight Stack enough in a stable pile and you've got a coffee table I use books to press flowers TV-stand Weapon Straight-edge Cutting surface Writing Surface Fan ","Macrame waiting to happen Decoration Stretching tool Material for clothing if woven or knit Jewelry (bracelet, necklace) ","Comb Rake Spider-killer Tool to make indents on clay for art projects Use it to separate embroidery floss or yarn in a multi-color project Headphone detangler Cat litter scooper ","Bed Shelf Fort Wall for","Wrap around for a top Bandaging Flag Tight-rope Tie things up with the legs Dry your hair with sweatpants ","Coin storage Shell collecting storage Musical instrument Suction Weights, if you fill it with sand Cut the top and make a planter Cut the top and make a candle ","Panini press Weapon Art surface for chalk or paint Weights Plate Cutting surface Writing surface Use the dust to write on other hard surfaces like stone ","Planter Grind it up to make rubber tracks Cross fit tool Stick-and-hoop game Stack tires to make the base for a table Put it on the ground, fill it with cat litter, it's a litterbox ","Weapon (sad that I keep going there :( ) Lever like a crowbar Cooking utensil (if a small shovel) Wall art You could probably attach strings from the handle of a long shovel to the base to make a string instrument ","Bug killer Use heels to poke small holes in dirt when planting seeds Door knocker Bookend Paperweight Penny storage Planter Use the heel of a flatter shoe to pound out something like meat, or pie crust Leveler for something like sand or cement ",-0.191500574,0.309251457,0.502382278,0.24008058,1.283693194,1.214371443,1.241579652,-0.438770652,1.944207191,1.379996657,0.687179387,0.067243494,0.381579727,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,1.114616156,-1.05456841,-0.271348029,-0.30940181,0.226319507,-0.388566375,1.124211907,-0.159764171,0.14395909,0.382350057,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Bisexual,25 117,3,"Insect killer educator time-killer distractor table leg prop propaganda self-defence stage prop sibling botherer mouse killer bullet shield horcrux spill absorbtion insulation kindling decoration status symbol nose","suicide boat mooring rappelling climbing safety plant hanger tug-o-war belt measuring securing in a truck escaping from building weapon knot practice leash wristband ","eating stabbing short-circuiting sculpture road dividing tongue dividing music making throwing cooking gravity testing selling buying self-blinding ","standing on eating at lying on hiding under playing tennis on vandalising throwing at the audience disassembling assembling hauling in a truck moving upstairs placing on stage letting sit in the rain to rot gauging underground conditions ","pressing wearing cutting off washing drying shrinking belting selling buying re-selling feeling on your face hearing from a dog or tired person ripping patching ironing hemming letting out unzipping zipping buttoning unbuttoning fastening unfastening ","drinking musical instrument - hitting, blowing molotov cocktail decoration fire-starting target practice fighting (blunt object) fighting (smashed to stab with) pee collector recycle deposit collector ","wall builder cheap bookshelf part cheap bookshelf fix replacement wardrobe leg fireplace holder heat protection beat someone drop on people from above target practice doorstop walk paver donor remembrance ","car conveyor bike conveyor workout object truck conveyor tire fire movie hero make skid marks roll down hill hide in water collector live in (small animals) platform support ","dig hit someone conduct electricity shovel snow slice off toes pull-ups scarecrow grave marker shovel horse poop fertilize weed edge a lawn ","wear on foot put on knees to pretend to be short put on hands to walk on all fours kick people walk over hot coals run provide traction on a boat insulation gross people out buy sell re-sole dissect projectile missile ",1.891713977,-0.1211491,0.82176137,1.671802521,-0.341913462,-1.270004511,0.824139357,0.063295051,-0.6386801,0.265009642,1.71019E-09,-0.092499569,0.518680394,0.076722324,-0.004787988,-0.590241611,0.394883901,-0.324563384,0.518946886,-0.667724431,-1.610782862,-2.039116144,-0.003457928,-0.480654836,0.162407249,0.370691031,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 118,3,"read stepstool weapon door wedge weight for glue barricade prop way to look smart way to hide from people bookshelf when desperate nice smell antique resource makeshift wall doll's tunnel hiding place for drugs hiding place for ill","measuring device tool for chafing something pet snake leash tool for towing sailor's hobby climbing boring imaginary friend weapon door stop tooth puller useful took at Ikea great for villians","comb lockpicker eyeglass fixing tool mini prison for puppets or small dolls gnocchi maker safe weapon backscratcher counting device musical instrument eye gouger jewelry ramp for toy cars eating implement ","operating table fort rain shelter barricade where knights hang out excellent place for graffiti stepstool sexy spot great for cutting things on straight line counting device tool for learning shapes ","planter windsock promotional balloon thing outside used car sales lots odd flag elaborate head piece arm warmers makeshift bag hiding place for small burrowing animals arm puppet theatre wall for graffiti drug holder ","message conveyer planter tool for drawing circles toilet weapon bug catcher musical instrument goofy binoculars home for mini ships sand art rolling pin tool for stuffing your bed so someone thinks you're in it ","tool for drawing rectangles weapon weightlifting tool unwieldy domino stepstool bulky toy car bug killer door stop barricade graffiti surface garden path maker political tool bui","tool for drawing really big circles pretend steering wheel swing planter bumper for rafts home for bugs really big hat fort material playground mulch fire fuel oldy timey toy antique Bumbo playpen for puppies ","handcuff breaker weapon noodle slicer bridge for bugs backscratcher sled tool for carving initials musical instrument digging implement boring skateboard comedic prop weightlifting tool unwieldy spear ","bug killer house for hamsters art dance amateur detective tool place to hide money/drugs door stop wine opener musical instrument weapon chair leg protector comedic tool for pretending you are short ",1.520780206,0.198333368,1.500689507,1.792088628,0.864261985,-1.45175457,-1.358763933,-0.95780021,-0.842956066,-0.957488596,0.648384452,2.320523977,2.423265219,-3.803819656,-4.081606865,-0.594183624,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.387924552,1.339425087,-1.603789568,1.462373495,-0.991480768,0.872501016,-1.158310175,1.017596006,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,39 119,3,"Read Smash bugs Paper weight Kindling Prop Door Weapon Decoration Even a table","Tie something Climb Hang Pull someone in Jump Rope Create a boundary Flog Use as a belt ","Eat Stab Pry Rake Shovel Comb Use as musical instrument Magic Tricks ","Place food upon Use a decorative base Level to get higher Makeshift bed Something to attempt to hurdle Something to lift in crossfit ","Something to wear Something to stoke a fire Cutting up for cloth Using as a tourniquet ","Storing liquid Weapon Recycling Catching lightning bugs Musical instrument Deconstructing for artwork ","Building Door stop Bludgeoning Paperweight Breaking window ","A swing Rolling down a hill Using on a car Flipping for workout Burning ","Digging Using as a tool to mark a location Bludgeoning Makeshift bat for stickballesque game ","Protect feet Smash things A puppet show To play catch with ",-0.44284898,-0.567414641,0.41171968,0.593174696,0.131875858,-0.082596906,0.096460477,-0.371552169,0.307348102,0.676475644,1.71019E-09,-0.717677176,0.492350876,-2.546251297,-2.507088661,-1.84510839,-0.341019034,-0.669131875,-1.590007782,-0.940398455,-2.625443697,-0.541259706,-1.024246335,-0.316763192,1.401536703,1.755773902,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 120,3,"reading material platform flat pillow building block decor weapon visor wedge bolster for height of person bolster for height of item paperweight (small) tabletop writing surface kindling toilet paper merchandise ","tug of war noose towing a boat towing a car leash for an animal tying something to a car tying someone up sexy bondage time harnesses swings a climbing assist fake snake jump rope kidnapping maritime styl","hair comb eating utensil fishing beach-combing cleaning out a drain digging pie-crust-designs poking holes in yams poking holes in potatoes etc silver bouquet art pieces bend the tongs and create all sorts of stuff! magic tricks prying things open hammering small things warding off a ","fuck space eating surface work desk fort art space (visual art - painting, sculpture) shade home project (sanding, painting) storage (underneath) storage (on top) home decor (staging) barricade posing atop gathering space arguing space creative space plant-holder fruit-holder displays marble-su","warmth style getting people to touch you getting people to look at you hat/bandana rip them up and make all sorts of things! invisible friend-indicator curtains pillow blanket beach towel arm-warmers laundry-decor blindfolding someone ironing ","stamps- many sides! bottom, top, sides. roll it in ink and presto hammering things digging a fancy and fragile hat stilts if you have two of them a vessel for liquid glasses if you have two of them starting a fire *using the sun creating an underground light - see youtube tutorial creating a working model of the diaphragm - see youtube tutorial creating a working model of t ","building block weapon karate grind it up and make clay grind it up and make paint litter paperweight wrap it up and call it a baby weight lifting enough of them and you have yourself a house or a dam backdrop (or stage) for a tiny flea circus measuring things that are even finding right angles bolster for height platform shoes ","exercise (push it around) entertainment (get in it) unicycle bicycle motor vehicle tire swing porthole obstacle course a seat grind it up to make playground flooring weight stamp/pattern maker ","weapon digging standing next to to look cool reaching things on a tall shelf prying open big things measuring against sword play whacking things packing down dirt scooting people (or dogs, or bugs) along limbo pointing prom date ","weapon footwear style, fashion flotation device (often) if they're shiny, use them as a mirror if there's shoelaces, the possibilities are endless indicators of what drugs are for sale where (requires telephone lines) hand-warmers thing-holder vase for very short flowers telephone in a mime game clutter tripping your housemates foot protection foot-sexying protection from poison ",2.114584923,1.105607867,0.6694085,1.478058815,-1.14955914,0.80976516,0.337431133,-1.095126152,0.108708933,0.324480623,-0.162583008,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.591174185,0.936534822,-0.666590035,0.398407251,-0.073565118,-0.222760767,0.03535362,-0.669422567,0.470434964,0.366141856,0.373801172,0.175160959,-0.005915021,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Other (Please Specify)",Prefer not to respond,35 121,3,"reading, cup holder, burning, holding the door, ","hanging clothes, pulling boat , designing , tying , jumping jacks , making soccer goal , ","eating, stabbing roommate in the butt , opening a can , checking throat with the back of the fork, ","eating , placing things, closing doors, dancing , sitting , standing ","wearing, killing mosquito's , cleaning the car, ","drinking, braking at a party , making music , massage therapy , vas","building ( house, wall etc) , holding doors, sitting , making a shelf, ","car riding , floating , sitting , rolling , burning ","shoveling , digging , fighting , dancing , holding doors, pushing doors, ","wearing , running, walking , hiding money , throwing at a shitty president , ",-1.775198817,-0.329868466,0.288587093,-2.276984453,1.890653968,1.249286771,1.295102358,1.629028559,2.295742512,1.495289564,1.044957161,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.887755692,0.706190944,1.221254587,1.023207426,0.685518026,1.236885309,1.396935701,1.741757035,0.935310602,0.802425146,1.324653029,-0.687451184,-0.767873764,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 122,3,"Reading Decoration Collection Kindling Entertainment Scholarship ","Rigging Fastening Create boundaries Snake toy Exercise equipment noose ","eating combing percussion mallets stabbing replacement for spoons in the card game ""spoons"" digging ","base of a fort/tent dining playing games podium lectern barricade dancing gambling studying crafting writing lemonade stand bake sale ","clothes rags quilt macsuline symbolism costume bundle of belongings cellphone protector seduction ","drinking storage medicine whistle weapon decoration inebriation storage/display model ships ","security foundation weapon walls roads paths setting boundaries doorstop graffiti canvas ","transportation floatation swing exercise equipment advertising ","digging weapon limbo stick giant spoon ","collection uniform cockroach home puppets foot protection ",-0.054489736,-0.935762465,0.186900154,0.449920028,0.921563923,1.027408481,0.849237502,-0.776425838,0.942988336,0.491222769,-0.341577768,0.257834196,-1.080865026,0.387436152,0.528964341,-0.092470847,1.158352494,-0.016388029,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.082789645,0.153576866,-0.493445247,-0.037877157,0.026434377,-1.202642441,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,31 123,3,"Reading studying decoration research entertainment bonding with others information ","tie join together decoration secure items tighten ","eating mashing cutting transfering decoration mixing stabbing ","entertaining furniture place holder holder ","hide clothe keep warm fashion protect hold in ","holder keeps things confined protects encapsulates ","builder protector grow prevent decoration ","move facilitate protect advance help ","lift move break dig develop grow ","protect helps moves fashion ",-0.568016291,-1.100083232,0.478237748,0.27482599,0.147346005,-0.132957414,-1.403246164,-0.224164888,-0.76758033,-0.166037887,-1.985831857,-0.990946174,-0.452944815,1.173090696,1.007733583,-0.305243999,-0.33970499,0.081572533,-1.385072827,0.113189578,1.085858941,0.616979003,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-1.2490412,-2.015571833,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,29 124,3,"weight for exercise hat research delight frisbee kleenex decoration filter weapon in a pinch fan kindling mallet doorstop hiding place ","suicide murder climb with necktie to anchor belt fake pasta for play to trap to trip to stop blood ","weapon to eat with battery magnet detector weight bad knife worse spoon shovel backscratcher antenna conductor ear cleaner meat tenderizer reach extender ","chair bulwark ladder firewood toy shelter bed stage ramp torture device drum ","water retainer flotation device disguise shade sail whip rope parchment kindling flag ","spyglass cudgel magnifying glass tongue trap canteen finger hat weight decoration cage for small critters water collection ","house weight cudgel ball pencil backscratcher paint remover tester for color blindness heat conductor weight comparison anchor brake ","to roll swing liquid container weight barrier couch shelter ","spoon weapon shield reach extender firewood hat false leg rake roofing ","sock glove weight nunchucks container champagne glass comfort for horses doorstop abrasive pillow ",0.960573494,-0.829334557,0.929234207,2.04019618,0.317022443,-0.351125181,-1.003738046,-0.15631476,-0.576601982,1.107523084,0.349754095,1.82556653,1.465174079,-1.414404035,0.945001423,-0.637520909,0.802467465,0.131304696,0.800020993,1.451630592,0.205212146,0.718895733,0.768759191,-0.059425507,1.321810842,0.724663734,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,26 125,3,"read it stack them to place something on fold the pages to make a Christmas tree burn them for warmth cover your head in the rain di","belt hang plants make a noose suspenders make a ladder use in tug of war tie someone up tie a package up walk a dog tie your ship to dock pull a curtain up/down tie back a curtain ","set decoration eating utensil costume decoration use the tongs as a picture holder poke holes with use to texture something use to cut through something open an envelope with it self defense ","eat on sit on use as a blockade shelter dance on ","wear them set decoration stuff them to create the bottom half of a dummy cut them to make shorts cut them into strips of material, braid them to make a rope use a s a flag ","drink from it set decoration use the ends for texturing balance it on your nose Do a production of Fiddler place 10 in bowling pin formation and toss a ring or bowl Hang them with al","Build with them line a garden Stack them to place something on Stack them like dominos Use as a hammer to hit something Use as. a paperweight Use as a door stop ","Drive on Use large one as flower bed container Cut a small one (bike tire) in half to then use it to tie something up ","Dig Hit something Use as set decoration Use as a musical instrument Fight with it as a weapon Take a picture with it as the 'American Gothic' couple Do a production of Oklahoma ","Wear it on your feet Use as set decoration Make footprint Use to hit something (kill a bug, etc) Use as a hammer Clap with them ",-0.149320319,0.574591696,0.030051729,0.135644451,0.894863784,1.05721283,0.471907616,-0.236973017,-0.102118224,-0.526441097,-0.629824996,0.006158044,-0.29533723,-1.198781013,-0.62584269,-0.948014259,0.194795609,-0.29363066,0.009502904,0.053714618,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.870279253,-0.99150002,1.038171649,0.684445441,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,55 126,3,"chair balance on one's head read tray steering wheel dictionary encyclopedia juggling balancing act with other books weap","noose wrangle cattle tug of war tie up drapes handcuffs connect two things hold up a light fixture barricade jump rope follow the leader chord for kids tie chains tap","eat with magic wand sceptre drumstick pretend writing utensil conductor's wand hair comb back scratcher pointer ","write on eat on bed tap / dance stand chair barricade hiding place earthquake shelter drum ","wear them flag sail bull fighter's cape scarf belt tablecloth ","drink out of musical instrument rocket vase candle holder weapon change holder/pigg ","weapon building block paper weight landscaping tool door holder ","car mover swing flower planter chair wall decor barricade building block ","dig holes weapon cane leaning post twirling stick dancing cane ","foot cover weapon phone ball hat shovel planter bowl ",0.10888879,-0.717196405,0.059638336,0.468723506,1.009878874,1.262071371,1.295102358,1.629028559,0.580663741,1.913126349,-0.185103863,0.317211628,1.059410453,-0.806020677,-1.698743105,0.644995272,-0.210334346,-0.156360403,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.360595167,0.002392954,-2.545490265,-2.206847906,0.316365361,-0.520244658,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,36 127,3,"Reading Writing (notes) Placeholder Reference material in conversation Education Weapon for self defense, spontaneously Coaster for drinks Decoration Paperweight Information gathering Fire (burning the pages) Note-taking ","Hanging ones self (suicide) Tying a knot Securing a boat or other vehicle (trucks, etc.) Tug-of-war matches Lassoing (cattle or people) Stage combat Belt, in emergencies Headband, for a unique look! Handcuffs (or rope cuffs?) Whip Strangulation of an enemy Connecy","Eating Stabbing an enemy Squashing a bug Scraping a table Slicing food Holding something in place (such as, stabbing something against a wall) Combing ones hair in an emergency Picking your teeth Poking at a splinter Stirring Keeping a beat (rhythmic tapping of fork) Rem","Sitting near Supporting food for eating Standing on Flipping, if one becomes angry enough Pounding to keep a beat, as kind of a steady bass drum Kicking it, to release anger Support for heavy objects that otherwise do not go well in other living areas Scraping across the floor ","Wearing them Concealing your unique underwear Whipping at an enemy for defense Feeling them for comfort Studying the fabric for a costume, or for becoming a costumer To round out a stylish outfit To give the impression of a more laid back look, as opposed to a formal one To blend in with cowboys in Texas For accenti","Holding liquid Drinking from Breaking over someone’s head Breaking on your own head Blowing on the top to create a whistling sound Sliding across a table or bar to deliver drinks Keeping a message inside, to be thrown in to the ocean, and hopefully discovered by some stranger in a forgotten land Collecting marbles or change inside Branding (with the brand name across the front) Decoration Paperweight ","Building a house Building a wall Bludgening someone over the head Massive paperweight Carving it in to some totally new shape Breaking through a door or wall of some kind Breaking a window Hammering a nail in to wood, if one lacks a hammer Constructing a makeshift bench","Supporting and propelling a car Flipping during exercise (strength and cardio training) Sitting inside for a wild ride Pounding with a hammer Cutting in to pieces, for whatever reason you’d feel like I suppose Rolling back and forth as a game between friends Running on top of to improve your balance A way to make yourself look taller and Moore coordinated once you are atop the tire A","Digging a hole (grave, makeshift bathroom, etc.) Bashing a skull in Jabbing somebody with Broadsword fighting Pole vault substitute Marking ones territory (like using it as a flag, pretending you’re Duck Dodgers or something) Slicing ","Wearing on ones foot for walking, running, etc. Hitting somebody with Storing extra money, a secret note, change, etc. Presenting ones self with a unique style for each occasion Advertisement on commercials Creating traction for stopping on a slippery surface Sharing, if someone doesn’t have their own shoes Tossing, of hiu",0.679233551,1.787905693,0.164204434,0.068247609,1.380391359,0.351161897,1.214818239,1.443658233,2.193413258,0.598411679,0.081858389,-2.046189785,-1.238321185,0.771849394,0.607870042,1.34117949,0.572091579,0.028036432,0.706860125,0.920858502,-0.480190694,-0.87070173,-0.270272315,-0.282966107,-1.088642955,-1.000059128,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,24 128,3,"Reading Standing on for height Sitting on for height Balance on head Research Making a Jenga stack Filling libraries Building blocks for kids Propping up an IPad Enjoyment Fantasy ","Hanging Tethering Lasso Tying lights to rails securely Rescue Ladder Escape from Alcatraz Roping Cattle Lariats Rope tricks a la Will Rogers Tug of War Bead Necklaces Tying shoes Swinging over lakes Tying a tire to it Clim","Eating Tuning Choosing a different direction Eating crabs Eating clams Hair implement Dessert Twirling Spaghetti Splitting English Muffins Sp","Dining Saving for later Card games Board games Poker Coffee Displaying books Standing on Communion Dais Covering with a cloth and using as a hiding place Paying illicit or unclaimed funds under it Where you put some","Wearing Pulling down someone's shorts or pants Shoveling the snow What a dog does when she's hot What my partner does after he runs Big, colored garments for clowns Covering my legs for warmth Putting on my head whe","Drinking water Drinking beer Pouring booze What repressed people do to their feelings Where I put a microbrew from home Wearing on your head for the ""Fiddler on the Roof"" dance Feeding a baby Corking ","Building a wall Throwing through a plate glass window Making cream cheese into a shape Making a fireplace Making a foundation for a home Terrorizing a neighbor Builin","For wheels on a car For a swing from a rope (see previous answer :) ) To roll down a hill like in To Kill A Mockingbird To lift and bodybuild Put on my bicycle Replace with a spare To burn on the ","Digging sand on the beach Clearing snow Whacking some cartoon character or Third Stooge over the head or in the face. Planting a garden Digging up weeds Making a hole for a foundation Picking up manure ","Running Dealing cards Walking Comfortable feet Stylish appearance Activity for blacksmiths or horse trainers Putting platform heels on to seem taller Throwing like ",0.525125444,0.563988805,-0.653176188,0.32350871,-0.406170249,-1.45175457,-1.533719301,-1.475928187,-0.455194056,-0.058902323,1.71019E-09,0.482160509,1.372233152,-0.878100634,-0.005302174,-0.748412311,0.217240289,-1.363298297,0.098830782,-0.483450472,-0.524684429,0.07040555,0.419171989,-0.452518463,0.841088235,0.851668894,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,47 129,3,"Read Decoration Conversation starter Educate Learn Recycle Share Give Feel younger Feel older Escape ","Tie Restrict Keep things safe Decorate Hold things together Bond Play games ","Eat Fill Pierce Decorate Decide Think Reflect","Support Gather Strong foundation Eat Work Play Bring family/friends together Give thanks Prayer","Support Look good Best foot forward Practicality Warmth Layer ","Decorate Drink Reuse Recycle Share ","Support Foundation Build Put together Weight things down Send a message Bring hate/fear ","Spin Get you places Travel Move Start anew Patch Rotate ","Bury Hurt Cover up Work Plant Create new life","Protect Cover Conceal Support Comfort Walk Run Hike Travel Work ",-0.036051225,-0.947496295,0.725745857,0.672855973,-0.859254956,-1.402187228,-0.553900361,-0.982897818,-1.21394062,-0.661895335,1.603334188,1.545056105,1.998035669,0.917947114,0.922587335,0.971988678,0.051260177,-0.351300061,-0.699614286,-1.343771338,-0.451597124,1.715884089,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.147270769,1.194825172,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,23 130,3,"read flatten papers throw it prop up a chair burn provide inspiration punish someone provide directions, i.e. recipe board a door closed center piece of a room, decorate keep notes write in like a journal provide entertainment, read for pleasure pictures and decoration, ripping out the illustrations and rfram","tie a gift tie up a person restrain a bad person tie together two things, secure it repair something swing someone thing, move from place to place used for tricks, magic or cowboy western displays candle making belt shoes play music send a message like Incas ","brush hair - little Mermaid eat food hold up a fallen plant dig for insects used for balancing trick like on salt and pepper shakers punch holes in a surface scrape stuff out of a crevice teasing kids (put it in a light socket) used as a fake hand, like a hooked man paint strait lines include in a toy set as a prop like a rake make a figure out of it make windc","to eat on to build a fort under to use for fire wood to lean on side and make a shelter against danger used for medical procedures used to study used to make love used to have a ceremony or religious ritual ofrenda for honoring the dead, like a shrine put a puppet show on, draped with curtains ","Pants wear pants can be cut up and used for bandages, and other medical needs used as a leash worn like a head dress tie it off and put things in the pants legs like a backpack used to add to a collage American history holding tools jeans pants ","drink break weapon anger fireworks, bottle rockets flower vase sand art insect housing recycling logo advertisement scene for a short story, inside the bottle lighting fixture or lamp musical instrument, blosing across it make chimes or outdoor decoration used for wheels on a ","build wall paperweight protection, weapon hid keys or other valuables pulverize into powder for paint or decoration can be used as a message tied to it and thrown over a wall can be used to weight something down, anchor like used as a tool to hammer something into place used as a dam to dam flowing waters can be used to prop something up book ends build a shelf build fencing painted and use","flower bed swing wheels on a car for burning and creating black smoke used for melting down and adhesive necklaces, belts, and accessories exercise equipment chair or something to sit on living room table painted for a sign, logo ","dig beat throw like a spear picking up something that you don't want to touch used as a lamp or pole, post can be used like a catapult used like a teeter totter used to lock a door by putting it through the adjacent handles dig a trench, get water cut things in half plant food","protect feet mark a victory strings for belts used to plant flowers in used to smash insects put on your ears and worn can be used as a bandage if torn apart soles can be used for elbow pads and other protective wear sell on a website collectors items to polish drink from run ",1.409398556,2.707973957,0.279526889,0.548049986,0.417666972,-1.253484964,0.086116992,-1.475928187,-0.6386801,-0.838546574,0.753492773,0.931188285,1.059436202,-0.46773845,1.190871239,-0.547142148,1.1147331,1.29429388,1.139771342,0.862025023,1.793571115,1.745955229,1.213474393,1.165264606,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,38 131,3,"reading studying learning scrapbooking doodling covering your head while walking through the rain note-taking stacking propping up a camera standing on to reach something occupying a child helping a child fall asleep helping yourself ","reaching someone who's falling off a cliff connecting two things tying two things together lasso-ing hanging oneself (sorry that's dark) rock climbing hanging up a garland crafting coiling up to look like a snake securing an ","eating hair combing as a substitute spoon if you don't have one stirring flicking an object across the room sticking in someone's yard as a humorous prank scraping pressing into cookies before baking them to make them look pretty poking a baked good to see if it","eating off of writing on standing on to reach something high hiding under blocking a doorway turning on its side and hanging on the legs sitting on","wearing changing your gender presentation putting them on your arms wiping up a spill wrapping breakables cutting into shorts cutting up and using the fabric for other crafts putting the waistband around your head and wearing as a hat keeping warm ","Drinking out of sending a message across the sea holding cleaning supplies pouring water into a plant crushing and recycling into something else returning to the store for bottle deposit cut in half and hold pennies in it melt it down and make a decorative piece","building stepping on painting on throwing at someone you don't like breaking a window scratching on a surface to turn it a different color ","driving on flipping over as a part of cross-fit training standing on hang it from a tree and swing on it roll it down the street let kids bounce on it laid on its side cut into pieces and turn into rubber erasers ","digging shoveling snow hitting a ball getting a kite out of a tree you can't reach","wearing filling with pennies throwing at a lover in a quarrel spending lots of money on fixing hip and back problems hanging by the shoelaces as decor housing a small mou",0.128722876,0.807501197,-0.408382446,-0.336090624,0.925336957,-0.771649659,-0.236782223,-1.101539135,-0.239246577,-0.699650764,0.048893139,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.862828195,0.297415107,1.195230484,0.787733853,-0.046853594,0.255466044,0.166670859,0.770316124,0.969907999,0.494218796,-0.073538214,-1.515413523,-0.816276968,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,24 132,3,"puppet bird stand shield prop set dressing entertainment homework conversation starter monologue stacking hiding something drawing sketchbook knowledge jokes wordplay balance ","pulley base for puppet skeleton connecting two points connecting two people creating an angle strong grasp break it down (untangle) for vines / moss binding shark's mouth creating a horizon defining ","eating scraping desktop japanese zen garden grab a cork, make a puppet lay it in the road, make a choice stabilize another object by creating a stabby kickstand read between the lines dingelhopper (fix your hair) not eat soup strainer ","dance stand eat build a fort create a stage flip it on its side for a puppet show flip it over for use as a skid sitting on the dock of the bay organize numbers (excel, etc) create a raised level draw the eyes upward gather around commune ","take 'em off layer modesty create an illusion of character create an illusion of status imply biased gender hold everything in nostalgic representation of days past/growth representation","balance looking glass defined space, unvarying break it down for mosaic pottery DRINK DRANK DRUNK share raise a toast remember time gone by put a ship in it send a message hide a message confess ","give it a tutu and create a circus (it's a famous French puppet piece, look it up) build break stand strong implode huff and puff, that house ain't going nowhere (ironic double negative, sorry) LEGO step up brownstone status exposed ","you spin me right round travel explode blow replace doughnut buffer burn rubber screach float hold your ground sleep pillow relax exhaust balance ","uncover bash hide reveal plant start a new life dig in dig out bury tend a garden dig a grave find China escape prison challenge a dog bul","foot in the door run walk dance burn rubber find your solemate static tradition tried and true size matters not size matters flapping tongue buy new laces show off dem kicks play soccer climb shoe flies don't bother me ",1.671909571,0.383071035,0.727855146,1.485494614,0.940656066,0.210812852,-0.222919792,-0.373685151,-0.468706757,-0.721366346,0.974968314,-0.697699666,-0.153658822,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.296238989,-0.388485849,-0.607526362,-0.335641176,-1.528150558,-0.466503859,0.026049284,-1.496245384,1.190553784,0.863008618,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 133,3,I should’ve read those instructions better. I have no clue what to do here. Please enjoy the silence.,"Fair to say this is a jump rope situation. I’m going to freeform here because I didn’t read the instructions properly. I’m assuming it might be a sign that someone wrote in an old gym. Actors are definitely not good at reading instructions. We are interested in the visual journey without boundaries. But really, we don’t like tests",It’s very clear to me now I really should’ve read those instructions much better than I have. I’m so sorry for whoever has to read this I have totally failed you. I hope the next thing is not another one of these things. Whatever these things were supposed to be ,Oh boy. This whole scenario is making me think of some sort of place for everything has to be returned. Like a 70s summer camp.,Samuel Beckett would have loved this. ,There’s no turning back now is there. I really wanted to do better at this survey. Damn. While I’m here I might as will say that the Trump thing has me in a high state of anxiety. That’s pretty much the dominant thought on my mind as I take the survey. Jesus what a mess. ,"Well in most scenarios involving bricks you can’t return them. So I’m really not sure about the above phrase. I promise I’ll do better on this survey, once we get passed this bit. I pray this is not the whole",Oy. Is the real test to see how long people will fill the stuff out before they quit because I’m already thinking about quitting. I really don’t feel like I’m contributing. My husband just farted. I’m trying to be funny to at least entertain the reader of the survey. ,Seriously he farted. That little purple progress bar above the survey is very unnerving by the way. It really encourages you to quit. If that’s the point it’s very clever. Actors are hardly quitters by the way. , There’s an option at the bottom of the survey for me to share my own quotes from this survey on Facebook. Why on gods green earth would I do that? It’s not going so well. ,-1.775198817,1.52377224,2.423026085,-0.141522095,1.361299276,1.074670553,1.190929294,0.609920323,0.227529898,0.090936728,1.020614743,-0.415638387,0.063917838,0.650128484,0.093440898,0.74430114,0.245525375,-0.27838248,0.777499437,0.123757288,0.356170923,0.547990322,0.319894344,0.610133469,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Hispanic,Gay/ lesbian,46 134,3,"a book a serving tray a hammer decoration trash light filter or gobo secret compartment a balancing tool a hat ","tie things together secure an object lift something heavy clothes decoration cover holes or slats suicide bondage lasso leading or keeping a group together timeline measuring tool","eating tuning cooking poking or stabbing weapon trident percussion cleaning a tool a comb drawing in the sand digging","eating off of standing on placing things decoration barricade shield a raft cutting board cooking workspace gaming gathering place bed shelter protection wheel (round table) discussion ","clothing towel potting plants choking someone stripping provide warmth (or allow a breeze) picking up something hot stop bleeding or leaking fabric for something else ","drink from store liquid decoration lamp candelabra musical instrument send a message color a light a weapon a telescope collect things massager pinroller ","build something fortify weapon gravel stand on break something smash a window anchor bookend door stopper paperweight ","swing travel (mobility) bullseye planter water collector toy seat frame ","digging weapon chopping oar dance partner decoration gardening big spoon cane or staff door knocker spatula ","clothing hammer phone place marker ship exterminator knocker bowl puppet gloves door stopper home base ",1.171284676,-0.516867042,0.654838204,1.669949651,1.756413221,-0.165212169,0.467677265,-0.884722173,0.82527703,1.04121232,-0.071331911,0.346717685,0.179488063,-0.294288933,0.995415807,0.19791235,1.359358191,0.652760446,1.217434764,1.405653715,1.726502061,1.252310991,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.871054411,0.405245781,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,32 135,3,"paper weight iron paper airplanes coloring fan bomb sound effects blunt weapon random work selector","tie lasso swing foot tendon massager decoration binding agent resistant force for exercise paint brush ","texture for clay or paint retriever for out of reach objects aerator garden spade sand raking ","fort step stool bed seat gum holder boat door blocker ","eye shade mask arm warmers tunnels for small rodent pets swing rope flag head turban advertising billboard ","vase meat tenderizer planter fascietis roller weights for small twitch muscle groups drain stopper message holder flute dream catcher bee & bug catcher s","door stop decoration callous scraper claw filer candle holder weight building block heating element ","swing seat bumper fuel flower pot baby keeper ","bean scooper spade sword weapon meat tenderizer crusher leverager ","door stop foot covering flower pot furniture floor protector throwing object smudger lift for uneven legs ",0.03044007,-0.610057056,0.599130809,0.541620612,0.937925279,0.927295744,1.295102358,0.286666244,1.722568035,-1.142504692,-0.707239747,0.57331413,-1.23640132,-0.666256845,0.396662921,-0.537397385,-0.091175623,0.681537271,-0.626314878,0.591590822,1.065948725,1.438514709,-2.174943686,-0.949783623,0.141144156,0.113449886,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,48 136,3,"Read Even a shelf/table by stacking beneath a leg Flatten out a piece of paper. Kill a fly. Build a wall/structure. Express yourself to your friends/loved ones by lending them a favorite book. Take notes in it. Kindling for a fire (ugh I hate that I thought of that). Write down your schedule/appointments in. ","Tie things together. Anchor a boat/ship to a dock. Hang something. Swing upon. Tie a tire to a tree. Tie a piece of wood to a tree -- tree swing. Swing like a lasso. Create pulleys. Climb up in gym class. Pull on backstage to bring drops in/out. Tie children together so they don't get ","Eat Pitch hay Hold something down while you slice it Brush your hair (see: The Little Mermaid) Stab something/someone Divide a road (fork in the road) ","Place food upon/eat off of Place work/papers on -- write on Gather people at for conversation Work on (drafting table) Gather around for work discussion (boardroom table) Help people navigate a book (table of contents) Help people remember the elements (periodic table) Dancing surface (see: Titanic and other films) ","Wear as clothing Cut off legs to make shorts Cut off pieces of fabric and use to dress wounds, if stuck in the wild Scandalize citizens (if worn by women pre-suffragette movement) ","Feed a baby formula or milk Hold liquids in Build a ship inside it Put a message inside it and send it out to sea Holds spices Make a sand sculpture inside Smash to make a sound Smash to use as jagged weapon Recycle Smash to use pieces for collage art ","Stack for use in building a wall Throw through a window in act of violence or protest Weigh down paper so it doesn't blow away Use to prop open a door. Use to weigh something down and make it sink in water ","Protect wheel (on bike, car, etc) Tie to a tree and use as a swing Use in High-Intensity-strength training (toss and flip a giant tire) ","Dig a grave Dig a spot for a flower Shovel snow in the winter Shovel manure out in a farm Dig up something in an archeological dig Shoveling coal into a furnace/boiler ","Protect/clothe your feet Use as a planter for a house-plant Treasure as a sentimental keepsake of a child's youth Kill an unwanted bug ",-0.229368046,1.427674532,-0.129880667,-0.692579925,-0.753242433,1.036356211,-0.423427284,-0.195217282,1.333604813,1.219900966,0.599222362,1.030760646,0.572874129,1.171647906,1.190871239,-1.364154816,-0.345423847,0.931764424,1.482628703,0.720738471,0.782388151,1.247995496,1.166747808,1.225724101,1.761930943,2.339864731,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 137,3,"squash a spider hold down papers hide an object between the pages stand on to reach something flatten out papers coaster ","burn for light tie objects together smoke it -if it's hemp whip someone yoga stretches ","stab something draw in the dirt comb your hair scratch your back dig a hole make a wind chime use handle as a flat head screwdriver ","bed sit under as a cover from rain sit on stand on as a pedestal roof of a blanket f ","flotation device if filled with air scarf flag sack to carry stuff scarecrow","vase pencil holder fire starter if broken- a sharp edge a weapon game device - i.e.