1,3,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,62,Yes,1,White,1,Female,7,"1. Students like positive comments and will work harder to please you.
2. Students need to be taught appropriate social skills.",GROWTH,,,NA,,Music and the type of music he likes to listen to and which instrument would he like to learn hoe to play first.,,300,4,0,50,20,0,30,White,4,15:01,2,24,3.333333333,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,62,Yes,1,American,0.65,Female,5,They can learn how to have a conversation with their peers and adults; they can learn how to articulate their frustrations to avoid conflicts and work avoidance (which can lead to behavior problems),GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"Educate myself about the types to music Darnell likes so I can converse with him about his interest. Also, I might try to talk with the music teacher at the school to see if there were any after school opportunities for Darnell to participate in.",,music,400,4,2,7,1,0,90,White,5,23:01,1,30,2.333333333,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
3,2,3,4,2,3,3,5,3,39,Yes,3,Irish,0.4,Female,6,,TECH,"Students  can benefit from more technology by learning to be in control of their own findings.  Allowing students to use computers teaches them how to research and organize information.  Teachers can facilitate learning and enable students to become self directed learners and seekers of information.  

Students can also benefit from more technology by looking at their data and grades to get an understanding of what their individual needs are.  Students could be able to prioritize their time and schedule based on their needs.  ","I would grade papers, finish lesson plans and run to the restroom.  ",JOURNAL,,How grateful I am and what my next steps in life would be. ,,800,4,5,10,10,0,75,White,4,1:22,2,13,3,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
4,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,40,Yes,1,White,0.7,Female,6,"Most students that have behavior issues need tools that help them to cope when they feel a certain way. A teacher should be able to provide the student with various methods of accountability for their behavior such as break cards, tallies of good or bad behavior, opportunities that give step by step chances to make small improvements over time.",GROWTH,,"I'm usually checking email or grading papers, I may use the bathroom something I don't get a lot of time for during the day, probably prepare for incoming class. ",JOURNAL,,Probably why I didn't pick up an instrument and what my beliefs about my own issues for not playing one are.,,600,4,10,10,15,1,64,White,3," 22:1 in class, 1:14 adult to student",1,10,1.666666667,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
5,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,46,Yes,1,Korean,0.6,Male,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"They will work by themselves in their own ways
They can see what they have missed and what they need.",I will search people who have just began to learn.,JOURNAL,,I would like to write about how I want to play music and how it is hard to begin.,,2100,2,8,20,30,2,40,Asian,4,1:20,1,4,3.333333333,4,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
6,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,31,Yes,1,Caucasian,1,Female,"7,8,9,10",,TECH,"Technology is the world kids live in today so using it in classrooms helps link school to life for them.  It provides a more hands on learning experience and keeps them more engaged.  Using software like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint can help develop skills students can use in college and career.  ","Read emails, answer emails, check phone calls, etc.",JOURNAL,,Life and any stress I have.  Writing about stress and life conflicts helps me vent about it and move on.,,305,3,0,60,20,0,20,White,4,20:01,3,8,2.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
7,1,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,37,Yes,1,Other,0.4,Female,4,"When students feel that they are respected and cared for, they are willing to do more that teacher and for themselves.
When a teacher cares for their students and models positive responses to situations, students tend to emulate those behaviors.",GROWTH,,I believe that I would continue to focus on lesson planning and collaboration in lieu of practicing an instrument.  This would have to be done during my nonschool hours.,JOURNAL,,No answer.,,650,2,2,5,5,3,85,White,5,1:20,2,14,1.666666667,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
8,2,4,4,2,2,3,4,3,47,Yes,1,Irish,0.8,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,creating blogs to help learn information.  using smart boards to access information in a variety of ways.,,PERSPECTIVE,try to incorporate music into my lesson plans and email the band teacher at my school to see if he/she had suggestions for Darnell,,I would want him to know that I care about him and help him to explore music options in school,600,2,15,25,25,5,30,White,3,22-Jan,3,14,3.333333333,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
9,1,1,2,2,1,2,3,3,39,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.15,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,Students can use technology as a way to communicate with their teacher through online formative assessments. Another way is through typing instead of writing which can be easier to edit written work.,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would try to meet with ,Darnell once a week to strengthen our relationship and let him know that I truly care . I would also try to connect him to some music opportunities either brought in for him or for him to attend to strengthen his love for music. I would bring the music teacher into the relationship as well to see if there is a way he could become more in loved in the music program of the school",,About him .... his likes and what motivates him. I would try to use those things to keep him connected at school,272,5,5,5,2,8,80,White,4,18-1; 22-1,2,16,1.666666667,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
10,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,55,Yes,1,European,0.65,Male,8,,TECH,"Efficiency, organization, access to information, collaboration, engagement, and immediacy of feedback (tabulating results on the fly, determining rates of understanding, areas of misunderstanding, etc) are a few ways that technology use may increase the experience for students.","Collaborate with peers, call parents, plan lessons, etc.",JOURNAL,,No,,1200,1,5,30,10,0,55,White,4,25 to 1,1,30,1,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
11,2,4,4,3,3,4,3,4,39,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.5,Female,3,,TECH,"Students familiarize themselves with a keyboard which they will probably use later in life in upper grades or in a job situation.  In addition, if exposed to a range of technology they become familiar with strategies to problem solve if technology isn't responding the way they expect or want it to.  In my classroom, academic programs allow students to work at their own pace and allows me time to help those who need it, right when they need it while others are able to work ahead or work slower through challenging topice.",,PERSPECTIVE,I would find an instrument for him to borrow from music class but keep in my classroom.  He could play it during his free period or lunch daily.  I would discuss how this is a privledge and that I want him to come play every day but that I also expect him to be respectful in the classroom especially during testing.,,"I would focus on the positive things in his life.  I would ask him more about music to keep him talking about something that made him happy.  I would listen if he wanted to tell me any of his problems and I would offer positive comments such as ""we do care about you""  ""maybe mom was just having a rough morning""  "" how could you make the situation better or what should you do when that negative situation arrises?""   ",450,2,5,15,5,5,70,White,2,1:18,3,14,3.666666667,3.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
12,2,2,4,2,2,2,4,3,31,Yes,1,White,0.5,Female,1,,TECH,"Technology in the classroom can provide ""brain breaks"" make lessons more engaging for students.  It allows students to create products in different ways.  ",,PERSPECTIVE,"Research to find an outlet for him to get immersed in music.  Also, look for music to play in class.  ",,"What specific instruments he wants to learn.  I would tell him about the instruments I play, and the opportunities he will have in school to play instruments.  ",500,3,5,5,10,10,70,White,3,18:01,3,10,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
13,3,2,4,3,3,3,4,3,37,Yes,2,Other,0.7,Female,"10,11,12","Students are people, treat them as such.  My belief is trust and respect should go both ways.  They are children, they have to be taught how to positively engage in conversation without feeling insecure.  They should be expected to express their feelings and emotions and feel safe and not judged because they are adolescent.  We are all human and can learn from out mistakes,  children have to be taught and understand that they should learn from their mistakes.",GROWTH,,I would reflect upon my day.,JOURNAL,,I would write about my life experiences.,,1700,4,2,60,17,1,20,Black,2,30,4,10,3,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
14,2,2,4,3,1,1,2,2,37,Yes,1,Mexican,0.95,Female,4,"The can communicate them r needs, fears, and concerns with the teacher.  The find ways to deal with anger and don't let the anger overcome their day.  The can feel understood and heard.",GROWTH,,"Exercise (squats, crunches, etc)",JOURNAL,,"My family, especially my kids and how they are grow I g and things they are doing.",,530,4,6,35,7,2,50,White,4,1:18 in primary and 1:22 in intermediate95,2,9,3,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
15,2,2,3,3,3,2,3,3,37,Yes,2,European,1,Female,"11,12,13","They can learn that there is a time and a place for behavior and jokes, if a student knows that you are going to listen to them then they will value their time with you and not act out.  They will also tell you the truth over someone else.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,no answer,,"i would during class and interact more with him, but planning period is very short and too much administrative paperwork to do",1700,1,3,53,4,0,40,White,3,127-25,2,12,2.666666667,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
16,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,50,Yes,1,Mutt,0.7,Male,6,"I start on day one by creating a family extension atmosphere in my classroom. I’m an adult parent figure that provides caring, discipline, safety, no favorites, treat each of them with respect, and most of all love them as they are now my kids. My family grows by 22 students every year and for good or bad, they are all mine. Next is provide clear procedures for them to adhere to. Children are always bushing boundaries, but if you stick to the procedures that are in place it creates an atmosphere of consistency that allows for a constant atmosphere of learning.",GROWTH,,"Research and practice. If it is school time, I’m getting ready for the next lesson. You can’t punish Darnell without not knowing why he is upset. There has to be a level of compassion and humanity in the classroom.",JOURNAL,,I don't understand the reasoning for these questions.,,700,2,5,10,25,15,45,Other,5,i have 22 students,4,4,1,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
17,2,1,4,2,2,2,4,2,50,Yes,2,White,NA,Female,"8,9","The focus on this survey is on behavior issues, yet you opened with a statement stating that, ""Almost everyone has a personal story about a great teacher who influenced his or her life."" I don’t ever recall a teacher influencing me. I was the student that sat and listened and did exactly what was expected - the introvert that came from a good family.  Therefore, I went unnoticed. 

When students witness teachers reaching out to ALL students in a kind caring manner, they tend to trust a little more. Reaching out to all students, even the introverts that seldom get noticed, matters. It establishes a trust - sincerity. 

Being genuine is the key to establishing a caring and supportive relationship with all students.  

Being friendly - not a friend and knowing the difference is also extremely important.

",GROWTH,,"I can't even imagine having several minutes off, but if I did have time off, I would take the time to write  a few positive referrals to the students who are so often over looked because they are ""average"".",JOURNAL,,,,1200,4,0,25,5,0,70,White,4,20,3,20,2.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
18,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,34,Yes,1,Greek,1,Female,6,,TECH,"With technology, students can explore/use multiple platforms for presenting information or sharing their ideas. It can, for example, allow the student with poor writing/drawing skills to put together a clear, colorful and creative demonstration of their knowledge.
Technology also benefits students by providing different approaches to the same old stuff. For example, tests and quizzes that we use for review or assessment can be done using things like Kahoot or Plickers. These options are far more engaging for students. The display of results can also fuel competitive spirit and show growth.",,PERSPECTIVE,"I love getting to hear about things students are interested in or things they have done. I use these moments for relationship building becuase I believe having established relationships with students allows for better communication, understanding, and success with behavior corrections.",,"I would want to first discuss frustrations and how they are common for everyone and provide some ways/input on how to manage or express them better. I would also like to know if he has access to any musical instruments at home so I can start thinking about how I could incorporate his passion into the school day, in an effort to improve his outlook on school.",700,4,3,10,27,7,53,White,4,1:18,2,3,2.666666667,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
19,4,4,5,3,3,4,4,4,41,Yes,1,White,0.4,Female,1,,TECH,"Technology is constantly changing and useful in many jobs so a student that uses technology throughout their school career will be better prepared to use it in their adult career.

Using technology will prepare them when they are in high school and college.  They will use it for research, communicating with teachers, etc.",,PERSPECTIVE,Visit Darnell to ask about his life outside of school and if he has made any plans to learn music.,,his personal life.,600,4,5,10,5,0,80,White,3,1:20,4,17,4,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
20,3,2,3,4,3,2,3,3,24,Yes,2,Caucasian,1,Male,"7,8,9","Students can become better behaved by having a positive rapport with the teacher. Knowing that the teacher has a student's best interest at heart, not just in regards to academics, but in all aspects of their life.

Students also need to know that you are being fair and consistent with ALL students. This way students who are having behavioral issues know that you are treating everyone the same way.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would talk to Darnell about what specifically is making him feel that he is being neglected and come up with a plan on how to make him feel more welcomed. Afterward, we would discuss his recent behavior and discuss how we can improve upon it in the future.",,His love of music and which instruments he is interested in learning.,1100,3,8,20,20,2,50,White,4,30:01:00,3,3,3,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
21,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,31,Yes,3,Caucasian,0.6,Female,4,When students have a caring and supportive relationship with a teacher students are able to communicate with the teacher and they know that they have someone who is supporting and helping them to reach their full potential.  Students are able to learn how to manage their behaviors and work towards a goal.  ,GROWTH,,"Classroom lesson ideas, craft ideas, planning, paperwork, IEPs ",JOURNAL,,"Reflection on teaching, ideas for the classroom, ",,400,4,8,5,7,0,80,White,3,18:01,4,6,3,4,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
22,2,4,4,3,1,1,1,2,34,Yes,1,White,0.07,Female,1,,TECH,"Students can benefit greatly from more technology use in the classroom.  Technology is all around us and the students need to learn how useful it can be a a tool for their learning, but also their lives.  In the classroom, depending on what the students are learning, there are numerous videos about every topic imaginable.  By actually seeing pictures or doing virtual field trips, it make a world must more accessible.  I also think that as our world and society changes, students learning styles change and the way we teach needs to be changed.  To me, this means bringing in more technology.  Also, when incorporating technology, the students are able to virtually submit assignments.",,PERSPECTIVE,"First off, I would not have allowed him to dissrupt the class.  If he came in late, I would have met him at the door, said, ""Good Morning Darnell"", and then explained what they were doing.  By repeatedly asking for the slip, it made it seem to him that the teacher did not care or feel welcomed.  This was confirmed a few days later when she spoke with him.  However, if asked what I would do in my off time since this situation already took place, I would talk to Darnell about music and show I cared.  I would find out what instruments he wants to play and would show interest in him as an individual.  I would also ask what was going on in his life outside of school ad get him the necessary resources he needs.",,Life outside of school and his hopes and dreams.,270,4,7,3,3,7,80,White,5,1:18,1,13,3.666666667,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
23,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,NA,,2,,NA,,,,TECH,"They can look up videos on topics they either missed or having difficulty with.
They can use the calendar to keep up with due dates and also note homework etc..",N/A,JOURNAL,,,,NA,3,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,3,,1,NA,1.666666667,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
24,2,2,3,2,2,2,3,2,53,Yes,1,White,0.85,Female,5,,TECH,"Students will learn how to research answers to their questions.

Technology increases engagement in both Language Arts and Math.",Organize something in my room.,JOURNAL,,working through classroom frustrations to help me find solutions,,450,2,15,20,20,5,40,White,3,1:22,2,23,2.333333333,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
25,3,3,4,3,1,1,2,1,29,Yes,1,German,1,Female,4,They can learn the importance of a mentor/ mentee relationship. They can also learn how to communicate with a wide range of people.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,look for grants that provide at risk students with music lessons and/ or instruments.,,What type of music he's into currently.,600,3,10,20,35,0,35,White,3,technically 1-18,2,7,3.333333333,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
26,4,5,3,4,4,2,4,4,39,Yes,3,American,0.7,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"I believe students would benefit from using ppt, excel and other programs, (if strictly monitored).  Being proficient in these programs will better prepare them for the job market.  However, unsupervised students with technology is a recipe for disaster and I see this everyday. 

As far as improving learning, it's not a matter of tools, in my opinion.  I have been teaching for 12 years and have poured my heart and soul into it.  I have tried every strategy, incorporated every new idea and every aspect of technology.  These students don't need more technology. They need less.  It has made them lazy.  They don't think for themselves.  They merely pick up a device and search for a fast, fun or easy way to solve problems.  Life isn't fast, fun or easy. No one who became SOMEONE took the fast, fun and easy road.  

Students need to be taught to think.  They need to learn perseverance and hard work and need to experience failure so they have the skills to cope and the mindset to hope.  We are so busy with trying to reinvent the wheel and telling students that learning should be fun and they can't learn like everyone else.  It's simply not true.  But now, I'm sure my survey will be dismissed. The road we are headed down is not turning out hardworking, ethical members of society.  ",,PERSPECTIVE,I always have conversations with my students and have great relationships with them.  I would also discuss his actions and how his circumstances do not warrant such behavior.,,"Positive energy, hard work, living in the present moment, strategies for dealing with things when they don't go our way (or the way we think they ""should be"").",1400,5,2,50,8,2,38,White,3,1:28,5,12,4,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
27,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,38,Yes,1,American,0.65,Female,"7,8,9","If students feel appreciated they are more willing to be respectful toward adults.  

Instead of yelling at a student, ask them HOW you can help them.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,start a discussion involving darnell and music.  ask questions involving the entire class to offer their fav types of music and why,,"music, home life, family and future goals",1100,3,10,10,20,5,55,White,4,1 to 35,1,12,1.666666667,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
28,1,NA,1,3,1,3,2,2,59,Yes,1,Spanish,0.59,Male,10,"It is all about relationships and respect.  I respect my students and work to find out what things make them tick, what do they enjoy outside of school. In return I share stories of my life, my likes, and interests.  I show them that we are both people, and may have some common likes.  This is a process that continues all year.  The respect for them usually leads to respect for me.  Once that and rules that they suggest and we agree on are set much can happen.  

Once they are comfortable that it is our classroom and a place of learning they feel safe to ask questions, but for those, especially in the middle school setting, that are not comfortable in speaking, especially when asking for help, I use a question box that they can place their concerns about math in.  

For the struggling students, I establish that my room is open during lunch for any extra help they may need, especially handy for the students that can't stay after school.  ",GROWTH,,I would listen to music.,JOURNAL,,"I'd try to figure out why I am not attempting to play the trumpet, instead of using the excuse that it is too difficult.",,1700,5,5,15,20,5,55,Other,5,28 to 1,1,33,2,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
29,2,2,2,3,1,1,2,2,38,Yes,1,White,0.3,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"They have different ways to effectively practice what they have learned. Sometimes it is rote practice disguised as ""fun"" that will help memorize and practice. They all need more practice. Plus the effective use of technology for educational purposes is great. We think students know how to use technology but they really only have a basic knowledge of the true power of technology.",,PERSPECTIVE,I would first off go for a walk with Darnell because usually those with more kinesthetic tendencies do better when walking and talking. I'd also encourage him to tell me more about his love of music and how he feels when he is interrupted and try to get him to understand the balance between when we need quiet and when and how to handle frustration. Also possibly figuring out why he was late. ,,"What's going on at home, how music influences him. How music could relate to math.",2000,2,1,4,2,3,90,White,5,28:01:00,2,14,2.333333333,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
30,2,2,3,2,3,2,3,3,29,Yes,1,White,1,Female,1,"1. Teacher who form healthy, positive relationships with students become a trusted and respected adult to the student. Students act differently when they know someone is caring about them and in their corner, cheering them on. They want this relationship to continue and, therefore, are least likely to misbehave in that adult's presence. 