-spin the bottle instrument ","weapon paperweight decoration put broken down car on top of hold up a couch with 3 legs ","planter exercise obstacle course flotation device sled b","weapon musical instrument the post for a sign break down a wall ","hide something throw at someone tie to a tree to mark your path ",-0.550907373,-0.333964914,0.422527879,-0.18091771,1.227058649,0.479341149,0.745291412,1.408134103,0.82527703,1.530466676,2.426924467,-0.532610059,-0.424625933,1.180677414,1.190871239,-0.734840393,0.443610072,-0.323314101,1.634750009,1.223175764,-2.389719725,0.968818545,0.053569887,1.299862623,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,41 138,3,"Stair, Step, Level, Hinge, Base of a pyramid, placemat, tray, paper weight, clip board, ","String, Shoelace, resistance band, snake, tassels, dreadlocks, ","Dinglehopper, Comb, Weapon, Dancing Cartoon, Seasaw for insects, Nail file, Acupuncture needle, Superhero strength","Hiding cave, Bed, Desk, cutting board, ","Bridal dress train, horse tail, cape, kite, lasso, belt, shackles, ","Sand jar, musical instrument, telephone, phallic symbol, drum stick, container, ","paper weight, step, stoop, kettle bell, free weight, pillow, buried treasure, baby, box, toy, rai","Doughnut, Water float, hamster wheel, ferris wheel, globe, bowl of soup, ditch, heavy weight, obstacle course, hoop earring, ","telephone, weapon, seesaw, sea horse, pen, stick figure, baton, flute, ","cell phone, nose prosthetic, unicorn, baby, paper weight, newspaper bundle, bag of grapes, ",-1.775198817,-0.383664876,1.202644706,-1.330018997,0.813489497,1.201586843,0.200633571,-0.963311493,-0.172687724,1.05315876,0.904150426,-1.115141988,-0.33345291,-2.874690056,-1.653807759,-1.32251358,1.093228102,1.202101827,-2.07810688,-0.118215241,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-1.056438565,-1.32132268,1.155361295,1.28522861,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 139,3,"Read it Write in it Squish a bug with it Stand on it to reach something Doorstop Projectile to injure someone Use it to weigh down something not flat Press flowers/sandwiches Practice good posture Even out a wobbly table Read to someone else aloud Burn it Make rope out of the pages Magic tricks Decorations--page ","Suspend something (ie: flowers, lights) Climb down from somewhere high Climb up to somewhere high Hang yourself Strangle someone else Subdue someone Carry a bag (or many bags, like when you want to get all your groceries in in one trip) Dog leash Hammock Fishing line Basket weaving Belt Head ","Putting food in your face Stab someone Comb hair cool jewelry Shredding meat Making pretty shapes in icing fancifying cucumber slices Pushpin (in a pinch) Digging Jewelry hanger (earrings, neckla","Sit on Build a fort under Desk space meal space barricade shield game space sex ironing board ladder baby playspace battering ram kindling ","Cover the lower half of your body cape arm-warmers can be used as a short-ish rope cut off the legs, turn into a purse with many compartments cut off the legs, turn into shorts if you're a dude, the pockets take the place of a purse excuse to wear suspenders scarecrow turn into a skirt pet bed? ","Vase hold liquids lamp base break & use as weapon cut in half, use as planter caps make good projectiles corks are good for making potholders corks are also good for articulation exercises target for bb guns/etc plastic ones make a good ""neck break"" sound effect when twisted ","Doorstop pathway wall of house way to make something sink blunt force weapon firepit outline bottom of a flowerpot (use less dirt) put in the back of a toilet tank (flush with less water) bookend ","Swing Car Bike Crossfit implement to flip Recycle rubber for playground ""dirt"" Or recycle rubber for astroturf fields Chair Umbrella base tetherball base do they float? floatie? football agility drills ","Dig holes hit someone over the head with (sorry i keep thinking of weapons. i'm not a serial killer, i swear) shovel snow lift heavy things (use as a crowbar/cantilever type thing) Break ice kindling if the handle's wooden. sledding on a shovel is absurd and fun a giant spoon ","Protect your feet from the ground bug smasher projectile art if it's a stiletto, it's a weapon make yourself taller support your skeleton (orthopedics) doorstop (LAME) bookend (LAME) door knocker packing cube--stuff socks & stuff into 'em in your suitcase ",0.985432625,1.093947768,0.322363883,0.746976554,1.239646912,-0.032884516,0.051978264,1.481765509,1.344091296,1.403116465,0.332575709,0.0575024,0.681076825,1.323754549,1.151307702,0.791094363,1.198814631,0.529491663,1.268437028,-0.226958618,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.97835052,0.151449859,0.877434433,0.357180029,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,25 140,3,"I think I may have misread the cue. Here it is I am left with a blank box to fill, but I seem to have misunderstood what exactly to fill the box in with related to “book”. So creatively, I’ll simply utilize the time to draw an analogy for how this is EXACTLY why reading books in important ","My first thought is to picture a thick browned rope, one that may be used sturdily on a farm, in a barn or tying together some outdoor materials, objects, animals, people(?) for safety, security or even possession. I think how industrial decor has even gotten recently to involve twine and otherwise rustic aspects of rope. There is also “jumping rope”! ","The fork in the road. The fork I eat my food with. Little idiosyncratic habits you pick up on of others: my partner doesn’t ever like using forks and prefers spoons. Another friend has forgone all western utensils for the use of chopsticks.... for EVERYTHING! Then there’s the elusive spork. Such a nifty invention that I only ever see in plastic containers at fast food","To table the conversation. The dining room table. The PT/masseuse table. Collapsible tables and TV tray tables... how we’ve so quickly dismissed togetherness for convenience of space or simply greater interest in other things that lead us to spend meals on mobile tables while we talk less and less. Table top position in Pilates is so formative but I always picture how it’s only h","Well, I’m not wearing any now! Haha! The trend of right now is ladies with beautiful flowing wide-leg pants, and yet also the trend of leggings for everyday activities: work, leisure, athletics, and in all sorts of colors, patterns and structures. The jumpsuit is really just pants attached to a top, so why not also call it a pants suit. Men call their outfit a pants suit...","Immediately the image of a wine bottle. Does that say something about me? The different colors utilized by glass bottles always fascinated me... the shape, how they’re made... Then there’s the sports bottles! All THOSE shapes and colors. Some lighter than others so one can run with them without impinging on form. Plastic water bottles EVERYWHERE! And for such an overpriced sale on singles! Mini bottles, jugs","I love the color of brick. Warm. Sun kissed. Brownish, reddish, orange tones. NYC exposed brick walls carry a higher ticket price tho there is no renovation that has made them more sturdy, beautiful, or enhanced than the original makers design. Cold brick that pricks your skin when you lean on it in an alley way. Snagging your clothes. Or cob","The smell of tires on a hot day. Bike tires, car tires, the tire lot at the end of the run down street in town. Their weight can be extraordinary! And yet with bike tires they’re so light, it’s hard to think their hollow, air-filled structure holds ME up. Smooth or jagged. Spiked for ice/snow, o","Just watched a video of a dog being carried in a shovel... so tiny! All the shovels that exist for all seasons: gardening season, repotting seasons, snow, etc. I wonder how many cemeteries still do strictly manual grave digging and what effort that shovel has seen to hold a sacred space for the deceased. There’s little mini shovels that people have on","“OMG shoes!” - that viral online video. Shoes across the globe is fascinating look at culture: The traditional Japanese “sandals” of wood, platformed and not bendable at all.... they are still traditionally worn as formal wear for many occasions. The American formal sandal is anything but that! Usually very designed, bedazzled; meant ",-1.0435884,3.235790014,-0.92339921,-1.451612592,1.350639582,0.800292969,0.770616591,0.07026156,1.944207191,-0.291723043,0.953626096,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-1.945836425,-1.223711491,-1.568500638,-0.291945636,-0.285548389,-0.450614274,-0.010846021,-1.371233821,-1.013412476,-0.900696039,-0.654138446,0.960756838,0.630653977,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 141,3,"door stop press pillow table shim weapon step stool booster seat decoration safe concealment ","belt decoration molding ladder fence toy whip noose barrier bridge swing harness leash ","trowel rake brush handle stake conductor wand shovel weapon branding iron shiv shim window stopper door stopper ","tent fort chair bookshelf bed workbench puppet theatre barricade surf board raft frame armour ","shirt hammock sleeves rags flag head dress scarf foot coverings protective packaging insulation kindling curtains draft guard cat bed doll tent pillow blanket belt ","musical instrument weapon shovel tamper ice pack vase barometer terrarium ant farm insect holder magnifying glass sunray ","door stop press weapon burglary implement symbol of communism ","swing planter seat table base raft float lawn decor insulation mulch ","fence post door handle weapon clock hand ladle artwork joust seesaw seat scarcrow frame ","weapon door stop hand protection bottle holder path marker weight bug smoosher artwork pregnancy annoucement ",1.063862801,-0.888887465,1.000564575,1.52417016,1.32752502,0.469307333,1.295102358,0.201586649,1.323746085,1.393207312,0.737527192,-1.600890398,-0.635032713,0.618638396,0.984332085,0.802353323,1.20761323,0.505560577,1.131952524,0.64673537,-1.242005706,-1.858205557,0.107389674,-0.733333468,0.0115365,-0.761466801,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,33 142,3,"Learning Reading Discovering Hitting your sister Fighting Gilead Praying Warming the soul Warming the body by throwing in a fire Educating someone Referencing Discussing Confounding ","Spelling someone's name Evading the Wet Bandits Working out Climbing the U.N. building like Batman in BATMAN: THE MOVIE (starring Adam West) Burning Color War activity Connecting two sides ","Musical instrument Launching device Decoration Heirloom Build a jewelry ring Pick your teeth Destroy your enemy Stop motion cartoon Melt into a Spork ","Step stool Sex location Study location Study sex location Block doorway to deter intruder Burn to keep warm Snow sled Widdle into necklace ","Puppetry Drug trafficking Yeesh! Sleeves (so 90s) ","Launching device for rocket ship Weapon Device to hold art Crayon candle holder Spy glass Sand mover Lighting accessory Memoir creator ","Child's distraction Bridge Pathway Explosive device Kevin McCallister wards off the Sticky Bandits with this Historical memorabilia ","Body builder utensil Swing Rolling, throw up toy for kids Planter in a garden Paint brush Agent of death ","Snow shoes Weapon of choice Musical instrument Morse code item Back scratcher Back stretcher Calf stretching tool ","Telephone (Get Smart) Musical instrument Strangulation device Distance throwing tool Artistic expression ",-0.060266741,-0.254444778,1.702319741,1.449765325,-0.316959292,0.974995732,1.295102358,1.140522361,0.162969247,1.424735308,0.189701468,-0.94181478,-1.373589754,0.07390821,0.171808615,0.815162718,-0.143006995,0.384600252,0.10728348,0.991111398,0.832579434,-1.257666707,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.423749864,-0.102057226,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 143,3,"Entertainment Prop Decoration A leveraging tool Flower Presser Fan Weight A Stackable Frisbee Weapon Kindling ","Weapon Fake Snake Jump Rope Belt Necklace Tail Pulley Handcuffs/Restraint Decoration Whip ","Comb Musical Instrument Eating Utinsel Zen Garden Rake Back Scratcher Decoration Jewelry Toothpick Screwdriver substitue Weapon ","Bed A Place to Eat A Stage Storage The Base of a Blanket Fort Hiding Place Earthquake Protection ","Extra Padding Coverage Warmth Scarf Crop Top Improptu pillow Flag Torture Device ","Liquid Container Solid Container Home Decor Weapon Spider Trapper Vase Art Project Rolling Pin Message Carrier Musical Instrument Lamp ","Walls Projectile Sidewalk Weight Put in a sack and drop them ","Swing Exercise Equipment Plant Pot Weight Transportation Stamp/Texture ","Dig a hole Weapon Pooper Scooper Sled Lever Snake Killer ","Foot Protection Spider Killer Athletic Enhancement Bacterial Incubator Torture Devices Noise Maker",0.188425392,-0.758556426,0.426411241,0.530093431,1.032405615,0.467241466,0.979710639,0.469684124,-0.926039219,0.786816061,1.71019E-09,0.059192233,1.364114523,0.22516863,0.92468518,0.634802818,0.173825011,0.179907367,-1.768318057,-0.900878847,-0.962734103,-0.594212055,0.245934337,0.910778642,-0.530768037,1.290302277,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,25 144,3,"Read Hold down papers To use to prop something up To raise something higher To stack into a tower Fuel for a fire To intimidate your friends with your knowledge ","To tie down a load of things on your truck To hold up a light to tie up an enemy to lash together poles for a shelter to repel off a cliff to hoist a bag of food into the air to keep it away from bears To make a hammock To make a tightrope to w","To bring food to your mouth As a comb for your hair To use as defensive weapon As a skewer to cook food over a fire To pitch hay and other lawn-care","To sit at for eating/reading/projecting/playing games To stand on to reach a high place As a barricade to hide behind as a shelter to hide under As storage space To float on in case of a flood ","To wear for warmth/comfort/modesty As a bandage for wounds To tie off the legs, fill with air, and use a floatation device As a rope As a flag for signalling As a towel to dry off As a rag to cle","To hold liquids As a musical instrument As a defensive weapon As a target for throwing rings as a container for a model ship as a light diffuser as a means of transporting letters to other continents via the ocean ","To build a house To smash a window To weigh things down To prop up your car As a ","To put on your car wheel To float down a river To use as fuel for a fire To hang in a tree and use as a tire swing As a target to throw baseballs into To weigh down a tarp ","To dig a hole To break rocks As a baseball bat (when you don't have a real bat) A defensive weapon To fill in a hole To reach things in high places As a doorstop To measure distances ","To wear on your feet As a beer coozy As a tool for disciplining children As a flyswatter/bugkiller As a tool to open a bottle of wine as a mitten for your hand As a shor ",-0.219022408,1.070940375,0.64707166,0.414953798,0.534160972,1.062323689,0.279004484,-0.816602051,-0.73891449,1.352053642,0.256864786,0.166247115,0.134762987,-0.891928434,0.250137478,0.933639765,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.109199166,-0.433627844,0.259855866,1.461993456,-0.071845002,-0.118568949,0.370065719,0.225923717,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 145,3,"foot stool kindling weighted tie-down gi joe tent carpet sliders building blocks chair booster decoration hide-away for secret objects projectile research enjoyment escapism ","rock climbing rigging suicide work out hog tieing lasso tight rope walking tethering boating building a tent hoisting animal for cleaning tieing up hero ","bracelet eating grilling catapult doll weapon regular weapon magic tricks small digging tool zen garden rake replacement small strainer throwing star small crowbar comb curing iron crown ","makeshift ladder battlement shield reverse 4post bed frame tent supports tall chair foot rest cooling tray (if stone) sacrafice place place to throw cowboy in fight ","nudity concealer rags strangler cape makeshift arm warmers hardwood floor sliders headwear for star wars girl with two head-tails half-done scarecrow blown up double air boppers ","bird feeder blunt weapon sharp weapon musical instrument bee trap air cannon tornado maker leg roller decoration in a pinch bathroom makeshift A/C trash bin measuring unit cup ","projectile weapon saw horse fort tie down building blocks cutting surface decoration straight edge garden edge paper weight general weight sharpener dust maker (if you shave it) hot plate cooling plate fire liner ","planter bird bath saw horse work out tool swing garden edge rolling toy anti rolling block decoration burning fuel large wind chime wasp n","blunt weapon sharp weapon catapult poor pogo stick work out tool sled small umbrella standing swing bee swatter oar cup bird bath crow bar cutting tool ","hat doll cave decoration planter cup bail bucket weight for a rope throw hand warmers toy boat bug killer ",1.520389676,-0.147379398,0.887691915,0.806985855,-0.197054252,0.592343748,-0.81085062,-0.233750015,-0.404256642,-0.033885192,0.450929791,0.301139772,0.782801032,-1.11631155,-0.16020532,-0.754805386,0.410924256,-0.101619504,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-1.532307863,-0.40855664,0.576996565,0.336004138,0.951714933,1.008180618,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 146,3,"paper weight tv tray fly swatter fan step decoration prop fire starter something to throw at an intruder something to bludgeon said intruder word generator frisbee fake bird ","ladder noose clothes line pull up bar liquid absorber to trip someone to divide a room a wreathe to swing into a lake a gown suspenders to throw at someone to get their attention to scare a dog to hang photos on ","to stab someone to scratch your shoulder to dig to throw at a mean dog percussion instrument to break a piece of glass to start a fire in the microwave to etch lines into the wall to pull trash out of a garbage disposal a doll's pitchfork to cut clay texturizer ","a roof firewood stage ladder arm wrestler arena clothing rack shelf baby diaper changer barricade fort structure something to flip for dramatic affect weapon room divider ","noose rag towel curtains arm warmers hamster cave tent rope ladder blanket rug to block off a room to create a path ","weapon fish prison cell contact solution holder musical instrument noise maker telescope kissing game piece something to play catch with chemists' creation holder ","to break a window stepping stone a stage for dolls noise maker to prop up a car paper weight to throw at a bad guy to block off a path a sign a fundraiser tool to distract your brother, as you hide to weigh down a box","fitness equipment a planter tunnel to bounce a frisbee for ogres a hiding place for cockroaches to cover your private parts to shred into a mosaic to fill into steps swing bed ","a giant spatula to carry hot things to smack a bad guy to decorate a garden a spear to break a box to poke a bear to get a golfball out of the pond to balance on as a pretend trident a spoon for a giant a ","home for a mouse a fly-swatter a stepping stone for a small person feet warmer hand warmer spice container shoulder pad to throw over a power line a pretend telephone a scent model a sock sleeve cup holder on the beach heat protector ",1.295795321,0.620842576,1.089695811,0.966827691,0.417167991,0.175406218,-0.5342893,0.325413376,0.868169129,0.662728548,0.581003666,0.838983476,0.889163613,-1.685437202,-1.29214251,-0.109945893,-0.952869058,-0.806979895,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.090805046,0.398010582,-1.127432704,-0.438904166,0.845605671,1.112844944,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,31 147,3,"Read Write Learn Analyze Stack Present Sell Edit Act Movie Direct Produce Publish Turn Back Front Page Print Ink Punctuation Sentences Paragraphs Str","Twisted Climb Knot Save Water Boat Window Gym Swing Twine Strangle Mystery Boy Scouts Girl Scouts River Jump Athletics Pool Lanes Si","Spoon Utensil Pitch Farm Hay Stab Meat Steak Pork Silverware Road Left Right Choice Story Options Change Same Life Poke Violent ","Desk Learn Eat Food Set Legs Platform Useable Options Office Dining Discussion Convertable Activities Read Write Laptop Printer Bills Envelopes Pencil Pen Drawer Antique Modern Midcentury Vintage ","Legs Coverings Corduroy Jeans Khaki Wool Leggings Breathes Dog Heavy Air Catch Exercise Runs Walks Skips Jumps Swims Horses Ride Gallops ","Holds Water Flowers Milk Feeds Baby Sucks Grows Feeds Lambs Elephants Orphaned Adopt Child China Abandoned Clear Colored Blue Green Red Sunlight Shines Opalescent Pretty Stare Meditate Thought ","Heavy Fireplace House Lay Workmen Layers Craft Olden Current Timeless Buildings Home Fire Chimney Thud Thick Mentally Thoughtless Red Brown Black Chinking Steady Sturdy ","Rubber Road Car Bike Motorbike Swing Rope Recycle Carpet Threads Worn Flat Air Sharp Object Blows Marks Speeding Need Transportation Plane Trike Exhausted Sleep Bored Trying ","Snow Scoop Storm Blizzard Winter Fargo Home Seasons Dirt Plant Vegetables Flowers Bushes Grass Upheaval Rhymes Clever Mud Black Brown Wooden Metal Farm Hay Stack Hang Accomplish Sweat Breath Fog Hill Sled Down Fun ","Tennis Heels Hit Dumb Snow Kickarinos 50's Comfort Socks Cozy Warmth Sandals Heat Subject Kick Athletics Gymnasium Running Walking Skipping Jumping Rope ",5.002583027,-1.139713168,-0.026432525,1.653592944,-0.40782246,-1.352619767,-1.063444614,-0.553951859,-0.372110963,-0.002500606,1.794368625,-0.521456301,1.028823018,-2.651206255,0.611037612,-2.538381815,-0.006644019,-1.76205647,0.556596756,-0.05928275,-2.351394415,-0.233851656,1.135406971,-0.70581454,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,63 148,3,"Stand Knowledge Height Balance Future Past Present Letter Heaven Hell Projectile Master","Bind Hang Decorate Hoist Build Grow Turn Wrap Grasp Lever Volley ","Comb Paint Discover Cool Ripen Flavour Lift Shovel Flatten Mix ","Govern Play Mount Balance Plan Conquer Feed Serve ","Cloth Puppet hat Puppy bed ","Boat Compost House Musical Instrument Pipe Candle holder Magic holder ","Facade Exposed Prop Table Window Shelf Oven ","Shoes Swings Paint Pattern Binding Filler ","Fence Decoration Weapon Hat ","Also a hat cup lamp valance weapon musical instrument ",-0.045956176,-1.09379065,0.218101308,0.63458091,0.324060231,1.244613886,-0.138185725,-0.154181778,-1.239908934,0.299420178,-0.574911594,-1.39725852,-1.396674871,-0.388542384,-0.327177823,1.376454353,0.066150963,-0.257080644,-0.537610888,0.496890217,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.309723854,-3.400764465,-1.775728464,-1.495519757,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,28 149,3,"Flower presser Paperweight (Stack) shelf (Stack) Table Kindling Origami Paper Mache ","Belt Hair tie Strap for hauling furniture stanchion Measuring tool Tool for hanging ","Pasta marker Hairbrush Dip in ink and use to create musical staff Backscratcher Hot dog spit ","Ironing board Drying rack Barrier Something to hide behind during a shootout Convert into kitchen island ","A scarf Use as packing material while transporting fragile items Wine bottle holder The beginning of a scarecrow Cut into rags Turnicate ","Paperweight Flower vase Break for weapon Magnifying glass Dip in ink and use as stamp Use mouth for cookie cutter Strap together for fake binoculars ","Garden enclosure Weapon Window opener House for bugs to live under Flower press Weight Step stool Create texture for painting ","Campfire enclosure Garden enclosure Swing Really big halo Garage bumper for car Circular chair Stack for table Stack and crawl inside for caterpillar costume Crawl inside ","(Small shovel) can be used as spoon Hammer things into ground use to cut Awkward crutch Baseball bat ","Wine bottle holder Bug smasher Unit of measurement Use laces as rope Use laces for hairtie Dog toy Oven mitt (in pairs) ",-0.201576471,-0.225354761,0.735839367,0.220932528,-0.866778493,-0.879294276,-1.361237407,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-0.88150537,-0.154731721,1.49979496,1.529554963,-1.773673654,-0.042954925,0.194695875,-2.850165844,-1.687095404,-2.79156661,-1.445756793,0.947341263,0.547012448,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.343815774,0.361842006,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,28 150,3,"Reading Coaster Doorstop Sleep aid Research Amusement Knowledge","Tying things up Securing objects Swing","Eating Whipping scrambled eggs Cutting food Pressing down peanut butter cookies Flipping bacon","Eat meals Using laptop upon Writing Landing pad for groceries Cooling cookies on Art ","To wear To hold wallet Attach keys to belt loop Keep all sorts of things in pockets ","Hold liquids Candle holder Hold coins","Build with Door stop Paper weight Line","For a bike For a car Recycle Plant flowers in ","Clear a sidewalk Clean manure from a barn Dig a hole Fill up a hole Move dirt from one place to another Dig out from a snow bank ","Protect the foot Stylish dressing Put out a cigarette Kill a fly Kill a spider Doorstop ",-0.753449798,-0.571525276,-0.422946721,-1.139346361,-0.027318994,0.883870602,-0.433520734,-0.438281208,-1.35762012,-0.835245013,-0.347609788,-1.369613647,-1.643866539,1.463044524,0.916741848,1.440055847,1.359358191,1.642037511,0.933754027,0.80791986,0.441687107,-1.355141997,1.080137253,1.484212637,-1.969318748,-1.658174634,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,57 151,3,"Reading A hat Stack them on top of a folded paper to flatten it or sharpen a crease Prop one in front of you to hide what's in your ","Noose Tying a hammock to a tree Outdoor ropes obstacle course ","Eating Tuning Testing brownies to see if they're finished baking Killing tiny enemies ","Makeshift bed Eating a meal Crafts Barricade Footstool ","Keeping your lower half warm Showing off the shape of your lower half Building a scarecrow Tying things together when you don't have rope Makeshift sleeves when you packed extra pants but no jacket ","Drinking Fighting in a bar Blowing into as an instrument Fidgeting by peeling the label ","Throwing through a window Building a wall Building a building Holding a door open ","Cars Bikes Wheelbarrows Lawnmowers ","Digging a hole Knocking somebody out Hang a bunch up and make giant windchimes ","Protecting your feet Showing off your fashion sense/money Once they get old, using them as outdoor flower vases Chew toys for dogs ",-0.921973646,-0.252323031,-0.654151797,-1.125579596,-0.073111258,0.974995732,0.990265489,1.443658233,-0.052447498,-0.478304118,0.501788557,-0.811617851,-0.386790335,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.726730466,-0.642517984,0.327611029,1.25058949,0.41103068,-1.065428972,-0.809708655,-0.975067258,0.628929734,0.149710208,Male,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,African American/Black",Straight/heterosexual,23 152,3,"coaster pillow baby toy fan step stool table notepad art work distraction method hat accessory pretend tablet drum nail file ","necklace bracelet hair tie ruler belt headband leash divider toy tight rope blindfold massager napkin ","hair brush microphone pretend writing tool art work weapon (eek) toothpick knife spoon makeshift key ","bed desk lounger sofa fort drum sound machine exercise equipment art canvas pedestal step stool massage table art work display art work itself ","belt blanket pillow book mark (kids pants) towel wipes tissue dog bed canvas for artwork whip tunnel cave fort blindfold napkin ","musical instrument part of a game part of an art project microphone massager wedding prop candle holder vase jewelry storage way to display art watering can measuring cup ","step stool seat hammer weight ball paper weight piece of an art project way to measure/ruler prop shatter and use as ","swing seat game exercise equipment planter pillow animal bed art time out spot hula hoop Halloween costume ","microphone (pretend) toy bottle fork spoon watering can show and tell item ball ","home for a small animal planter vase ball frisbee pitcher pot bowl game prop glove ",1.191618443,-0.598003387,0.537756205,0.520366132,1.227058649,-0.270645946,1.214818239,1.499708295,0.813762486,1.361962795,1.215302944,-0.876655579,0.06327267,-1.857453942,-2.318939447,-1.67758286,0.118651897,0.857979894,0.381072432,0.95336014,-1.527662754,-1.527020574,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.938894749,0.957516968,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,37 153,3,"Study Consult Prop up an uneven table leg Weigh down a stack of papers Press flowers Stash secret or precious papers Decorate shelves Enter information ","Tie items together Secure items to the car roof Bind together fence panels Put laundry out to dry Tow something Restrain people from an area Protect livestock Lead animals Demarcate an area or path create a hammock ","Eating utensil Secure papers to a soft surface Decorate a table setting Hang on a wall Collect for their beauty and workmanship Spear food items from a jar Get toast out of a toaster (after unplugging the toaster!) Lift food Lift heavy items ","Eating surface Work surface Decorate with vases of flowers Make bread Spread out papers for perusal Lay out a quilt Arrange work tools Study with numerous open books available Arrange for make up application Cover with beautiful cloth Paint or decorate ","Ease of movement Delightful patterns and colors Work Play Strenuous movement Make a gender statement Ride horses Protect legs Fashion statement ","Hold liquid Preserve foodstuffs Recycle from original use Decorate Hold a candle Hold alcohol Return for deposit Weapon Hold perfumes Hold cosmetics ","Build a home Hold down a tarp Create a wall Create a raised bed for growing food Decorative walkways Throw in anger Break other things Preserve fossils ","Allow for movement of heavy vehicles Allow for transport of materials or persons Flower beds Can be burned for fuel Can be made into tree swings Protect area around a sapling Serve as dock bumpers Roll easily over difficult surf","Move earth Dig holes Smooth earth Hit things Knock things down that are out of reach Carry rocks, earth or loads of material ","Protect feet Define gender Allow for quick movement Support the foot Protect the flooring Maintain dexterity Fashion statement Artistry Balance Beauty Limit movement Define class or social standing Allow for movement on difficult surfaces Allow for trav",0.531752527,0.822433174,0.561061621,0.124232605,0.553823411,-1.206044793,1.295102358,0.420961916,1.814311147,0.489422143,-0.016683472,0.536270976,0.369622976,0.488317639,1.14565587,-1.947603822,0.714470208,-0.342771411,0.866589367,-0.347209424,-0.676207006,0.414628267,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.959947884,0.699729919,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,57 154,3,"read read upside down write notes in carve a hole in and hide something pretend it's a bird rip the pages out to get out some rage burn it, if you're a dick chew on it break the spine use it to prop something up hit someone with it use it to practice balancing use it to decorate a coffee table ","hang yourself hang someone else lasso a cow lasso a horse lasso a person tie knots for boyscouts or something tie a cat and a dog tail together to make a catdog swing into a lake swing across trees for a zipline, if it's steel pull it apart and make thread weave the pulled-apart pieces into a sensible tote ","use it to eat use it to stab use it for dart practice throw it across the room bend it about to make it look like a hand put it in the center of an otherwise empty room and call it modern art polish it bite on it and make that funny bouncy metallic noise in your head use it to carve a message into a wooden table use it to maybe pick a lock ","stand on it tip it over out of frustration rest things on it put your feet up--footrest light a candle on it and praise satan use it for a oujia (weegee) board dissect a frog on it a picnic to prop up a camera for a self-tape eat your dinner set it ","wear them on your head wear them on your booty cut them up and make yourself into a grungy rock princess make a flag turn them into shorts with scissors decorate them with rhinestones for pride tuck them into your boots stain them rip them off of your sexual partner in a kinky way, not a scary way acid wash them wash them dirty them up throw","drink out of it break it threaten someone with the sharp broken bottle toss it and become a litter bug melt it if it is plastic and fuck up the ozone melt it if it is glass and make some cool art chug out of it make an arcade game out of it ring toss put a message in it and toss it in the sea fill it with a different beverage than what came in it tape it to your for","bash someone's head in begin to make a house make a brick bird break your teeth on it write a threatening message and tape it to it and then throw it through your enemy's window prop up a trailer make a porch fill in a hole in a wall start a dam make a decorative wall in your loft car","put a small child in it and roll it down a hill replace the popped one on your car burn its rubber doing donuts in the parking lot shred it and make mulch use it for a workout roll it up a hill spin it and watch it twirl slash it and fuck up someone's night buy it so you have a spare ","make a flower bed in your garden bury the dead bury the living dig up the dead dig up the living make a swimming pool make a sandcastle strike magma and make a volcano find buried treasure bash someone with it and really mess them up pretend to play swords with someone else who has a shovel use it as a spoon use it to puc","sniff it wear it on your foot nail it to the wall and call it art put it in your closet practice tying laces toss it at someone's head practice your runway strut embroider it and make it worth millions eat it if you like that sort of meal cut it up and collage it put it on your hand and pretend you have feet for hands do a handstand with the shoe on your feet and make your butt l",1.189715862,2.969584465,-0.270175338,0.281782895,0.577222526,-1.032949686,0.770616591,-0.45282796,0.008474553,-0.954187095,0.039299265,0.534753203,0.392440647,-1.91796577,-0.332109749,-1.680659294,0.374136806,0.769457698,-0.942787647,-0.047356632,-0.287913233,0.567453802,-0.492759287,-0.14612487,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,24 155,3,"Reading, throwing, paper weight, being sworn in in court, worshipping, memorizing, swatting flies, defending yourself from an attacker, knowledge, learning, laughing, crying, throwing at criminals if you're a judge, flattening flowers or leaves in, drawing in, making notes in, fanning yours","pulling yourself up from a pit, tug of war, noose, hostage holding, skipping rope game, tying down a mattress on your car, mountain climbing, strangling, binding, flying scenery, me","eating, stabbing, twirling spaghetti, a funny word to say, pressing on peanut butter cookies, poking holes in a potato, puppetry, making patterns in mashed potatoes, fighting off attackers - Jason Bourne style, wind chimes, ","eating food on, dancing on, standing on, playing games, making crafts, sewing on, puzzles, turn upside down and make a boat, tipping over when angry, meeting with world leaders, court trials, operating on pa","to cover your lower half of body, cut into shorts, quilt squares, a place for ferrets or dachshunds to play or hibernate, a napkin, wind protection, sun protection, fashion, ","hold liquid, sand, buttons, air, use as flower vase, decoration, defend from attackers in bar fight, spin to find out who to kiss in closet, get drunk from, receive money in, build a model ship in, ","to build with, throw at attacker, lift like gym weights, paper weight, paint your name on, pave a sidewalk with, hold a tarp down, throw through a window to make your point, name your child after it, let it si","on your car wheel to drive on, to swing on, to put rope on and make it an ottoman, sit on, roll down the street, spin, make a tower, build a fort, spare","dig, lever out rocks, hit someone with, lend to neighbor, pick up dog poop, drag behind you in a scary Halloween costume, light the end as a torch, ","protect foot, (again, throw at an attacker), flower pot, wine receptacle, heightener, warmer, cooler, fashion statement, weapon,",-1.775198817,1.141583443,0.980135083,-1.515342832,0.809546709,0.823925972,0.402100235,-0.485359907,0.828531206,-0.300131232,1.71019E-09,0.245273486,1.151865363,0.116134658,-0.182769284,-0.586988509,0.779358625,-0.943306029,0.302805394,-0.103400342,-0.421628147,0.66113323,-0.220933899,-0.434136987,0.724046648,0.827507496,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,46 156,3,"Read Paper weight Prop up window