2. A trusted adult because a safe place for the student. If the student has learned to recognize what sets him/her off and how to calm him/her -self, the student can then ask for a break to go and talk with the trusted adult. This adult can provide the necessary support in that moment for the student to deescalate from the negative emotions. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would meet with the music teacher at school and enlighten her about Darnell's interest in playing instruments to see what arrangements could be made. ,,How did he become interested in music? Does he know how to read music and count beats? Do others in his family play musical instruments?,539,3,13,34,13,4,36,White,3,22-Jan,3,4,2.333333333,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
31,1,4,4,3,1,4,4,3,44,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.3,Male,"2,3,4,5,6","Teachers have to be respectful at all times.   For example, students know that if you yell at another student, then you have the ability to yell at any student, including them.  The need to know you have an open door policy.  They need to develop trust with the adult.  Yes, we are role models.  We must encourage the students, but NEVER embarass them.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would keep the conversation going and focused on Darnell.  Let him know that I  might not have gone through what he has, but I always have time to lend an ear.",,"What positives that he says he is interested in attaining.  Focus on the positive, because it always rains before the rainbow.",344,4,2,20,10,3,65,White,4,18:1 or 22:1,2,20,3.666666667,3.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
32,2,1,2,2,3,2,2,3,57,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.6,Female,3,,TECH,"-easier/quicker access to research information
-able to keep up with society's use of technology in every day life and in the work force","Complete  paperwork , ie., PMP's, student files, and collaberate with co-workers if possible",JOURNAL,,"Day to day thoughts, feelings and possible solutions to personal issues",,725,4,5,15,30,0,50,White,4,20;1,2,25,1.666666667,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
33,2,1,4,3,2,1,4,2,36,Yes,1,African American ,0.85,Female,"7,8,9","1. If the student has a mutual respect for the teacher that you will not want to disappoint the teacher.

2.students are less likely to miss behave if the teacher hold them accountable for their actions",GROWTH,,Relax,JOURNAL,,I would write about the highs and lows of the day,,1100,3,2,35,15,3,45,Black,1,22:01,4,14,2.666666667,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
34,2,2,3,3,2,2,2,2,51,Yes,1,German,0.6,Female,6,"The positive relationship that is created is really an example to the student, one they can emulate. This can help them in their other relationships.
I also think a positive relationship with a teacher builds their self esteem; they know they are appreciated by at least one other person.  ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Keep talking to him.  Tell him check into some way to get him music lessons or an instrument.,,"I would ask him about his problems and asked if he wanted to talk to someone else(guidance counselor, social worker).",700,3,0,20,20,0,60,White,4,1:20,2,24,2.666666667,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
35,2,3,4,3,2,3,4,3,47,Yes,2,German,0.65,Female,3,"When students have a supportive and caring relationship with a teacher, they can work together to identify the students' strengths and build confidence to find strategies to help them work on their weaknesses.  Students with a positive teacher relationship are more likely to be engaged and want to come to class than students who do not have such a functional relationship.  ",GROWTH,,Organize my desk and try to get extra work completed. ,JOURNAL,,How to improve my teaching.  I think that when working you should be working. ,,600,3,4,20,15,1,60,White,4,18:01,2,3,3.333333333,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
36,3,3,2,3,2,3,2,2,51,Yes,1,White,0.8,Female,1,"Students need a positive role model to model what respect looks like and be given practice.

Students need to be held accountable for their actions.  Consistency in behavior management is what most students respond to. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"connect in some way, with Darnell, building on what he shared with me about his interest in learning music.. Share with him about my experience with playing in the school band, listening to different types of music.  I would also ask what are the positive things at school that he can build on.",,What has inspired his love for music.  Who supports his inspirations outside of school.,600,4,20,20,10,10,40,White,4,17-1,2,26,2.666666667,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
37,2,3,3,4,2,1,2,3,57,Yes,1,Other,1,Female,10,,TECH,Students can use technology to keep track of their assignments or the due dates for these assignments. Students can also use technology to present information for projects and to work remotely with other students. ( Ex:Prezi),No response.,JOURNAL,,No response.,,1500,3,10,50,10,0,30,White,NA,25-Jan,3,34,3.333333333,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
38,1,2,2,3,1,1,2,2,62,Yes,2,American,0.6,Female,"10,11,12,13","1. Giving them examples of respect- if they aren't show respect - Ask and question them.  ""Should a teacher be treated this way?""  ""Is this the way that I'm treating you?""

2. Take an interest in each student.",GROWTH,,catch up on emails,JOURNAL,,swimming and family,,2000,4,5,25,20,0,50,White,4,1:30,1,14,2.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
39,1,2,3,2,1,3,4,3,38,Yes,1,Asian American,0.9,Female,"1,3,4",,TECH,It can hone their skills for future real world careers.  Learning can be more efficient.,read a book,JOURNAL,,The day's events,,500,3,2,15,20,3,60,Other,4,1:24,3,6,2.333333333,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
40,1,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,30,Yes,1,Italian,0.4,Female,1,,TECH,"Technology engages students. Engaged students leads to progress in learning. 

Students learning how to use a computer is crucial for their future. ",Research ways to make me a better teacher ane my classroom a well- organized learning environment. ,JOURNAL,,I woud write ideas about what to change for next year. ,,600,4,5,10,10,15,60,White,5,18-Jan,4,1,3,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
41,1,1,1,3,2,1,2,2,36,Yes,1,Wasp-y Caucasian,0.4,Male,9,"1). They will likely feel like they have a safe place or ""home"" within the school, which can help ""ground"" them in my experience, and give them a base from which to be successful in other classes. 2). They likely also then have an adult whom they don't want to let down, so that teaching guiding them yet holding them to high standards can end up making the difference in their success in other classes. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Duh! Ask him about what music he likes and try to make a connection with him. ,,What music he likes. ,900,2,5,40,2.5,2.5,50,White,4,"18-1, if I had to guess",2,10,1.666666667,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
42,2,3,5,4,1,1,4,2,50,Yes,1,German,0.7,Female,"10,11,12",,TECH,"They can communicate with teachers at any time. This is helpful if a student doesn't understand something and needs some clarification. That ensures there is no ""I don't get this so I give up"" going on. 

It can be used as an easy and quick ""check"" for understanding. ",Look on line for music stores that rent equipment and cater to an adult learner. ,JOURNAL,,"If it's not school related, I would probably start looking at songs I'd like to learn. ",,2000,5,15,15,15,0,55,White,3,27:01:00,2,23,4,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
43,2,2,3,3,2,2,2,2,44,Yes,1,American ,0.75,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","They can learn how to treat their peers respectfully

They can get an example of appropriate social skills ",GROWTH,,Prepare lessons,JOURNAL,,My experiences throughout the day,,650,3,5,10,20,0,65,White,3,18-Jan,2,8,2.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
44,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,48,Yes,1,Russian-American,0.65,Female,4,"A great idea for middle school students would be to have a required Social Skills Class that role plays and models many of the scenarios that they are going to come across both inside and outside of school.

Another idea to try with a very difficult group is to take turns being the teacher, and realizing how their behaviors are affecting the whole class and the attitude/mood of the teacher.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,try to hook Darnell up with the music teacher,,Things he enjoys in and out of school,700,2,5,5,10,0,80,White,4,20-Jan,1,24,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
45,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,37,Yes,1,Caucasian,1,Female,6,The caring and supportive relationship from the teacher is a  model for them.  If this is not present in the home then they may not be aware of what one looks like or how they should respond.  If it is caring and supportive then it will be nurturing which will help them to see in a safe manner what is to be expected and what isn't.,GROWTH,,This is too vague a scenario to really answer.  Am I a student?  Am I a teacher? If I have off time am I supposed to be somewhere?,JOURNAL,,The things I could do in order to one day earn an instrument of my own,,650,2,2,65,8,0,25,White,4,18 to 1,2,16,1.333333333,1,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
46,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,60,Yes,1,White,0.5,Male,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"Students can relate better to technology methods of teaching as opposed to straight lecture.
Technology can deliver more up to date material than sometimes outdated books. ",Talk to the band director about the possibilty of music lessons.,JOURNAL,,"Things that make you happy, successful, or make you a better person.",,1500,2,5,10,15,0,70,White,2,25-1,2,32,2,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
47,2,3,2,2,4,5,5,4,45,Yes,3,American,0.61,Female,2,,TECH,"One way is to research topics they are interested in to make powerpoints and to learn new things.

Another way to utilize technology is through the use of the WEDO legos that incorporate STEM. through STEM the students learn to use technology in a real world environment.",,NA,How I am lucky to be alive each day.,,,650,4,5,10,5,0,80,White,4,18 to 1 teacher,3,23,2.333333333,4.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
48,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,46,Yes,1,American,0.7,Female,"2,4",,TECH,"They can access more information quickly, as long as the information online is true information and they have been taught to discern that sites like wikipedia are all accurate. 

Technology allows lessons to be me more interactive in situations where teachers/ schools may not have budgets to incorporate more material artifacts into classroom curriculum. 
",Most likely do something for one of my students or colleagues which is how i typically spend my off/planning periods.,JOURNAL,,"Most likely thinking about the student who came in so angry, wondering what is really frustrating him so much and what approach i might use to get him to talk about it. ",,850,2,5,50,5,5,35,White,4,1:22,1,11,2,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
49,4,3,3,3,2,2,3,2,54,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.7,Female,"3,4,5,6",,TECH,"Technology is in integrated into everyday life in all aspects. Exposing our students in a limited manner will help them in high school, college and the work world with communication (email), organization (keeping a calendar), and presentations (power point) etc. ",,PERSPECTIVE,"Explain to Darnell his options for completing his high school diploma including a GED. Not every student is cut out to complete traditional high school. However, Darnell needs to know that if the behavior continues, he will not be able to attain his goal of several instruments because he will be taking make up classes in order to earn enough credits to graduate.",,COnnecting him with a music mentor.,570,4,5,5,10,0,80,White,3,general education - 18 to 22 to 1 teacher; special education 5 students to 1 teacher,4,31,3,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
50,2,3,4,3,3,1,4,3,53,Yes,1,Swedish,1,Female,4,"They become more motivated to do the right thing.  When children feel respected and cared for by their teacher, they will do anything for that teacher.",GROWTH,,Ride bicycles with my husband,JOURNAL,,I would write about things that are worrying me about my family and job and ways I with I could make them better.,,650,4,5,40,5,0,50,White,3,20:01,4,27,3.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
51,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,39,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.7,Female,6,,TECH,Students can read more from the computer screen. They can also submit writing and get more timely feedback from the teacher or their peers. ,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would have the students think about what they wanted to do with their futures, share their dreams, and then set goals for themselves. ",,How he going to achieve these goals? Does he know what he can do or what he should do next?,700,1,10,20,15,0,55,White,3,22-1,2,19,1.333333333,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
52,1,2,3,1,2,1,4,2,52,Yes,1,Caucasian,1,Female,"7,8,9",,TECH,"They can learn to type better, they can many times expand their thinking and requirements of the lesson when the project is open ended, it increases student engagement, our students are not ""sit and get"" students anymore, technology can make the lesson or homework or project more interesting",I would look at my lesson plans and see where I can incorporate some different and exciting thingsi nto my lessons to increase student engagement.  I would then also prepare and organize for the next block of students.,JOURNAL,,"My free time, hobbies, those I love, the fun things to do in beautiful Florida",,275,4,5,35,25,0,35,White,4,18 to 1,1,13,2,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
53,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,2,67,Yes,1,Anglo-Saxon,0.77,Female,3,,TECH,"They can be work at their level on a subject.  

They can work independently.
",Read,JOURNAL,,no answer,,650,4,1,6,40,1,52,White,4,18-Jan,1,35,2.333333333,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
54,2,3,2,2,3,2,3,3,64,Yes,1,Cuban,0.45,Female,9,"They can learn a signal/code that will let the teacher know they need help.
They can be taught what the class expectations and the why the expectations are important. Some students don't know how to behave and need to be taught.",GROWTH,,Read,JOURNAL,,Places I would like to visit.,,1200,2,5,10,5,0,80,Latino,2,22 students,2,12,2.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
55,3,4,4,3,3,3,4,4,48,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.52,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"All students need to learn and master the basics of typing skills, yet I still believe that all students need to learn and master the basics of cursive writing too. There are way too many students who are already too far past that do not know how to properly sign a document,

Typing knowledge is key to successful computer usage. That being said, too many students rely on spell check to correct their spelling, or they simply don't care anymore. Misspellings are commonplace on even mainstream materials, so students aren't taught to care anymore.

Computer coding needs to be introduced to children in a fun and inviting way. While not for every student, I believe that all students need to learn the basics of coding and to understand what and how to do it. ",,PERSPECTIVE,"Tell Darnell, that iam there to listen without  jusgement, and that I do care. I would speak to the music teacher separately, to see if there was a way that I could work on a plan to incentivise and encourage good behavior with a music reward.",,"His likes aned dislikes, and why he feels unwelcome at school",700,5,2,10,20,8,60,White,4,22-Jan,3,6,3.666666667,3.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
56,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,2,30,Yes,4,Non Hispanic,1,Female,"2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"In my classroom students have used computers in order to provide research and evidence ,collaborate on creative multimedia products, edit media pesentations, and implement 3d design skills",plan,JOURNAL,,,,691,4,1,22,15,0,62,White,NA,25/1,2,7,1.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
57,3,4,4,4,2,3,3,3,41,Yes,2,Italian,0.68,Female,4,,TECH,Students can benefit from technology throughout the lessons as a whole group interactively as well as on an individual level.  Students can use Power Point to make and share presentations with their peers.  Online calendars give the students accountability for their assignment submissions.,,PERSPECTIVE,I would discuss with Darnell his plans to learn music and which instruments he intends to play.  I would then speak with the music teacher and get him on board to allow Darnell to come and dabble with the instruments as a positive reward.  I would also allow Darnell to watch You Tube videos of people playing the specific instruments.  I would make it a priority to discuss music and instruments with Darnell in knowing that I can make a connection with him in this area.,,I would talk about different genres of music as well as instruments.,715,2,5,20,10,10,55,White,5,18 to 1,2,7,4,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
58,2,3,4,2,3,2,3,2,52,Yes,2,American,1,Male,"6,7,8,9,10",,TECH,It will help them adapt to future use of technology in future endevours. It will also help whe taking assessments on computers,Plan some future events,JOURNAL,,Ways to use my down time away from my job,,380,NA,0,50,15,5,30,White,2,18-1,2,25,3,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
59,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,3,24,Yes,1,Scottish,0.43,Female,"11,13",,TECH,"1. Cell phones can be helpful for doing group polls or playing review games
2. In English, I often have the students use their phones to listen to audiobooks while they read the text.","I would go to the restroom first. If I hadn't already checked my box, I would go to check that and take a few minutes to appreciate being outside. Had I already checked the box, I would have gone straight back to my room and started grading, lesson plannning, or uploading grades.",JOURNAL,,I would have written about some of my favorite musicians or written a plan to actually buy the trumpet.,,1400,4,1,10,12,4,73,White,2,1:20,1,3,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
60,2,3,3,2,2,3,3,3,40,Yes,2,Other,0.5,Female,2,,TECH,Students can benefit more from technology by providing students the opportunity to interact with programs such as smart board games. Using ipads and computers will help students complete their required STMath and IStation programs that have been implemented in the county.,,PERSPECTIVE,I would research ways to incorporate music into my lessons where appropriate as other students may benefit from the music.,,"I would ask him what specifically he enjoys about music (instruments, genre, live music vs. radio). This approach would hopefully lead to building more trust and he may discuss what was occurring earlier in the week.",375,2,0,40,0,5,55,White,2,"1-18 in primary, 1-22 for intermediate",3,9,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
61,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,44,Yes,1,Irish,1,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","When students feel they are important to an adult and that they are generally cared for, they often don't want to disappoint them, wether it be something they do or say directly to that adult, or even if that adult hears about a poor choice they have made.

When students have an adult they are connected to they have a safe person that can help easy anxiety in turn that helps them to react more calmly.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Have an open door policy so that if Darnell wanted to come update me on his progress with new instruments I would be aver;ab;e and eager to listen and chat.,,I would be excited to hear about his progress in his music interests and try to gain insight on how I could continue to encourage him.,615,3,2,12,20,5,61,White,3,1:18 Primary Grades  1:22 Intermediate Grades,2,23,2,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
62,1,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,49,Yes,1,Italian,0.72,Female,4,"They can use problem solving strategies to resolve issues. 
They can communicate honestly with the teacher knowing that there may be a consequence but it is better to be honest then to worry about the consequence.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would ask him what kind of instruments he was interested in and how he plans on learning all those instruments. I would also help him with figuring out a way to see his vision come true.,,What gives him joy and what takes joy away from him. Then I would talk to him about how to maintain that joy even when someone or something is making it a challenge.,700,5,2,11,23,7,57,White,5,1 to 18,1,26,2,1,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
63,1,3,4,3,1,2,4,1,26,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.7,Female,"7,8,9",Students feel they are in a safe learning environment and they are willing to take risks required for true deep learning. This helps them take more academic risks. This is a positive effect because negative behaviors would increase if not on task with academics. Students hear they are cared for and that someone cares if they succeed so they become more in control of their actions.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I'd speak with Darnell and let him know that I do care about his success and I am available to talk if he wants to. I'd talk to him about ways he could get involved with music IN school to help feel like school can be a place where he can practice his passions. ,,The issues that he may be facing and that he may not be alone in that.,1100,3,1,30,14,5,50,White,4,1:03,2,1,3.333333333,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
64,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,56,Yes,1,American,0.4,Female,1,"If they feel valued and heard no matter what the situation is they most likely will be better behaved.