Even out table leg Throw at cat for making noise while I'm trying to sleep Write notes/memoranda on cover leaf Use as backing when writing on paper when no other hard surface available Kill bug ","Suspend fluorescent light over plant seedlings belt stabilize trellis in garden suicide catch baby calf in rodeo lariat tricks tie up villain S and M lash together poles for raft, tower, etc secure crates on ship deck raise rigging on saili","eat food very bad radio antenna pry open stubborn lid poke sleeping friend fish for scoop in protein powder tub spread butter ","place for junk mail, papers eating impromptu ladder sex surgery/dissection slam against door in emergency seat meeting place spot to hang out ","cover legs, junk inflate as life preserver cover mouth to filter out dust, gas, smoke shred for bandages insulation wall decoration make scarecrow ","drink holder store liquid soap weapon (throwing) weapon (striking) mobile prism kaleidoscope fill with colored sand, decoration keep bugs in launch skyrocket ","door stop wall constituent paper weight use for elevation in exercise (pushups, etc) use for weight in exercise weapon displace water in toilet tank weight down objects for submersion powder for use in paths ","for traction on vehicle can be filled with earth and made into load-bearing walls for use in exercise (can be flipped, thrown) Put a pal in and roll downhill shredded, use for mulch/weed barrier planter burn for smoke in movies, etc ","dig, cultivate soil best weapon against zombies lever for demolition scare cat from under bed pry rocks loose from soil","protect feet throw at cat while I'm trying to sleep paper weight kill bug fancy shoes for job interview laces used for string",0.181131423,0.354439199,0.905202925,0.58272779,-0.248494148,-1.434296966,-0.945554078,-0.555059493,-0.483486086,-0.04913323,0.529698133,0.76461637,1.420640111,-2.725469589,-0.97584033,-1.792671442,-0.232742339,-1.524511337,-1.31653893,-1.722278357,-0.442142487,-0.822089493,-1.051571012,0.414212912,0.410120904,0.835024536,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,51 157,3,"flat surface door stop paper weight weapon pillow musical instrument building structure projectile ","measuring tool sex toy bridge art medium hair decoration macrame rock climbing tool counting tool lasso swing ","art utensil weapon hand on a clock art medium use in sculpture musical instrument crude comb rake fine motor tool ","bed seat hiding place shield barracade stackable structure drum work station obstacle ","other articles of clothing hand bag rope cleaning rag flag storage curtain flogger restraints ","musical instrument art medium building material container measurement device to capture insects to prop something up or open wind chime arrow to show direction spinning top p","door stop prop lever book end building material structural surface art material weapon crush it to make powder for cosmetics or paint to make a trail paper weight tower","swing clothing material build a playground structure exercise equipment barricade table dog course obstacle use the rubber to make a mattress use rubber ","to prop something up or open weapon measuring tool post dust pan to beat rugs with hit a gong with to draw in the dirt with as a lever as an arm extension to reach things to ","pretend telephone to prop something open as a percussion instrument as a weapon as a container as a bed for small animals as a signal as a measuring tool ",0.683312118,-0.227188691,1.231804132,1.22893095,0.631259739,0.857465148,-0.843106568,-1.549559593,-0.440040946,-0.53635025,0.73320961,-0.444280088,-0.345727742,0.428083539,0.970508575,1.151875496,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-0.369940877,-0.268496633,0.509556592,-0.017684795,0.341463447,0.576762795,-0.720554471,-0.137601197,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,24 158,3,"tofu press paper weight building block door jam shield weapon hiding place to prop up a camera or phone to raise height of someone sitting to raise up a table or chair leg ","decoration fashion accessory arts & crafts lasso noose to tie, secure loose items to hold something down volleyball net to create a border/division to guide a long line to lower/raise items ","food utensil comb weapon clean nails scraping tool lever catapult instrument a la drumstick to strike percussion instruments back scra ","fort bed art surface dining surface altar puja barricade game surface ","cape rope headwear cleaning rag material for other project, hand bags, patches, etc inspiration to lose weight ","musical instrument vase planter bong change jar to hold decorative items to store dry goods (beans, sugar, etc) wind chime decoration science experiments molitov cocktail ","paper weight door jam tofu press book end weapon to break things to keep a lid on something exercise weight canvass for painting project to crush/grind ","swing flotation device sled bungee cushion seat invent a game ","to bar a door shut weapon for sports like a bat pull up bar lever/catapult ","home/bed for tiny pet padding to feature a small flower pot to feature a bottle of wine to swat bugs to represent a base in whiffle ball ",0.303983033,-0.168750003,0.814430296,0.685075581,0.814660311,1.227156162,0.979710639,0.590394378,0.82527703,1.235994101,0.372591823,1.987731814,1.179144382,-2.350466728,0.486817122,-2.619052887,0.659845591,1.501027226,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.814217925,1.871381283,-0.430412263,-0.378105462,2.173936129,1.487905145,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,39 159,3,"Hat beard cupholder hiding spot for weapons handtowel miniskirt toilet paper posture practice umbrella a means to spy on people or eavesdrop a means to escape unwanted conversation a companion an escape from reality an accessory to prove intellect ","toothpick lasso belt suicide tool handcuff yourself to a friend hair tie spread your toes out for a pedicure jumprope for exercise tie yourself to a fence in a storm leash giant spaghetti noodle hair extensions measuring tape chalk outline landscape--make your own mountains make your own friend ","hairbrush toothpick weapon of self-defense back-scratcher fashion earring tiara long necklace jewel window decoration garden hoe dangerous dildo tuning device extra appendage row boat oar ","home ladder boat shield playpen tent carousel wheel seat bed sex den cat hideaway crumb castle very large hat collage ","leg warmers ghost holders winter hat winter scarf shawl creative sash snack holder long straws balloons large bra for saggy boobs large condom for two penis party slapping weapon wind chime ","spyglass musical instrument milking device for boobs spitjar hearing device telephone fashion accessory trumpet weapon spinning device hat back roller potty weight to lift ","square makeup palette secret clue in a treasure hunt hat fashion belt buckle shoe armrest weight training bra censor exfoliant hair curler ","wheel weapon neck brace skirt hoop skirt hula hoop resistance trainer back massager monacle for a giant crown for a giant toe ring for an even bigger giant handcuff for a group of prisoners plate ","pencil scarecrow imaginary friend mannequin axe hammer toothpick for a giant measuring height used for tying a huge bow tie row limbo stick weight to lift rain stick lightning rod bird perch ","cup chalice purse hat earmuff glove house for mice flag for a country on the moon tiny spaceship telephone secret bomb cockroach smusher device instrument of percussion puppet ",1.840186954,0.05700054,1.4053967,1.556313038,-0.808669865,1.214371443,-0.518254757,-1.549559593,-1.35762012,-0.019313624,-1.650162697,-0.001262644,-0.564911842,-0.071116373,-0.986897826,-0.573067307,-0.117684022,-0.557092786,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.023624824,0.269663423,-0.236758903,0.174609616,-0.780529022,-0.758456111,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,28 160,3,"Read Use as doorjamb Transcribe onto computer Paperweight Deassemble Fold pages into paper airplanes/origami ","Tie knot Hang oneself Use in/as pulley to lift something Wrap object Secure batten on ship Rappel down cliff ","Eat Flick small ammunition Dress as tiny person Stick into electrical socket","Set for dinner Make a fort underneath As raft in storm surge As barricade in case of zombies Flip it to make a small canopy bed As operating table in emergency ","Wear as pants Rip into strips for bandages/sling Wear on head for sun protection in desert Use as big rag","Fill with liquid and drink As Molotov cocktail Play as musical instrument Put small ship inside ","Use to start a foundation Doorjamb Paperweight To step on, if you need to be two inches taller","As mode of locomotion in car or bike Make a terrarium inside As a swing ","Dig a hole Pry open a door/hatch To cut something with the blade end ","Wear on foot Doorjamb Sell online to people who go for that sort of thing Throw over power line to establish gang dominance",-0.862143099,-0.128328055,0.125390977,0.217691973,1.073725939,-0.913551688,1.188056946,0.882073998,0.108708933,0.319373995,-0.164245516,-0.631492078,-0.003637611,0.886198103,1.066097736,-0.451450348,0.700530291,-0.587594867,1.316917896,1.000642419,0.228872582,-0.064885318,0.94787091,-0.320453346,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,32 161,3,"reading silently reading out loud coaster paperweight fill a nightstand with creating a platform to put a piece of wood on and make a table with hitting someone swatting a fly storing liquor in storing checks and other pieces of paper in filling up a backpack teaching someone something writing in ","tying sails to swinging on using for jump rope noose tire swing tug of war clothesline zipline tying things together with sex toy weapon hanging things from the ceiling with creating nautical-themed decorations with crafting placemats out of ","eating food with brushing hair with and/or reenacting scenes from the little mermaid with stabbing someone depending on how big the fork is, tilling a garden with decoration fine motor skills practice for babies poking holes in a potato/pie crust before baking, etc combing sand with mandala creation ","laying on top of eating off of stretching with storage standing on to reach things that are high potentially (if it's wooden) LUMBER making a fort out of (if you turn it upside down) doing a puzzle on top of playing games on top of doing a group mapping project on lighting on fire","wearing using as a towel storage (if the pants have pockets) to cauterize a wound or stop blood on someone's body a flag a kite a clothesline a pillow a noose a backbrace a hat/turban of some sort blindfold ","for drinking decoration you could cut it in half and make a fancy cup out of for holding liquids a receptacle for messages if broken (or if not): a weapon a flotation device for someone tiny? like thumbelina? a toy litter could recycle it and it could be reused as somethi ","building material: walls building material: floor/tile/patio weapon could stack them and place a board over and make a table weight (like a paperweight) exercise equipment doorstop if crumbled, could replace sand? ","could plant plants in the center wheels on a car home to bugs/worms, depending on where they're located toxic poison if melted? you could use tires for a lawn game of some sort flotation device for river floating resting place storage a bike tire could be used to choke someone ","digging transporting whatever you've dug to another location hitting someone with cleaving some sort of soft material demolition "," wearing planting plants in hiding things in storing little presents in for St. Nicholas and the wooden shoe day making sounds (i.e. tap shoes) stabbing someone in the eye (i.e. spike heels) covering feet from bacteria running/jumping/climbing having traction on different surfaces with eating (crocs",0.709717333,1.259769559,0.093532562,0.396368891,1.514632106,1.262071371,0.901324034,1.086352825,0.152154088,0.735946655,1.019253612,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.143878043,0.051596813,-0.07785254,0.93254447,0.544881582,0.002932325,-0.377723694,-1.665194631,-1.564362168,0.4751288,-0.131776601,0.179419547,1.074574113,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,30 162,3,"Read Instruct Learn Tutor Copy Recite Publish Inscribe Weight Reference Enjoy Schedule Move quickly ","Lasso Hang Convince Tie Knot Secure Restrain Climb Pull Hoist Strangle ","Eat Shred Poke Test Tune Give over Pitchfork ","Postpone Dine Play cards Gather Break bread Plan Sketch Draft Platform Hide under Barricade Talk Negotiat","Wear Carry in pockets Heavy breathing ","Drink from Contain Pour into Pour out of Whistle over Break Peel the label off ","Throw Build Lay Weigh down","Drive on Grow weary Roll Swing Replace Recycle ","Dig Bury Plant ","Wear ",-0.237447143,-1.017306924,-1.359333158,-0.615081728,0.779394329,1.296986818,1.214818239,-0.06250108,0.750571549,-0.422514826,0.873306215,-0.450461298,-0.856605291,0.585315108,-1.393414378,0.338920593,0.30322513,1.285293818,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.329517126,-0.958479583,0.420420647,0.374326319,-0.230316669,-0.646050572,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 163,3,"Weapon Doorstop Tofu-presser Stool Hair flattener Butterfly p","Jumping with friends Tying up your partner Fake snake Hanging Pulling someone on a bicycle behind a car Tug of War Practicing knots Burning your palms Swinging from a tree Lassoing a cow","Combing your hair Stabbing your brother Raking miniature leaves Pretending to be Posiedon Scratching your back Primitive knitting Simple windchime ","Becoming taller Avoiding rodents Open-air fort Massage surface Burning for a bonfire ","Scarecrow garb Extra sleeves for cold arms Stuff with cotton and wear on your head a pretend to be a bunny Dishrags Double sleeping bag for ferrets ","Portable Urinal Instrument (blowing air across the top for a neat sound) Holder for a miniature ship Weapon (Smash across someone's face or on top of someone","Paperweight Doorstop Weapon Stepstool Bookend Stage for mice Urban themed centerpiece Nail file Put in your jacket so you can weigh more at the doctor's","Swing Roll it down a hill and see whose stays up the longest Challenging hula hoop Planter for flowers Build a rubber room with a bunch of them ","Weapon Pogo sticking without the bounce Create a small swimming area with a giant slide for your gerbil ","Weapon Planter for a small shrub Drinking beer / wine / bevies hammering nails murdering flies makeshift oven mitts Leave it out in the hallway on December 12th and someone will fill it with candy Kayak for a cat",-0.347973317,0.166706964,1.598639965,0.964518249,0.772040546,1.03164351,1.094438553,1.068410039,1.238564849,-0.425816387,1.627336621,0.098766461,1.648947358,-1.328742027,0.300189644,0.2728329,0.0979148,0.013967898,-0.70601368,0.543456018,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.864860058,-0.341044396,-0.092303708,1.445604205,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,43 164,3,"read throw use as a coaster use as a step stool use to flatten another book use to hide money write in fuel source art project ","bound things together tie it support a tree climbing bdsm dog leash a belt hang things swing ","eating cutting stabbing art piece a game of spoons (but with forks) ","eat on work on write on read on stand on sit on sleep on use to store thing use to place things on use as a structural base for a fort use as cover ","wear on legs warmth cut up for spare material cut into shorts burn for warmth cut into sleeves for arms use as pillow use as hat wear as skirt/dress ","fill with water fill with food reusable use to store items use to transport items use to keep liquids hot/cold use as science experiment use to pop caps at people ","create an insulated siding for a house build a chimney build a slow roasting oven build a container for dirt/mulch build a house paint them break them create flower pots ","drive on them burn them create rubber jewelry recycle them use as a swing use as a bed use as flower bed ","dig holes fill holes plant trees as a weapon balance on it like a pogo stick as a dull axe ","wear protect from cold protect from water protect from sunlight create sandals cut for spare materials walk/run/gym dress up throw ",0.177997231,0.053618997,-0.808645606,-1.055701375,0.10669443,0.979184031,0.634030342,-0.947927117,0.947841048,0.70800364,1.71019E-09,-2.147429705,-1.563234448,1.020409465,1.190871239,1.006536484,1.359358191,-0.075808376,1.60416162,1.568400145,-0.446500778,-0.401617557,1.213474393,1.471972346,0.37037912,-0.769555688,Male,"African American/Black,American Indian",Prefer not to respond,25 165,3,"window prop 'tripod' use it to get more elevation for a camera on a small tripod weight step to something higher umbrella coaster wallpaper ","noose basket material use it for pull shit work your core with it make a snake out of it climb rocks climb walls make yourself a mummy join yourself to somebody else ","make shift puppet make shift weapon road less traveled steak good for hay scarecrow use it to pull up a broken zipper use it to pry open a ","tricep press reverse lat pull up camera surface for self tape great for changing ceiling light bulbs with no ladder or step stool imaginary door to somewhere imaginary jail cell imaginary cage imaginary cupboard imaginary ","head band tug of war keep warm cover your legs frame your perfect ass make your package look good casual down a nice shirt ","juggling item make a light out of it candle holder break it in pieces for ceramics break it in pieces for tiling break it in pieces for art vase fill it with something fun to look at salt shaker olive oil container beer wine ","juggling item crush it for rubble build shit with it make shift weights for working out make shift weapon use it to hold down tarp or cloth fireplace brickoven pizza ","swing crossfit pot for plants target for football dock padding bumper lounge recliner table ","weapon door prop crush cans use in a junk sculpture dig a grave hide a timecapsule build a sandcastle build a mote kil ","throw it at someone in appreciation of them flower pot rhythm maker kill a cockroach run walk jump wade through a river climb skip slide dance build ",0.464445204,0.294390678,0.526608288,0.536931694,0.456234038,-0.017439287,0.035771701,-1.093057275,0.520441055,-0.585912108,0.697590351,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.363031149,0.990410328,0.277207822,0.257840455,-0.134842426,0.463579774,0.525435388,0.662540972,0.513202131,0.369281948,0.554881752,0.961931825,1.415082932,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,46 166,3,"Read Gift recycle use as prop decorative research kill spider distract space filler paddle self defense in extreme instance ","tie things together tug-of-war ladder climb a cliff face strangle clothesline dog leash child leash coil around glass decorative ","eat pretend to be a tiny Poseidon comb tangled hair shred chicken or pork beat eggs stab enemies in self defense press dots into pizza crust ","eat at computer table sit at with family use as a step stool organizer mount top on wall as art use as fort in pretend work surface ","wear in public wear when working use legs as shoe storage use legs as small bags scarf if really drunk ","hold liquid vase blunt object defense broken sharp object defense bottle neck guitar slide color accent in decorative use place in front of door as early warning intruder alert fill with alcohol and use as bomb ","Paper weight construction material heavy blunt object use as bookend use as shelving support hold tarp down on windy day weigh down light load weigh down person to drown them (dark i know) Ben Folds song ","use for vehicle armor if needed planter in the yard use as a retaining wall if filled with dirt tire swing work out ","dig a hole brain zombies snow removal stir wet concrete lever if needed murder weapon if in a game of CLUE pack dirt ","protect feet make believe phone keep a door ajar planter ",0.034688182,0.114969425,0.213402808,-0.332355469,0.444536924,0.930641353,1.214818239,0.118405484,1.828094482,0.265009642,0.829890251,1.618761897,1.445621133,0.919794619,1.012683749,-2.362920761,0.793271959,0.717388093,1.500420451,1.051077962,-1.450253367,-0.326393723,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,1.881310105,1.795599461,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,32 167,3,"read it write it sit on it to elevate yourself at the table give to a child to sit on to elevate them at the table stand on it gut it and hide stuff in it hit someone over the head with it take a picture with it give it to someone as a gift shred it and stuff a pillow shred it and use it as kindling pretend you're reading it but really be listening to someone's nearby conversation talk to it like an old friend","hang a curtain hang yourself hang wet clothes or towels secure a couch to the top of your car for transport use it as a pulley make a rope swing (fun!) pretend it's a snake tie a bundle of kindling wood together wrap a present escape a second-story window use it as a belt pretend you're Indiana Jones practice a sailor knot and other knots ","dinglehopper (comb) eat with it make pretty patterns around your ready-to-bake pie make the classic peanut butter cookie criss cross pattern brush the fringe of your antique rugs with it stab a bad guy with it put holes in the tin foil on your leftovers hang a bunch of them like a chandelier flip a pea to your neighbor ","eat at it read at it do homework at it dance on it hide under it use it as a shield in battle throw a blanket over it and make it a little house stand on it to reach something (not recommended) turn it upside down and use it as a dog bed (with pillows) use the top only as a sled use the legs only as swords sit on it (but mom will be mad) use it as a drum (but mom will be mad) throw it ","wear them tie them in such a way that you can use them as a back pack (i've seen it done) cut them up and make a blanket probably hang them with the colors in a rainbow formation and call them decor give them to the needy cut them into shorts wear them as a shawl kinda jacket thing wear them as a hat (funny) ","spin it to find out who you should kiss! drink from it refill it with a new beverage for the drinking smash someone over the head with it in a fight blow into it to make a musical sound clink on it with a spoon for a different musical sound cut the top off and make a drinking glass or vase don't cut it but still use it as a vase peel the label off put like 300 of them upright, place a light","throw it through a window during a fire to get out build a house with a bunch use a bunch as a backsplash in a kitchen use one as decor use one as a door stop use it as a template for a rectangle as needed use it as a paperweight use it to weigh down pages you've glued together ","put it on a car (with three others) and driiiiiiiive tire swing, baby! train for American Ninja Warrior jump up and down on it without falling off extra seating at a party use it as a flower bed (omg please don't) roll it to make fun marks in the mud or use it with paint on your canvas use it as a","dig in the dirt break up some cement hit someone over the head (bad guy preferred) decor if aesthetically pleasing use it as a walking stick smooth out some sand use it as a serving utensil at a party stake your claim use it as legal tender (Wild Wild West","find another one and wear them as a pair pretend it's a phone for laughs make it talk with the shoe opening for laughs hammer a nail into the wall with it throw it at someone smell it (pee-yew) trace it onto paper and call it art decor for some prop a door if heavy enough use it as a planter let it hold small tools a house for a mouse ",0.771560907,3.180729151,-0.118007012,0.079856172,0.332305193,-0.345764339,0.849237502,0.865458369,-0.360811502,0.121007144,-0.002251386,0.162845731,0.84179908,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.522003531,-0.709277451,0.260317355,-0.194251791,-0.210550264,0.15259932,0.094690524,-0.601067603,0.703418195,0.751743257,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,34 168,3,"education enlightenment entertainment weapon paperweight level straightedge evidence ballast sandbag prod ","weapon tool of administering death binder filler barter firestarter thread entertainment ","eating stabbing holding poking wedge punchline prop prod catapult musical instrument ","bed work surface writing surface door jamming device door opening device window shattering device a place to eat a place under which to hide musical instrument entertaining","to cover my legs as a sail as a tent as a bag as a weapon as a rope as a punchline as a reference point an exercise device a hiding place something behind whi","message delivery device container weapon musical instrument percussion instrument defense mechanism a place to hide a unit of measurement an excuse","building material weapon paperweight ballast art reference point color swatch to make a statement nailfile ","on a vehicle as fuel for a fire a source of amusement swing raw material for art fashion a hiding place weight building material","to move earth weapon axe tool lever weight occupation metaphor shield ","evidence foot covering weapon point of reference metaphor command punchline costume uniform safety comfort mu",0.681179941,-0.516140521,1.563332915,1.59653914,0.704425395,0.896130741,-0.399366319,0.64046526,0.269865364,1.616359115,0.1858477,-0.734978199,-0.887536824,0.671380639,0.382298231,0.660717487,-1.127036691,0.584665775,0.195990771,0.699591398,-0.816305757,-0.230822921,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.742623329,-1.152506471,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,46 169,3,"prop cut out secret hidey hole distraction paperweight kindling projectile decoration origami collateral ","hanging things hanging person shred to start a fire lift heavy things tie things down tie things together tie person down/to a chair hold clothes on mountain climb tether a boat tetherball tug of war lasso lariat tie an animal to a post magician/escape teach knots tie knots jump rope ","eat comb hair hold food while cutting stab throw like a throwing knife at a target hold close to eye and pretend to be in jail turn meat while cooking salad stirrer spaghetti twirler clean toenails melt for silver sell pick teeth stab 2 forks into cork to balance on edge of glass/ party trick ","eat off of work on top of decorate with stand on to reach high places draw on read on hold vase hold toiletries hold lamps storage under flip over and store things on play games on/card/board games dance on top of do crafts on carve etch doodle s","covering for legs tie around waist turn into cut off shorts tie two objects together hold items (key wallet etc) hold belt hold pocket watch tie end of legs together and stuff for scarecrow tie to something, fill with rocks to help sink something hang someone fashion statement conversation starte","hold wine/water/drink blow across top for instrument sand art store small items like marbles break into pieces for mosaic weapon, solid or broken recycle glass art use 4 for small table legs store sugar in/other spices fill with different amounts of water to change pitch whe","build things/walls etc throw through glass weapon file (like sandpaper, rough) prop up temporary table put under bed legs or couch legs to raise elevation strike a match against make a pizza oven use corner to draw on concrete like chalk throw as weapon mark the boundary of something pa","on a car wheel/driving tire swing hanging from a rope wrap around middle and run at each other, bounce off roll down a hill use as mini-trampoline prop up something doorstop identify a criminal by tire tread matching ride bike use as boundary/edge of go kart track for safety cushioning absorb shock ","dig grave dig for plants weapon javelin stab in ground, use pole as a tomato stake shovel snow clear debris scoop kitty litter play in sand at beach play in yard dig out rabbit nest hack at tree roots re-sod lawn move dirt into wheelbarrow ","wear on feet for tread/comfort wear on hands to walk on hands fashion statement recycle for rubber store small items gentle weapon fire/flammable tear out insole for another shoe walking running sports ",1.661721826,1.204229593,0.034977265,0.655609488,0.163689688,0.652957916,0.564011633,0.616947114,-0.252916247,1.570098639,1.125179887,0.785773039,1.47363174,1.232237935,0.556989431,1.001224637,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.959945023,0.892147481,-0.764110804,0.089379556,0.949531674,0.401790261,0.043963198,0.298410386,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,35 170,3,"weight table decoration gift ","curtain rod limbo jumping rope jewelry kids toy ","jewelry to dig dirt to open things ","to sit on to make a fort shelter for a puzzle ","to keep warm ","a vase to water plants ","a weight book ends ","swing dog toy outdoor seating baby seat ","decoration catapult a way to carry something door prop ","dog toy to kill bugs door prop planter ",-1.173278689,-0.915106535,0.331198364,-0.717596292,1.182437181,0.695978284,0.84312439,-0.694248378,0.897274256,-0.709559858,1.71019E-09,0.74719125,-0.395107657,0.094096385,0.474207044,-1.826547265,0.404856414,0.396410197,0.8590886,0.637988567,0.084805049,0.509767413,0.543862522,-0.464896232,2.178084373,0.95681715,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 171,3,"table weight weapon ladder pillow iron exercise weight brick child's for","lasso prop snake weapon partition armor boa belt clothesline ","shovel weapon gardening tool impulse response tool pungee stake substitute tattoo implement backscratcher","pro wrestling prop child's fort wall hiding place dead horse prop step ladder musical percussion instrument yoga inspiration weapon shield stage ","shoulder warmers head apparatus to look like the doomed singer in Return of the Jedi sail flag belt restraint ","musical instrument for blowing for striking weapon wheel knives out of glass tire rippers neck massage tool balance strengthening tool ","table weight step ladder weapon exercise tool fire pit surrounder target for practice puck ","exercise tool smoke signal target for practice athlete training hiding place","weapon sled hoe for making art in the dirt, sand, snow wagon exercise tool target comedy prop ","drinking vessel funny fake phone signal for drug dealers status indicator protection weapon hammer musical instrument ",0.07020136,-0.576994836,1.311468601,1.069836259,1.073908448,0.887620926,0.941356421,1.039338112,2.122401237,1.391363263,1.34055233,2.033252478,1.959354639,0.904336393,0.229757249,0.886163056,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.892060995,1.413619995,1.729311585,0.930193663,0.765001714,1.044831276,0.907335579,0.529245436,Prefer not to respond,Prefer not to respond,Prefer not to respond,42 172,3,"Paper hat Pages for gift wrapping Rubbing alcohol will transfer print onto finger nails or other crafts Secret storage decoration making a flip book origami christmas tr","jump rope climbing rope spanish web (circus apparatus) jewlery fishing line hair tie shoelace belt exercise equipment (heavy rope) dog toy leash rustic decoration lasso horse bridle knot tying competitions makeshift swing BDSM ","hairbrush phone stand (bend the prongs) use a bunch of tops to make a candle holder tool to add texture making pasta creating handmade poofs for hats tying perfect bows in place of a whisk eating making peanut butter cookies (imprints on top) microphone poking holes ","butchers block crafting kitchen table sewing/cutting table fort tiny table on pizza to prevent box from sinking in hiding place card table puzzle surface huge coloring page ","turned into a bodycon dress turned into an apron worn as a hat or hood tourniquet blown up for a floating device in place of a scarf cut into strips for a dog toy cut hold in crotch and turn into a crop top ","drinking decoration sending messages holding miniature ships cut and turned into candles cut and turned into drinking glass sand art stained glass beach glass smashing someone over the head ;) yummy snack for the grinch chocolate mold ","building walls tearing walls down breaking windows heat insulation painted decoration child's toy lego bricks mosaic work bricks of gold for spending money bricks of","terrifying toy rolling down hill swinging from a tree huge air hockey puck propelling bicycles and cars fashion statement doing donuts deconstructed rubber spinning apparatus at playground wheel and stick game holding people","digging rustic decoration hiding dead bodies murder weapon height booster snow clearing sandbox toy making sand/mud castles searching for treasure/bones planting ","chocolate mold chew toy for dog foot protection fashion statement weapon breaking windows functions - dance, climbing, hiking, etc. gross smelling salts ",0.939512908,0.610878408,-0.452367038,0.100664124,-0.291364729,0.979708433,-1.031779408,-0.107656576,-0.941035271,0.861535132,-0.291110486,0.41463998,0.938496649,-0.99247241,0.409647465,0.282641977,-0.264603734,-1.080612302,1.22545743,0.605564535,-0.460966229,-0.210564315,0.914492667,0.769421458,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Hispanic,Bisexual,21 173,3,"To read Door stopper Book end Flat surface to write on Pages to burn to keep warm Use the paper for oragami To add height to a chair To prop something up A foundation for a fort Building blocks Swat a fly Kill any kind of small bug ","Decoration Create a pulley system Hang yourself Belt To climb Jump rope Hang laundry on Tie presents Hang a shower curtain Painting Learn to braid Hang upside down Hold something tog","Eating Combing hair Art Cleaning the holes in the iron A bracelet Jewelry Back scratcher Tool to make straight lines Separate necklaces Tiny rake Poke holes Marshmallow cooker ","Sit on Eat around Lay on Build a fort Jousting A sled A hiding spot A canoe To replace a lightbulb To get higher ","Scarf Belt Basket Flag Arm warmers Rope Decoration To keep warm air from escaping a room Headband Headwrap Towel Mini pillow cases Accessories ","To hold liquid To hold food To put a small ship in To stack As a telescope As a musical instrument To feed someone As a vase As a weapon As decoration As a candle ","To build Weapon A canvas Sandpaper To smooth skin To sa","To make a garden On car On a bike Ottoman Chair Stack Obstacle course Strength contest To sleep in To get places Use ht","Rolling pin Digging dirt Removing snow Spoon Weapon Scarecrow Catapult Pretend partner ","Mittens Keep feet warm Kill bugs Mini gardens Hat Make a monster Hold water Use patterns on the bottom to paint ",0.860906839,-0.083631493,0.371337831,0.739183486,0.515256345,0.581426442,0.80649662,-0.769523382,1.52465415,1.244782448,-1.323513389,0.466330051,-0.103521489,-0.695418835,0.246104047,-1.407654643,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.950140655,0.761618018,1.34822464,0.78594929,0.016208963,-0.91404289,0.845461607,0.968476534,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 174,3,"Reading Stepping on it to get taller Sitting on it to get taller Propping up a camera for a makeshift tripod Decoration Balancing practice To wedge under/in between something that isn't balanced To throw at my sister ","Laundry line Sex Costumes Decoration Gift Wrapping Braid it into hair Glue onto flat surface for texture wrap a steam pipe bundle something for storage make a bouquet","Eat with Cook with To poke small internal buttons on technology Pretend I'm Ariel ","Eat on Sex Decor Crafting Wrapping Make teas Batch food Writing Fake desk Drawing Stacks of mail Balance on Stand on to change lightbulb ","Wear Cut Save as fabric Roll up for padding Throw at my sister","Put flowers into it Water Ferment booze Store tinctures and fire cider ","Make bookshelves with planks of wood Prop up the outside of the AC unit Bookends Prop up the leaky radiator Kill a mouse :( ","Swing Break up for playground padding On a car","Digging Propping things up Decoration Holding open a door To kill a mouse :( ","To hammer a nail To wear To create sound effects Costumes Decoration/storage - hanging over a door or a ledge for prettiness ",-0.423370928,-0.181983545,-0.057194553,-0.251769692,0.315943897,1.084056258,-0.137974381,0.525734246,-0.0349706,0.318013102,-0.214893937,0.212206215,-0.62059623,0.483458906,-0.738665938,1.151738882,0.090295091,-0.245890081,0.355634809,-2.060129642,-0.204086155,0.757324636,-0.424934477,0.967379451,0.690690935,0.940990508,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Bisexual,29 175,3,"read throw at someone decor study, hide your face while spying on someone to look erudite prop under your head for a quick nap prop under your head for the alexander technique to make you higher in a sea ","tie things together hang yourself to anchor a boat use for kinky sex extend a hammock use to play cowboys and indians back in the day when kids did that and tie you to a post tie hands behind your back use as a temporary leash if you lost the one you had use on a scaffold","to eat to fork someone to death bend it to make a bracelet scratch your head whip eggs put it in the ground with the prongs visible to keep pigeons off potted plants ","for decor to eat at with groups of people to hold stuff when i come in from the outside to write at to put books on something to put a flower arrangement on to study at to put my dogs on when i'm grooming them tohold my dogs while i'm puttin","for style to cover legs on a cold day when I don't feel like wearing a skirt to pair with boots you could even make a skirt out of them if you knew how to sew at least you could do it with jeans - i don't like the way it looks! to be worn with a matching suit jacket ","to hold water to hold wine for plants for a flower arrangement to put on the table with wine or water to feed a baby to hold most anything you want it to hold depending how nice it is you get several and make an interesting arrangement part of a song 100 bottles of b","to expose so it looks great in your apartment to build a house to throw at someone a term used to describe a good solid person gold ones are in fort knox ","for cars, trucks, buses, bicycles for tying to a tree and swinging used in obstacle courses even seen them used in gardens ","for digging a grave for shoveling snow for a groundbreaking ceremony for gardening ","cover your feet for style to collect and add to a copious wardrobe of same ",-0.244790018,1.233204007,-0.516842902,-0.293277025,0.279653281,-0.911549032,0.035771701,0.525734246,-0.472560376,0.909059644,1.71019E-09,0.649142563,0.86161226,-0.617203832,0.047972485,0.063982233,-0.252335072,-0.01579768,-0.13862662,0.765176117,0.292081118,0.417250603,-0.3309609,-1.676056504,1.345332146,0.591799855,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,67 176,3,"Reading Resting on Holding Coffee Cups Bookshelf-like drilling them into the wall Acquiring Knowledge Using the pages for art Eyes Blocker Avoiding Conversation Gaining Quietness Focusing your mind on one thing Hitting something with it Swearing on Feeling the texture of the binding Alphabetizing Categorizing ","Pulling Tie something down hold things together climb put soap on it dip it in wax cross one place to another build a bridge games: tether ball, jumprope hit someone with it tie someone's hands/feet together ","Eat Stab Shovel Gauge when something is cooked/done create lines in sand Scrape Push Pie Crust Down Make Designs Cut Press ","Hold things Eat on Create at Paint it Sand it Finish It Build it Lay on Fuck on Read the newspaper at Build a puzzle on Put a plant on Dance on! Fall off of Pick up Break legs and fight with ","Wear them Fold them