Focus as a teacher on their strengths not only their negative behaviors. Get to know the whole child so that you can understand their situations which will better help you as a teacher on why they are misbehaving.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Possibly talk to someone in the music program to see what is available for Darnell both in school and outside possibilities.,,Explore more about his strengths and what are his dreams. Music is a powerful motivator for some students.,700,3,5,15,10,10,60,White,3,18-1,3,32,2.333333333,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
65,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,1,NA,,1,,NA,,,"For some students, school is the safest environment they face all day. Also, the most reliable. They know they are going to be greeted by a face who is there everyday. They can get a least two meals at school. Most importantly, they come across people who they feel at least care about them. Also, for some students, their teachers may be the only person they can go to for advice, particularly if they don't feel comfortable asking their parents.",GROWTH,,,NA,,"Talk to him about his love of music as well as his goals in life. If music is part of his goals, try and get him to realize that school can be an avenue towards his goals. ",,NA,3,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,2,,1,NA,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
66,2,3,4,3,2,3,5,4,48,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.1,Female,2,,TECH,"I teach a primary grade.  At this point, they just need to get used to the keyboard and how to efficiently type in user names and passwords, etc.  Generally, using the computer for Math or Reading ""games"" holds their interest, as well.",,PERSPECTIVE,maybe help a student who wasn't doing well in a subject or with a concept,,"i would try to boost his confidence, find things at school he is good at.",464,4,5,5,5,5,80,White,2,"K-3 it's 1:18, 4 & 5 it's 1:22",2,11,3.333333333,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
67,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,35,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.69,Female,2,,TECH,Using technology in the classroom is a great way to introduce new content. It really catches the attention of the younger students. There are many great ways to use technology to collect and share data with students as well. ,"I never have ""extra"" time. Every minute of my school day is spent on school work!",JOURNAL,,I do not have time to write in a journal.,,713,2,0,10,28,2,60,White,3,20 -1,2,7,2,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
68,1,1,3,2,1,1,3,2,31,Yes,1,Scottish,1,Female,3,"Two ways a student becomes better behaved and more respectful when they have a caring supportive relationship with a teacher are they become more mindful of the feelings of others, and they develop a better sense of remorse when they have done something that may harm another student.",GROWTH,,lesson planning,JOURNAL,,No answer,,450,3,5,15,30,10,40,White,4,1:19,1,2,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
69,1,1,3,2,2,1,3,2,30,Yes,1,Other,0.75,Female,9,,TECH,"1. Using computers regularly will improve students' typing skills, which are often required in the workplace.

2. Using programs like PowerPoint will improve students' ability to communicate and present information to others, which most jobs will require.

3. Using cellphones in class can assist students in becoming more organized. They can set reminders for themselves, take pictures of assignments they may need to access later, and take quick notes about assignments. Most students hate using a paper planner, but love to use their phones.

3. Using cellphones in class can also help create engagement in the classroom. Activities like Plickers, scanning QR codes, and doing quick research help bring lessons to life.","I would work on little tasks that are not vital, but are helpful to creating an organized classroom environment. Organizing my classroom library, sorting through papers, picking up trash, etc. I might also take the time to make copies for upcomming weeks or begin planning ahead for future lessons. If I'm feeling stressed out about something, I might check the news quickly or make a cup of tea.",JOURNAL,,"Goals for the future, like things I want to accomplish in my personal and professional life.",,1150,3,1,11,12,1,75,White,4,1:22,2,8,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
70,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,30,Yes,3,White,NA,Female,4,,TECH,"Technology is generally more appealing to students. They see so many things on a computer or TV these days. I think the engagement level would be higher.
Also, if the program on the computer monitors them I think it gives the teacher valuable information about that student. In class we do partner work and it is nice to know what can that student do by themselves. Also, if testing is going to computer based then they should have more opportunities on the computer. ",In this story I guess something with music but personally I would get ready for the next thing. ,JOURNAL,,I wouldn't write in a journal at work. ,,NA,4,10,30,20,2,38,White,2,18-Jan,4,5,2,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
71,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,52,Yes,1,White,1,Male,6,,TECH,Technology can provide instant feedback of results to students. Technology provides student interaction with the device which is more interesting than learning from a teacher.,review my lessons to make sure I'm prepared.,JOURNAL,,i don't know,,574,2,0,75,20,0,5,White,4,22-Jan,1,18,1.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
72,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1,37,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.45,Male,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"They will be able to be at the correct technological level needed to understand appropriately ay the college level (for example, graphing calculators, programming, etc.)",`walk around school,JOURNAL,,my business plan for my next career,,1400,1,5,10,5,20,60,White,4,1:25,1,17,1.666666667,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
73,1,2,4,3,1,1,2,2,53,Yes,1,White,0.85,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"Student engagement often increases when teacher use Smartboards or other technology to teach lessons.

Student also benefit from technology when they have the ability to work at their own pace to complete lessons on computer.  

",Write a song or search different types of trumpets on the internet,JOURNAL,,Ideas I could turn into songs,,700,2,5,5,15,5,70,White,4,20-Jan,2,31,3,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
74,1,3,2,2,3,1,2,3,51,Yes,1,African American,0.1,Female,1,,TECH,"Technology helps students learn at their own pace.
Technology helps keep learning both interesting and fun.",,PERSPECTIVE,I would introduce him to an learning music app and let him play around with it to find out which instrument interests him.,,Musical instruments and music .... show him I care about him.,824,2,5,10,7,5,73,Black,4,18 to 1less,1,29,2.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
75,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,3,48,Yes,1,Italian,0.15,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","1.  When students feel like they are ""genuinely"" valued they tend to place ""value"" on what others think of them.  In my experience this improves  behavior because students feel like they are more ""part"" of a classroom and not just someone who is ""passing"" through.  

2.  Teachers who get to know their students and develop ways to meet all their needs also reduce behaviors.  I really feel this helps build a classroom ""culture"" of mutual respect.  ",GROWTH,,Visit the Music Room to watch students play and maybe discuss the trumpet with a student who currently plays the instrument. ,JOURNAL,,I would pounder the unanswered questions about what I needed to do to find a better soulution to the issue of finding a Trumpet to play. ,,640,5,3,2,5,0,90,White,4,22 to 1 ,2,20,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
76,2,3,1,3,1,1,1,2,NA,,2,,NA,,,b,GROWTH,,grade,JOURNAL,,No answer,,NA,2,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,2,,1,NA,2.333333333,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
77,1,1,2,1,2,3,3,2,32,Yes,1,African American ,0.35,Female,2,#NAME?,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Re-visit my conversation with Darnell; Discuss my connection with music and instruments; discuss possible avenues for helping him through his personal struggles,,"I answered this previously, however, my connection to music/ibstruments; the type of music I enjoyed; how we can deal with his personal struggles; re-visit previous discussions to show that I care",350,2,2,35,7,3,53,Black,5,13:01,1,8,1.333333333,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
78,3,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,46,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.49,Female,1,,TECH,"student engagement is increased when technology in included in a lesson.

using technology, students learning can be recorded in a variety of ways, not just paper pencil.",go to the bathroom,JOURNAL,,where to go on vacation,,720,4,2,20,15,4,59,White,2,18-Jan,4,23,3,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
79,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,35,Yes,1,European,0.5,Female,3,Students learn how to show respect. Student will learn appropriate ways to converse with adults,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Look up music stores that offer classes,,What makes him feel like school isn't for him,500,2,2,8,10,0,80,White,4,18:01,1,10,1,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
80,2,1,3,2,3,2,4,3,53,Yes,2,African American ,1,Female,"12,13",,TECH,Technology in the classroom is beneficial in the classroom when doing research and it helps students to retrieve information a lot quicker. It is a great networking system as well,,PERSPECTIVE,Get to know more about the students interest and also mention and talk the incident the day before,,I would talk about the incident the day before and find out his other interest,1780,3,1,49,2,1,47,Black,4,30:01:00,1,19,2,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
81,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,3,43,Yes,1,White,0.85,Female,6,,TECH,"1. Students need to effective learn to interact with the types of technology that they may see and use in their career. Although many students are already very computer and video game savvy, they often lack the technology skills needed for employment. 

2. Using technology can allow a student to reread, review, or re-listen to the assignment as many times as necessary. Furthermore, if the students has internet access and a computer at home lessons can be revisited after school as well. It helps eliminate the ""only one chance to get it at school"" past way of education. ",,PERSPECTIVE,"TALK to him! Ask what instruments, what kind of music, etc. Does he have a favorite artist? BUILD a relationship. Then, later I would talk to him about perhaps taking music courses at school. I would try to work with a guidance counselor to get him in the course the following semester. ",,His life. His likes and dislikes. What his problems are. Build a relationship to show him someone cares. ,800,4,1,15,56,1,27,White,3,1 to 22,2,8,2,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
82,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,58,Yes,1,European,0.9,Female,"4,5,6","They learn reciprocity: someone has been supportive of them, they can be supportive to others. They practice and develop communication strategies.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Validate Darnell's feelings re: learning to play an instrument. Express care concerns and invite Darnell to talk when he wants.,,Talking about what areas of his life he can control and which areas he can't control. Provide resources to help him gain control f those areas he can control.,370,4,5,85,5,0,5,White,4,22-1,2,12,2,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
83,2,NA,2,3,1,1,1,1,30,Yes,1,Other,1,Female,,,TECH,"In my experience, students can benefit from more technology because it can help them keep organized. Also, 
It will appeal to children who are more geared towards technology (more than ever in the past).",,PERSPECTIVE,Maybe take him to our music dept and get information about borrowing student instruments or joining our drumming club,,I would ask him about any instruments that he has already had experience using and what instruments he would like to try out.,NA,5,10,30,10,20,30,White,4,20,1,8,2.5,1,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
84,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,38,Yes,1,Other,0.7,Female,"4,5,6",Students who  have a caring and supportive relationship with their teacher tend to try more in class. Students who feel the teacher cares will often show more respect for that teacher than other teachers they have contact with. Students can talk to the teacher before situations escalate in and outside the classroom. ,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would look for Darnell and speak to him to see further. I would offer to talk to the music teacher to see if there are any programs he can attend or things online he could do to further his interest in music. ,,I would talk with him to see what's bothering him at home. That I noticed he was upset coming into class the other day and let him know people do care about him. ,500,2,15,20,30,5,30,White,3,1:20,1,6,2,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
85,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,34,Yes,1,Caucasian,1,Female,4,,TECH,"Students can learn how to collaborate on research or complex questions through use of engaging programs such as Kahoot and Nearpod. 