Press them Stud em Bedazzle Cuff em Rip them Zip em Dye them Bleach them Dance in em Trip on them Feel sexy in em Feel saggy in em Put pockets in em ","Send a message into the sea Drink out of it Deep throat Stick up your ass or pussy Decorate it Build a tiny ship and put inside of Break it Fight with it Hit someone over the head with it Shake it Spray a crowd with the bubbles ","Throw it Lay down and cement it Build with it Write on it with chalk Paint it Attach a note Shatter someone's window with it Weigh something or someone down Put in a pillow and wack someone Break a lock with it Hide a key with it ","Put on a rope and make a swing! Roll down street with a stick Ride/drive a bike/car/bus/airplane/motorcycle Lift and get all SWOLL like those beefy crossfit people Push up a hill Kick it Throw ","Dig Stab Wack something/someone Throw things with Throw the SHOVEL Paint it gold Farm Bury Stir ","Wear it decorate it throw it pair it lose it throw it tie it to another shoe throw over powerlines dance in em climb with them kick with em stab someone with the heel use instead of a hammer kill bugs wash them throw em away w",1.263189197,1.112706184,0.045024592,0.516248345,0.694567919,0.983943462,1.110645175,-0.244428948,0.126185834,0.007268485,0.677061856,0.091079444,-0.056575093,0.160795599,0.260372758,-0.028492596,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.441457272,0.906944513,-0.466840744,-0.53275156,1.005919933,0.89009583,0.190447867,-0.042666063,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,28 177,3,"weight stool read lifeline adventure escape flight time travel machine weapon multiple p","noose gift wrap clothesline escape line swing cat's cradle pulling things tie up bad guys room divider leash ","weapon eating utensil garden tool musical instrument puppet cooking utensil sword to go a different way ","bed exercise equipment tent boat cutting board magic carpet desk protection room divider lock eating on run around hide under eaves","cover your butt play pirate run dance as a shrug three legged race swat flies be a boy have elephant ears wrap your neck ","drink make a ship send a message make a bomb smash over someone's head cut things after breaking it create a geyser spray liquid musical instrument play kissing games kick it ro ","smash a window build a house make a bookshelf build a barbeque weight ballast stand on it use it like a chalk line a walkway make a sidewalk patio play cars musia","swing make a go cart put on a car or bike or wagon run an obstacle course slide down a glacier roll around make shoes build a fort stack them up and hide inside make a bed make a playground ","dig bury a body or treasure whack someone over the head move stuff like leave or manure push a kid pick up puppies sword musical instrument stick it in the ground and jump limbo oar ","footwear boat cup dish mitten doorstop sex fetish boxing gloves kick it off really far smell it dance ",1.07387495,-0.10821899,-0.084763691,0.298052877,0.821734488,0.52010572,1.06767714,-0.420699805,0.612184107,1.211732864,-0.090512186,-1.074879169,-0.116205372,0.985813498,0.398292184,0.71435374,0.615862489,0.264935285,0.87793678,0.892314076,-0.162840977,-0.599825084,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.559213161,0.076679483,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,66 178,3,"read hug fall asleep to throw use as a step stool hammer sit on decorate make into a box for hidden storage kill bugs fan share papier mache weigh something down ","bondage for sexy time hang things from the ceiling for decorative purposes hang yourself strangle tie wrists together tie anything together wrap around steam pipe for protection tie knots practice tying knots tie around doorknobs make into a cat toy do a devised dance piece about closeness tug of war for hitting people circus aerial arts ","eat decorate pie crust edges decorate peanut butter cookies stab somebody use as a musical instrument stab into sweet potato before microwaving as a comb a la the little mermaid backscratcher balance on your nose whisk scrape lines in the sand in a zen garden ","eat at sit on stand on lay on use as a stage hide under read books at draw on paint sand use as an art project decoupage homework for mail storage to display things have sex on ","wear as intended wear as cape/skirt/conjoined twin skirts hang yourself cut into shorts roll up and use as padding make a cat bad use fabric for projects or decorative purposes ","drinking masturbating breaking throwing hitting storing items in decoration as a vase as a vessel for liquids to be poured out of to massage like a foam roller","throwing at things building breaking a window as a stepstool as bookends as bookshelves create a planter ","make a swing as a planter as a chair to work out with roll down the hall use on the car/bicycle/other tired vehicle ","burying things whacking somebody over the head as decor","to hammer things wear as a shoe use as a planter put on display as a dog toy to kill a spider ",0.51704067,0.351023108,-0.066569939,0.746582508,-0.893666089,-0.069812208,0.484118223,-1.168268204,-0.703130245,-0.250569344,0.448800474,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.068002589,1.168263435,0.037477653,0.939601719,-0.330895334,0.656620979,0.001785746,-0.319423199,1.190715075,1.093754053,1.355933666,0.611967444,0.894477427,Female,Other (Please Specify),Bisexual,28 179,3,"Door stop Push-up help Teacher Weapon Spare paper Hide money in Hide a letter in Blank-out poetry Reading Studying Skimming Stress reliever handkerchief Origami starter Dust collector ","To hang people To tie someone up To start a fire To use as a fuse Belt Weapon Whip Knot tying practice Feet connector Hair ribbon ","Eating Stabbing Digging Metallurgy Drug use Torture Knife Fortune telling Candle carrier Water Diviner ","Kitchen Table Barricade Picnic table Bulldozer ","Pants Shorts Shrub protection Hair net Kite Tying of hands Tying of legs/feet Burial clothes Arm bands ","Bottle Cider holder Kombucha Penny o","Walls Doorways Steps Bridge Weapon Barricade Hospital beds Bed warmers Drowning of cats Sculpture ","Tires Tire swing Firestarter Obstacle course Barrier Military camp Playground toys Playground furniture Flower garden Rock garden Border of yard Sculpture Play mountain Way to get down a hill ","Shovel Hunting for buried treasure Weapon Mulching Fertilizing Ditch digging Building a French drain Killing vermin Min","Shoes Mouse house Planter Gloves Soup bowl Ice bucket Hat Decoration ",0.50358659,-0.638823092,-0.976718843,0.646686554,1.737321138,0.039208468,1.033694744,1.629028559,1.436094403,0.356105357,-0.040231679,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.808255672,-0.388874322,0.354690284,-0.006853745,-0.512329161,-0.381840378,-0.108275659,0.006983575,-0.507350147,-0.695292711,-1.21031177,-0.002743213,-0.193836778,Male,Prefer not to respond,Prefer not to respond,40 180,3,Read. Door stop. Squash a bug. Practice balance. Make noise. Start a fire. Take a note. Hide something in the pages. Throw at someone for protrction, Hang yourself. Leverage. Tie something. Start a fire. Dethread for more rope. Haul something around. A belt. A whip. A tie. Dividing line. ,EAt. Stab. Pry. Play on a pot. Defend. Bend for sculpture. Balance on finger. Use as a catapult for a meatball. ,Eat. Make things. Do work. Hold stuff. Hide underneath. Float on it in a flood. Block a door. Use as a tap dance stage. Start a fire. ,Friends. Fresh air. Hide things. Throw for self defense. Feed them. Grow them. Win a award. Smoke them. Eat them. Maybe get sick. Decorate them. Decoration. Gift them. Trip over them. ,Drink from it. Message in a bottle. Play as an instrument. Use to roll dough. Store liquids. Store marbles. Hide something. Carry something. Throw it for self defense. Balance it on your head. Juggle it. ,Build. Break. Stepping stone. Smushing thing. Squash a bug. Hold a candle. Decorate it as a totem. Deliver a message with it. Door stop. Boobie trap. Self defense. M,On the car. Float in a river. Use for a fire. Use as a planter. Tire swing. Jump in it. Jump through it. Roll with it. Roll it around. Grind it into mulch. Bumper. Door sto,Dig lots of things. Self defense. Door stop. Pry things. Paint it and decorate it as a friend. Hang it on the wall. Boobie trap. Trip over it. Pass it around. Loan it. Borrow i,On your foot. As a meal if you loose a bet. Hide things. Telephone if your a spy. As a bomb if your a terrorist. As a status symbol if you have money. Throw it. Door stop. Juggle it. Fling it. ,-1.775198817,0.999089837,0.765263319,-1.700800657,2.0897789,-0.808287323,1.138842702,1.334502697,0.416614443,-0.934652269,1.822711945,1.63148272,0.356698513,1.452726603,0.339610964,1.426924229,0.75037843,1.651992798,1.29046011,0.588473499,0.608743608,1.780580401,0.981483817,0.240717545,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,43 181,3,"Read Stack up to use as camera tripod Kindling Fan Headrest Stepstool Table mat Booster seat Scrapbooking materials paper mache Costume materials dress fabric musc","nautical decoration hanging art leash makeshift handcuffs belt necklace headband dumbwaiter/pulley system rockclimbing ","comb backscratcher dog scratcher knife weapon musical instrument baton conductor's wand pliers ","bed/resting surface hiding place fort structure kindling/firewood defense paint canvas wood carving canvas ","scarf headwrap kindling shawl paint canvas wall art ","musical instrument eyeglass weapon artwork wheel cool visual effect (break it on camera while filming in 60 fps for slow motion) trip someo","stepstool/boost weapon blunt object to break glass shave and crush to make red makeup/blush powder use to prop window open ","exercise with (roll/flip in parking lot) kid's toy (chase down street with stick) tire swing makeshift throne cut up for soft playground earth use under petticoat for period costumes hula hoop j","walking stick makeshift saw to cut down tree weapon BDSM prop grave marker window breaker Gene Kelly tap dancing cane ","kindling jewelry holder self defense flower pot soup cooker necklace (take the laces off) christmas tree ornament wind chime base ",0.087370157,-0.379589707,1.328569651,1.843510032,-0.699926615,-0.221859932,-1.296583891,-1.420367479,-1.058746576,-0.583874702,-1.066141605,0.277055472,0.405749768,0.296474814,-1.006796479,-0.858149767,0.138079643,-0.464473277,-0.159994379,-0.699035764,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.206004933,1.327827096,-0.521742702,-0.167792007,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,28 182,3,"reading propping up tables coasters throwing at people to get their attention tripod for filming on an iPhone decoration using pages for art/craft projects gutting the insides and using the covers to make new journals painting on the pages "," decoration use it as a belt use it as a halloween costume use it for an interactive game of CLUE hang pictures ","as a dinglehopper for combing hair (from the Little Mermaid) eat food bend the tines and make it a coat hanger make fork art clink glasses to","foot rest craft area catch all for all of your stuff desk display things on said table use it as a shield during a rousing game of paintball ","cut them into shorts use them as a halloween costume turn them into a cute new bag cobble together multiple pairs into a one of a kind pair","candle holders smash the glass to make cool art improvised weapon in a bar fight musical instrument science experiments? turn multiple bottles into wind chimes ","build a house build a pizza oven decorations door jam use them to cook food over an open flame ","tire swing flip it over for exercise obstacle course shred them to create ground covering for playgrounds weight down tarps covering hay bales on farms ","make a cool art piece by cutting intricate designs on the blade digging smoothing/patting down earth after digging as a way to defend yourself against zombies","foot covering paint them to give yourself a unique pair of kicks wine bottle holder decoration stack them and make a cool lamp I guess you could drink out of a shoe? throw them to defend yourself ",-0.530879557,0.448934764,-0.343627691,-0.275598586,0.924161315,-0.017439287,1.295102358,1.37038815,2.016875029,-0.884806931,1.71019E-09,-0.348994702,-0.221957535,0.602754176,1.097537875,0.388616592,0.216046557,0.492273062,0.90446502,1.344646335,0.818115056,1.384009361,0.95536834,0.555342078,0.037268542,-0.892161489,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,29 183,3,"stand on for extra height a hat! structure sound effects scrap paper kindling a pillow a snack if you're in a bind I guess a drum tiny paper cut weapon knowledge a conversation starter torture, if it's boring decoration storyt","to hold/hoist something up a noose a belt restraints unravel to make shabby chic bracelet barrier tug of war that heavy thing that crossfit idiots whip onto the ground for a workout a whip/weapon put it low enough and you can trip the bad guys climb in gym class decoration pulley system ","dinglehopper brush your hair eat your food scramble some eggs to stab someone i've seen bracelets make of out forks I guess currency family heirloom: the ""good"" silver push your food around your plate to make a face to make that ting-ting sound on a glass for a toast if it's very big you can stab things fork in the roads are very confusing sometimes","for sitting at for writing at sit on break down the wood to build something new break down the wood to make a fire slam your hands on it demanding dinner table of contents tells you where things are to table a conversation - we're done here instant drum set beer pong play cards at holds my coffee cup in the morning a water table is sometih","cover up your butt! a sensible scarf, in a pinch add scissors, instant shorts cut up the fabric for sustainable confetti wear on your head for big bunny ears remind you of the weight you need to lose when they don't button keep you warm roll up to make a pillow pull down to get the party started ","blow across to make some music break to make a weapon throw to make a weapon hold liquid decor rolling pin keeps things from spilling ","throw through a window - a projectile build a house that the wolf can't blow down - construction material hit someone over the head - a weapon shelter a very uncomfortable pillow as a meat mallet book end impractical pedestal","to help cars go/cov a swing my elementary school playground was made entirely out of old tires shred for soft ground covering roll it, hours of run! a chair a planter another dumb thing crossfit idiots use to work out a drum something to bounce on if it's hot enough out you can cook and egg on it","clean up too much snow a weapon ceremonial breaking ground implement helps build sandcastles helps dig graves gardening a dance partner clean up shit do b","protect feet make stinky smells put on dogs and make them look silly foley put taps on the bottom and dance dance dance! for dancing helps protect horse's hooves dip in bronze to commemorate help run faster absorb show",0.850577295,1.632562757,0.529069722,0.004057119,0.9024719,1.075108409,0.072626539,0.685475051,-0.78235966,1.338842988,-0.125597879,-0.228582829,-0.856885552,-0.60002929,-0.345842659,0.956705928,0.594257712,0.311201453,1.099069595,0.390549093,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.763780296,0.326406479,0.103132576,-0.028323071,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,30 184,3,"Read Hit someone stand on top of measure distance by placing next to each other burn for fire play catch put under a table to make higher put under a bookshelf to make even give as a gift ","climb out a window play tug of war tie a closet shut make a swing on a tree tie someone up make an artistic shape with the rope catch cattle do rope tricks ","comb your hair eat food conduct electricity stab someone play music with bang to demand more food sword fight with use tine to push a small hard to reach button create pattern in sand ","stand on to reach something eat off of do work while sitting at create a play fort in sit on top of decorate a room block a d ","wear on legs wear as a cape keep you warm tie someone up with pants legs wipe dirty fingers on place over mud to walk across look fashionable ","put a ship in it send a message at sea drink out of play music on with different levels of liquid return for a $ refund play spin the bottle use as a measuring cup transport sand in feed a baby ","create a road build a wall carve a message in use on a scale to measure the weight of something else tie on feet to make someone stronger put in a bag to make it sink faster make an oven to cook pizza in throw thru a window use as a ","make a swing put on a car use to exercise with by flipping melt the rubber and reuse recycle it use to put dirt in to make a garden or plant a tree ""burn rubber""","dig a ditch use as a weapon open a jammed door make a sand castle with make a tunnel ","throw at a politician put a bomb in wear on feet measure distance by placing many in a row as a fashion statement ",0.093549237,0.804632962,-0.376012295,-0.852178097,-0.391515106,-0.236512035,-1.064426899,-1.148681879,-0.252916247,-0.417408198,1.154499769,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.199331805,1.015661716,-0.126882002,0.717009604,-0.316061288,0.833028018,-0.291785806,-0.859493673,0.356829107,0.98369956,1.458862662,-0.245113388,0.587901413,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,39 185,3,"Read it, paper weight, bookend, fire fuel, prop, weapon, step stool, gift, shield, diary, insulation, art materials, decoration","Tie Restrain Get to a place you can’t reach Pull something Catch something Lift something Hold something together Make noise ","Stab Eat Electrocute one’s self Self defense Melt it down to make something new Brush hair Practice dexterity Scrape ","Burn Set something on Dance on Have sex on Flip over Storage Use as a place to put x At meals at Hide under Hide ","Wear Take off Burn Rip Use as costume Gift Swing around Jump rope Use as art supplies Dye Paint Sew Mend C","Drink from Hold liquid Hold small things Jim’s ship in Throw Hit with Balance it Juggle it Place catch Hide it Break it Make m ","Throw Build Stack Make a wall Paper weight Door stop Crush it Carve it Paint it Sleep on it ","Drive on it Roll it Throw it Tear it up Paint it Stack it Sell it Gift it bounce it ","Dig Fill Make a hole Move something Use as a weapon Throw Break Pat with Spin Use as giant baton Draw in the dirt with Juggle Make","Tie Put on your foot Run with Walk with Buy Sell Gift Dance with Throw Juggle Hop over Rip apart Disassemble Hide ",0.851790845,-0.293825448,0.323805809,0.473920256,-0.694541037,0.914112926,0.078512654,-0.761879086,-1.106045365,-0.354495585,0.587388337,-0.056536112,-0.043571532,-2.457838058,-2.250033617,0.144804984,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-1.834773779,0.042828392,-0.246829286,0.098125301,-1.482840896,-1.310798168,-0.579283834,-0.098048314,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,30 186,3,"read a story flatten photo write a paper learn about history teach students explain a problem show pictures quiet toddler put a child to bed hold something down save a seat memorize poetry learn lines ","tie up a horse use as a bridle hang yourself lower a pail into a well pull a car out of a ditch tow a car replace a lost belt play tug of war raising sails plowing with oxen hang bells for a dumbwaiter ","eating poking holes in a potato cutting soft food in the road in your tongue when you're a snake as a rake in sand to comb your hair in a pinch to stab someone serving food ","studying eating making art as an ironing board set up a puzzle have sex with the postman playing cards serving guests as a desk to play ","to wear in the snow as clothing as a makeshift life jacket as a scarf in the cold khaki jeans bell bottoms boot cut dress slacks yoga ","reusable carrier wine glass candle holder rolling pin circle tracer wine whiskey soda storage hitting an intruder over the head beer ","building a house building a wall making a kiln as a heating tool for warming a bed pressing flowers lining the walk of a garden paving streets paving sidewalks getting hit by a ton of ","as wheels on a car wheels on a bicycle swing tetherball pole holder garden receptacle recycled rubber products ","to dig holes to shovel snow to hit a robber on the head to clean up Legos to plant a tree to dig a trench to build a fence ","to cover your feet to throw at a dog to walk on hot coals as protection for dancing for running ",0.533517957,0.316614002,-1.367048144,-0.63410604,0.748605132,0.82535547,0.990265489,1.499708295,0.94365865,-0.037046701,-1.916738868,-0.395177126,0.206545249,0.072295472,0.264326811,1.398924589,0.752904534,1.067135096,-0.500446975,-0.366699964,1.672922134,1.186893225,0.653390348,1.674570918,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,57 187,3,"Bible Harry Potter Becoming by Michelle Obama Tijaba by Carl Clemons Hopkins Girl, Wash Your Face Letter to America from An Undocumented Citizen Issa Rae's Diary of an Awkward Black Girl ","Tie a knot Girl/Boy Scouting Climb moutains Climb trees Putting things onto a car Keeping bundles together Puling items To hang something up ","Eating Poking Jewelry Direction Music Tuning Electricity Gathering food Cutting Cooking ","To place things on To decorate To eat on To separate items in room As decoration in a room To rest feet on To store things To lay on To lay under ","To wear To tear For fashion For warmth For protection ","To hold drinks to hold liquid To decorate To drink from To put lights in to recycle to ","To build with To write on To chip at To crumble To paint on To take apart ","To drive with To drive on To ride on To put air in To swing on To pop To replace To patch up ","To pick up snow To pick up leaves To clear driveways To clear sidewalks To clear cars off To protect To share To lift objects To pick up debris To pick up animal remains To pick up bathroom matter ","To walk in To run in To wash To protect your feet To buy To wear To jog in To work out in To swim in To hike in To tie To dance in To kick in To ride horses in To dig in To chase in ",0.339772075,0.019323338,-0.216709465,0.07419651,-0.18271862,1.084056258,-0.494209498,-1.15985024,-0.11689759,0.544322968,-0.553533614,0.155682608,0.430228174,1.244497061,0.767218649,-0.009244034,0.1431427,-0.778664231,0.294322401,-0.080913827,-0.12593013,-0.84585309,0.222984746,0.027028494,0.969414353,0.565495074,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,African American/Black",Straight/heterosexual,30 188,3,"To read research learn how-to Record memories Photo book Phonebook Address book Bo","to hang to pull to push to fasten to secure to lift to walk across to close to guide to drape to steady to trap ","to eat to stab to shovel to consume to sort to serve to brush to mix to lift to stir to come to a crossroads","to set to display to gather a place to consume to rest to hold to organize to heal to perform to play games ","to cover to conceal to keep warm to dress up to express creativity to hold a wallet to keep change to aid sleep ","to drink to store to nourish to hit to hurt to conceal to send messages to make art to keep ","to build to support to balance bridge home office church bench sculpture post ridge walkway sidewalk ","bicycle car tricycle bus motorhome swing Rack Snow to grow weary to commute to speed transit ","to lift to push to scoot to move to remove to clear to transport to hit to dig to scoop to open","tennis boot play hiking rock climbing water heel running tap to dress up to dress down to protect to add comfort ",0.949772775,-0.435071647,-0.558707535,0.391880363,0.29793036,1.227156162,0.175081417,-1.353638411,-0.229430541,-0.278512359,1.899526954,0.454803795,1.205887556,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.171557888,-0.742520273,-1.121842742,-1.181769013,-1.887275457,0.305426568,-0.641161501,0.15491803,0.126806498,0.692709744,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,30 189,3,"read library ","binding ",,"Desk Kitchen use put some small vase ",,"Insert flowers Loading water ","Build Build a wall ","Automobile use Inflation Replace Modelling","sandbeach build ","fit put on toys residence of small animals",-1.527407765,-1.075462699,-1.102374911,-2.305629492,0.102578349,1.04059124,0.435663134,0.931637645,1.214195132,1.470995665,-0.701674998,0.510278761,-0.10093645,0.600892007,0.538728118,0.294472098,0.547009468,0.389924765,1.485736966,1.240115762,0.794350863,0.388732612,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.021438053,-0.224070281,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,26 190,3,"borrow buy e-book read write ","Rock Climbing Jump ","eating food used for digging knives and forks. ",,"style men cool ",,,,"foot High-heeled shoes","Beauty Keep warm ",-1.644771695,-1.133032084,-1.15389359,-1.864450574,0.939485133,1.227156162,1.031797171,-0.337029159,-0.836993694,-0.822034359,1.98079741,1.376204967,-0.695168972,1.463044524,1.190871239,-3.482933044,1.359358191,1.816366076,0.11310789,1.483393669,-1.382157683,-0.822734177,1.018305898,-0.718078494,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,26 191,3,Hotel hotel restaurant takeaway merchandise ,"shoelace Bundle Pull something play games dry clothes ","eat Fish insertion Kitchen cooking Production tool ","Timer Watch time Wearing hands ","clothes escape Put stuff Leash ","Water Self-defense tool Making sound Playing music ","Build a house Self-defense paving Counterweight Threatening person","car Do swing Swim Anti-collision wall Practice strength","Digging Self-defense Cutting trees Carrying things","Kicking things Protective foot ",-0.950242221,-0.977906883,0.062273081,-0.376257509,1.380391359,1.296986818,0.457583815,0.293477327,0.899543166,1.616359115,0.394649208,-0.492460787,-0.287578195,-1.570658922,-0.74488169,-0.167142972,0.272619247,-0.945522666,-0.717878819,-0.466029584,-1.160358906,-0.394915611,-0.393546462,0.018558791,0.428729445,0.933551431,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 192,3,"Food aircraft Resort Hotel Swimming pool","Escape rope Pull something play games dry clothes rope skipping","Fish insertion eat Fishing Kitchen cooking","Wear Timing Watch time ","As a rope Can be worn clothes ","Beverage Throw in the distance Making sound Playing music","Counterweight Threatening person building construction","Fitness combustion damping","Cooking Digging Self-defense construction","Protective foot commodity Show Keep warm",-0.975194097,-1.002811909,-0.19521305,-0.089179449,0.694567919,0.92453891,0.95363766,0.282670319,-0.184612542,-0.767669976,1.329247475,-0.076601826,0.853743792,0.041812561,-0.520540178,-1.264454722,0.296683699,-1.296205521,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-1.098651648,-1.252599001,0.187433884,0.660051823,0.298146069,1.536421657,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 193,3,"Takeaway aircraft Vacation Hotel","Bandaging escape rope skipping shoelace","eat Fishing Riot tool","decoration Watch time Timing Alarm clock","Protect the cold Keep warm Used as a rope Bandaging","throw it out Pick up something Sheng things Drinking","build a wall paving Self-defense Build a house","car Swing Swimming ring damping","construction Digging Planting trees Self-defense","Protective foot Kicking things Keep warm Show",-0.925240159,-0.978510082,-0.348440319,0.065501764,-0.637773037,0.468130946,1.110645175,-0.541538119,1.595666051,0.940684319,0.067313612,-0.654367268,-1.023880363,-0.275074363,0.592279315,1.188353658,1.175497651,-0.036210999,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-1.247445226,-0.496923506,-0.420484483,0.34918052,-0.787206531,-0.244269401,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,41 194,3,"Resort Hotel Swimming pool meet","Pull something play games dry clothes rope skipping","eat Fish insertion Kitchen cooking","Timing Watch time Wearing hands ","Keep warm Protect the cold Put stuff Leash","Making sound Playing music Throwing target Beverage","Self-defense paving Counterweight building constructi","Anti-collision wall Practice strength Fitness combustion damping","Digging Self-defense Cutting trees Carrying things","Protective foot Protective foot commodity Show",-0.915831864,-1.003503799,0.130602553,0.025484392,-0.920553684,1.131756186,-1.358763933,-0.4708772,-1.249724984,-0.115071781,0.908155859,0.744618952,1.444422603,-1.726973772,-2.979115009,-0.851840794,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-0.246454507,-1.538202047,-2.076211452,-0.503498673,-1.073539972,-0.426969588,1.063065052,1.049422145,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,42 195,3,"reading paper weight kill bugs drink coaster gift decor weapon ","tie knots hold things together death carrying things hang objects pull heavy objects decor sailboats water skiing wakeboarding tie flowers together pulley systems ","eating poking holes opening bottles stirring fluffing breaking yolks brushing hair de-clumping mascara painting branding weapon games scrap wax off the counter ","bed eating vanity (make-up, hairbrush, etc) foot rest card games shrine hold tv hold phones keep things out of reach display new china dishes buffet office supplies ","fancy occasions impress your crush stay warm cover your ass cover your vagina/penis respect others hold in farts wip someone use to dry your hands use to clean spots workout in dance in stuff into snowboots","drink weapon hold liquids floral decor melt wax and make fun candle feed to baby hold shampoo and conditioner ","weapon break windows build house build walls make road ","drive swing make cool clothes from the rubber recycle roll down a hill seat hula hoop bike riding crossfit","dig a grave plant flowers fight bury a body scoop poop fill hole press ","protect feet dress up an outfit step on hot ground step in snow keep feet warm special swimming shoes snowboard cycling football soccer tennis cheerleading basketball fashion statement bounce jump ",0.718319237,-0.332196891,-0.275405526,0.385782033,0.004988982,0.710630476,-0.746787906,-1.420367479,-1.35762012,-0.894716024,0.062062688,1.891196132,2.018492222,-2.159982681,-2.174773455,-1.474617958,-0.837101758,-0.44351697,-1.700502157,-0.509815395,-0.319279581,0.278197616,0.981640816,1.148038387,1.417155623,1.751860142,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,24 196,3,"Reading Killing insects Hit an annoying friend Throw at someone's head Paper weight Make an uneven table level Decoration Build ","Climbing Hanging Tire swing Regular swing Act like Tarzan Tug of War Pulley system Drag someone behind a horse Skateboard behind a bike Dry clothes Use as belt Choke someone Hang yoursel","Eat Cook Stab someone Scraping food Cleaning a plate Brush hair Scratch back Hit on counter to a beat Smack ","Eat Play cards Take up space Play a game Sit and talk Drink coffee Read Work on computer Draw Work on projects Flip when angry Flip over and pretend its a magic carpet Stand on a dance Beer pong Flip cup Decoration ","Keep warm Dress Look fly Choke someone Snuggle my ""berries"" Hold in farts Clean up stains Hide my wiener Cover my hairy legs ","Drink Break over someone's head Feed baby Pour a drink Hold liquid Hold shampoo and conditioner Hold soap Hold body wash Throw at someone ","Build a house Pave a sidewalk Pave a driveway Pave a road Throw at someone's head (like Marv in Home Alone 2) Fight off a robber Break as a karate demonstration ","Swing Drive a car Ride a bike Use for workout Cut up for rubber Roll down hill Hula hoop Crossfit Throw at someone's head Poop in Sit Stand on Weight ","Hit someone in head Hit them again to kill Begin digging said person's grave Place dirt back in hole after placing body inside Pat down dirt to level off hold/grave Use to lean on a","Throw at someone's head Wear on foot Keep foot warm Walking Running Jogging Kicking a ball Playing basketball Tennis Football Soccer Baseball Look fly Complete an outfit ",0.814926684,0.182807967,-0.514093518,-0.456062853,0.809716463,-0.04768163,1.005497098,-0.033896994,0.755863607,1.584830999,-0.24049896,-0.954225183,-1.288009167,0.824200153,0.288952619,0.488005668,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.677889109,0.816876888,0.204403132,0.140921667,0.621506095,0.789400041,0.032320056,-0.483060777,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,31 197,2,"food stool door stop kindling reading material information transfer frisbee pillow shoe lampshade paper mache scrapbooking background hold it over your head during a hail storm chair bed stand a home for mice to plug a heating vent to plug a","noose hoist someone in a musical production a jump rope a whip braiding practice a belt a shoelace a tripwire a bike gear maybe a bike tire decoration ladder bridge hanging stuff from the ceiling art backing wire ","comb toy file sorter rake jewelry bookmark a thing to scoop big objects out of rice or some other grain if you wrap a string around it you can make puffballs makeup destroyer ","centerpiece stand step for a giant a big chair a place for art protection from a paintball fight or any fight a blockade on a door bookshelf bed a pres ","shirt turnakit blanket bag for water in a pinch belt face rag cleaning rag pencil holder flag curtains cape book cover book bag noose drawing material canvas dye","message sender weapon container for liquid a telescope a stool a pinky protector a lightbulb decoration mosaic art supplies glass for glass blowing repurposed sand sea glass after you wait a while to ","doorstop stepping stool window breaker hat baseball bat baseball pillow to weigh down stuff when it is underwater tile it can be used to practice ballet dumbbell defense bedstand to build buildings insulation drawing reference put it on your ceiling fan to prank your roommate ","work out weight footstool pillow bedstand can paint cool patterns on canvas discus frisbee added to a bike for much easier mobility a home for mice 1/2 of a unicycle you can plant plants in it decoration upholstery chair for children swing window cover window insulation asphalt cut up tire can replace woodchips can aid in acircus act","shovel burying things digging up things planting things a balanced object in a juggler's act a hat hold it over your head in a hail storm prop up a broken object slingshot slapstick humor a good nice weapon during an apocalypse earrings sled kneepads surfboard bucket knife ","shoe sock hat earring necklace mitten doorstop wedge it under a rickety piece of furniture skunk deflector throw it over a telephone wire and use it to obtain illegal drugs keep kids off your lawn earmuffs gag mold for a footprint dip it in paint to make patterns on a surface ",2.211930513,0.712074935,0.446145415,1.70649755,-1.547809243,1.183691263,1.188056946,-0.158539072,-0.55178982,-0.225508884,1.71019E-09,0.188554853,-1.013850689,0.345817327,0.079856418,0.317570239,0.246463403,-1.829582334,0.529931486,0.585110128,-0.069440499,0.389462143,-0.366157591,-1.664903164,-0.196124732,0.033756297,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 198,2,"read throw Use as a coaster Decoration demonstrate to others sit on doorstopper squash bugs straightene","choke tie balance rope whip pull at climb limbo ","eat stab throw pick at play music with play games with help cut with dig flick at paint with ","sit with lay things on lay upon office work on it arm wrestle chess decorations used as a fort used as a barricade ","wear on to rip off wipe warm up with to fold to wash to smell to take off to sew back ","to recycle to waste to throw to flip to hold papers down to hit someone to refill to paint ","to throw to fix to clump to dispose to hide to clean to bury to bui","to play with to put on a car to climb to replace on a car to clean to destroy to throw way to make a fort ","to dig to store to buy to bury with to hit to use for a scarecrow to create sound ","to wear to throw to wear with to match to swquash to ",0.253653646,-0.126223505,-0.084057435,0.344228178,0.516111135,1.296986818,0.979710639,1.370644331,0.408907175,1.45778501,0.051415518,-0.531217575,-1.162073612,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,1.015773773,1.463994026,-0.68192637,0.690968573,-0.339452505,0.247686803,0.462038368,-0.349427164,1.782038212,-0.067667574,Male,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Straight/heterosexual,20 199,2,"read it use as a paperweight build a shelf with stacks of books write in it cut out a hole and use it to hide things lend to someone else rent it buy it sit on display ","use it to tie something down to a trailer use it to practice different types of knots use it to hang things from your ceiling use it to hang picture frames use it to make a rug use as a belt hang on wall and use clothespins to hang photos from it tie a noose (sp?) pull","eat with it use it to create patterns in clay on a ceramics wheel take some of the prongs off and use it as a painting tool hang it on the wall as decoration make a tower out of lots of forks use it as a jewelry stand (one necklace on each prong) use it as a back scratcher hair brush scrape food off of plate get something that is caught in the drain use it to stir things ","eat at it set coasters on it dance on it if it enough it could support a mattress and serve as a boxspring set compute on it write on it set books on it put flowers on it hide under it place chairs around it place a tablecloth on it burn it use a","wear them cut them into shorts cut them and sew into a skirt rip up fabric and create other items of clothing like a shirt fold the pant legs together and use it as a table runner hang them on the wall as decoration roll it up and use it as a box stuffer if shipping something fragile ","drink out of it wash it and reuse it for other liquids use it as a flower vase place a candle in it and use it as a candle holder store dry items like rice shatter it to relieve stress use as decoration paperweight set it on a table and hide things under it (like a $100 bill) put a note in it and put it in the ocean ","use it as a base for building a table use it as something to hold your bed off the floor build a house build a university building throw it at someone use it to hold down light objects so they don't blow in the wind life-size jenga game break a window ","make a swing put on a car cut it in half and turn it into a flower pot make a chair out of it stack it to create an art piece roll it down a hill sit in it and roll cut up the rubber to replace wood chips ","dig a hole hit someone with it transport something you don't want to touch use it as a booby trap by laying it on the ground so someone steps on the handle create a giant windmill out of many shovels tied together measure how tall something is use it as a tool to lift something at an an","wear it doorstop hit someone with it old boot into flower pot a place for cats to sleep a house for bees a chew toe for dogs kill a spider use as a hammer to pound something (like a tent post into the ground) flotation de",0.532289743,2.352702141,-0.394664764,-0.263216615,-0.803150833,-0.144948989,-0.449961662,-0.772429883,-1.35762012,0.020382466,0.777181804,0.14505963,0.916752756,-1.340799689,0.097818092,-0.563727021,-0.359909892,-1.75212872,0.865289688,-0.336831808,-0.34776473,-0.25789845,0.623821914,1.033659935,0.497385502,1.345311403,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,20 200,2,"reading hard surface for writing or using a computer mouse writing on the pages getting new ideas and information being entertained learning about oneself paperweight table wine opener weapon ","suicide torture BDSM/kinky sex tying things sailing construction getting through a maze material for weaving??? climbing fashion practicing tying knots leash for pets moving securing things art/","eating brushing hair stabbing someone/weapon digging? visual art jewelry thing to hang jewelry on if secured somewhere metal conductor for electricity suicide by sticking it into an outlet ","writing sleeping eating reading crafting sex decoration canvas (draw on it/graffiti) thing to stand on thing to put vases, photos, art on bookshelf puzzles bag holder coat holde","wearing fashion protection place to put things in your pockets weapon sex rope/tying things together visual art/framed place to stack other clothes decoration in a pile in my room place for my ferret to ","weapon (molotov cocktails!) thing to drink from put flowers/grasses/other plants in thing for my ferret to get his head stuck in break and use glass shards recycle crush if plastic sex art: messages can be printed on it OR art: use in visual ","weapon (Stonewall was a riot!) building/construction paperweight grind and use powder toy for kids visual art canvas for graffiti imaginary friend piece of theatre set shoes hat pig","fire weapon make cars/buses/etc rolling erode the roads rubber for fashion rolling inside/toy for kids or dogs visual art set piece annoying thing i have to pay attention to on my car decoration ","digging weapon set piece piece in other visual art canvas for art lever for lifting things marking a path holding a door open paperweight fire plate for eating witch's weird broomstick pointing ","place for my ferret's head protecting my feet fashion/visual art/canvas stepping on ppl's head sex make ppl taller protecting my toes if they're steel toe class marker (working vs business vs high class) weapon protest image (AKA anti-Bush lol) help bike soccer climbing",1.199200988,0.532557786,0.614739954,0.613613188,1.353370428,0.822025359,1.241579652,1.305856109,1.121182323,1.689040661,1.71019E-09,-2.56196332,-1.84398818,1.463044524,1.134352088,1.194014788,1.359358191,1.647377372,1.517853379,1.725314856,1.805633545,1.574351907,0.967568338,0.151350737,-1.215471625,-1.909927249,Non-binary/ third gender,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic,American Indian",Bisexual,22 201,2,"to read gather knowledge to define to write to inspire to enrich to craft to doodle on ","to tie something together to hang something to pull something to jump rope to exercise to hit someone with to heard cattle ","to eat food to stab to brush to poke ","to eat on to study on to place objects on to lay on to use as a stepping stool to drink on ","to wear to keep you warm to cover your body ","to drink from to store liquids in to hit someone with ","to build something with to hit someone with to stand on ","To drive with To make a swing with To play games with To make shoes out of ","to pick up snow with to build sand castles to use for gardening ","to wear to keep your feet warm to cover your toes",-0.898553789,-0.188680634,-1.292272806,-1.039677858,0.998502612,1.018022776,-1.567857981,0.664153934,-0.458890676,-0.040352732,0.280902982,-0.028778475,-0.099411204,-0.145141631,-0.217996478,0.543872297,-0.21213764,0.224225104,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.012638774,0.063800238,-0.445218921,-0.439721346,-0.511250436,-0.479328752,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,21 202,2,"To be read To learn To weigh down paper To burn for light To burn for heat To use the pages in a project To use the pages as a light diffuser To make origami’ To hit someone with To make sound To make a little tent for a mouse To ","To decorate a home with To tie someone up with To burn for light To burn for heat To attach something to something else To pull a wagon with To pull a sled To bridle or lead a horse To be a leash for a dog To hang things from another thing To tie a shoe In a producti","As a little play person A comb To eat with To cut things with on the side To move something you don’t want to touch To stab something you don’t want to touch To anchor food to a plate while you use a knife To mark a spot in the dirt To dig with To garden with To mix food To play in sand with and make patterns To ","As a holder for things As a place to hide under As a dramatic thing to stand on A stage Something to burst through doors with To knock over for dramatic affect To use as a high point to poor things off of like a waterfall To elevate a hurt fo","On your legs On your arms As a scarf To burn for heat or light To express a mask or personality To keep warm as a sound effect with the zipper To layer To protect from dangerous materials To ","To smash over a head in dramatic fashion To make music with by blowing over As a vase As a light holder or diffuser As a candle holder As a gift As an announcement To drink out of As a home decoration As a fake microphone As a fake hair brush For spin the","A toy car To smash other bricks To build a tiny wall To hold a door open To hold a door closed To smash things To hold down things To paint on To plaster pictures on As a weight to work out with As a weapon To grind down something To open ","As a swing As a hiding spot To put on a car To work out by jumping in and out To measure out a space To cushion a blow or landing To breakup into pieces for a soft ground To ","To dig To act as a puppet person To hit something with To hammer As a weapon To dance with To cuddle with To move something somewhere to somewhere else To mix things together To separate places To draw in sand with To make a sand castle with To make a name","As a face with the hole as a mouth As a warm place to keep feet To kick with To protect feet To act as a weapon To pretend to eat To recycle To cushion a walk As a telephone As a microphone As a hammer As a paint ",1.146707773,1.932474613,0.132516876,0.84713614,1.227058649,1.17518127,0.295211017,1.499708295,-0.404256642,1.45778501,0.994249344,0.002432803,-0.006218751,1.463044524,1.190871239,1.601157546,-0.291652203,-2.125822544,0.130164415,-2.481532812,-0.882237732,-1.286757827,0.981876314,1.534186006,-0.930504799,1.361015677,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,20 203,2,"platform building block fire fuel weapon percussion ","decoration to pull to hang objects weapon/noose bracelet ","gardening tool/shovel weapon decoration toy backscratcher comb ","platform bed shield/barricade fort storage space ","scarf fire fuel whip to carry ","weapon decoration storage instrument (blowing air, percussion, shattering, etc) in artwork ","to build decoration/art weapon to break platform table percussion","swing seat storage water tube toy decoration tool (for texturing)","weapon lever cane/walking stick percussion to poke holes/make texture ","weapon percussion to make textures to make knots and ropes (shoelaces) shielding ",-0.501699567,-0.940093935,1.187185049,0.642029822,1.232002616,1.296986818,1.006471992,-0.218181938,1.397055864,1.047679901,0.145763233,-1.713617682,-1.774620891,0.910816371,0.740989745,0.831301868,1.249840736,0.819154799,1.117085218,0.337997735,0.673927009,-1.455332756,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-1.640249968,-1.190087676,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 204,2,"Prop in a show Napkin A place to test writing utensils Something to rip up when angry To prop your head up for a nap Use as a tripod for an electronic device To read about a topic you would like to know more about As kindling for a fire as ","to lasso things you cannot reach to hit your best friend with when they are being stupid to hang yourself (if you feel so inclined) Use it for autoerotic asphyxiation (if that's something you are into) To hold your mountain of books from the previous question to keep hay bails together How thick is this rope?? to create cowb","to eat to brush your hair to create a cool drawing with paint to stir your tea/drink when you don't have a spoon to twirl your spaghetti to make a cake-kinda a sifts the ingredients together to separate your hair ties to use like a loom for those weird yet colorful rubber bands kids use to create a slingshot with your peas/general small throwable foods to scratch your ear (if o","to sit on to eat on to study on to have sex on to write on create your greatest master piece to make dinner on to destroy after you've had a hard day (Ikea tables are cheap and break easily) to do your nails on to model your mini table for your doll house to change a diaper on to serve a family meal to have a meeting to gather to watch tv (done in the middle) to read on to dance around w","to wear them cause you can't go out in your underwear to make into shorts to keep your keys and wallet in use the pants legs as sleeves for a cool jacket you are making deconstruct and use the buttons on a different pair of pants because fuck your old pair to paint in to cover the period stain in your underwear to make into a weird table cloth study the composition of d","to drink from to put water in so you have water to change the color on your paint brush this is a really stressful test to carry your weird marble collection outside to break because you now have a broken table to fill with river water to make an aquascape (yes a real thing look it up) to make a beautiful creation in concrete with to use the top as an interesting stamp use any cool design on t","provide cool texture in a painting to build a house to build a fire place to make a barrier to build a wall to defend yourself with make a foundation for your garden to make a cool wall in the shade on a hot summer day why did you choose a brick to stretch out your shoes if you have wid","a tire swing replace the old one on your car make mulch make new road pretty sure you can turn old tires into clothes or wallets bookmark p","to dig up earth to pack in earth to help make a garden smash your hard drive after your computer dies get grain out of the bags clean a horse stall use as a poll vault when you are bored shovel gravel into a path ","pick up that amphibian from the stream wear reteach yourself posture ",0.519549727,3.068658829,0.08481092,0.77046591,0.691516221,0.896130741,-0.127630904,0.081365906,1.124150515,-0.045734983,0.919624269,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-2.589017868,-1.668812513,0.292853355,-0.703136802,1.474460125,-1.379275322,0.209923908,-1.385495663,-2.263865948,-2.483999968,-1.991759181,-0.152802661,0.193804905,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 205,2,"reading material hit a bug to relax you to get lost in another world to smell - books smell good to fan yourself with ","tie things hang things lasso decoration at a western themed wedding rock/mountain climb strap things down tie a boat to a dock use as a prop on stage murder weapon ","eat with poke things put one macaroni on each prong poke your friends hairbrush for ariel the mermaid prop get things out of your teeth to serve food craft project put ","eat dinner/meals at it stand on it to reach something high up draw on it when bored in class place for putting things you'll put away later to display flowers to put a lamp on to ","wear on your legs wear as a funny hat a costume in a show protect your legs from paint protect your legs from cold protect your legs from rain cut them into shorts","drink from make a homemade chandelier recycling (glass) break out of frustration (glass) musical instrument by blowing into the top feed baby prop ","build a house that the wolf can't blow down throw to break a window doorstop color reference for ","use the rope from before to make a tire swing put on a car so it drives put on a tractor so it drives outdoor seating prop put a bunch halfway in the ground so kids can climb on and under them chairs for car themed wedding get inside a really big one and ","dig a hole hit someone with shovel snow start a garden plant a tree break ground on a new plot of land bury something ","wear on feet protect feet from rain protect feet from cold protect feet from debris on the sidewalk or during construction put between your knees to squeeze when learning chainé turns in ballet tie together and throw over power/telephone lines ",-0.03890793,0.621527314,-0.382573515,-0.769266427,0.362778395,0.983943462,0.336969763,1.629028559,0.537917972,1.352053642,-1.584560156,-0.807168603,-1.092310309,-0.152802587,0.661952138,-0.220766827,1.040855408,1.412940621,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,1.131079793,-1.275850892,0.511982262,-0.39030242,0.7028687,-0.480085731,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,18 206,2,"Reading Paper weight table weapon Fire fuel Source of fiber Pretending to be a small house Used as a brick to build Door stop Seat Plate Pillow Shovel Slide Door block Step stool ","Hanging things Knots Climbing pulling fasten things together Braid Cut Pully system Theater Set Belay a rock climber Jump rope Weave Kill someone Pull","Eat Stab Fork music Drum stick Welding subject Spring board Small sword Scissors Ice pick Hair brush Small broom Fancy toothpick Repurpose to make handles for other things Make a fork colla","Sit at Eat on Cornacopia Stage Presentation board Platform Flip it over, hang a blanket, it a tent or a spaceship Art piece Meetings Readin ","Wearing Cool new scarf Cut them, now they're shorts Cut off pockets, put pockets on something else Parachute Flotation device Jacket Arm sweater Mop Broom Rag Picnic blanket Napkin ","Drink Bottle instruments Flower vase Storage container Decoration Plant holder Drum Terrarium insect trap Table center piece ","Building Throwing Breaking Painting Engraving Paving Weight Wall Juggling item Name Road Decor Headstone for a pet ","Car Bike Wagon Pulley Protect Swing Tire garden Tire fort Cross fit Body building Tractor ","Dig Weapon Extend your reach Sift Even out a surface Whack a mole Eat Bury Moving dirt ","Run Plant a plant in shoe Walk Jump Keep feet warm/dry Kick Stomp Swim Door stop Chew toy ",1.289352179,-0.349994093,-0.697856069,0.293390185,-0.619001806,-0.273233443,0.362020403,0.54241401,-1.033934474,-0.523139536,0.442104429,-1.277855039,-0.850940108,0.57908982,-0.2967996,0.511094272,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-0.081416056,0.355730385,-1.331349969,-0.171027452,0.648363233,0.2086384,-0.590567231,-0.511186361,Non-binary/ third gender,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,21 207,2,"Read study learn engage imagine fantasize discover burn devour ","hang tie loosen undo knot unthread cut wrap ","eat stab shine polish comb ","sit stand eat on stack display play games on ","wear cut up tear ","break drink from spin decorate smash ","build throw smash with it paint it ","put on a car pop shred spin ","dig hit someone on the head like a cartoon ","wear it ",-0.784657001,-1.018761158,-1.442289829,-1.201734781,-0.001193964,-0.886374652,-0.224199653,-1.114222884,-0.296361417,0.311269969,0.838508248,-1.154586911,-0.486503541,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.945293784,-1.743427634,0.789323926,0.150877371,-1.716034293,-1.341835856,0.425384343,-1.017970204,1.317703485,0.438871562,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,24 208,2,"Reading doorstop paperweight step stool shield bug killer entertainment game piece decoration tinder for a fire but that's kinda sad craft material makeshift furniture fixing lift","hanging things pulling things containing things spicy activities jewelry fashion problem solving tool emergency preparedness rock climbing camping retrieving something or someone ","eating! acting as a part of a machine thats missing a part you can draw in sand with it turning things you can't reach on and off scrap metal branding things if you get it really hot picking things up scratching your head or your back i guess it could be a weapon fake microphone fo","eating at studying at standing on to reach something standing on for an impromptu concert or dance session showing off how good you are at woodwork painting- as the base for an art project scrap wood for other projects tinder for a fire shelter from various things a castle or a house or a stable if you're playing imagination games displaying things youre proud of putting a tv on carving your name into ","wearing using as a makeshift thing to stop bleeding in an emergency turning into a skirt turning into shorts (Scrap fabric) decorating BEDAZZLING putting things in the pocket a blanket for two snakes selling ","putting liquids in putting solids in sending a message across the ocean keeping things waterproof dropping a match in to extinguish it blowing up a balloon i think also if you drop a match in- science haha arts and crafts projects- a glittery snowglobe storing essential oils buying spices in bulk a vase a chandelier if you have a lot of them a weapon if you improvised good source of broken glass you could pop someones tire with one reuse to save the environment! incense holder spin the bottle ","building a path building a building throwing or hitting something short stepstool put something on one outside if you need to dry the paint on something for example a good place for cats to sit in the sun since they heat up so well or lizards an impenetrable wall for ant sized humans maybe paint a brick! doorstop also stairs in a small way good paperweight ","cars! workouts - lifting, running, throwing rolling them is fun you can get IN them and roll in them tire swing!!! animals can take shelter in them from the rain a nice place to sit good structural integrity so theyd be good for building small structures with cut it in half or bury half of it and its great to climb on ^ pretend youre on a horse! ","digging burying hitting reaching tall things to knock them down baseball bat in a weird game of baseball pole vault? fake spear for imagination games scraping things breaking apart large things weight for weightlifting a bar to shut doors closed ","wearing on your feet house for something small a hiding place for a spider some are good to go in the water with keeping your feet clean killing spiders (sorry :( ) protection for your hands in some situations you can use the laces for other things throw them on a telephone wire to mark a home fashion statement put a lot in your luggage to make it heavier",1.297636271,2.099709272,0.280705631,0.890622318,0.200661853,0.556483746,1.085319877,1.334502697,1.043222666,1.232836008,1.71019E-09,0.322448015,0.603334308,0.88074553,0.820718348,0.523455262,0.83646071,0.921099782,1.294998407,0.718689263,-1.156190157,-0.649144709,0.705455005,-0.162432775,-0.580849171,-0.392173439,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,23 209,2,"Reading Hitting people Hiding Protecting self from the rain A fan Eavesdropping in on conversations Procrastinating Coaster Decoration Kindling Writing Idea making Ripping paper Arts and ","Fishing Hanging something Hanging self Sexy bondage stuff So many different art pieces Creating a fake movie screen like in greenshow Riding a horse Building a fort Hanging another human Jewelry Different clothing items Fake hair Rapunzel's hair in into the w","Eating Hair brushing Stabbing Threatening Fighting Airplane Like knife throwing, but with forks Juggling Microphone Gardening Art project Jewelry and decoration Twirling Puppetry ","Eating Sitting Dancing Runway Sleeping Sex If you turn it upside down it could make a great pretend boat or ship Fort Cage Litter box Desk Trash holder Talking ","Wearing on your legs Wearing on your head Turn into fabric strips Ironing Cleaning Folding Throwing Wear as a scarf Puppetry Art project Burning ","Drinking Breaking the end to fight someone Singing into it Crying Cuddling Throwing Bashing someone's head in To create high heeled shoes Juggle ","Bashing someone's head in Building a house Gardening Sculpture building Painting Breaking things Throwing through windows Looking for a very specific color Grinding up into very fine sand ","Rolling Moving heavy objects Slashing Circus tricks Pillow Kicking around like a soccer ball Wheelbarrow D","Digging a grave Gardening As a microphone Rain stick Baton twirling Sword fighting Hitting people Stabbing people Pole vault Shank Fan Helicopter wings ","Feet covering Hand covering Walking on your hands with shoes Puppetry Dressing up cute animals Art projects Hat Scrubbing like a toilet brush or sponge As a hipster plate ",1.041817188,-0.028897455,0.471906096,0.996868908,1.533724189,-0.128722385,-0.661220431,-1.148681879,-0.763726652,-0.225508884,1.71019E-09,1.433995247,0.743161619,0.24711661,0.429235667,-0.665592372,0.999353766,0.906390786,-0.063397691,0.557359159,-1.546568274,0.98294121,-0.496666402,-1.777422905,2.547445536,1.990525723,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,21 210,2,"entertainment coaster paperweight stepping stool door stopper ","necklace/ jewelry lock hair scrunchie tie/fasten something belt shoelace thread handle support ","eat stab/pick up something mash something make designs/ patterns toothpick stir back scratcher comb reach somet","bed work desk eating surface stepping stool chair ladder boat fort shelf door stopper tv stand ","clothes blanket cape rope ","cup storage for trinkets bowl toothbrush holder messages ship in bottle exploding science project candle store liquids ","house fence road paperweight to throw and break something door stopper ","bike car swing chair flowerpot sled ","weapon dig giant spoon to cut hammer knife lever","footwear flowerpot storage bowl weapon percussive instrument bug killer ",0.024962833,-0.874361277,-0.320882231,1.18732059,0.852207661,-0.209566578,1.295102358,1.305920124,1.034731269,1.603148341,-1.610454917,-1.802361369,-1.84398818,1.287801862,0.940924227,1.009143353,1.209519744,1.728619933,1.212644458,1.409049869,1.868753433,-1.160368323,1.213474393,0.660869002,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,20 211,2,"Read Kill a bug Provides information Storytelling Sitting on for additional height Entertainment Fuel a fire with th ","Tug of war Bungie jumping Rock climbing Lynching/Suicide Lasso objects Create tension or resistance Connect one ","Eat solid food Puncture multiple holes into an object Ventilate the plastic covering food in a microwave Create rigid designs around a pie Stab Drain the juice from a solid food in a liquid","Eat food upon Decorate with table-toppers Change a baby's diaper Lay utensils and plates on top of Play cards on Ping pong Set groceries upon after coming home from the grocery store/before putting them away ","Cover your legs/private areas Keep warm in cooler weather Protect legs from sun/exposure to harmful impact Modesty Make a fashion statement (different styles/colors/patterns) ","Feed a baby Store alcohol Store milk Store miscellaneous beverages Use as a vessel for drinking/pouring liquids Hit people with at bars Storing shampoo/conditioner/hair products Store pills House a enie","Build a house with Hit someone with Give stability to a structure ","Keep a car above ground Keep a bike above ground Keep a wheelbarrow above ground Provide smooth/quick mobility Tie to a tree and swing from ","Dig a hole with Bury something with Hit Mr. Pendansky with when he's belittling you ","Protect feet from gravel and dirt on the ground Fashion statement Keep feet and toes warm in cooler weather Ki ",-0.475034118,0.121775001,-0.070407592,0.060947999,-0.050754417,-1.105712175,0.770851016,-1.02425921,0.065589376,-0.476879209,1.133697867,1.772539258,1.834531665,-0.131086066,1.190871239,-1.400980711,0.340817839,0.570262969,0.175148904,0.893039107,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.51502943,0.796253741,1.187962294,1.232855916,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,21 212,2,"Book table mask hat something to stand on pillow weapon flyer plate ","door jump rope noose bracelet necklace hair tie pet snake tail bungie cord swing handcuffs whip shoelaces ","hair brush toothpick utensil weapon carver used to play a string instrument candlestick used to unlock things bottom half used as a spoon ","table seat ladder fort platform sled boat ","pants sweater trombone scarf blanket snipper gun jump rope ","bottle instrument microphone telephone light ","cell phone brick step weapon stamp toy car/train building block plate ","swing bowling ball seat table ","guitar shovel Christmas tree sword weight dancing partner ","shoe cellphone glove something to throw stacking tool doorstop ",-0.03912504,-0.914402664,-1.140262246,0.246459693,1.269714713,0.984251857,1.020204306,1.629028559,2.178031206,1.624044061,0.738985479,0.456372887,1.170790195,1.053824902,0.665885508,1.097182512,0.131016731,0.765661597,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,1.926853061,1.654588938,1.000026941,1.496417642,-0.494274259,-1.011795163,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,American Indian,Asian/ Pacific Islander",Straight/heterosexual,16 213,2,"Smack a person in the chest Tinder for fire A bad dictionary Stack them to reach something high up Fill up empty shelf space Keep them to prove to friends you're smart Open it and protect hair from rain Balance on head ","Hang self Hang someone else Tie someone to the bed ;) Practice knot skills Make into lasso and grab something far away Tie into room and lower self out of window Fashionable necklace Burn ends to create interesting new room scent Create a chandelier ","Stab someone Pick teeth Conduct electricity Use with knife as an example of balance and physics Open drawers (as an extension of the arm) Wave around like a wand Unzip zippers (gotta have the loop) ","WWE smackdown I don't know you do so much with a table anyways Sit on it for maximum comfort I liked the rope one the best Learn to count to four with the legs Crawl underneath and build a fort ","Cut the crotch and turn into a crop top Wear as a long hat Puddle-sopper-upper ","Smash over someone's head Blow into empty bottle to make cool sounds, create a symphony with that Collect different colored bottles Create sculpture Create broken glass bottle crown headdress (that would actually be so cool I'm pocketing that idea) ","All of these can be used to injure someone you realize this yes? Lift as weights Stack and use to get self higher Smash on the ground, see if it breaks, map out the pieces ","Flip over repeatedly to train those muscles Industrial Design majors are gonna be so much better at this Run over someone House an animal (possibly dead) ","Make a dead body Bury a dead body ","Smack your misbehaving child Throw over some phone lines Use the box they came in for school projects I am so tired of this, how many more? ",-0.650585532,0.774231493,0.804321349,0.108543672,-0.259684354,0.0561046,-0.772715867,-0.634202361,-0.690616667,0.743581653,-0.054672774,0.016843466,0.296162277,-1.394538045,-0.663820624,-1.094048262,-0.444810033,-0.456876874,0.045580514,0.050153516,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.925314307,-1.139627218,0.063840136,0.262890309,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 214,2,"read throw sit prop tear balance smell give take look see ","pull cut tear see smell feel touch taste stretch throw hear wrap cross fill drop catch lift ","touch taste hear see eat throw catch stab ","touch to eat off of to prop feet to keep items on to relax see to cook off of to set something down ","to wear to give to someone to use as a pillow to wash to cover up to donate to receive to put on ","to drink to throw to pour out to spill to taste to smell to feel to swallow to clean up to smash to share to see through to contain liquid to contain a toy ","to throw to pick up to build to destroy to feel to pile on top of to stand on to brwak something","to drive to change to fix to rotate to move to spin to ","to dig to hit to destroy to search to bury to cover to ","to wear to try on to throw to give to receive to protect to be fashionable ",0.603283942,-0.463793963,-0.188057929,0.104008719,-0.861852229,-0.83400172,-0.969599426,0.020637676,-0.325400949,-0.17278102,-0.48704952,0.363995403,-0.804817319,0.767806351,0.287447929,-1.360597253,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-0.101630777,1.425328135,1.256579638,0.371141195,0.219761506,-1.517982721,1.587394953,-0.496810138,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,21 215,2,"reading paper weight learning prop decoration coloring killing time ","to tie things up climbing securing decorating ","eating brushing hair holding food in place spearing food ","setting things on eating on doing homework making crafts on ","keeping legs warm fashionable providing protection ","holds liquids keeps either hot or cold recyclable ","build sturdy houses throwing damaging dangerous ","helps cars move makes a fun swing or you can roll it down a hill playgrounds are made out of tires sometimes","to dig holes used to make sandcastles made for adults and children you can hit someone with it ","protect feet from weather fashionable helps you walk or run ",-0.965666533,-0.458077788,-0.159638226,-0.705675662,0.42474106,0.387090176,0.695336819,0.219845861,1.467425585,0.31810981,0.935137093,-0.974020958,-0.285884976,-0.213363498,0.281922728,0.165673941,0.958976626,-1.706355572,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-1.662611246,-1.175628901,0.962410808,-0.498105049,0.247233897,1.057675958,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 216,2,"To read To learn To kill a bug To prop something up To use as kindling To educate ","To pull To support To play tug of war To make a net To play a game To make a costume To zip line ","To eat with To brush your hair To poke holes in a potato To turn into jewelry To make music To scrape off food ","To hide under To eat on To explore To pretend To sell To create community ","To wear To use as a face mask To sell and make money To buy and lose money To store in your closet and never wear To express yourself To use as a costume ","To put a message in and send out to sea To drink out of To be a house for wine to live in To be recycled ","To use as a weapon To build strong structures For the third little pig to stay safe from the wolf To make buildings look more rustic ","To support a car To use during cross fit exercises To plant a plant inside To chop up and use as the floor of children's parks so when they fall it's bouncy ","To dig a hole To fill in a hole To clear snow from your driveway To make sandcastles on the beach To search for seashells ","To wear To try on To throw To express yourself To look taller ",-0.571941614,0.563764095,-0.233887687,0.090526931,1.353049517,0.966485858,-0.666660011,0.25073427,0.539074004,1.484206319,1.71019E-09,0.362486154,0.239784762,1.426932216,1.190871239,0.886205971,0.389999866,0.263911307,1.432152987,1.268343091,1.446350336,1.047337055,1.213474393,0.691581964,-1.877868772,-1.923849583,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 217,2,"Reading wall paper clothing pages table cloth pages wrapping paper blackout poetry physical protection step stool hat a hiding spot a lever to a secret door paper weight decoration education ","sex climbing restraining hanging things tourniquet leash make a wig binding pretend snake clothing whi ","hair brush eating stabbing makeshift thumbtack jewelry a back scratcher toothpick screw driver ","eating storage large step ladder shelter fort making barricade a floating device battering ram making a makeshift car a stage sleeping doing boring work crafting j","wear them make other clothing items out of them tie a bunch of them together to get out of the tower your evil stepmother locked you inside of tracking how bad you smell a hat a shirt if you try hard enough tie someone up decoration gift wrap ","ship in a bottle decoration cut off the top and use as a drinking glass refill and use to store boxed wine and feel better about yourself put lights inside of them to be light decor breaking it into pieces and making a collage breaking it and using as self defense sand art collecting coins burning incense ","building a building throwing through the oval office window to hopefully hit trump decorate it, give it a name and a face, new best friend stepping stones heavy duty high stakes jenga build steps decoration also ","swing planter also clothing travel rolling down a hill exercise ","digging dressing up to be your girlfriend when your parents come to visit splitting the wood to make many tooth picks melt the metal and turn into a bracelet for your mother when you forget her birthday burying treasure fighting zombies stabbing a vampire in the heart (wi","decoration a planter a bookend gift dog toy hand protection drinking water harboring bacteria indicating where drugs are sold foot shields splinter warriors blister manifesters tie the laces together for a stylish necklace throwing when you dont have a football ",0.620728672,0.557515323,0.088274457,0.495468438,0.879544735,-0.667841911,-0.010045376,-0.625166953,-0.627165616,-0.230891138,0.760774314,0.911033869,0.589088023,1.292948008,-1.026598454,-0.757903218,-0.150329709,-0.975521624,-0.765066624,0.476574063,-0.599329114,-0.869688988,0.030115642,-0.192837402,1.279482245,0.484186083,Non-binary/ third gender,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,22 218,2,"Eat the book Dance with the book Sing to the book Read the book Sleep with the book Cry on the book Throw the book Love the book Understand the book Give away the book Transcribe the book Decorate the book Comb the book Slay the book because the book is about drago","Throw the rope Lasso the rope Hang yourself Naw on the rope Fray the rope Burn the rope Make wea ","Eat with the fork Kill with the fork ",H,"Wear the pants Pee in the pants The pants are actually a shirt The pants make a great apron Pants make you dance, so you dance in the pants Color the pants or paint pants Wear out the pants Fashion the pants Bedazzle the pants Kiss the pants Poop in the pants Cry into the pants becau","Smash it Kill with the shards of glass Put your emotions into the bottle Put a ship into the bottle Kick the bottle Fill up the bottle with wine Bottle up the sand from the beach Bottle rocket the bottle Put your moms ashes in it Keep your grandmas teeth in the ","Riot with the brick Put lips on the brick and kiss it Throw it through a window Spit on the brick because it was bad Sleep with the brick and crack your head open ","Make a seat out the tire Roll inside the tire Bounce it to your kid neighbor Make the tire into a sustainable substance Live in the tire The tire is a crown that you wear to prom The tire takes you on a date The tire is a symbol for your religion ","Play the Croatian folktale game, ""Catch the Shovel or else you'll be eaten by ghouls"" Shovel your aunts grave Marry the slugs to the shovel Go to the beach and tan the shovel Paint the shovel Break it into a million shards and eat i","Untie the shoes and win a lawsuit against the evil empire of tractor supply company Burn the soles of the shoes and then walk across lava rocks Wear the shoes as gages Light up the shoes Throw the shoes at pedestrians that are attempting to travel to the to ",-0.092716493,1.067574263,-3.635225296,-2.012185812,0.223776415,-0.713134468,-0.57794565,0.485686064,0.567739844,0.868002653,-0.617555916,-0.325690925,-1.113892555,1.218736887,0.917339981,-1.9149822,0.615065515,1.076334953,1.135323167,1.299545169,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.754578114,-2.154276848,1.462186694,0.320190877,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,22 219,2,"Stool Booster seat Scrap paper Hollow it out and hide things in it Paperweight Press flowers ","Necklace Picture frame Belt Headband Weave/coil and make a basket ","Weapon Cutting paper/tape Clay sculpting/texturing Instrument Comb ","Dart board Barricade Stage/platform Fort ","Cut to make rope Hat Cleaning rags ","Instrument Cat toy Watering can (cut holes) Sprinkler Bowling pin Pencil holder Rolling pin","Paperweight Baking surface Crush to make paint ","Weight training Hamster wheel but for a cat Hula hoop Table Drum ","Instrument Cooking vessel Weapon Shelter/Shade Pole vaulting Walking stick ","Tiny boat Cup Planter Organizer for utensils/other small objects Killing insects ",-0.67135942,-0.811021388,0.816990733,-0.186843857,-0.181547761,-0.126951322,-0.378718078,-0.283927411,0.803719103,0.105995849,0.24833627,-0.105989784,0.577623308,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-1.836532354,-1.686372995,-0.667732835,-0.500731826,-0.739051402,-1.142167926,-1.892651796,-2.039938927,0.236520827,0.163112298,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 220,2,"read weapon fan booster reference fuel for a fi","noose jump rope pulley system leash bondage ","eat hair brush ""microphone"" back scratcher sword fight weapon make grooves in a pie ","to eat on base of a fort barricade bed shield stage/platform ","to cover your legs legs for a scarecrow arm warmers a funny hat a sail for a boat a flag napkin ","to hold liquid a musical instrument a tool to help you with posture a weapon ","to build a building a weapon to break something a weight/ counter balance a seat ","swing for a car/bike to workout with (a weight of sorts) a vessel to roll down a hill in ","to dig a weapon to break something open to barricade a door ","to wear to protect your feet a dog toy to hang on a telephone wire a door stop to practice tying laces recycle rubber ",-0.590863705,-0.449983299,0.032039721,-0.198548108,-0.568095922,0.462028503,-1.81599462,-0.884168744,-0.341179401,-0.219041348,0.2072431,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.717923224,0.395178884,-0.088266015,0.287997782,-0.017326323,0.198608443,-0.056242075,0.10012877,-0.65344578,0.292321742,0.537503958,-0.223098516,-0.101934269,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 221,2,"table bench mountain step sound effect device shin guard armor hat brest plate shield tiny seesaw clown frisbee ","jump rope wig line whip sash tree string of an instrument wave sound effect device lasso tornado noose necklace ","sword back scratcher robot hand/robot foot robot tongue earring telephone mini pitchfork letter opener togue depressor comb ","house boat (flipped upside down) platform giant present landscape car (flipped upside down) fort box ","telescopes floppy bunny ears octopus (with 4 pants) tunnel ","telephone sound effects device ocean wheel skateboard baby ","weight gift step iphone boulder loaf cake boombox ","swing wheel trampoline well swimming pool bathtub hamsterwheel eye bellybutton ring belt halo","street sign pegleg crutch sword axe ","telephone spaceship car/bus hand nose ",0.200535044,-0.852652431,1.178239584,0.956209838,0.618671477,-0.720214844,0.568242013,-0.502877295,0.045957286,-0.822034359,-0.336601168,1.131140471,-0.022806128,-0.079822809,-0.076107636,-2.239831686,-0.62564373,-0.326578051,-0.496153146,0.062449295,-0.096557692,-0.721949279,0.503362834,-1.333854914,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,26 222,2,"napkin decor something to lean something against bludgeon paper to write on ","jewelry blindfold belt leash hair piece/headband ","hairbrush musical instrument weapon pet toy hole puncher back scratcher ","chair musical instrument canvas bed shelter stepping stool shield ","blindfold jacket/sweatshirt rag napkin towel harness flag sail whip curtain ","coin jar/any kind of jar bludgeon musical instrument magnifying glass wind chimes decor vase pot for a plant tupperware/food container popsic","booster seat bludgeon weight mat step stool musical instrument pillow knife sharpe ","hat cage for a small rodent Christmas tree topper swing musical instrument mulch trampoline ","dance partner bludgeon ladle for a large pot of soup coat hanger decor plate measurement stick ","glove/mitten plant holder jewelry case coin purse fly swatter shovel musical instrument ",0.055885099,-0.812085211,0.796025336,1.055578589,0.398744643,1.214371443,1.295102358,0.939089835,-0.333957851,-0.451722056,1.152401686,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.750163972,-0.983873069,-0.597234666,0.446946174,-1.191550136,0.573871851,0.583979368,-0.425963908,0.252334416,0.822509706,-0.286878198,0.686167777,0.731365263,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 223,2,"read shelf teach learn doorstop decor artwork library store fun help imagination inspire ","climbing rigging boats theatrical staging tug of war sports to hold up pants i.e belt gym shoelaces interlace items together tie a bag ","eat comb hair dig weapon scratch texture painting henna tattoos wisk egg beater spatula ","eating stacking objects prop/ set of a play base of a fort stretch back bed shelter from the rain display art ","clothes cape shorts hold things parachute towel crop top warmth weapon ","hold liquids stage property smashing experiment vase mailing device ie message in a bottle spray gift ""bag"" ","building doorstop weapon smash experiment device road ""canvas"" ","wheels swing sled for w/out snow crib ""rock the baby to sleep ","dig weapon tools ","feet cover cup bowl skates texture maker ",0.008289431,-0.245547399,-0.663133025,-0.231640339,0.316665262,0.979708433,-0.458618879,1.205182433,-0.007677651,1.11262989,-1.723881245,-1.186150551,-1.145764947,-0.356665641,-0.939327955,-0.420257807,0.729859233,0.825485766,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.017786505,-1.233631492,-0.657296479,-1.15726614,0.15796259,-0.887940228,Female,Hispanic,Prefer not to respond,19 224,2,"Paper dress Hat Tv stand Bridge Something to step on to avoid a puddle a ramp for toy cars a prop a box an engagement box decoration a stepstool an extension of your arm to reach something laptop stand ","noose belt pulley tail fake hair jump rope whip bracelet handcuffs ","hairbrush microphone weapon knife spoon shovel rake back scratcher gavel toothpick staff ","desk chair stool stepladder stage shelter blockade baracade boat bed sofa fire kindle weapon shield prop ","fake hair dress shirt turniquette bandage fabric rope sari costume ","microphone weapon jar vase candle-holder pencil case moltov cocktail an addiction art a prop ","weapon stand step house building tool red powder ","wheel playground mulch replacement art shield rubber ball ","weapon oversized spoon ","fake phone weapon a prop a costume an accessory a hat",0.34016782,-0.885737181,-0.442658365,0.425026745,-1.66327858,-0.901026726,-0.261054486,-0.631231785,-0.846809745,1.279371858,-0.813353002,-0.85102123,-0.390946239,0.448462129,0.168019101,1.259283781,-0.995016038,-0.258651495,0.076217487,-0.264940351,-0.105600931,-0.430327505,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.577377379,-0.390398234,Non-binary/ third gender,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,21 225,2,"Read, throw, burn, kick, pray to, pray over, tear apart, exalt, stand on, prop things up with, recycle, use as wallpaper/background/etc., gift, roll cigarettes with, denounce, ","Tying, theatrical rigging, building, delineating space, creating space, recreating space, decorating, sailing, saving lives, climbing, hanging things, hanging others, hanging yourself, hanging a painting, ","Stabbing, pushing, holding food, holding the end of the joint, combing hair, picking things up, a knife throwing contest but with forks, getting things out of the drain, teaching children what not to stick in power","Placing your laptop on when you realize you've once again misread the directions for this survey Standing on Putting as many people as possible on Sleeping on Floating on Hiding behind Hiding under Using as leverage to jump To flip Jumping over","Wearing on legs Tying together As a hat As a shrug As a flag Cleaning up Hiding things with Dancing in ","Drinking from Breaking Spinning Putting flowers in As an instrument (woodwind or percussion) Rolling ","Smashing Building Throwing As a canvas To brick wash jeans (like acid or stone wash?) As bookends As a paperweight As a counterweight","As a chandelier To crawl in To hide in To roll around in like those German circus wheels To use as boundaries for a long hole you're digging To throw As a flowerbed ","As a crutch/cane To move things you don't want to touch As a weapon As a baton","Open a wine bottle Hold water in As a fake phone Weird flowerbed Doorstop Readymade art As a shovel Prop up a fishing pole if you have to leave it alone to go pee",-0.472037703,0.388458282,0.73526895,9.21934E-05,-0.615192473,-0.674382269,1.18949306,1.629028559,1.876392365,-0.139892116,0.054587729,-0.847106993,0.518162072,-1.675637603,-0.772146165,-1.489883423,1.15505302,-1.037734509,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,-0.866169631,-1.170052767,0.303450972,0.049073875,-0.19201915,0.8493734,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Asian/ Pacific Islander",Gay/ lesbian,19 226,2,"to read to squash a bug to fix a wobbly table to hide behind to stack to test balance to use for a project to paper mache ","to tie a knot to hang to have a tug of war to pull to wrap to burn to rig (ship or a stage) to restrain ","to eat with to comb hair to poke a hole in something to scratch an itch to test if food is done cooking in the oven to make art with to create dots with ","to eat food on to put belongings on to stand on to sit on to lay on to flip to paint on to draw on to do work on to bang on","to wear on legs to tie around one's self to use as a pillow to hold things in the pockets to stop bleeding by pressure to wipe up a spill to keep warm","to fill with a liquid to expel a liquid into to pour liquid out of to make a whistling sound with to fashion a pipe out of to crush up to recycle and turn into other material to melt to cut up to make bracelets ","to build a building to throw in protest to use as a step to paint on to serve as a doorstop to prop up a bed ","to put on a wheel to make a swing to build a playground structure to wear as a belt imaginary steering wheel to melt down to make flooring to cut into shreds to insulate ","to dig to pat down earth to be a dance partner to trip someone to lift something to crush something","to put on one's foot for protection from the elements to put on one's foot for style to put on hands for fun to throw to use as a container to hammer a nail ",0.064628802,0.753153503,-0.144210145,0.022726594,-0.861852229,1.127043486,1.058558583,1.499708295,-0.430224925,1.292582512,-2.576766491,-2.526902437,-1.78155756,0.987946928,0.665747941,1.153205872,1.207074285,1.582950354,1.540566683,1.353119969,1.842366576,0.474258602,1.213474393,1.306358695,-1.974701405,-2.159741402,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 227,2,"hat seat booster stand stepping stool toy disk shield weapon drawing paper ","noose jump rope line divider scarf snake weapon tool carrying device tying someone up whipping someone ","something to make music with sword knife hole puncher design tool cookie shaper hair brush back scratcher head massager scraper hammer hair straightner ","boat step stool stage cave fort storage unit dining unit ","arm sleeves flag scarf hat snake weapon blanket napkin storage unit home for pets pillow belt dog toy tool belt shoes rope ","instrument sword telescope something to kick (like a ball) microphone hat faux penis shoe ship terrarium ","weapon chalk (something to draw with) stepping stool platform stage for bugs pillow high heels stilts phone nut cracker grape smasher ","floating device boat wheel swing device to start a fire with ball plant home mulch hat scarf frame hoola hoop ","skate board ski broom sword bat pot or pan tree wizards wand fire pole javelin tight rope ","boat planter phone cup ear muff hat knee pad race car ear phone gloves elbow pads microphone so",1.141211748,-0.650896966,0.677000105,0.563708842,0.698874891,1.144939065,0.859330952,0.025801489,1.161633253,1.570098639,-0.736312568,-2.297156096,-1.439147115,1.133645177,1.134352088,0.563389003,0.448121011,1.191293955,1.487921119,1.292785883,-0.192404792,-2.852561951,1.026723623,-1.799461722,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 228,2,"Fire starter Knowledge Weapon Bullit protector Target practice Lifting weight Paper airplanes Putting you to sleep Enterta","Weapon Security Rock climbing Holding something in place Sailing Opening the grande curtain Hunting Working out Lasso Tripping someone Hanging someone Kindergarten lines ","Eating Weapon Picking something up Getting to two different places (fork In the road) Art material Flinging something across the room Hold something in place ","To eat on To put things on To work on To stand on To have a level and hard writing surface ","Warmth Style To keep legs clean from mud or protect from work environment To sell ","To hold a liquid To spin and then try to kiss someone To flip and then land right side up To twist sideways building pressure are then shoot the cap off for entertainment To be able to knock ","Foundation for a house To beat someone to death To make a wall To use as a pathway To use as stairs To use as a weight","To cover the wheel on a car so I think can run on asphalt To do an exercise of agility A swing To get in and roll around as a kid To sit on when changing the brake pads on a car so that you are not squatting or ","To dig A weapon To use as leverage to uproot something To spin like a baton ","Style To protect the foot Warmth To keep the foot dry To conceal the stench of a foot To help dance ",-0.361918598,0.266693145,0.094996855,-0.172119915,-0.547257781,1.296986818,0.641352713,1.103728294,1.305312872,-0.954187095,0.008429865,-2.190092087,-1.84398818,1.463044524,0.829829335,0.722594082,1.359358191,1.816366076,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.344876409,-0.609971046,0.703877449,-1.599271297,-1.629856586,-1.809464216,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 229,2,"Read it Write it Learn from it Stack it Tear it apart Burn it Use it to sit on (phonebook) Balance it on your head Memorize its words Collect books Make a lir","Make a knot Tie somebody up Tie a dog to a tree Give someone rope burn Whip Lasso Braid it Use it as a leash Tie things together ","Eat Stick into a socket Use it to cut like a knife Balance it on your nose Stab Make perforations Use it as a drumstick Use it as a spoon when you cant find a spoon Dip in ink or paints and draw 3 paralel","Put things on top of it Eat off of it Sleep on it Break apart and use as firewood Sell it Build it Paint it ","Wear them Button them Sew them Measure them Put them on your head Fold them Buy them Hem them Put patches on them Decorate Iron them ","Drink out of it Pee in it Crush it Use it as an instrument Wash it Recycle it Blow over the top of it","Build a house Build a wall Throw it Weigh something down Use it to lift weights","Use it on a car Make tire tracks in the sand Use it as a tire swing","Dig in the sand Dig up a dead body Pack sand Pry something open Hit someone over the head","Put it on your feet Stamp a bug Put them on your hands Tap dance ",-0.105481349,0.132770047,-0.918619335,-0.233170226,1.361299276,1.183691263,0.654850662,1.15998435,0.225421116,1.431202888,0.101104148,-0.795383811,-1.205505729,-0.579061151,0.795236826,-0.455777436,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.159909725,0.921908915,-0.048423968,-0.408809006,0.017618142,-0.293312073,0.840901911,0.346283883,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 230,2,"read write edit Madeline school assigned free time hobby leisure learning education pages text binding author little women gone girl beverly cleary art pictures illustrator paragraphs publisher best seller novel dedication forward afterward chapters summary drafts college textbooks binding ","lasso wonder woman knot tie trap burn tighten catch cowboy tarzan climbing securing treehouse carrying animals noose tightrope circus tug of war red carpet paparazzi ","eat knife spoon spork meals food dinning restaurant plastic salad dishes dish washer drawer kitchen dividers napkin plate spaghetti scrape stab pointed silver shinny utensil dessert cake ","cloth wooden ikea place mats meals food kitchen dinning gathering family flowers set cooking bedside bedroom drawers lamp writing telephone sitting chairs drawing ","jeans clothes dress pants iron iron board stores shopping sizes fitting color zipper pocket magazines laundry malls hand-me-downs tailor measurements ","water plastic glass alcohol soda drinks juice cleaner bleach shampoo conditioner shower clean supplies hydrate liquid bubbly label nutrition facts ounces distributor travel convenience ","house red exposed brick building construction architecture heavy sturdy paved three little pigs chimney city work ","black wheels change rotate air jiffy lube car bus vacuum toys bike scooter tricycle unicycle motorcycle roller blades wheel chair quad moped spin turn screech pop tear ","dig pail dirt sand beach castle moat seashells ocean holes Shia LaBeauf treasure pirates gold treasure chest boat ship plants weeds seeds sandbox bury labor physical metal wood po","foot boots sneakers heels size sandals color size style store box socks tights floor walk run expensive fashion wardrobe Little Old Lady ""Omg SHOES"" youtube brand ",4.255304813,-0.942740798,-1.498871684,0.131085917,0.674451172,0.642142773,1.214818239,1.158593059,0.053075794,1.748511672,1.108525038,-0.535830438,0.062824443,-0.498234332,0.956498802,-0.174655065,0.431413502,0.14549464,0.695598841,0.542590618,-1.15074265,-0.99855876,0.700780392,0.466658115,0.652106285,0.878615499,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,24 231,2,"Reading learning Props Stack them to decorate a room Build a stage Build stairs Put them in a backpack to add weight to a workout raised platform to do pushups deeper Blunt weapon kindling sound effects - ripping, ","Climbing rapelling (spelling?) suspending something pulling something unfurled could be used as kindling as well whip swing ladder made into a rug tying something or someone up tug-of-war ","Eating weapon strainer paint knife - texture nails on a chalkboard - could make that sound ruler, measurement","Eating Stage/raised platform Room decor Storage Roof for a fort barricade round tabletop could be a wheel legs could be used as a bat turned on its side to make it look like a bed on stage ","clothing lifevest broken arm sling fabric - kindling cape noose turned into a women's shirt","drinking liquid turned into a filter with some cloth (maybe from the pants) Cut off the top as storage stencil for drawing circles concealing something - in dark liquid ","building - infinite possibilities weapon delivering a message breaking window stencil for rectangles weight to add to a workout as a hammer or other blunt tool ","Rolling - vehicles, etc. storage good workout - flipping them hiding things necklacing - morbid but I know it happens. buffer for impacts swingset ","Digging Weapon Chopping - the sharp edge Fashioned into a catapult Wood handle turned into a bat, or other tool Use it to flatten soil or sandy materials ","Protecting feet Tied together you can throw them and wrap around something Laces can be taken and used for rope s",-0.076374352,0.239862472,0.340848386,0.222624362,-0.020286063,-0.764569283,-0.172113121,0.168990672,0.734419346,0.671136737,1.71019E-09,-0.179840952,0.702362418,-1.8580091,-1.535280108,-0.845901728,-1.411164045,-1.253358006,-0.269086719,-0.171253338,-0.697387159,-0.992355406,-1.854653597,-1.527337193,0.809446514,0.326055765,Male,Prefer not to respond,Prefer not to respond,20 232,2,"camera tripod step stool fan paper weight door wedge bug-crusher ","hang something pulley cat toy divider (of the space) tightrope tie things together/down decoration lasso climbing ","eating hairbrush toothpick opening packages picking a lock conduct electricity conduct a band lever slingshot weapon popping balloons painting straight lines ","making forts eating dinner as decoration shield in a nerf gun war shelter from earthquakes holding objects practicing your balance tap dance surface ","kite wipe up a spill belt hat cleaning the floor rope pillow stuffing your shirt to make a fat belly ","paper weight making music mixing paint separating egg whites tracer flower pot bird feeder art display bowling ","paper weight shoes door wedge make an ""igloo"" to draw on with chalk or paint heat up to keep something warm ","tire swing rubber playground floors painting tire tracks pool float flower planter ","making sandcastles spoon planting flowers measuring slingshot defense weapon breaking a window hammer ","squishing bugs door stop container paper weight ",0.119239539,-0.499896199,0.79720366,0.284506202,-0.15931952,-0.204402298,1.058558583,1.077381492,-0.627165616,-0.954187095,-0.40128842,-1.496695638,-1.297831416,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.076809652,1.251949668,0.311397761,1.028033018,0.205391318,0.157333836,0.516439259,1.239962578,0.600184798,-0.486821979,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 233,2,"to read as a weight to distract from life to use as a ruler to use as a straight edge a plate to block the sun like a visor to cover the sun off your face if you nap in the park to stack and stand on top of to be taller to test your posture by walking with it on your he","to tie something down like a boat to attach a swing from a tree to use in a tug of war game to pay jump rope with double dutch to measure something based on the size of the rope backstage as a pully system fly rails noose ","to eat with a hairbrush like Ariel to make small holes in the bottom of pastry so it bakes without rising to puncture a hole in something that is difficult to open use the side when in lack of a knife make designs in paint to decorate pie crusts to bend and use in mosaics ","to eat off of to write on to stand on to place things on to do crafts on hide under to barricade doors lay on to smash through a door or window ","to wear to cut into shorts to take patches from and use to cover holes in other pants to make into a purse to swat bugs from a good distance to use as a rag when they're old to tie multiple pairs together to create a rope like structure to use as cushion when packaging something delicate to ","to carry liquids to use in science experiments like the coke and mentos experiment to use as a vase for flowers to cut up and make containers for everyday items bottle rockets! to act as a temporary trash can for small items to act as a unit of measurement ","to build a house to build walls to build streets to break windows to use as a weight to make a walkway look more unique to make stairs stack them to make a ledge to stand on for height to ","to use as wheels on cars tractor wheels bike wheels to roll down the hill in to hold sand in case of flood as a weight use as decoration in an automobile shop to direct traffic a specific way the abandoned in the middle of the freeway ","to dig a hole with to knock someone unconscious with to transport oil or other materials from one place to another to dig our weeds and roots with use the handle to make small indents in soil to place seeds to kill someone to bury something to s","to protect your feet to wear to use as a visor to block the sun to swat bugs to heighten the look of any outfit to make one appear taller to dirty something up to spread bacteria to knock someone unco",0.332843453,2.279400826,-0.410706818,0.023890754,0.029449021,1.03164351,0.874789655,0.286194414,0.098108798,-0.17278102,-0.843557656,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.514352918,-0.237020791,0.74627322,0.082712688,0.150636792,0.894321263,0.34017393,-0.130249128,1.115379333,0.656133592,1.206082702,-0.976310253,-0.389639586,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 234,2,"Read throw block something copy catch boost pass the time complete homework learn ignore someone escape from your life juggle cook read music challenge an opinion write a paper weapon balance out something decoration co","Climb Hang something suicide saving someone rock climbing whip tie stuff together measure belt lift object pull object wrap something swing something attach two things together build something clean windows throw ","eat stab cut fight defend pick up poke cook pick teeth kill melt for metal family gatherings dinner lunch breakfast snacks supper brunch show off wealth make moen","sit on eat on play on throw hide under have sex on boost dance on block something make four pillars by flipping it organization spreading out doing homework hold desktop computer storage nightstand games TV","wear clothing cut up denim wear on arms wear backward clean up a liquid pick something up as if the glove express yourself hide your body make a statement exercise motivate yourself show off wealth attract someone flirt send messages paint on art compliment your body collection ","hold liquid drink from hold many small items like marbles reduce pollution make money by selling thrown catch something small hold a bug make a firefly lamp be a reminder pollution damaging the environment helping the environment (plastic vs. reusable) advertise ","build weapon thrown weight aesthetic balance something door stop hold up something make a statement start a revolution (Stonewall) send a message make something smash lift something show off wealth make something prettier defend something make something stronger kill someone defend your","drive ride a bike motorcycle car rubber rolling games fight someone sit on it bounce on it inflate it deflate it throw it exercise collection build something art roll it take apart put together show off wel","dig hit attack defend cut bury hide poke stab kill cover something shovel snow clear driveway clean move something like dirt as a meme for kinky sex (toy) uncovering something get somewhere through digging discover things get","walking wearing expressing yourself show off wealth prop throw it make a political statement use as a weapon smell it tie it you the shoelace as rope exercise fashion statement advertisement cover feet defend feet makeshift boxing glove dance tapping clogging ballet slippers for sleep (slippers) sandals on the beach to avoid sand ",3.411679983,0.282415748,0.471605629,1.398965597,1.347151041,0.269035101,1.188056946,0.748615921,1.215893626,1.226368427,2.264139175,-0.194513574,-1.123095632,0.684898794,0.767676055,-0.24856396,1.158610344,-0.022421751,-0.839915395,0.273535997,-1.387434363,0.772814274,0.795078933,0.291099399,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,19 235,2,"read the book use the book as a holder or a base for other objects use the book to make a movie use the book to tell a story use the book to show a story use a book to relax use a book to study use a book as a prop use a book as weight to work out use the book ","use the rope to tie around something for stability use the rope to tie a knot use the rope for tug of war use the rope to pull something down use the rope to pull yourself up use the rope to jump rope with use the rope to keep your dog from running use the rope to swing at the playground us","use the fork to eat use the for to pick food up use the fork to flip food over use the fork to cut (as a knife) use the fork to build an abstract object use the for to mix use the fork","use the table to sit things on use the table to have discussions use the table to have dinner on use the table to allow support for standing on it use the table for an office space use the table as a set piece use the table as a "," use pants to cover your bare legs use pants when its cold use pants move around in use pants for costumes use pants to complete your outfit use pants ","use a bottle to drink things out of use a bottle to hold things in like pencils pens grow plant in a bottle use bottle to store a liquid use bottle travel on the go use bottle make music and sounds use bottle to recycle use bottle to crack use bottle ","use a brick to practice weight of a human from lifeguard training use a brick to build a house use a brick break glass use a brick for weight use a brick to block something off or in use a brick to w","use a tire to allow a car to move use a tire as a swing use a tire for extreme workouts use a tire for a bike use a tire for obstacle cour","use a shovel to dig use a shovel to scoop use a shovel to pat use a shovel to carve into the ground use a shovel to gather use a shovel to break apart use a shovel push into ","use a shoe to cover your feet and socks use shoes to run outside use shoes to bring your outfit together use a shoe to teach a lesson use a shoe to comfort your feet use a shoe for different sports use a shoe for personali",-0.035805408,1.725904822,-4.641716003,-3.780913353,1.453520656,0.703025579,1.083883762,1.435112357,0.611184955,1.18667233,1.71019E-09,0.256074756,-0.211055964,-0.569276452,-0.173850685,-0.393418461,0.628651023,0.13259314,0.234753668,0.375400573,0.130008191,-0.096032485,0.318618715,-0.716448545,1.185659051,0.281116128,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,18 236,2,"'-read a book -write a book -burn books to keep warm during the harsh winters in the 1800s London -make a giant book out of many books -collect past due books as a hobby -edit a book - ","'-tie rope -make some knots -jump rope -repair a rope bridge -eat Twizzlers (they're basically rope) -rope a goat on a mountain then let it go free because its a living thing that has rights -rope ","'-eat peas -eat lentils -eat baby corn (because baby corn rocks) -grab your torch and pitch forks -there's a fork in the road -fork out the cash to the bank robber -create a fork made out of food and eat the food fork ","'-table a topic in Committee at the United Nations Conference -table tennis -the tables have turned -tab is short for a table of information -set the table -polish the table -tables made from table ","'-jeans -shorts -caprees -crops -high waisted -pin striped -these are all types of pants -pants are uncomfortable after a long day ","'-bottle cap necklaces -baby bottle pop -poppin bottles -bottle up your emotions like society tells you to do -bottled milk was delivered fresh to out of milk trucks in the fifties -robot bottles are just robottles? -a ","'-LEGO bricks -Bricks (the game) -running into a brick wall -red brick houses in the suburbs -cement bricks are the same cement bricks for schools and prisons -Be Rick not Brick -trix are ","'-I'm so tired -change a tire -flat tire -I tire of this conversation -tire me ","'-shovel the grave dirt -shovel food into your mouth -shovel out nightmares -shovel some sense into your mind ","'-shoe shoe get out of here! -ties a shoe lace -ties two shoes laces -shoe-oot ",-0.262728006,0.525184989,-4.377289772,0.190334052,1.552816272,1.127043486,0.981451929,0.874429762,1.24186182,0.443422645,0.533979893,-1.142657399,-1.68880558,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,1.359358191,1.637200117,1.207925916,0.723695755,-1.253707051,-1.392773628,1.213474393,-1.83956635,1.554067612,0.880475879,Female,African American/Black,Straight/heterosexual,18 237,2,"reading, weight, door stop, blunt object, prop open a window, ruler, hard surface, stencil, flattener, drum, ","tying stuff, belt, whip, rope ladder, laundry line, hair tie, tie, kindling, tightrope, art project, pulley, tripwire, ","to stab food with a comb something to throw something to flip, completing an electric circuit, ","to put stuff on to sit on to block a door to make a fort a place to hide a stage for a puppet show ","to wear you can take them apart and make anything out of them rag ","drinking out of a planter make a bottle tree with it ","to build with door stop weapon to make a furnace with ","to put on wheels to make a swing to make a fire ring to make a sculpture ","to move earth a decoration a weapon a sled ","to wear on your feet the throw at someone a door stop to reserve your spot on line",-1.023815036,-0.304376453,-0.577367723,-0.472892374,-0.209642544,0.936243474,1.214818239,1.629028559,0.540073156,0.395898163,0.670612514,-1.829348564,-0.255150884,0.935088754,1.190871239,0.14603214,1.359358191,0.768015146,1.554342866,1.529662967,-0.704057217,-0.481588632,1.131135345,0.37143299,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 238,2,"Read Propping something up Paperweight Coaster ","Tying things together Hanging pictures Fixing things Drying line","Eating food ","Eating food on Folding clothes on Displaying things Drawing on Sitting on Doing work on","Wearing using loose fabric for patches ","Filling with water Flower vase makeshift lightbulb instrument carrying case ","Building a structure paperweight book ends? as counter weight ","Car Makeshift table","Digging Cutting Packing propping a door open ","Wearing on ones feet flyswatter doorstop ",-1.082629442,-0.866074204,-0.038585436,-0.317670703,-0.295671701,0.104366094,1.162731647,1.214153767,0.82527703,1.115254879,0.298277527,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.102444962,0.321525723,-1.166035652,0.134019136,0.018243823,0.691563606,-0.128786117,-0.406606376,0.023760023,0.018901905,-0.232701346,-0.285379201,0.131436586,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,18 239,2,"smuggling vessel notebook hat blunt object ","a seal a fuze a noose a tether for climbing to mark a trail ","a makeshift screwdriver a makeshift nail remover a good replacement for chopsticks ","a bed a podium shelter from above a barricade a raft a walkway ","a way to store skis together tie them off at the bottom and carry 2 liter bottles in them over your shoulder roll them up or cut them off and they become shorts tear them in two and you've made sleeves to a vest ","watering can g bong percussive instrument with good resonance water-level-based pitch instrument containers for small utensils a broken glass bottle is a ","a doorstop a source of chalk-like writing ability a source of protection in a pinch a counterweight ","a seat a swing a dizzying but worth-it ride a potentially very slappy-in-tone percussive instrument ","a crowbar a lever a weapon a cement leveler ","bed or nest for a small animal chew toy milk ",-0.829152524,-0.16166532,0.68310678,0.448770851,-0.014767036,1.183691263,0.979710639,0.674516439,-1.033934474,0.888945103,-1.230736017,-0.283732206,-1.078190565,0.477143705,0.255555272,0.639710724,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-0.015339297,0.245229557,0.013374782,-0.154667959,-0.018394472,-1.626047134,0.140011057,-0.760611594,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,20 240,2,"Read a book Write a... Listen to .. Stack.. Match.. Make.. Take.. Grab.. Use.. Balance .. Love.. Admire.. Reread.. ","Tug Pull Strap Lug Tie Buy Make Jump Wrap Burn ","eat Twirl Comb hair Stab Scratch Bite Cook Flick ","Eating Poker Puzzle Cooking Playing Reading Writing Resting Putting things down Picking things up Foot rest Elbow Rest Lean against ","Wear Lounge Sleep Warm Make your butt look good ","Drink Store food Run with Grab Make a ","Build Throw Toss Shit a brick Pick up Take out knock down Crack Smash ","Pop Smash a hole in all four roll pick up replace trash explode drive ","Snow Poop Candy Dirt Plants Food Trash ","Wear Make Fix Throw Leave Behind for a clue Shine Scuff Paint Mess up Break Flick off Slip out of Trip over ",0.359836042,-0.546926558,-0.880399704,-0.570863605,-0.682807624,-1.253484964,1.06767714,1.408134103,0.356755674,-0.835245013,0.443395793,-0.35284707,-1.451806307,1.10868299,0.791686952,0.603958845,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.769714952,0.931325257,0.644215405,-0.137920529,0.84964782,0.193298861,-0.278358161,0.069849148,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,21 241,2,"Table-Stablizer The Sound of pages turning can be easily doctored to sound like fire or wings flapping. A wall in a small diagram A percussive instrument ","Climbing apparatus To tie something together a noose Tug-o-war A line to follow on the floor ","Percussive instrument A roach clip A defensive weapon in a pinch A comb The teeth can be used to etch or impress upon a piece of clay or something of that nature ","A barrier A raft the basis for a map or layout plan a shield and four pikes a bench a small shelter ","padding for a mic stand sleeves a napkin ","percussive instrument pitch instrument container ","table stabilizer weight a blunt object chalk mile marke","barrier container for ropes or wires transportation down a hill percussive instrument a bouncing game an entrance to a fort an exit to a fort ","a scoop a defensive weapon a crowbar a levy a percussive instrument ","Bailey's A fly swatter A cat's chosen bed ",-0.777925611,-0.31117031,1.183273435,0.829802632,-1.104621649,0.733998716,-0.676753521,1.154455304,0.35505724,0.265009642,0.971158504,-0.985339105,-0.51987797,-0.771893919,0.794098854,0.756851733,0.475857198,1.017052889,-0.21915023,0.306003332,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.432348222,-0.493417412,-0.582638264,0.195475981,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,21 242,2,"read stack flatten paper trace learn teach travel prop decorate impress ","catch/lasso swing pull tug jumprope hoist raise ","eat poke comb decoration catapult toy doll ","stage cave platform battlefield hiding place "," sleeves costume ","drink art instrument vase wind-chime weapon telescope/magnifying glass ","build weapon art ","car swing planter ride recycle rubber","dig plant cut ","feet hands plant costume dance ",-0.589156508,-1.134076595,-0.506510556,-0.518415213,0.642235458,1.201586843,-0.427407593,0.671606064,0.580253422,-0.485047281,0.921080649,-0.315879881,0.205540255,0.44202581,-0.119587295,-0.473858088,0.205739871,-0.415785819,-0.212922722,0.202569962,-0.253398836,-0.071620807,-0.507419288,-0.189624146,0.280885637,-0.499374658,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,22 243,2,"You can use it as a hat You can burn it for warmth Put it in a sink like a little boat Keep a window open Ironic Paper weight Wedge a door closed Poor man’s frisbee Rich man’s napkin Artillery for a paper airplane war Hard pillow for hard headed peop","Belt Limbo stick replacement Stand-in snake A giant’s floss ","Comb Itty bitty knives Back scratcher Pitchfork for grass Alternative jewelry Cable organizer A ","A roof Blocking a door A dance surface A boat in a flood Flip it upside down, you got four coat racks ","A shirt that’s all sleeves, no bite A headwrap A makeshift flag Bunny ears for a denim rabbit Curtains Scarf ","Musical instrument Put a little ship in it Message courier A collection receptacle for baby teeth A place to put your tooth brush Smash it up, that’s a trap for the wet bandits to step in ","Smashin windows Keeping a tarp from flying away Dropping into water to make a good “plunk” sound Quiet drum Dangle it from a str","Balancing surface for a circus act A big hat for race day. Like, you put it on for the Daytona 500 like how everyone puts on big hats for the Kentucky Derby but as, like, a goof Push it down the street with a stick ","Big. Darts. Crowbar Scraping paint off of a wall Tricky snowboard Big spatu","Keep your beans in it Pencil case Bean case Tie the laces together you got nun-chucks Yo-yos ",-0.513396204,0.231009856,1.204859853,0.272632867,0.721904993,1.296986818,0.477770686,0.358434767,-1.35762012,0.66326493,-0.206661865,-1.107130766,0.116256304,-0.189968482,0.798579335,-2.263082027,1.359358191,-0.748196721,-0.007373912,0.482009679,-0.435908049,0.645395815,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,1.074881554,1.880536318,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 244,2,"read research study escape enjoy inspire learn discover socialize understand ","pull tie secure climb lift support harness ","eat stab poke prod move around lift pick up point make recycled jewelry stir around tap the table ","eat do work socialize set things on rest feet on have meals at ","keep warm wear as a fashion statement coverage an excuse to not shave your legs ","hold liquid drink liquids out of break over someone's head break against a wall spin blow into to make a song/noise hold objects collect things feed a baby feed baby animals","build a house keep the wolf from blowing down your real estate hit someone over the head build a chimney ","swing on to get a car from point a to point b to fill with water to plant flowers in","dig dirt bury a body plant flowers clean up horse shit ","wear walk for dogs to chew on to tie to run in to dance in to take off to jump in puddles with ",-0.160958797,-0.38865459,-0.475636691,-0.140264302,0.308869779,0.300541669,0.822703123,-1.420367479,0.152154088,-0.285255522,-0.753372788,-0.106453918,-0.926720619,0.273462206,0.967946529,0.602678955,0.108516164,1.29798913,-1.591902256,-0.199689627,0.539713323,1.490594268,0.182092533,0.85388881,1.273450971,0.145128757,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 245,2,"cover for rain, to be read, to start a fire. to be learned from, to tear up, to put on a shelf, to stuff a bra, to write, to cite, to criticize, to stack, to use as a stool, to open, to communicate, stomp on, to shout at, to carry, to put in bag, to reference, to entertain, to ta","to hang objects from for decoration, to pull a boat, to wrap around, to use as a costume, to scratch skin, to hold together, to use as a noun, to use as a verb, to tie up captives, to cut through, to unravel, to hang people, to tie knots in scouts, jub","to eat with, to stab out ones eyes, to pry open a bottle, to bend, lift, stab, scratch, to move around food, to put in a drawer, to saw through a rope, to make scultpurcultures with, to make art with","to put things on, to lay on, to eat on, to destroy, to break the wood, to smash the glass, to hold plates up, to display models on, to have meetings at, to put paper on, to jump on, to dance on, to use to make a fire, to use for shelter, to write on, to scratch on, to hold onto, to smush, ","to wear, to cover up bodies, to keep warm, to rip up, to run in, to buy, to feel good in, to have power, to fling around, to lie on the floor, to be washed, to be worn, to be folded, to rip at the worst times, to be colorful, to dye, ","to drink from, to make art with, to hold liquid, to float, to send messages in across the sea, to put model ships in, to pee in, to hold, to remove the top of, to smush, to recycle, to throw out, to litter the earth, to save lives, to leak, to balance on ones head, to throw, to attempt to land vertical","to get a car out of a snow bank, to build with, to throw at intruders, to break windows, to hurt people, to keep people safe, to stack, to form, to stain, to scratch, to bang against, to walk on, to trip on, to run on, to create art with, hold, to melt, to break","to move cars, to move airplanes and boats, t roll spin wear out rip up and be at the floor of a playground to be a spare sneak through to hide in ","move snow bury the dead build sandcastles dig a hole hold make hands rough dig up treasure feed soup to a giant hit someone with to stick into the ground scratch to dig","to wear to protect to be stylist to look at keep warm to fit in make comfortable slip on slip off to throw in celebration to throw in anger to stack to toss in a pile to run in to strut in to untie to lose to buy to donate ",-0.847497821,2.250665903,0.440900177,-1.312733531,0.676518023,1.018460631,-0.112633571,1.481765509,1.684414864,0.29431352,1.71019E-09,-1.809240341,-1.84398818,1.463044524,1.190871239,1.51829493,1.250075817,1.816366076,1.477456808,1.715173006,-0.84552002,-2.046022177,1.213474393,-0.383139282,-1.932748556,-1.896506906,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 246,2,"reading holding information music communication creative expression organization story-telling preservation visual interpretation of events or emotions ","escape binding tork climbing sailing and rigging horse riding animal capture instrumentation minimize work load ","eating allowing heat to escape from baked