Students in Elementary can prepare for Middle School and Highschool by participating in research projects which involving identifying and citing reputable sources on the internet. ",watch videos on how to play the trumpet,JOURNAL,,probably create an action plan to accomplish the goal of learning to play an instrument,,600,3,4,7,15,7,67,White,1,1:18,1,12,1.666666667,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
86,3,2,4,3,3,3,4,3,50,Yes,2,White,0.15,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","Building relationships with kids is critical for learning and positive behavior.
Asking a child how their soccer game was over the weekend shows a child I am interested in them and shows them i care. I know they play soccer because we have talked about it several times before.

Ask a child how was your dance recital? I know she dances because we talk about her talent and interest.
I have gotten to know her because I know about her hobbies and interests.

",GROWTH,,In my off time I would go out to the beach and read a few chapters in my favorite book.,JOURNAL,,I would write about my happy vacations or moments with my family so I can always cherish these memories.,,850,4,8,10,5,2,75,White,4,1:18,4,9,3,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
87,3,3,4,3,2,2,2,2,59,Yes,2,German,0.69,Female,4,Then can learn to seek you assistance instead of losing their temper if they know you are there for them.  Also the learn to own their mistakes when you make it a safe environment to admit when you are wrong. ,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Talk about ways that school could help him with his music ambitions.  Ask him if he would like talk more with the school counselor or another adult that could spend quality time with him. ,,His music and how it makes him feel. Also ways to deal with the stuff outside of school and offer any assistance I may know about. ,600,3,5,5,10,0,80,Other,3,18-1,2,33,3.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
88,1,2,2,3,2,2,3,3,41,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.6,Female,6,Students are more willing to be vulnerable and accept their mistakes.  Students can develop effective strategies to help them work through misbehavior.,GROWTH,,,NA,I would write poetry to share with my students.,,,360,5,5,20,5,5,65,White,5,22-1,2,13,2.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
89,1,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,NA,,2,,NA,,,"1. they feel like the teacher cares and thus they try harder
2. they are attentive in class",GROWTH,,relax eat or read on the internet,JOURNAL,,plans for the weekend,,NA,3,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,3,,3,NA,3,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
90,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,25,Yes,1,American,1,Female,3,,TECH,"Technology use in the classroom can help prepare students with skills that they will need in the ""real world,"" particularly typing. Technology also allows students to access resources for research purposes, which can then be used to create reports and various products using technology, such as PowerPoints. ","I find it difficult to realte to having an ""off"" period, as thers is always something to do. Also, the idea that I would have extra timw during that period is ever harder to related to. I would probably just sit a have a few minutes to myself in peace and quiet. ",JOURNAL,,Scripture,,NA,2,5,15,15,5,60,White,2,1:22,2,5,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
91,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,35,Yes,2,Italian,1,Female,3,,TECH,"At one school I worked at each student had an ipad which they kept in a seat sack at their desk.  The ipads stayed at the school and were collected and charged each night.  Each student was responsible for taking care of their ipad.  Now that I work at a school where students do not have IPads, I realize how beneficial the Ipads were.  We used them for assessing students with programs such as kahoot and the students loved it.  It not only gave the teacher immediate feedback printable results, it gave the students instant feedback as well.  It was a great tool to assess prior knowledge, use as a quick quiz, or even to teach new content.  Another thing we used the ipads for is to take reading counts quizzes.  Once we began these quizzes and created challenges to make 100%'s, my student reading scores rose greatly!  Also, student engagement in independent reading improved drastically.  ",I would look at upcoming lessons and see how I could incorporate songs and music into the lessons to make the students more engaged.   ,JOURNAL,,I would write about a way I can inspire students to love music and become interested in learning how to play instruments such as drums because they are easily made out of everyday material. ,,650,3,1,90,1,3,5,White,4,1:16,1,7,2,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
92,4,3,5,5,4,3,5,5,44,Yes,2,Argentinean,0.8,Female,6,"When caring a supportive relationship with a teacher students: feel that someone out of their family circle cares about them, they learn how to build a relationship, they learn the importance of trust and honesty.",GROWTH,,"I would read a book for pleasure, spend more time with my family, go running with a group of friends.",JOURNAL,,"I would write each student's name, describe their personalities , strengths and areas to improve academically and not  academically.",,600,2,0,5,40,0,55,Latino,5,20-Jan,2,8,4.333333333,4.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
93,3,2,3,2,3,2,4,4,40,Yes,2,Romanian,0.3,Female,4,,TECH,"-  they can have access to more visuals, such as pictures and images;
- they can become more engaged through interactive activities that also give them instant feedback (answers);
- they can work at their own pace without feeling the pressure to keep up",I would read a book.,JOURNAL,,"I would probably write about how my day went so far, positives and negatives.",,600,5,2,8,30,0,60,White,3,20-Jan,5,4,2.333333333,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
94,2,2,4,3,2,2,2,2,48,Yes,1,Puerto Rican,0.92,Female,"4,5,6",,TECH,"
Technology lets the students work at their level.  

Technology is a great tool to use to review or practice. 

",,PERSPECTIVE,"Take time to talk to him, play a board game with him.",,Ask him what things he enjoys doing.,550,3,5,30,30,5,30,Latino,3,18-Jan,2,25,3,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
95,2,2,2,2,3,4,4,4,48,Yes,1,White,0.5,Female,1,,TECH,"They can be more prepared for success in a world that is increasingly centered around technology, which we cannot ignore, and must expose them to.

Also, technology, depending on how it is used, can benefit many different types of learning modalities,, such as those who learn visually, musically, etc.",,NA,not sure I understand this part,,,650,3,5,5,10,0,80,White,4,1 to 18,1,11,2,4,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
96,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,36,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.6,Female,4,If a student has a good relationship with their teacher and knows that the teacher is in their corner they are more likely to behave in a positive manner. They are also more likely to redirect when off task or change the behavior. Students will be able to have meaningful conversations about how they are feeling and what they are thinking when they have a positive relationship.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Talk to Darnell about how he is cared for and maybe share music. Ask him what his favorite music is and why. Make a connection on what he likes and use it to show that he is important. How school is for him and encourage him to stay positive to pursue his music while schooling.,,"Encouraging him to be successful in school. Explaining why it is important, why he is important and matters. Share information about music and ask which instruments he likes to play. Create something in common to share (I play an instrument, etc.)",700,2,5,35,20,0,40,White,4,20 to 1,2,3,1.666666667,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
97,1,2,3,2,2,2,3,2,38,Yes,2,Welsh,0.45,Female,3,,TECH,Students can demonstrate their learning other than traditional paper/pencil assignments; Students can also interact and learn new material or practice their learning in a way that allows for feedback and a different engaging level of interest,"Grade papers, read emails, get materials ready for the next lesson",JOURNAL,,Probably my feelings about things going on at home and school,,650,3,3,10,5,7,75,White,4,1:18,2,12,2.333333333,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
98,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,38,Yes,1,Irish,0.15,Female,"11,12","When students feel that their teacher respects and cares for them, they are more willing to do the work (even if they personally don't want to) because they want to perform well FOR the teacher they respect.  Therefore, sometimes they end up learning material almost in spite of themselves.

Also, when students feel comfortable with teachers, they learn appropriate and effective communication skills that would be helpful in future relationships and careers.",GROWTH,,"I might try to think of a project or lesson that would incorporate student interests (like my music interest) into my curriculum.  If I am thinking about these things, and I teach this class, they probably are too!",JOURNAL,,I might be wondering about whether or not this is a shared interest with any of my students.,,2100,4,1,5,2,1,91,White,3,26-1,2,17,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
99,1,2,3,2,1,1,2,2,52,Yes,1,Nordic,0.15,Female,"10,11,12,13",They will learn the difference in speaking with an adult who is not their peer.  The will learn that they can be respected by an adult when they behave in a mature way.,GROWTH,,Listen to my favorite songs,JOURNAL,,future goals,,2100,4,5,10,5,0,80,White,3,29:01:00,1,15,2.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
100,3,4,3,4,2,2,2,2,40,Yes,1,American,0.1,Female,"10,11,12",,TECH,Students can learn skills to reinforce the content being taught in class. It helps provide problem solving strategies they can use in life by learning how to apply the programs.,,PERSPECTIVE,Check in on Darnell. Reassure him that I do care about him and his future. Make sure he is comfortaable coming to talk to me anytime he needs to vent or just cool off. ,,"His dreams, hus future and how I can help him achieve his goals.",2200,3,5,30,15,0,50,White,4,25 to 1,2,6,3.666666667,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
101,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,42,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.57,Female,"10,11,12,13","By showing them the same respect I expect from them. I take class photos, ask about their experiences and keep them actively engaged.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Ask Darnell if there is any particular song that is school appropriate we can play to lift his spirits.,,"Talk to him privately and explain that while we all have bad days, I felt disrespected when he treated me the way he did and that i don't treat him poorly and would appreciate if he would treat me the way he wants to be treated.",2000,2,0,7,3,0,90,White,4,26 to 1,2,11,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
102,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,45,Yes,1,Mexican American,0.5,Female,"7,8,9",,TECH,"I have observed that students are able to convey their messages more efficiently and are getting better skilled with basic grammar concepts in which most programs prompts kids to pay attention to underlined words in red or green,  in which the program thinks the student has made a mistake.