potatoes cutting picking up objects testing whether the brownies are finished and fully baked making indents in tin foil at a BBQ eating Mac and cheese with because","siting at organization of space placing objects on eating at an organization of periodic elements organization of financial actions and calculations collection of generalized scientific data elevated service for observation surface that is more accessible from standing position standing on having last suppers ate pla","fashion to have more pockets less indecent exposure of skin to match the color of a tux jacket for winter when it is too cold for shorts to hid private areas on the body a substitute for kilts an excuse to dress","to hold something such as a liquid or solid to keep in heat or keep things cold to act as an easier method for intaking liquids or solids a vessel for wine and other such alcohols to be transported and sold the logo designs for Coca Cola marketing a stronger support than pots and clay bu ","building homes building walls a stronger surface for contruction a cheap material for design that is made with organic earth sources a device for charging phones a 21st century term for extremely cold weather nonflammable material source of income for ","wheels allows for less bumpy car rides a word for feeling drained of energy a rubber-made round object for travel a inflatable wheel that is cheeper something that rhymes with wire, fire, buyer, and liar ","digging a hole leveling the ground gardening construction for basements building sandcastles a device for uncovering earth in a manual or mechanized method ","covering feet fashion running to compliment an outfit to fit the action an individual is trying to accomplish a home for a mother-goose fairy tale the ideal gift for impoverished children in third world countries one of a pair ",0.108678825,0.895902812,-0.092960171,0.034841888,-1.383950114,-1.183654547,1.188056946,-0.472414255,0.767378092,-0.954187095,0.994645298,-0.683870137,0.164657861,0.469738483,-0.109934807,0.154187381,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.50101006,-0.338205397,-0.782590032,-1.286675811,0.644900978,1.234591961,-0.529543877,0.094647147,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 247,2,"Entertainment Kindling for a fire Step stool Decoration Paper weight Weapon Gift Distraction Prop in a show/movie Journal Art project Homework Escape Trading ","Tie a ship to a dock Thing to climb up Noose Hair tie Tug of war Tie someone up Hold something together Weapon Make a net Make a weird item of clothing Practice knots Guitar strap ","Hair brush Eating... Dig Weapon Gift Make art out of it Make art with it Mark something's place in the ground with it Create patterns on peanut butter cookies Stir ","Stand on Decoration Eat at Protection during lockdown drills Protection during hide and seek Ladder Kindling Stage Meeting spot Desk Play poker Make a fort Cook at ","A scarf A shirt A flag A gift Uniform Kindling for a fire Bandage for a bleeding wound Tourniquet Fabric for something else A ","Musical instrument Weapon Make art with it Make art with it's shattered pieces Target in a shooting game Drink out of Tempt an alcoholic Place to keep pills Place to keep milk Place to keep a small ship replica Something to throw at rocks in the woods ","Build a house Throw through a window Stepping stool Build a wall Sink something to the bottom of the ocean Paint on Crumble into dust Crush something else with Weapon Build a walkway Paperweight Weight to lift with Decoration ","Swing Entertainment Workout tool Bike Motorcycle Car Unicycle Hide inside Roll down a hill inside Plane Tricycle Sit on ","Dig a grave Dig a hole Dig up treasure Build a sandcastle Weapon Marker of something important buried Fill a hole Fill a grave Spread gravel Protection ","Protection from ice Protection from rocks Throw at someone aka weapon Costume piece in a show Trade Sell for money Display Dig a hole Play a bongo drum Rock climb ",1.168234825,0.849653125,0.118347697,0.650217175,1.514632106,1.062323689,1.295102358,1.564368486,1.05473721,1.748511672,1.71019E-09,0.38788572,-0.411241412,-0.146922484,-0.40304476,0.080395043,-0.032563202,0.334116161,-0.466309726,0.340554714,0.137787268,0.482821077,0.432438344,0.889716625,0.67239064,0.114616096,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 248,2,"Balance on your head Read Prop up a chair or table leg Craft Project Secret Hiding Place A Way to pass the time Take Notes Annotate Research Rip out pages to make a dress Use the spin to bind new papers Read to Children Read to Elderly ","Tie a Knot Make a pulley system Make Jewelry Make an outfit Secure a Shoe Secure a Structure Hang yourself (sorry) Bondage Lead an Animal Decorate a picture frame Make a belt Create a fly system Create a harness Braid it ","Eat Comb Hair Make a crown Bend and Shape to create Jewelry Use tines to leave a texture in an art project Stab something Make Music Tap to a beat Scratch ","Lay on it Sit on it Eat off of it Make a fort out of it Paint it Decorate it Stage it Cover it with a table cloth Hold a meeting around it Use it as a stage Stand on it Dance on it Pray around it Family Dinner Stack something else on it Make a tower ","Wear them Make a headdress out of them Cut them Distress them Make the legs into sleeves Pad them Cut them to Shorts Cut them to a Skirt Donate them Sell Them Paint them Bedazzle them Make puppets out of them Make a quilt out of them Use them to warm up Hang them up Fold them Roll them up ","Drink out of it Break it Make a chandelier out of it Fill it up Dump it out Smoke out of it Put a straw it in Cut it open Make a kaleidoscope of it Use it as a vase Use it as a pencil holder Fill it with rice to make it a noise maker Throw it to make a crash sound Uncork it Cork it ","Build a house Build a wall Build a road Use it as a texture stencil Paint it Break it Cover it in clay Carve it Name a phone after it Build a barricade Stack more on it Throw it Lick it Shit it ","Put it on a car Make it a wheel Climb on it Go down a hill in it Pump it up Deflate it Pop it Slash it Paint it Attach it to something Change it Make a flower bed out of it Make a bird feeding station Chop up the rubber to pad a playground Stand on it Roll it ","Dig a hole Pack a hole Hoe the Garden Dig a trench Use it as a weapon Unscrew the head and make it into a crown Use it as leverage Stir something Scoop up something ","Wear on your feet Wear on your hands Use to make tapping sounds Use to make music Clap them together Fill it with gravy Smell it Tie it to something Pretend its a phone Pretends it a remote Stir something with it Walk in it Run in it Dance in it Stand in it Fill it with dirt Put a mouse in it ",1.911192298,1.537367344,-0.250419915,0.460900337,0.558482707,-1.416839361,1.110645175,1.435048342,-0.385623664,-0.71946454,0.540314317,-0.409513026,-1.116471529,1.390820026,1.190871239,1.033036947,1.08893919,1.508701324,0.877619505,1.293329477,-0.256619573,0.462480068,1.213474393,1.111053348,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,American Indian",Straight/heterosexual,21 249,2,"To read the write in to make into an art project to throw at someone to fix a wobbling table stand against an object like your phone to use as a booster seat to learn ","to tie something up to wrap around a vase to recreate 50 shades of grey make into a swing diy jump rope ","the eat with to bend and make it look like a person to melt to bounce off a table to build a fork tower throw an apple at it and see if it sticks ","to sit at to stand on to dance on to break in half turn it into a fort flip over and turn it into a turtle fighting arena dramatically flip the table over ","to wear to make it into a skirt to make into an apron to cut up to draw on to bedazzle use scraps for various art projects run in them ","to drink out of to make into lanterns catch fireflies with them try the mentor and coke experiment to break to recycle ","to stack make skyscrapers to smash to make a house to paint to draw on with chalk to grind up to prop something on it to hold something up with it ","to roll to roll in down a mountain to put on a car to recycle for playgrounds to plant flowers in them use them for a workout flip them slash them ","pick up stuff bury something hang up to cover something to dig ","to put on to kick off to dance in to run in to climb walls in to ride bikes in to go for walks in to avoid getting your feet wet to protect yours feet from getting cold protect your feet in general to wrestle in to play soccer with to do yoga in them to color them ",0.041417532,1.06581831,-0.477244407,0.070257083,-1.131509304,1.153886795,-0.513421535,0.651569605,-0.763726652,-0.775633991,1.327162504,0.231828064,0.825159729,1.082056403,1.190871239,-0.130381361,0.648655355,-0.286530554,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.294614255,-0.417622656,1.11307621,0.740799248,1.289260149,1.308505893,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 250,2,"doorstop decoration art supplies distraction under a table leg to level table prop we","joiner object lesson lock when fastened to two doors th pulley system decoration lasso decoration ","slingshot weapon projectile flagpole for tiny people soil perferator ","shelter base of a fort platform step to reach the top of the cupboards organizational area ","scarf fabric sail of a boat if I'm desperate ","weapon sound creator automatic plant waterer instrument projectile door stop","door jamb weapon insect home weight color reference pumice stone ","garden box workout equipment study rubber material decoration water colle","flagpole leverage arm extension tool to help pull someone up, like in holes weapon krutch ","lawn aerator metaphor home for a little old lady materials ",-0.542030931,-0.686906099,1.323000312,0.642041326,1.227058649,-1.059210062,1.083883762,0.672997236,-0.659685075,0.045264039,0.167408243,2.095124722,1.903604865,-0.55783993,0.123594061,-1.383735299,0.314499855,1.067481875,-1.175792336,0.205831632,-0.264906049,1.579455018,0.986121476,-0.534831345,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 251,2,"read write tear eat wipe pad sell hit burn ","bind whip suicide unpack ","eat cooking play hurt dig design ","use as dinning table as desk writing holding stuff as fuel as ","short scarf Panties bag towel Wiping cloth ","container vase drumstick Incendiary bomb Fish tank ","building hit chalk pigment chair Weapon ","Tyre Swing Chair lifeboat toy ","forklift gardening seesaw weapon dustpan Spoon ","wear hat water container fish tank lair vase bowl ",-0.405253947,-1.074508667,-0.329101384,0.236133754,1.775184512,1.231829047,1.164167881,0.045245837,1.254046679,1.060843825,1.121530652,0.300083518,0.783154547,0.314013362,1.055225134,0.879924893,1.018508434,0.373510808,1.341570377,0.576958477,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.05990969,-0.709480226,0.535564899,0.274250418,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,20 252,2,"read Play Cut out to make flowery things Paint individual pages Cut out words and make collage of words/poems Balance on the head balance/turn it on a finger make origami and paper craft tear pages, make into balls, paint and hang them from the ceiling ","learn making different kinds of knots stretch body parts with the rope skip tie hands and legs and learn how to get out of the knots depending on how long it is- knit, croque and make a coster, door mat make a bag handle by using some newspaper ","eat put cherries, different kinds of food items on top of it to make miniature trees put something on the fork and practice carrying it around without dropping Put the fork in mouth and twist and turn it such that you rotate it 180 degrees in your mouth without touching it put it in your mouth and practi ","practice drumming on Practice jumping on and off the table meditate on it lift it in different ways to exercise muscles ","Wear them Cut them in different shapes and patterns to make crazy pants Make them into shorts Make sleeves out of the parts you cut out of them make puppets cut them and stitch them","cut the top and make pen holder Paint it to make it pretty and/or funky make a slit and paint it and use it as piggy bank Make it into a post box where you write small letters for yourself ","exercise muscles by lifting it paint it and put it in the garden sculpt it and make it into a model of something ","hoola hoop sit in it and turn it around make jewellery out of it- necklace, arm bands ","Dig a grave Dig a whole to hid your treasure (not money) use it as a bat to hit balls Use it to dance make a scarecrow out of it use it to put things in the hot oven practive using it as a sword and make it a shovel fight ","paint it pretty and use it to plant in it make a paper mache shoe throw it around the room and try to catch it before it falls on the group ",-0.708021164,1.456128836,0.192331091,0.118217558,-0.027318994,-1.317704558,-1.533719301,-0.567473292,-0.310247838,-0.650088847,1.71019E-09,0.710173011,0.381533444,-0.515992641,-0.020466242,-0.67036885,-0.896421254,0.55584991,-0.487968415,0.671779454,-1.775387764,-0.487787992,0.248503745,0.127584919,0.277980834,0.610856652,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Straight/heterosexual,19 253,2,"learning reading research weight support decoration pillow ","tying hanging decoration belt necktie seating swing hat clothes jewelry bag ","comb eating utensil gardening tool decoration stirring cooking utensil jewelry rake cauterizer ","bed playhouse desk storage bookshelf coatrack buffet vanity ","blanket bag flotation device tablecover fabric rope blinds/curtains doorstop ","telescope decoration vase pencil cup makeup brush holder storage art mosaic material bookend case ","doorstop weight support tv stand bed riser weapon bedframe art decoration protection phone stand ","swing pet cage art decoration jewelry exercise equipment sled toy hamper flower/plant pot laptop stand ladder ","decoration art sled umbrella ","flower pot storage decoration art money holder hammer shovel stinkbomb ",0.487784147,-1.034641862,0.576818287,1.421389461,-0.895599484,1.192638993,-0.976976752,-1.232864141,-0.113204069,-0.762563348,1.71019E-09,-0.039001703,-0.049718041,-0.32207492,-0.682755649,-0.279940605,-0.643351436,0.341078788,-0.995663822,0.334718317,0.749520183,0.77235502,-0.155123174,-0.802443445,-0.140040487,-0.537671745,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,18 254,2,"Reading Stacking for height Balancing an uneven surface Drawing or painting on pages Blackout poetry Stepping stool Stool for sitting ","Climbing Tying Cat toy Hanging objects ","Eating Cutting Digging in dirt, gardening Stabbing (a weapon) ","Placing objects on Standing on top of like a step-stool Sitting on like an elevated chair Decorating like a horizontal canvas on a stand Blocking a door from opening (if turned sideways) A foundational structure for a small ","Wearing on legs Tying a knot, or tying objects together A ribbon A pillow (if folded) A scarf ","Holding liquids Holding small/thin solid objects Candle holder Bulb cover Pencil and pen holder ","Stool to step on Stool to stand on Mini table Level out uneven surfaces Cellphone stand (for watching videos) Stand for small dish towel Shelves, if sta","As a wheel on a vehicle for transportation Seat to sit on Tire swing Hang clothes to dry ","To dig To hit (as a weapon) To scoop out water Coat hanger ","Wear on feet Hold indoor plants (if filled with dirt) Pen and pencil holder Purses (if shoelaces tied together) ",-0.65352267,-0.162022799,-0.554764628,-0.781535506,0.500828385,0.53019011,1.190929294,-0.370036721,1.485501885,1.390145898,-1.68136704,-0.139813006,0.465870053,0.597963929,0.663623452,0.774896204,0.122983798,1.191577554,-0.271077484,0.34457466,0.72383666,-0.948322833,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-1.079684258,0.304700643,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,20 255,2,"Make an appointment to buy something in advance (usually with a deposit, or even the full amount).",A strip of twisted fabric or wire.,English high society began to use the three-pointed fork in the late 17th century,,,,,,,,-1.987049937,-0.995316267,0.032240719,-1.73855114,0.716791272,1.035918355,1.06767714,1.296756625,1.19841671,0.927473605,-0.944204092,0.875009298,-0.685773611,-0.803535998,-0.037815765,1.117490649,-1.091436744,1.072205782,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,1.21020472,-0.432951123,0.011074779,-0.745321751,-0.168215781,0.614305913,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,24 256,2,"'-Read -Use it as a weapon (throw, hit someone with it) - Use it to sit on to see over the steering wheel - Use it as a step stool - Use it as a paper weight - Use it as a really uncomfortable pillow - Use it to take notes in - Use it to hide stuff in (Like in Shawshank Redemption) - Use it to fill up","'- Use it for escape - Use it to tie things together - Use it jump rope/for fun - Use it as decoration - Use it as a means for repair - Use it as part of scenery - Use it to pull teeth out - Use it as a lasso - Use it as part of a costume/cosplay - Use it to walk across - Use it it to ","'- Use it as a hair brush -Use it as a wine bottle opener - Use it as a weapon - Use it to create textures in art - Use it as decoration/part of an art piece - Use it as a means to secure ","'- Use as a bed - Use as a stool to stand on/reach higher things - Use as a stage - Use as a dance floor - Use as a fort - Use as a shield/barricade if turned sideways - Use as a target if turned sideways - Use as a place to do yoga/meditation - Use as a sitting space - ","'- Use to tie something together/hold something together - Use as a flag - Use as a scarf for warmth - Use as a weapon if needed - Use as curtains if neede","'- Use as a collection jar - Use as a weapon if needed - Use as a telescope - Use as a hanging decoration -Grow plants inside of it - Create a mini-terrarium - Paint it to create a work of art - Use as a musical instrument - Use as a paper weight - Use as a p","'- Use to elevate yourself - Use to create art - Use the brick (or several bricks) like dominoes - Use as a canvas - Use to work out with - Use to balance on - Use as an anchor of sorts - ","'- Use for working out - Use as a bed - Use to balance on - Use a really big and bad hula hoop - Make a bed for your cat out of it - Shred to put on a playground instead of mulch - Use to do acrobatic tricks on - Use them to race a friend down a hill - ","'- Use to hold a sign on - Use as a prop to dance with - Use as a sled - Use as a catapult - Use as a place mark instead of a flag - Use as a shield - Use as a javelin - ","'-Use as a weapon - Use as a musical instrument - Use as a flower pot - Use as a pencil holder - Use as a canvas - Use a s",0.254585266,2.016626596,1.632904649,1.203602791,0.05319117,1.183691263,-0.011481602,1.499708295,0.655629218,1.603148341,0.763723433,-0.401959032,0.741578341,-1.066805601,0.298698932,-1.576390862,0.651812553,0.054629508,0.389484286,0.619991899,-0.567384005,0.181111947,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.984972,0.322022468,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,21 257,2,"restaurant Hotel meeting time Fitness","Bundle Traction Pull Lace up Weaving","Throw label fixed Fork stuff","Watch time Timing jobs get up go to bed ","Occlusion fashion Protect the cold protection enjoy ","Reserve grain float Blowing sound Throw Beverage ","Performance props Wall Build a house paving ","Runway fence Swim car scroll combustion","Shovel Doing leverage Cooking Site Digging","Anti-friction protection Keep warm Pretty",-0.730731666,-1.038669705,-0.499851704,0.171441406,-0.042509455,-0.013164452,1.137406468,0.697669387,-0.315211147,-0.086888656,1.228639245,-0.947999179,-1.450798154,1.119706631,0.969874382,0.779995382,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.514397562,0.857543766,-1.242900014,0.254997164,-0.280982256,-0.668608129,-0.56206423,-1.674581528,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,40 258,2,"reading leaning on to write straightedge balance things on research entertainment stacked and used as a table ","jump rope bow noose tug of war decoration leash measurement tool necklace bracelet belt lasso tied to hold things together connection ","comb making holes pretend microphone slingshot utensil weapon to open someth ","desk dance surface barricade to eat on to play games on a bar tv stand storage ","pants cut into shorts a blanket tied together, rope cape scarf pillow bag","hair accessory bobby pin storage bird feeder reusable container glass bottle for decoration water can vase glass bottle lamp makeup brush holder ","building a house to level a surface add weight to a surface add height to a platform wall throwin","swing stool ottoman toy wheel dip in ink make patterns on paper pull as weight","to hit someone giant spoon make a garden dig a grave dig on the beach ","weapon plant pot make prints in the sand throw onto powerlines ",0.032215744,-0.524688423,-0.671114862,0.360117078,1.468839765,0.62912643,0.993442953,1.30543077,1.910578132,1.407359838,0.346222401,-0.252716005,-0.615357041,1.159149408,0.921382904,1.152044535,0.441789895,0.801893771,1.12942934,1.361740828,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.462313563,1.122845769,-1.094173431,-1.553205729,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,18 259,2,"head cover in the rain kindle for fire blunt weapon pillow platform paperweight doorstop ","decoration belt sander jewelry","like a nail tool for creating decoration musical instrument hair brush","platform for dancing barricade chair for bigger table privacy screen (if flipped on side) dance floor","decoration washrag flag balloon? full-arm gloves","decoration cage for insects pot for potted plant magnifying glass","paperweight doorstop sander hammer ","paperweight doorstop decoration stamp use the insides for dirt for a plant cross-stich/needlepoint outline material for outline of hoop skirt","hammer cap opener ","doorstop paperweight pot for plant ",-0.801801443,-0.827478051,1.098339558,0.099407583,-0.482337087,0.865483701,0.296952307,-0.819572687,0.399761498,1.570098639,0.629209995,0.008038624,-0.702805281,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-1.199884176,0.950858295,-0.184973314,0.52483654,0.376557857,0.20339708,-0.216922775,-0.733272195,-1.107809663,-0.204565033,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,19 260,2,"a book a hat a paddle for a boat a plate something to hide your face with an eye mask a saw ","a tug a war rope a tool to hang lights or an object a snake a jump rope a belt a sash a hat a whip the connection to a lifeboat or someone in the water a vine spaghetti/noodles ","a hairbrush/comb a fork a slingshot a weapon a pencil/pen/writing utensil a sword a knife a hairpin a mousetrap a shovel an an","a chair a table a safehouse a hiding spot a bridge a bed an umbrella on the beach a stage an item to move as if you were a mover moving someone in an antique to sell a tree a wall (if you flip it over) a barricade (if you flip it over) a boat (turn it upside down) a submarine (also upside down) a car ","pants a sweater a hat a belt a sash a golfer's cardigan a rope a tug a war rope a top a scarf a headdress hair a climber's rope a leash for another person or some sort of ti","a bottle an instrument a spyglass a weapon a container where a very small pet is kept an item to play spin the bottle with (game) a telescope a submarine periscope a kaleidoscope a hammer ","a weapon a pet a block an instrument a book a school project a sculpture","a boat a chair a hiding spot a tunnel a swimming tube a table a spaceship/ufo a spare tire this question is a bit difficult as it depends on the size of the tire a house a circle on the ground a hoop ","a giant spoon a digging tool a guitar a cello a banjo a sword a horse a rifle a weapon a pet on a leash a paddle for a boat a kayak paddle if you hold it in the middle a scale a milk bucket carrier if you put it behind you neck and onto your shoulders a stock (r","a phone a shoe a bowl a pet a spade an instrument the head of an animal if you perch it on your hand food an item to play catch with (i.e. ball or something to throw) ",1.13953805,0.768250287,-0.260661215,0.871290743,0.061093077,1.110023618,-0.244847938,-0.620616853,-0.950851381,0.390694767,0.598668158,-0.423345059,-1.041998386,0.540845633,1.001520634,0.657079577,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.497626543,1.592637897,0.603373647,0.033004723,0.608402252,0.730499923,0.940996051,0.510941446,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 261,2,"Reading a book Booking a job Going o","Roping in End of your rope Putting a rope around ","Fork in the road Eating with a fork What the fork? (The Good Place) ","let's table it for later we've got a lot on the table would you set the table ",,"bottle cap bottlenecking bottled up emotion ",,,,"soft shoe shoelace ",-1.610438228,-0.899962842,-4.072189808,-2.341388702,1.005540371,1.097239017,0.825880647,0.875948906,1.333604813,1.556887984,-2.248761654,-0.793376029,-0.89117831,1.113637686,0.676662982,1.199532747,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,1.045985222,0.657277942,0.867453098,0.627405047,0.583351314,-0.557505369,-1.446834922,-1.626916885,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 262,2,"Read Smash bug Shim table leg Pillow Seat Footrest Fuel Percussion instrument Sound dampener ","Secure boat Secure human while climbing Hold a door shut Belt Reins on horse Secure human while not climbing Lay out path Play with cat Lasso Lift heavy load ","Eat Score clay Scratch self Plectrum Break into a shiv Hold book up on an angle to read Pop blister Comb hair ","Eat Sit Carve images Break to display martial prowess Break leg off to make a torch Press something flat Crack back Lift for exercise Write Draw ","Hide genitals from the world Inflate in the water Bag Cut up and turned into other soft good Fuel Clean up spill Dry self off Hat Crop top, provided you cut a hole in the crotch ","Hold liquid Construct a mini ship inside Start a fire, if glass Use as a weapon Smash as a foley effect trace for a perfect circle cut clay into circles Blow across for edgetone Fill with water to play as instrument with a mallet ","Build wall Weapon Smash up and use as pigment to dye something Shim a table leg counterweight Draw on another stone surface Smash for exercise Pillow Use as a hammer Juggle ","Vehicle Exercise Stick and wheel game Cut tread into a shoe bottom Use metal to make a shiv Impart pattern onto soft surface Trace for perfect circle k","Dig hole Fill hole Weapon Mix paint Hammer Sculpt clay Use as a wizard staff remove head, and use both components to make new things Drag along fence to ","Protect feet Protect hands Throw Hold small objects like pens On the end of a stick, could function as a flag Deterrent for those who dislike its scent Soak in water, then ",0.465037584,0.385998011,0.820345283,0.81175375,0.983183622,0.152590588,0.130599201,1.305856109,-0.499638319,-0.523139536,1.71019E-09,0.420486838,0.168232501,0.146595418,0.855835974,0.566546261,-0.20181255,0.681147039,0.657586694,0.996781409,-0.271119535,0.134320125,0.640674293,-0.565630019,1.319343567,1.161269903,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 263,2,"'- Use it as a hat! - Use it as a fan - Use it to make sound - Count the pages - Frisbee - Try to balance it on it's side or while its open - Create a scene/monolouge based off of its appearance/smell/sounds","'- Tie around each actor to create tension lines - Lasso - Climb it - Noose - Jumprope - Whip - Utilize the sound it makes - Wrap yourself up in it (limits movement / play with that - Tug of War - Snake - Scarf - Fishing Rod -","'- Hair comb - Fling it across the stage/room - Use it to make sound (tap it on the floor etc.) - Weapon - Shoehorn - Magic Wand ","'- Dance on the table - Create levels using the table - Spin the table - Create tension by putting two people at opposite ends of it - Stand on the table / make speech - Sit on table - Use it as a fort (sit under it, put it on its side as a barricade) - Use it as a drum ","'- Hat - Tentacles - Whip - Scarf - Rope - Lasso - Put two people in them, each has one leg in pants","'- Weapon - Musical Instrument (blow into it, tap on it, etc.) - Vase ","'- Weapon - Stack them (if more than 1) - Phone (hold it up to ear) - Heavy weight - Stand on it ","'- Hula hoop - Someone stands inside of it (creates separation) - Roll it across the stage - People roll it to each other - Bounce it on the ground - Sit in it ","'- Weight - Weapon ","'- Phone - Somewhere to hide things - Pretend its an animal (like a bunny) - Throw it - Tap it against the ground to make sound - Pass it around and smell it/pretend to smell it (gross reactions are great for comedy)",-0.381487399,0.736701369,1.460692286,0.592558801,-0.419519603,1.070833564,-0.822685301,0.190645874,0.125186726,0.032328956,1.001690984,0.9947173,0.246335775,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.37801522,-0.776206195,-1.766456485,-0.331264406,-0.814770281,0.206622884,-0.531720579,0.529846072,0.469175369,0.275671214,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Prefer not to respond,18 264,2,"Read Teach somehow how to read Stack on top of each other Use as a fan Use to hold things in place Balance on your head Teach yourself how to maintain balance ","Noose Pull things Pulley system Lasso Tug of war Tie things together Wear as a headband ","Brush your hair Eat Twirl spaghetti Make crafts Paint As a weapon To cut food To curl your hair ","Eat off of it Use as barricade Play games Place for operations Do crafts ","Wear them Use as flag Cut up and make headbands Cut off legs and make shorts ","Drink Smash Use as weapon Recycle Use an instrument Use as vase Paint as craft Hold sand Lava lamp But a boat in it Put a message in it ","Build a house Set a fire Use as weapon Barricade ","Put on car Make into swing ","Dig a hole Farming Use as a weapon Use as baton ","Kill a bug Wear Put in cement to make footprint art ",-0.465354413,-0.039591167,-0.766204596,-0.726968586,-0.228547215,0.392303139,1.058558583,1.028659225,1.278645277,0.940684319,-0.189673007,-1.081749678,-0.84807092,1.31353116,0.943959415,1.310171723,0.815460145,0.785232127,0.244496346,0.74068886,0.129655376,-0.720179796,0.816427708,-0.045315713,0.357382238,-0.785352707,Female,Hispanic,Straight/heterosexual,18 265,2,"Page Cover Picture Chapter Title Author Publisher Pen Pencil Purpose","Jump Lasso Noose Tied ","Spoon Eat Cutlery Plastic Silverware Salad Dees","Desk Chair Write Eat Read Cloth ","Shirt Skirt Capris Cargo Jeans Denim Trousers Slacks Legs","Soda Water Plastic Glass Can Cup Juice Drink ","House Sticks Building Straw Cinderblock Cement ","Car Rubber Road Wheel Pump Jack Hubcaps ","Dirt Bury Soil Plant ","Feet Run Walk Boots Sneakers Heels Sole ",-0.142278403,-1.166604519,-3.462388277,-2.574627876,0.339379311,-0.614928961,1.112081409,1.629028559,0.638152361,1.352053642,0.161833793,0.51014626,-0.545708835,0.061041456,-0.107638404,-0.234359324,0.250955313,-1.095727682,-1.449922919,-1.213382959,-0.36183089,0.551701128,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,0.291139573,0.583346307,Female,"African American/Black,American Indian,Asian/ Pacific Islander",Bisexual,23 266,2,"Paper Genre Author Hardcover Text Read Write Page Chapter","Thread Leash String Cord Twine Knot Jumping Wire Cable Strand ","Points Salad Dessert Spoon Knife Food ","Chair Furniture Wood Desk Leg Vanity Dresser ","Jeans Polyester Cotton Shirt Sweatpants Denim Skirt Leggings Stockings Legs","Jug Wine Water Drink Soda Juice Pint Gallon Liter Glass Cup Plastic Quart ","Building Concrete Wall Stone House Cement","Wheel Car Rubber Car Truck ","Dig Bury Soil Dirt Sand Bucket Tool ","Lace Foot Heels Sole Sneaker Boot Sandal Walk Running ",0.251476139,-1.158406258,-4.451283455,-3.958569765,0.973721743,-0.468915462,0.610141397,1.075862169,1.445353746,1.338842988,-0.963981628,-1.224284887,-1.352227688,0.289131641,-2.246004581,-1.26059854,0.996155262,1.342122912,-1.787315488,-0.108993031,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.115707293,-0.01584121,-0.071820058,-1.114532828,Female,African American/Black,Bisexual,23 267,2,"Novel Novella Volume Work Printed work Publication Title ","Cable String Tie Cord Bind Line","Utensil Cutlery Branch Split Separate Diverge Divide Subdivide ","Counter Worktable Surface Desk Board","Britches Pantaloons Slacks Jogger ",Container,"Block Slab ","Exhaust Grow weary of Sicken Jaded","How Move Heap Scoop Ladle","Footwear Boot Sandals Slipper Clog Pump ",-0.790186286,-1.143659234,-2.827702284,-3.120397329,-0.579926491,0.5391379,0.745752811,-0.42076385,0.622000098,0.846623838,0.298771083,-1.583068013,-0.6985026,-0.322556138,-0.03028743,-0.405278474,0.71447444,-2.033241034,0.418186694,-0.878547609,-0.719067037,-0.417197168,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.506365001,-0.52009052,Non-binary/ third gender,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,20 268,2,"stool step stool read build a wall build a fort makeshift table hiding spot paper weight decoration","noose curtain rod handcuffs net trapeze swing knot decoration hang things tie things together pull something (leverage) pulley system fishing lasso tying off a boat scaln","hair brush eating stabbing creating art with (like using as a paintbrush) massaging cooling body temperature (putting in the freezer and placing it on skin) picking things out of teeth hat decoration jewelry defending darts with forks scraping things ","to eat on to sit on to use as a desk to use as a ladder to balance stuff on top of to put feet on to use as a counter to use as a wall to hide underneath to make a soap box to stand on to play board games on kindle for fire a raft? ","to wear on lower part of body to tie and make into a shirt cut up into a bandana a flag decoration recycle into dish towels create into a purse towel as curtains blanket ","to use as a weapon to drink something out of to hold something inside of decoration jewlery lamp music to hold a plant/planter to hide something in ","to create a wall to create a floor to create a building use as a weapon as decoration to use to paint to make a chair to make a table to make a bed to create a brick oven step stool paper weight ","wheel swing toy chair decoration clothing fire pit floatation device wall kindle","to dig a hole to shovel snow as a weapon decoration gardening to eat from to carry objects away from the body to point with to get something that is too high to use as a makeshift oar use as a (bad) broom ","to protect feet a weapon decoration to hold something in flower pot to dig som",1.042537212,0.417053282,0.109277889,0.510427475,0.503202021,0.574577689,1.085319877,-0.653518617,0.433550745,-0.392251015,1.71019E-09,0.061609052,0.182324097,-0.273205191,-0.317184359,-0.440990567,0.109885477,0.453109473,0.191959113,0.463025093,-0.446427047,0.707303941,0.462642014,0.704783499,0.081715181,0.233209863,Female,Asian/ Pacific Islander,Bisexual,20 269,2,"reading material makeshift table a paperweight flatten out a crumpled piece of paper put stuff on top of it flat surface rip out the paper for other uses doodle inside ","Pull something hang something tie off something reinforce something, like in lighting paint it and make it look like a snake graduation tassels fashion/decoration tie back something fly system keep something closed to swing on, like a tire swi ","to eat with to stab with to make cool noises with (depending on the material) to grab something to shovel something to help get something out that it stuck to scratch ","to hold things to keep things on top of to hide underneath to sit in front of to lean on to stand on to eat off to do work on decoration if it has drawers to keep things inside to put chairs around to cook/prep on to lay ou","to wear to hang on a flagpole to fill your drawers to show off your sense of style to be comfortable to be socially appropriate source of material for other items of clothing to keep you warm to keep you at a comfortable temperature to keep things in your pockets to put your hands in your pockets ","make music put liquids inside drink liquids out of store materials to recycle to feed a baby to empty and put things inside to make art out of ","to throw to weigh something down to help build a structure to create a solid wall to paint or decorate to stack to ","to help a car move to swing on to roll inside to roll to help a vehicle move faster to replace a flat tire ","to dig to bury to hit someone with to flatten something to pick something up to move something to remove something to thin something to create art (sand castle) ","to wear to decorate to hit something with to kill a bug to protect your feet to dance in to show off your sense of style to be taller to support your feet ",0.402129173,1.107954741,-0.319562733,-0.134696484,0.527086914,1.079343438,0.096460477,0.30244875,0.476995915,0.698939681,1.069207788,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.71326822,-0.264983237,0.298909426,0.996100008,0.506488502,0.799494743,-0.139830649,-1.235928297,0.07492733,0.606970191,-0.450923473,-0.289325297,0.663557351,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,20 270,2,"read write smell hear imagine create touch dance listen understand empathize sympathize cry laugh mourn fan express catharsis seek help seek guidance learn the truth ","tie bind pull jump lasso hang throw fray drop call cook clean","eat stab poke flip stir scoop scrape cut drain cook clean intimidate","sit stand dance eat work paint draw play intimidate pray worship","wear wave remove act create dance internalize commit get in character","drink retain fill hold throw catch spin suppress eat fl","build stack throw charge catharsis town live kill die murder",,,,0.225191534,-1.147857785,0.38205862,1.908102036,-0.287876248,-0.83400172,-0.268681884,-1.029976487,-0.646015346,-0.10520599,1.058885932,-0.208380267,0.377628207,-0.461188555,-0.403500766,-1.542657018,-0.36372149,0.293973923,0.489076376,0.626190066,-0.939455986,-0.152264416,-0.255655885,-0.945068479,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,22 271,2,"reading writing recording drawing coloring doodling journaling look up information learn logging ","climbing tying knots wrangling tying someone up tying something to the top of a car using it to keep things together this is a hard one","eating holding food stabbing someone","to eat at to do homework at to place things on to organize things on to remove things from to cook on to bake on to do crafts on","to wear to protect legs to protect genitalia","to drink to store things in","to build houses to building stores ",,,"to wear to accessorize to protect your feet ",-1.145404458,-0.704394698,-1.605154991,-1.670219183,-0.06106624,0.825123787,1.214818239,0.811288834,1.51476717,1.352053642,1.105538011,-0.423068315,1.007619977,0.835557461,0.977924168,1.090576768,0.149561301,-0.786642313,0.774908364,-1.562533855,-0.74924612,0.800287485,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.17753692,0.699425757,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 272,2,"leisure, learning, hitting people over the head, learning how to have good posture, shows other people your interests, making money making a fire ","tie people up tie things together whip someone give someone rope burn climb something choke someone measure if you know exactly how long the rope is waste time if you spend time taking it apart ","eat stab tear climb make patterns in baked goods get food out of your teeth ","eat on stand on lay on hide under hide behind ","keep a fire burning show that youre fashionable hide your genitals from others keep your legs warm tie them around your neck and theyre a scarf wear them on your head and theyre a headwrap ","send a message hold liquid catch a bug break it and its a weapon hold flowers home decor ","weapon use it build hold a door open ","make it into a swing make a car go","hit someone with dig","protect foot expression of identity",-0.761987031,-0.268905729,-0.195113912,-0.754624844,-0.081049502,-0.720214844,-0.076005742,-1.232864141,-1.062600255,-0.410665035,0.157425478,-0.257815391,0.675836682,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.555868804,-0.295904487,0.830938458,0.221271738,-0.237677187,-1.08487165,0.879123807,0.06619262,1.12890172,1.071015835,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 273,2,"Read Enlighten Attack Burn Weigh Prop Show Learn Prove Create Throw ","Tie Hang Enforce Bind Loosen Burn Grab Carry Support Pull Weave ","Melt Eat Carve Stab Draw Carry Bend Untangle Discover Follow Pull Tear Split Pierce ","Organize Prop Display Set Show Decorate Build Raise Lean Break Burn ","Wear Cut Sow Collect Cover Protect Style Show Tear Extenuate Breath Borrow Spark Bi ","Hold Cut Melt Fill Empty Attack Filter Magnify Throw ","Build Throw Enforce Heat Stack Block Weigh Anchor ","Raise Move Burn Play Roll Trap Heat ","Dig Hit Scrape Stab Eat Smooth Craft Fill Plant Balance Grip Slice Overload ","Wear Fill Tear Stomp Protect Run Show Grip Heighten Kick ",0.970013201,-1.126615524,0.394667089,1.042491794,-0.054376364,1.127481341,1.083883762,1.021692634,0.100374572,0.276956141,-2.379852772,-0.837343514,-0.456912369,1.233732343,0.905367672,-0.079744831,0.503568828,-0.099698424,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.087149397,0.832700849,1.145961881,1.290715337,-0.045296211,-0.068760045,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 274,2,"reading holding ripping throwing learning thinking crying longing for sitting pretending fitting in relating praying teaching ","climbing tying holding wrapping containing restraining knotting swinging lugging dragging ","eating stabbing poking pushing mixing stirring cutting holding picking up scooping ","sitting at sitting on putting stuff on holding things supporting weight standing on flipping over pushing aside meeting space for people a place to talk a place to gather hiding under displaying objects","wearing putting on my head keep my legs warm conceal my legs folding them cleaning them public de","drink from hold liquids wash it put it away throw it put it down blow in it to make music put flowers inside diy projects change jar ","throw it sit on it make a sidewalk made a wall build a house stack them write on them ","for a car sit on keep in the trunk drive on them stack","dig bury someone garden hit someone or something ","wear it kick be taller fashion protect feet walk on for dogs to play with ",0.31655547,-0.505305171,-0.807936251,-0.129057392,0.28216961,1.296986818,0.47845912,1.37038815,0.580663741,1.525359988,0.849019289,0.321484208,1.23915565,1.086884499,1.106092453,0.429181725,1.257466793,1.506341219,0.554242015,0.566446841,-1.105558991,-0.000168723,1.038278937,0.184636921,1.013962507,1.452584982,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 275,2,"place mat tray table fire starter laptop rest fan face massager step stool clipboard writing rester thing seat place holder freindship token ","pully bottle opener lasso whip back scratch scarf belt leash firestarter handwarmer ","brush pull apart pork a rake toe nail cleaner makeup applier chandelier key pick ","step stool seat foot rest bed hideaway storage area decoration flower bed ","a hat life preserver scarf pillow canvas for paint cheese cloth wash rag towel storage ","cookie cutter knife bubble maker storage musical instrument mail delivery service separate an egg from the shell cleaning bucket hair washer paint splatterer ","can opener colored dust knife sharpener weights knife or scissors foot pummus ","play toy rubber wood chips work out equipment swing transportation hula hoop seat step stool flower bed decoration water filter ","flatten food walking stick dig a hole plant things stabilize a picnic table or swing set spanking element knife axe ","flower pot pet bed walking dog toy football foot scraper hat gloves protection ",0.400056154,-0.611564755,0.252985835,0.419507504,2.0897789,1.135991216,1.135970235,0.458129585,1.592671871,1.484206319,1.306871533,-0.78010869,0.034096692,-0.035193659,0.169887438,0.601667643,0.972179174,0.1552798,0.857968211,-0.582654357,-2.287436485,-0.975348711,0.559931695,0.858850598,-0.941214442,0.678573608,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,20 276,2,"Chair Balancing a desk Reading Fuel for Fire Basketball Paper Airplanes Body armor Blunt weapon Uncomfortable pillow ","Lifting heavy objects up Tying people up Fire fuel Noose Climbing Tug of war Knot tying practice ","Eating Electric shock generator (insert into wall outlet) Home defense Very small rake Tree trunk ","Storage Step ladder Fuel for fire Home defense Barricade ","Wearing Fuel for fire Flag Tourniquet Shirt (with knife to create new hole) Bag Hammock ","Weapon Liquid carrier Vase Diet coke and mentos experiment Hammer Light refraction demonstrator Extremely difficult beer pong Circus game ","Building Weapon Window breaker Message Delivery system Counter weight Fire pit Leveler Painful nail file ","Fire fuel Driving Swing Impact reduction Weightlifting Planter Barricade ","Digging Blunt weapon Sign post Fuel for fire Gong mallet Catapult arm Bad pogo stick ","Foot protection Fuel for fire Hiding place Blunt weapon Sharp weapon if stiletto Planter Storage device Dog toy ",-0.065760173,-0.584977865,0.348531902,0.544926286,1.354225159,1.214371443,-0.078494839,-0.761879086,0.221567482,0.438316017,-0.246614546,0.738681495,0.37493661,-2.770769596,0.883023858,0.621206462,1.085118055,0.769026339,1.634750009,0.613204896,-0.312231153,0.322983265,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.701290607,-0.350550264,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,21 277,2,"read write recite study learn teach educate rip throw stand on elevate put on head carry ","pull climb rip swing loop snake encircle thread store attach ","stab lift feed comb poke hold hit press stir mash ","sit lift elevate draw write cut smooth eat drink talk relax ","wear shorten lengthen hem trim zip button cover dress up dress down pair warm","sip mix pour fill shake open close ","throw smash drop build lift chip stand stack ","roll fix fill replace travel drive inflate deflate sit stack","dig flatten smooth scatter insert fill ","wear hit throw tie protect dress up dress down dance stand",0.581541061,-1.109223485,-0.495815575,-0.361173362,1.295711279,0.86431396,-1.07203126,-0.69728297,1.582368493,0.139324486,-2.056108713,-0.055826478,0.605845451,0.266423434,1.190871239,0.866319358,1.248203993,1.278960228,-1.309803724,-0.386624962,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.104359888,-0.396491766,-0.286590815,0.679698467,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 278,2,,,"Brush your hair, eat food, do dishes, the little mermaid, ","eat sit with people musical chairs enjoy each other's company stand on it dance on it lay on it make love on it sit on it enjoy coffee on it ","wear them as clothes use them as a flag take them off cut them and turn them into shorts dance in them swim in them walk in them ","drink water drink other liquid collect sea shells put sand in use as a weapon hold pills hold shampoo hold conditioner hold saline solution ","smash a window build a house or other building build a fireplace be a paper weight throw at someone smash someone's head open throw at glass ","use for a vehicle use for a workout ","bury someone plant something find hidden treasure hide something get rid of a tree or plant create a dugout create a hole so that you can break someone's ankle ","wear it throw it hang it up paint on it or draw on it and turn it into art pretend it is another object use as a weapon ",-0.575477421,-0.128439382,-0.577710688,-0.89638865,0.425275028,1.249286771,1.017026782,0.802317441,1.656848192,1.279371858,0.067307472,0.384276748,-1.275731206,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,0.87504971,0.175658226,-0.413879961,0.167962715,0.480169326,0.001866985,-0.220312238,-1.001578093,-1.158977985,-1.352458,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 279,2,"Reading Throwing Studying Highlighting Drawing Storing Moving Learning Leveling Furniture Writing Giving Cook from ","Climb on Hang things from Tie things together Hang from Swing from Pull things with Tie a bow Make clothing Repel from Wear Make a bridge Make a swing ","Eat with Brush Hair Cut food with Stab Mixing things Scrape With Bend Make jewelry out of Tie things around Make music with ","Eat on Sit on Draw on Write on Put tv on Put decorations on Move it Cook on it Carve into it Laying down on it Having meetings around Family dinner Game night Displaying ","Wear Tare Fashion Giving to 2nd hand stores Sew them Make into another piece of clothing Decorate Draw on Be clothed Be warm Have protection on legs Hold things ","Drink from Fill up Break Draw on Put lights in Decorate with Mix in Store things in Throw away Cleaning Seeing through Hold flowers in Carry liquids around with me Plant in Organize objects Ry ","Build Throw Break Smash other objects Have shelter A Rock Weapon Drawing on cement Hammer in nail ","Swing Put on a vehicle Roll Rubber Carry Transport Go fast ","Dig Throw Decorate Use as a weapon Store in shed Planting Carving Finding ","Tieing Wearing Protecting feet Fashion Keeping feet warm Keeping feet cool Throwing around telephone lines Give to a second-hand store Sell Make shoeprints Track dirt in the house Untie Zip up Zip down Stomp ",1.153196692,0.029807841,-0.31265226,0.474048555,-0.176535681,-0.074087046,0.268676668,0.503689051,0.344830841,0.192327946,-0.314488173,-1.517474413,-1.051344514,-0.841730416,-0.239758879,-0.212306812,0.428919256,-0.515871048,0.867467344,0.110673487,0.80664438,0.133197486,0.433805078,1.068382382,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 280,2,"Entertain Instruct Convince Express Represent ","Restrain Combine Secure Pull Hang ","Serve Pierce Scoop Cut","Hold Display","Cover Warm Fashion","Container Decorative ","Weapon Build Weight","Transport Swing Planter","Dig Bury Plant ","Cover Protect Warm Fashion Height",-1.122418761,-1.166604519,-0.392654389,-1.255953312,0.007398898,0.354998827,1.083883762,0.186869368,-0.169833183,0.628578842,-0.114682026,0.002432803,-0.006218751,0.194973946,0.379705369,-0.569778025,0.314478606,0.736674368,1.634750009,0.757630467,-0.363154352,1.519972324,0.740768731,0.567063153,0.060512207,0.518346786,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,22 281,2,"Prop Bookstand Read paperweight bookend TV stand booster seat information drawing paper recording life remember stairs support comfort learning blocking hitting smashing killing bug don't kill a bug with a book that's gross understand aesthetic ","noose tie stuff together rock climbing kidnapping build a raft build make a pulley cross a bridge climb up aerial dancing connect tug o war establish limits / boundaries motivate whip lift thing up make a rope basket mo","eat comb your hair stab a man or woman throwing knife make holes make art scratch back catapult things little lever carve twirl noodles tapping music sti","shelter fort bed place things on top make things on top weep underneath hiding place barricade burn for firewood throw for offense duck underneath for defense obstacle course hide dogs underneath play ping pong play foosball play board games ","clothing scarf fashion statement strangle someone discover on your bedroom floor even though they're not yours or your partners judge weight judge attractiveness judge style by pants sail on raft you built with rope from the second item question use as a sheild ","store everything inside liquid bugs potions fairies everything smash for a weapon throw against wall for cool sound tap with different levels of water for music nice sounds message in a bottle aesthetic atmosphere decoration use shards to make stained glass windows remember your father's alcohol problem ","building smashing stepping stone decorate for a bookend destroy throw to gain accuracy use as a weapon use as defense block off walls use a brick to hide money from your heirs in your lavish mansion recognize the incompleteness of the building use as art build art build weapons count the days that go by in your lonely prison cell slice ","put on a car use in cross fit for some reason build up muscle strength tire swing use rubber to make other things use tracks to mislead your friends roll things down hills roll yourself down a hill in a tire sled bounce off of repair other tires repair cars/bikes/anything with wheels throw as a weapon hide inside push down a h ","burying a body use as decoration garden make art sculpt paint attack someone beat off zombies scoop up things scoop up things you don't want to pick up with your hands kill off plants restore plants to their rightful place bury your time capsule bury your past smash a wind","protect your feet kill a bug stomp on things smash fashion statement judge style be taller represent a person represent the past carry disease carry evidence help you become better in society depending on which type you wear ",2.187379837,1.108579636,0.282745272,0.898610532,-0.873682797,-1.402187228,-1.296583891,-1.549559593,-0.5283041,-0.835245013,-1.197802782,-0.221922487,-0.677425385,1.385661125,0.74373138,0.82783401,0.263151795,0.387720764,0.115552321,-0.445335418,-0.701938987,0.733474433,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.225763038,0.198354676,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,21 282,2,"Reading Writing Hat/Headwear Tissue paper Toilet paper Place holder Cover A hiding place for small paper objects like money Eye sheild ","Necklace To secure objects or animals Bracelet Anklet Climbing Lasso-ing To tie someone up To hang objects up ","Eating food hairbrush/comb Cooking To pry something open To feed some","To eat food upon To sit on To lie/sleep on To draw on To put a puzzle on Cook To do work/schoolwork on Decoration ","Wear them normally Wear them as a shirt and cut a hole where the crotch is for your head Scrap fabric for crafting Donate them to someone in need of pants ","Drink various liquids out of Fill it with various liquids Flip it Just have it in your hands and to fidget with it Fill it with small objects Have it be a little piggy bank of spare house change you find ","Build a house with it Throw it Decorate it like a snowman for Christmas Have it hold down loose paper on a windy day Hide stuff under or inside of it ","It goes on a car along with three other tires to help it drive Part of a military obstacle course If you're on a hill and you fit inside of a tire, you can go inside the tire and roll down the hill Can be ","digs stuff up from the ground buries stuff in the ground You can break stuff with it You can put a shovel on a rock and kinda use it as a ","You wear them You can plant flowers in them A cat can use them as a pillow You can throw them in a pinch for any self-defense situation Not advised but you can hold liquids in rain boots ",-0.489927411,0.591276646,-0.511127293,-0.170826852,-1.66327858,-0.866111457,-1.238384247,-1.549559593,-0.440040946,-0.954187095,-1.32224834,-0.208598495,1.617396593,0.650685787,0.782292068,-1.97660625,-1.254549861,-3.164995432,-2.216811657,-1.539162397,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.343099087,1.549082637,1.204653621,1.885750651,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 283,2,"Hat Boat Wings Napkins Umbrella Fan Tent Roof Skateboard Surfboard ","Hair Necklace Snake Worm Belt Shoelace ","Jail Bars Antenna Talons Hands ","Boat Stage Cage Skirt Bed Shield Horse ","Sail Flag Streamers Ears Hat Scarf Jump Rope Whip Sash Waves","Telescope Baseball Bat Antenna Nose Vase ","Canvas Shoe Boulder Burrito Ruler Football ","window Hula Hoop Skirt One of those Russian winter hats Bowling Ball Frame Ring Swing Y","Beak Spoon Pogo stick Witches Broomstick Hat Tennis Racket ","mittens House Boat Pot Gravy Tray Ship ",-0.157103807,-1.072591782,0.758741021,0.294623911,0.300624818,0.198028147,-0.453941971,-0.751452506,-0.576601982,-0.458465159,-0.499123424,-0.306941658,-0.728381693,0.992350399,0.141233698,0.479071736,-0.42522949,0.495965034,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.670163631,0.553678155,0.026766513,0.733127296,-1.00480938,-0.505229175,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Hispanic",Straight/heterosexual,20 284,2,"read make poetry throw use as a prop slam it into a door in frustration use it to hide your phone during class hold open a door press flowers use it as an esca","tie knots lasso stuffed animals lasso friends tie together the book from the last question make a clothes line tie yourself to a pole keep o","use to eat food make swirled tie dye shirts use as a bookmark for the book in the first question use as a comb use as a tool for making asmr snapchats press it into kinetic sand for some good ol fasion family fun ","use for eating use for sitting if you're short use for sitting if you're LGBT (I'm a lesbian and we be sitting on tables) use it for writing make kindling in an emergency ","wearing put them on your dog for some dress up making one half of a scarecrow unorthodox denim jacket","fill with water put flowers in it fill with colorful sand use in street combat","throw break in somewhere save it for later paint it cheap paperweight ","find a hill, put yourself in it, and go down as fast as you can driving I guess recycling","digging a hole knocking someone out breaking apart bricks ","wear them throw at misbehaving children throw at misbehaving friends ",-0.735505819,0.130871087,-0.03296769,-0.051242892,-0.418664753,0.407248139,-0.843106568,-0.752843618,0.017291497,-0.278512359,0.938073993,-1.452663779,-1.167115092,0.395149857,1.015661716,0.630070448,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,0.168546855,-0.221465275,-1.571555853,-0.305110604,0.382243097,0.525747895,-0.263907403,-0.244644344,Female,"Hispanic,American Indian",Gay/ lesbian,18 285,2,"Research Hit Weigh down Practice balance/posture Throw ","Pull something up Decorate Fasten Hang something Climb Guide someone Keep a group together","Stab Balance Fight Draw Scratch Conduct an orchestra ","Sit on Stand on Block a door Hide behind Hide under Hold up a fort ","Life preserver Blanket Towel/Drying Tourniquet ","Weapon Balance on head Balance on hands/feet Make music (blowing into it, tapping on it) ","Measure Workout weights Keep a vehicle in place Hold a door open Hide a key under","Workouts Rolling across the ground Make a swing Very small kids pool ","Make music Weapon Carrying things","Measure Dig Hit Weapon (heels)",-0.72149682,-0.744850874,0.950732887,0.178933278,-0.337157011,1.070395708,0.516155422,-0.338956177,1.178410888,-0.667045295,0.932297587,1.183542609,0.300100893,-0.585430026,1.055225134,0.146438524,0.937939763,-1.903311133,0.300933599,0.430197507,-0.260821015,0.359651119,1.007428169,0.674888253,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 286,2,"Read it, use it to stabilize a table, take the pages out and make a wreath, color in it, hollow it out and use it as a safe, count every word and use it as a code, stack them for decoration, hit someone with it, ","Tie a knot, tie a door shut, unbraid it, drape it across a wall, cut it into small strips and make a wig, use it as trim on a skirt, create clothing out of a weave, use a woven rope as a bathmat, hang yourself, suspend an object, string it across ","eat with it, poke someone with it, balance it on another object, bend the tines to look like it's flipping the bird, use it as height in a hat, cut off the handle and turn it into an earring, shine a light through the tines to create an interesting shadow, it can double as a doorstop in a pinch, they function as clothespins ","Stand on it, eat on it, hide under it, stick it on its side and use the legs in the air as an impromptu loom, spread out objects, hide under it during a tornado or other natural disaster, cut off the legs and use it for kindling, spread out on it and ","wear them, deconstruct them for other fabric uses, such as pillow casings inflate them stuff them Wear them on your head like a hat Use the fabric for the foundation of a nest for a small animal take them off use the fabric to clean a window ","Store water or other liquids pee into it in an emergency use it as a vase poke holes in the lid and use it as a sprinkler try to balance it on the improper end spin it whisper a secret inside of it hang a string from one end and use it as a pendulum throw a bottle at someone Try to hit it with a rubber band a cut in half bottle makes a great sh","Build a wall, throw it through a window it makes a cute place to write a message paperweight domino tool for self defense ","put it on a car and drive, tie a rope through it and swing unravel it into sculpture fill it past its capacity and bounce on it fill it with dirt and plant seeds in it use it to babyproof the bottom of a desk or a corner you always kick roll it down the street ","dig a hole hit someone over the head tie a bowtie around it and take it to the prom balance it over a fulcrum step on the curved edge and watch it bounce inconvenient serving spoon lever for lifting a heavy stone snake beheader poop scoop ","wear it, tie the shoelaces together and use it as a kitten swing trebuchet quirky planter quirky hat serve a brownie in it to someone you hate hide your phone in it and have a conversation with someone in a public place can be used to secure a bandage in a pinch handy fodder to throw at a president",-0.227558866,2.243264437,0.301883966,-0.239237934,-0.333040923,1.262071371,0.300576329,1.629028559,0.568738937,1.406417966,-0.286503494,0.627990007,0.163995832,0.936839223,0.285742372,0.701797426,0.756479621,1.017765164,0.444844663,-0.392453879,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,-0.500456393,-1.5289253,-0.434328109,0.252896458,Male,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Gay/ lesbian,24 287,2,"Read paper weight decoration to make you look smart to help build a fort to create a makeshift desk place a paper on top of to write on to throw at people to create a chair read to a child read to an elderly person money scheme for schools ","tie knots lasso animals hang rigging hang people to create a swing to tie your shoes use as a belt tie your friends up to make art with write in cursive with whip people with to fetch your pail of water from the well in use of a m","brush your hair eat food with help plant seeds to cut things when no nice is present stab people when no knife is present as electric rod art medium to put scratches into a car door to create air pockets in an apple pie to do magic tricks ","set things on sit on use it to sleep on if it is broken, use as a sled useful in a barricade floatation device to separate you from the rest of the world fort foot rest pillows a teachers worst nite","to cover your legs flotation device art medium fashion to see what someones personality is to see possible cultural trends of people scarf used to hang people use as a rope to escape from a burning building holders for items ","hold my water to comite blunt force trama incase of attack to build a statue out of recycle, if plastic use as a paper weight to hide things in put a note in while at sea to celebrate with decorat","home building wall building comedic effect in home alone movie throw at attackers to shit to build pathways with art piece a steady way that some create an income to through at foolish folks for landscaping use ","car tire bike tire other normal tire use for moving vehicles a garden planter hit it with a stick and see how long you can move it to build up pollution burn them and make the earth sad to stick people in them and race down a hill to make a pretty cool post apocalyptic waste setting ","to dig a grave dig other things to hit someone in the head to stab a person to stab an animal to cut some cheese paper weight decoration art medium break in frustration because your wife left you a way to tell what region somebody is from because some folks say spade help make a garden to l","to put on your feet put on electricity poles to put in trees to tell the community someone deals drugs there at night throw at people decor art medium for fetish use (because some people have that) to help represent who you are put in high heal form to torchere to have a social contruct to mutilate your body ( foot binding) ",0.94840157,1.542809248,0.337554604,1.460035563,0.220421374,0.269559622,-1.557764649,-1.222313285,-1.14182961,-0.166037887,-0.590907335,0.779397488,0.497940779,-0.087860428,0.113255523,-1.383254409,4.03439E-10,-7.83435E-10,-1.421517015,-0.492621392,0.742119014,0.981302798,-0.12650083,0.004304408,0.065203741,1.166808367,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,19 288,2,"Entertainment (reading) Paper weight Weapon I guess if you really want to? Makeshift umbrella in an impromptu storm Advanced juggling object To conceal objects Makeshift weights ","Tight rope Help to pull someone up This is a little dark, noose Belt Large thread for a very large sewing needle To help bundle objects This is less dark, a necklace :) ","Eating Combing hair (UNDER THE SEAAA) Scratching? I guess To clean under nails Diet Spoon(tm) ","Stool/climb up on top of it Footrest Hiding place (underneath, or on top if you want to but I don't think that'd work) Steady place to write/draw Surface to hold things ","Clothing Spare cloth Towel For warmth Hat if you really want to man, you do you ","Hold drinks Drawing model Musical instrument Prop Child's make believe telescope Weapon ","Building material Weapon Paper weight Incredibly advanced juggling object Makeshift weight Heavy dominoes Teeth remover ","Transportation Actor (Rubber the movie) Swing Exercise tool ","Digging! Moving trash Weapon Doorstop ","Foot protection Bug killer Weapon ",-0.561358333,-0.335160851,0.579217911,-0.327699959,0.531430244,-0.591329098,0.979710639,0.616045415,0.013437869,-0.703092337,0.042420756,-0.698422551,-0.567172408,-0.260698885,0.865399599,0.051620673,0.807825565,0.828964949,1.124947548,0.198972389,-1.947899818,-1.329342127,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-0.981053114,-0.515664816,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,18 289,2,"Sitting place Reading Hat Defense Decoration Teaching Demonstration Dog chew toy ","To pull heavy things Make knots Rock climbing Hiking Hold things together Tying someone together ","Eating Coming hair Stirring Stabbing Baby chewing Toy Metal use ","Eating food Doing paperwork Sitting Playing games Socializing Dancing ","Clothing Bandaging Decor Blanket ","Drinking Protection Art Props Storage Soup ","Building Wall Heavy lifting Statues","Driving Exercise ","Digging Defense Opening locked doors Carrying ","Chew toy Wearing Costume Decor Rubber material ",-0.63396126,-0.973345697,-0.780002832,-0.558132768,0.306046695,0.866412938,0.483135968,0.568632662,-0.351321042,0.263745427,-1.721082926,-1.835308552,-1.786848783,0.950927854,0.123472251,1.21334672,0.290528923,1.026095986,1.01944E-09,1.35148E-09,0.716575742,-1.311050415,0.252497584,0.833825409,-1.81197834,-1.844497204,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,American Indian",Straight/heterosexual,22 290,2,"Read Write Oragami Secret box Decoration Press flowers Cook Pleasure Learning Study Weapon Stepstool TV stand Laptop holder Dollhouse Booster seat Fire start","Suicide Climbing Hold together a structure if you don't have nails Swings BDSM Hammock Hair for a wild-looking wig Jewelry Decoration Wrap presents Hold two things together ","Eat Stab someone in the hand Cut food if you don't have a knife Draw straight lines Separate strands Swirl noodles Rake really small leaves Distress fabric Pitchfork for a doll Make jewelry out of it Decoration Comb hair Poke holes Get things out of tight spaces ","Put stuff on Stand on it Keep things off the floor Rest feet Rest elbows Flat workspace Lie down on Change a diaper Decoration Paint it Eat off of Pool Pingp","To wear on your legs To wear on your arms Give to charity As a scarf Hammock Material for doll clothing To make a patch To make a bag Food in extreme circumstances Fire fuel also in extreme circumstances A hat A strap Rope ","Drink out of Hold liquid Hold bugs Cause bruising on my lips (Kylie Jenner-esque) Weapon Add glitter to any concrete Art medium Paint it Decoration Replace a treasure on a weight-sensitive security pad Spray water Spray cleaner Squeeze condiments out For hair dye ","To kill someone To build a house To step on As decoration Doorstop Exfoliation Drill a hole in it for your toothbrush Chimney Fire pit ","Swing On your car Set it on fire and roll it through a dry meadow Melt it down and use it as glue Sit in the middle and protect yourself from...ants? Chew toy? ","Dig a grave A weapon A sled A pole A walking stick A limbo pole Pat down some dirt Scrape stuff Dig other things besides a grave (I guess) Give it as a lame gift ","Wear it Chew on it Use it as a weapon Keep your feet safe Go on point Be able to tap Climb rocks Climb ropes Look sexy Be taller Look ridiculous Light up the darkness Prove you are rich Prove you are poor Pretend you are NOT poor Pretend you are NOT rich As a costume Give as a gift Give to your g",1.380840302,0.701775789,-0.020446511,0.875759125,0.142985046,1.296986818,-0.120487958,1.241260052,0.563886225,-0.463668495,0.314050704,0.002432803,-0.006218751,-0.613527298,1.145990133,-0.956498444,1.182322502,-0.068708159,0.91347909,0.845094323,-0.872748673,-0.942949414,1.084066033,0.485919237,0.227897167,0.15235886,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,21 291,2,"Chapter Plays Text Writing Fiction History Fairytales Nonfiction Romance Pages Paper Ink Old Musty Textbook School Reading Read Heavy","Adventure Jump Rope Bondage Kidnap Bridge Boy Scouts Indiana Jones Cowboy Cowgirl Horses Farm Ranch Dirt Dirty Rough ","Dinner Nursery rhythm Breakfast Lunch Food Salad Eating Eat The Little Mermaid ","Chairs Sitting Eating Coffee Table Stacking Items Research Homework Breakfast Lunch Dinner Work Station ","Wearing Costume Working Sewing ","Drinking drink Alcohol Water Exercise Working Out Glass Breakable Metal ","Buildings Three Little Pigs Built a brick house Build Red Hard Roads ","Driving Car Swing ","bury digging gravedigging gardening ",,0.049992584,-1.026430607,-1.703989387,-0.50471741,-1.104621649,0.415758014,-1.774462938,-0.819572687,-0.950851381,-0.463668495,-1.144512057,-0.582607508,-1.102446198,1.149485707,1.06254828,1.253386021,-0.667286754,0.795315683,0.28866902,1.244788527,1.090086579,-0.042114496,-1.23262E-09,9.61733E-11,-1.730708599,-1.808821917,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Bisexual,21 292,2,"Read Set dressing Cut out pages to make a box Redecorate the front Use for muscle memory Bring in a purse ","Tie to make a ladder Make a belt Decorate things(furniture, clothing, etc) with it Tie rigging Tie someone up Lift things with ","Eat with Brush hair Scratch someone Make wind chimes Place on a table Polish them Cook with ","Sit at Paint it Move it Spin it Eat at it Place things on it ","Wear them Cut them short Repurpose into pillows, a purse, a blanket Wash them Iron them Hang dry them Work in them ","Drink from Pour things out/in it Make a sand painting Make a t-lit lantern Break Make into a wind chime Store things in ","Paint Build a path Set on things Set it on Build a well Make a wall Throw Tie things to ","Change a tire Cut it Make into a dog toy Stack to plant potatoes ","Dig with Plant with Stand holding Hang on a wall Move snow ","Wear Carry Paint Tie Dance in Change into/out of Walk Run ",-0.242157817,-0.262711793,-0.713270664,-0.602813661,0.55095917,-0.060864437,0.355378985,1.174531102,-0.229430541,-0.524403751,0.3215729,0.016880833,-1.08143568,0.206142545,-0.800344944,0.9142313,-0.724416137,-0.29129076,-0.519254327,0.108541355,0.279727399,0.679662347,-0.885489166,0.819078982,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,22 293,2,"Umbrella House for a small animal Hat Kindling to write a note to make a black out poem For origami To send a message in code to learn how to read scratch paper to learn how to count ","to climb to make an obstacle course as a swing as shoelaces a scarf a tie a tight rope a lasso a noose tie a witch to a stake a trap a jump rope hand cuffs ","eating stabbing create a sport called fork throwing to attach papers to a bulletin board to create bows (look it up on pinterest) to create imprints in something to make a straight line to paint connect pieces of wood ","as a bed to practice karate on to dance on for a fire as a shelter protection in the event of an earthquake to eat on as a chair as a step stool as a desk as a shelf ","as a scarf as sleeves as pants cut them to make shorts to make a jean jacket as scrap fabric to dress a scarecrow to soak up spilled water ","to hold buttons to drink out of to pour water on someone to smash against a wall in a fit of rage to make wind chimes as target practice to make music melt it down to make a window cut it in half and make a cup to start a bar fight to cut someone ","throw it at a window in protest to build a house to build a well to build a wall to practice karate on to make sure a sledgehammer works carry it in your backpack for strength training tie it to a dead body to make it sink in a river ","to replace another tire on your car for a tire swing to make a diy ottoman to roll around inside of to practice balance by standing on top of it to amp up your scooter ","to burry a body to dig a fire pit to hit someone with to break open a safe to smash a mirror to kill a bug spark a fire ","to run faster to carry water to hit someone with to see who can kick their shoe off their foot the highest to hang on telephone wires and signify that you sell drugs to make yourself taller to stomp on someone's foot to protect your",0.49516654,1.113240004,-0.418759048,0.051229939,0.592007577,0.196453646,1.135970235,-0.110970892,1.592671871,1.611252308,0.621811688,-2.105461836,-1.694526553,-0.322562844,0.411078304,0.453613669,1.03313148,1.252703667,0.577958226,1.116656423,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.914129198,0.184856385,-0.681916833,-0.61271143,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,19 294,2,"hat shade balance weight stand comfort weapon table ","whip for dance a belt a sash a shawl lasso guide place marker ","brush toothpick weapon an instrument comb letter opener hair piece decoration ","hideout tent boat a stool storage raft fort a platform ","flag belt hat whip rope cape pillow ","weapon an instrument collection holder pencil jar food container ","weapon a weight a place holder paper weight a tool hammer ","swing seat a bed table ride weapon container an instrument ","weapon an paddle spoon spear a post ","boat container door stop a planter a decoration hammer an animal's house",-0.117641933,-0.937863529,0.389296234,0.226954982,0.006922391,-0.446525156,0.642632604,1.038372397,1.092219949,1.246046662,1.196067214,-0.181292564,0.064536035,-0.226423517,0.661050498,0.659450412,0.476030827,-1.014763236,0.717005432,0.363212407,-0.069695726,-0.515075505,0.660936832,0.495468378,2.90394E-09,1.38896E-10,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,18 295,2,"Read, use as a hard surface for writing, use as research for writing a paper, make art out of the pages by folding them, make art using the pages by ripping them out and attaching them to a flat surface, use the book as a stand for my phone, use the book to flatten something that is warped, use with a bunch of other books as a chair/stool, ","Climbing on a mountain tie a truck to something to haul it tie to the ceiling and climb weight train with it use as a dog leash tie two people together repair a bag use as a belt use as a noose use as a fence fo","eating getting food out of your teeth scraping gum off your shoe combing your hair like ariel serving food weaving yarn around the prongs to make something use as a brace to hold something up like a window or garage door use like a crowbar to open something digging in the dirt","studying eating playing a board game making into a fort hiding under during an earthquake use as a fortress by turning it on its side sitting on it crafting cutting fabric on a table making art with the table as a surface making art OUT of a table displaying art serbi","wearing like normal pants making a chair out of a bunch of pairs of pants filled with batting use as a flotation device in the wilderness use as a hair wrap use as a towel use as a scarf use as a blanket wrap up and use as a pillow make art with pants cut into pieces and use the fabric to make something ","fill with a liquid drink out of use as a vase for flowers use as a pitcher to wash something send a message in a bottle use as packaging to mail something hat? make music with it by filling with water and blowing make music by using it as percussion pee in it make salad dressing in it ","make into a brick wall make into a house use as a pedestal to make something taller use as a percussion instrument use the holes in the brick as holders for flowers make a home for some insects using the inside of a brick crush up and make into clay to create art use as a weapon ","use on a car use on a bike use to make a signal fire use for training use as a weight and carry it to get stronger put someone inside and roll it for dangerous fun tire swing re-purpose the rubber into something new use as a flotation device ","dig a hole use as a spear use as a knife wear it as a hat art? fill a hole move a pile of stuff to a new location break something with a shovel ","wear to protect your feet wear to create percussion like tap shoes fashion purposes good place to hide things inside throw it like a weapon pretend its a phone use the laces for something make a wall out of shoes ",0.555187583,2.053081989,-1.355482221,-0.109578952,-0.291364729,-0.163637668,-0.536186993,-1.286909461,-0.763726652,-0.404197514,-1.074863315,-0.157606661,-0.660125911,-1.61943E-10,1.65083E-09,-2.86141E-09,-0.604179323,1.317998767,-0.255712986,-1.029162407,-0.054246537,-0.177320629,-0.272464037,0.708478451,-1.101600766,-0.558581054,Female,Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,Straight/heterosexual,21 296,2,"reading decoration building sitting on information killing bugs entertainment step stool making a table even ","climbing holding up laundry tieing knots making a basket making a trap weaving jump rope shoe lace ","eating killing small animals scooping music giving small animals a trident destroying things digging ","setting things on eating on sitting on stepping on when you're just too short barricade shelter music decoration firewood if it's wood ","wearing shelter kite scarf ","drinking things from breaking recycling weapon decoration ","building a house using around a fire pit decoration hitting someone with using to strike a match probably ","used on a car used on a bike rolling around tire swing football training used as a firepit decoration","digging measuring decoration farming ","wearing putting a plant in throwing ",-0.377920836,-0.678359985,-0.376148373,-0.138927966,0.847900629,1.201586843,0.384386808,1.426076889,0.439513177,1.598041654,0.419839889,-0.866227984,0.061821558,0.718289077,0.509562314,1.30627501,0.904479623,0.681716561,0.408037454,0.694407821,2.04654E-10,-4.34914E-10,0.236077711,0.221468523,-0.418881804,0.259222329,Female,"Caucasian/Non-Hispanic White,American Indian",Straight/heterosexual,21