I have also noted that learning basic programs allows kids to quickly learn other programs and softwares as well.",I would like to learn to read music.,JOURNAL,,I would reflect on my day so that I could reflect,,800,4,5,35,10,5,45,Latino,NA,22,NA,12,1,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
103,2,2,3,2,2,3,3,3,43,Yes,1,American,0.6,Female,7,,TECH,Students can be more creative in the type of project they want to complete for an assignment.  Having more technology also opens the door for more research opportunities on a particular topic.," I would try to get my plans ready for the next day.  But if I can have a few minutes to spend on my personal items, it would probably be spent reading a book.",JOURNAL,,"Not usually a journal writer, but if I had to write about something it would be about my family and whatever events are going on in our life.",,1100,3,15,25,20,0,40,White,3,22 students to 1 teacher,3,19,2.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
104,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,30,Yes,2,African American ,1,Female,6,,TECH,"In my experience, it stems from access...many of the test and curriculum center on technology. However, many of my students do not have access to reliable technology, thus making it more challenging for them to utilize the resources the district provideso a answer to prepare for the test and learn the curriculum.",,PERSPECTIVE,Look up information on school based programs that might interest Darnell ,,"I wouls leave that up to him, most times people just want to feel like someone oa listening to them.",3000,3,0,65,15,8,12,Black,3,1:17,2,3,2.333333333,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
105,2,3,3,3,1,1,2,2,49,Yes,1,White,0.9,Female,4,"When students realize that they are valued and that we have their best interests at heart, some of their anger melts away. This is especially true of students who have previously experienced negative interactions with adults in their lives.

Having a teacher that is a positive role model for treating others with respect and kindness is especially important in the lives of students who do not have many positive adult role models.  Speaking in a kind, respectful manner to students, and teaching them to do the same to the same to each other, teaches them a way of relating to others that they may not be familiar with.

Having high expectations from day one of how students treat each other and the teacher sets a positive tone in the classroom that minimizes behavior problems.  ",GROWTH,,I would do work related stuff and maybe work on music at home.,JOURNAL,,Feelings that I need to sort out.  Things I'm grateful for.,,820,4,2,30,5,2,61,White,5,1:18,2,13,3,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
106,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,3,30,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.5,Female,5,Students can become better behaved and more respectful because they are treated and taught respect. They also get an example of how to manage emotions and are given positive tools to express themselves in a safe environment. ,GROWTH,,write in my journal or make a to-do list,JOURNAL,,my feelings  from that day and ways steps to take for self-care ,,550,4,5,25,5,5,60,White,3,22-Jan,4,1.5,3,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
107,2,4,3,3,3,3,3,3,46,Yes,3,American,NA,Female,6,,TECH,Students can learn computer programming as young as 5 years old which will help their critical thinking skills. Students can learn other ways to write papers and communicate.,I would go on social media.,JOURNAL,,I would write about my personal life. I would add experiences at school also.,,810,5,5,30,5,0,60,White,5,22-1,2,17,3.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
108,3,3,3,3,3,2,4,3,24,Yes,3,White,1,Female,2,,TECH,Students could use their phone or tablet to take a picture of the notes so they could be easily referred to and they do not miss any of the content. Students could also keep track of their assignments. There are many apps out there for students to keep their assignments organized as well as tests. ,,PERSPECTIVE,I would play some music for the students and possibly call Darnell up to talk with you about an instrument that is in the music or about what kind of music he likes. ,,I would connect with him on the music level and then start to ask him questions about his home life and maybe what he plans to do in the future. ,600,4,5,31,31,2,31,White,NA,1:18,4,1,3,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
109,2,2,3,3,2,3,3,4,35,Yes,2,Caucasian,0.5,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"Students learn to navigate important programs pertinent to my subject area which happens to be music.  For example, Garage Band, Audacity, Note Flight and other arranging and composition programs are being used in the music field by actual musicians currently. This allows students to be familiar from an early age with programs on the market now.

In a performance based subject, technology also helps us to share and collaborate with other students and musicians that may not be able to be with us logistically. This allows opportunities for students that they may not otherwise have had. Thus allowing students a chance to solve problems in unconventional ways and see the bigger picture when putting performances together.",,PERSPECTIVE,There is never several minutes unaccounted for in my planning period. Ever. I would hopefully have time to email the music teacher.,,His home life to be sure that he is being cared for properly before moving on to his interest in musical instruments.,350,3,5,30,5,0,60,White,4,22 students to 1 teacher or 18 students in primary to 1 teacher,4,13,2.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
110,3,4,4,3,3,3,4,3,34,Yes,3,White,0.07,Female,1,,TECH,"They can develop skills needed in the current work force, they can learn different mediums to communicate ",,PERSPECTIVE,Try to create a plan for Darnell on how he can explore his interest in music.  Also help him develop an action plan for dealing with the struggles outside of the classroom.,,What's going on at home that is effecting his behavior and what can be done to explore his interests. ,500,2,5,2,3,5,85,White,3,18:01,2,12,3.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
111,3,3,3,3,4,2,2,4,30,Yes,3,Irish,1,Female,2,,TECH,"Technology is everywhere. Providing students with time to use technology in the classroom, prepares them for the world around us where everything is based on the use of technology. In addition, students are able to have access to everything from google searches to thousands of free books right at their finger tips. ",Listen to music!,JOURNAL,,Life events from teaching to being a mother and wife. ,,600,4,3,11,19,7,60,White,4,1:18,3,5,3,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
112,2,2,NA,2,2,3,2,3,52,Yes,1,American,0.75,Female,1,,TECH,"Students can benefit from technology in a variety of ways. Some of these ways include increased language for students who can't communicate effectively. These students can participate through technology. 

Another benefit of technology is keeping interest levels high. Students today are so technologically advanced. They love technology and learning is more exciting to them when paired with technology. ",,PERSPECTIVE,I woould encourage him to enroll in musical proigrams and classes. I will guide him as to how to do this. Advise him to talk with a counselor.,,I would talk about what musical instruments he likes. I would also inquire as to whether or not he needs any help or someone to talk to.,300,2,0,70,0,0,30,White,4,18-1,1,17,2,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
113,2,2,3,3,2,2,4,3,37,Yes,2,Greek,0.8,Female,4,"I think when they have the teacher's respect they are more willing to give respect back.
If the teacher shows she cares, then the students will be able to care back as well.",GROWTH,,"The students could reflect or journal, we could have a class meeting.",JOURNAL,,Probably whatever is on my mind that day.,,600,3,2,10,15,3,70,White,2,1 to 18,3,15,2.666666667,3,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
114,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,38,Yes,1,Cuban and American,0.6,Female,8,,TECH,"They can participate in online academic content-based games, such as Kahoot, which presents new content or review content in a different and fun way. 
They can keep track of their assignments on a calendar app, which could even include digital reminders for deadlines. 
They can word process their notes and/or assignments for efficiency. 
They can turn in documents to teachers digitally, and access documents and assignments from teachers digitally to save paper and time. 
","This question seems weird. I guess I should tell you I would not practice my hobby of music? When I have extra time, what I actually do is look for nonfiction articles to complement the fiction literature we study, because I feel like the county does not do a particularly good job of providing that for us. ",JOURNAL,,The burn-out factor of being a teachers. My underachievers and all the parent conferences we have about them that hardly every solve the problem. ,,1200,4,5,20,10,5,60,Other,3,1 to 22,1,17,3,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
115,2,3,2,2,2,4,4,2,29,Yes,2,Non Hispanic,0.57,Female,"10,11",,TECH,"I think students in this day and age have a great grasp of social technologies, however struggle with the full use of technology that they will actually use in the workplace.  They struggle with those basic skills so I believe that adding projects or class activities to integrate that use will be helpful in pulling them out of that social bubble. ",,PERSPECTIVE,I would speak with Darnell more in depth about what problems he is experiencing and how we could work together to make him feel better and be more productive and not act out in class. ,,How we could incorporate what interests him to help him perform better in class and strategies to more positively deal with his feelings instead of creating so many outbursts in class.  ,2200,3,8,13,20,5,54,White,2,30 to 1 ,2,3,2.333333333,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
116,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,3,50,Yes,1,American,NA,Female,"10,11,12,13",They learn respect by a teacher showing respect.  They can stop using inappropriate language following a request from a teacher.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Explain to Darnell that mentally playing music in his mind can help ease the stress he feels insteed of disturbing the class,,How his love for music can help him see the world differently.,2100,4,10,25,15,10,40,White,4,1 to 30,2,30,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
117,2,2,3,4,3,2,3,4,36,Yes,2,Italian,0.15,Male,"10,11,12,13","They feel safe and secure and therefore respond to direction or redirection in a positive and non-defensive way, as they trust the teacher has their best interest in mind.

They in turn begin to care more about others, including their teacher, as the teacher has modeled this for them.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would keep the conversation positive and about music, likely share that my brother is a musician who plays multiple instruments... Assuming that Darnell's behavior during the test subsided and was not directly addressed at the time, I might simply and casually add that I'm glad to see that he's having a better day today.  Showing interest and keeping the conversation positive shows him that I am not holding a grudge and he is forgiven and still welcome in my classroom.",,"I'd likely look for an opportunity to ask him how things are going with his music, other classes, *and in general i.e. at home etc.",1500,3,5,15,15,5,60,White,3,for me 30-1,2,11,3,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
118,2,3,4,3,2,2,4,3,65,Yes,2,American,0.68,Female,3,"They can learn to trust in someone who follows through with what they say
Praise and attention (or even a smile) can let a person know they are cared about and in turn they may treat others the same.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"Encourage Darnell to persue his dreams with music, but to continue to try hard in school",,Ask him to be more respectful to his classmates by not disrupting them during the test.  Ask him if there was anything he wanted to share with me.,500,4,5,45,0,0,50,White,3,18:01,4,27,3.333333333,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
119,2,4,3,3,2,2,2,3,29,Yes,2,French Canadian,1,Male,"9,10,11,12,13","1. Students often come to our classrooms looking for something more than just knowledge in our subject areas. For some it's validation, or attention, or socialization. But many students also come looking for love- love that they may not be receiving in their life outside of school. By being a positive, caring and supportive adult role model they are getting one of their most important needs met and are more likely to behave and show respect to the teacher that shows them care and compassion.
2. By supporting positive behaviors and focusing on the good over the bad (ideally in a 5:1 ratio), it can create a ripple effect affecting other students to be positive and to show respect. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"First, I want to say the last question about how severely Darnell should be punished is not a valid question without added information. I would never punish a student simply for acting out- I would pull him aside and, showing that I am listening and that I care, find out why he acted in the way that he did. Now- I would take time when able to talk to him about his interests and maybe even bring him a sample of my favorite music or a magazine geared towards young musicians in order to show him that someone is listening and cares about his interests. I would use these actions to forge a stronger bond between us so that he feels safe and comfortable in case he wants to share about the other things he is struggling with outside of school, which may be detrimental to his physical or emotional health.",,Please see the previous answer.,1750,4,2,48,3,1,46,White,3,25:01:00,1,4,3.333333333,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
120,2,2,3,2,2,2,3,2,44,Yes,1,Italian,1,Female,2,"When students feel cared for they are more apt to provide respect to that person.  this respect usually is displayed by a higher desire to please the respected person.  When are student feels their voice is heard  when they communicate with a calm, respectful tone the are more apt to use better communication.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Take him to the music teacher and see what extracurricular activities he can be involved in relating to music.  If Darnell currently plays an instrument and would like to share his talent with his class mates it could be used as part of a reward system for appropriate class behavior.,,I would try to find out why he feels no one cares and what can I do to show him that I care ,350,2,7,65,15,0,13,White,3,18:01,2,5,2.333333333,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
They can learn that it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them.

They can learn strategies to use when they are upset about something that is happening in their lives.

",GROWTH,,no answer,JOURNAL,,What went right that day and what I could improve on.,,700,2,5,10,5,0,80,White,4,1:18,2,16,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
122,3,3,4,4,3,4,4,4,47,Yes,2,Polish,0.5,Female,2,,TECH,"Technology use in the classroom gives students more resources to use to help with their learning.

Technology programs can offer differentiated programs to meet student's individual needs.",Walk the beach or read a book at the beach.,JOURNAL,,"Goals, things I make to accomplish and do.",,460,5,5,5,5,0,85,White,2,20 students to 1 teacher,4,18,3.666666667,4,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
123,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,2,36,Yes,1,Hatian,1,Female,"1,2,3",,TECH,Currently we are using videos to help students to learn more about a content. Students will do a first and a second watch. Students will not take notes for the first watch but can for the second one. Then given some time to talk and jot down additional notes with their peer.  Students also use a program called Myon  which allows them to read books online. I like this because students read books that interest them and also discoverer new genres of books. I also like the option of reading the books to the students and taking comprehension questions at the end of the book. ,,PERSPECTIVE,I would find other things for the other students to do while I talk to Darnell. I would explain to him that I'm one of the people in his life that  cares and that I want him to do well. If there is a music teacher present maybe I could talk to her about getting darnell in a music program but I would also make a deal with him about doing better in school. He dosent have to be perfect but he has to try. ,,"About his life, upbringing, who's living with him, how does he get to school, what are some things he worries about and what are some things he likes to do other than wanting to play an instrument ",600,4,5,25,40,0,30,Black,4,15 to 1,1,5,1.666666667,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
124,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,2,44,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.78,Female,3,,TECH,"In my own experience, the students seem to get exciting about participating on the SmartBoard and using various programs.   I like to use allowing them to create their own animated characters.  This gets them excited to finish a writing project, just to then create a character any type out their report.  They have learned to type better because of this.  They also learn better when I can find songs with lyrics and movement that support the curriculum.  It allows you to reach the various learning styles.","Honesty, I'm not sure why this person isn't focused on school work.  There are better ways to spend your period off.  For example writing lessons and analyzing data for small groups.",JOURNAL,,I would be writing about what went right about a lesson taught or how I could have improved one.  ,,700,2,20,33,5,9,33,White,3,1:18,1,17,2,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
125,2,2,3,2,3,4,4,4,64,Yes,2,Western European,0.6,Female,"7,9",,TECH,"Technology in the classroom is very important in the classroom, as students are becoming more tech savvy.  Using a tablet allows students to write without ""writing"".  Students have very little handwriting skills today.  I think it does help them with organizing their thoughts.  I  know with a lot of my students, they don't feel like writing, long hand on paper, so I do get a little more work from them when they have a ""helper"".",,NA,,"First, I would ask if he was in band class.  If it was early in the year, and schedule changes were available, maybe he could be placed in a band class.  Have someone keep checks on him.  Also, I would make sure that the band teacher was aware of his interests. ",,1200,4,5,30,10,5,50,White,2,20-Jan,3,34,2.333333333,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
126,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,36,Yes,1,American,0.25,Male,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,Technology can be used for remediation and as a form of communication.,,PERSPECTIVE,You could discuss the relationship of music and success in school as a form of motivation with Darnell.  ,,"music, school or even what is distracting him outside of school.",2600,3,5,5,5,0,85,White,3,30-Jan,2,7,2,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
127,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,26,Yes,1,American,0.7,Female,"10,11,12,13","When a teacher shows a student that they care and that they are there to support a student, that student's basic needs can be met in the classroom. One particular basic need is the feeling of safety. This feeling strongly determines a child's behavior in the classroom. If the child feels safe and secure to participate academically and socially, then they will behave in a positive way. A teacher's compassion, can help a child to feel safe and protected in a classroom. With positive behavior, comes respectful attitudes and interactions. A student is more likely to respect a teacher who demonstrates that they care about them. They will then be more willing to work with the teacher to develop long term positive behavior and attitude about school.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would express to Darnell that he belongs at school and encourage him to find what it is that drives his motivation and will to be successful. I would challeng him to use his passion for music to do well in other classes. Success in his other classes will allow him the freedom to enjoy exploring his musical tallents. I would also show him the significant relations that music has to math, and try to spark some interest with that conversation. ",,"I would enquire about his struggles outside of school to make sure that he is safe when he is not on the school's campus. If his safety was taken care of, I would try to talk with him about how much I care about him and his success. Building off of the previous converstaion about math and music, I would encourage him to come to me if he had other problems in school. I would try to help him identify the triggers that spark poor behavior for him, and help him to work through those moments to display better behavior in each of his classrooms. ",1100,3,2,60,4,4,30,White,3,1:25,1,5,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
128,2,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,55,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.1,Female,4,,TECH,"use of the Internet allows.for research at all levels. students can pace themselves and go as deep in their thinking as are capable.

programs offer tutorials in many areas and can help with remexiation.",,NA,,how music can be a rewarding career a d something to pursue thru education. citing examples.of talented educated .usi ians,,500,2,15,15,15,15,40,White,2,20 to 1,3,30,2.333333333,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
129,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,2,46,Yes,1,Polish,1,Female,5,"Once there is a positive relationship, the teacher can ask a student to stop a behavior and the student will more likely comply because they know he/she cares.

Students can learn how to separate informal behavior with friends to that needed in school/work place.  

Students begin to believe in themselves and build self-confidence when a teacher believes in them.  ",GROWTH,,"Several minutes might not be enough time, but it it is, go down to one of the music rooms and see if any of my students play an instrument so we can talk about it together.  Maybe we can make connections.  ",JOURNAL,,No answer,,740,1,2,12,75,1,10,White,4,22 to 1,2,19,1.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
130,2,2,3,2,3,3,3,3,58,Yes,2,White,0.4,Female,6,,TECH,"They can see different methods of learning material.
Benefit by improving keyboarding skills.
Learn to present material to the class using technology instead of a written report.",,PERSPECTIVE,Talk with Darnell about music he might be interested in.,,The instruments and music he is interested in.,650,4,5,30,5,0,60,White,3,1:22,3,33,2.333333333,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
131,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,2,38,Yes,1,Italian ,0.6,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,Students are often excited about using technology therefore there is a high likely hood that students will be engaged in the content. Technology is also everywhere and students respond to it. It only makes sense for students to use it for education like they do in there daily lives.,Write music,JOURNAL,,A song,,550,3,5,5,20,0,70,White,4,1:20,3,15,2.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
132,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,38,Yes,1,American,0.75,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"In my experience, students benefit by using technology for organization of concepts; it helps them to see the bigger picture. Using technology is also a great tool to help students manage their time and coordinate their daily schedules.",write in journal,JOURNAL,,music and instruments,,1800,2,13,22,22,3,40,Other,4,1 teacher / 30 students,2,15,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
133,1,2,4,2,2,2,4,3,43,Yes,1,Italian,1,Female,5," When a student witnesses their teacher respecting other, adults & teachers, it shows the student how interacting with others has an impact on how one is treated or viewed. 

Role playing real world situations can teach students what is acceptable outside of the classroom as well as inside the classroom. By using different techniques one would be able to turn a potential negative situation into a positive solution.   ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would ask Darnell if he has access to musical instruments. Depending on his answer,  I would offer my classroom for him to quietly practice his music. If he needed to borrow an instrument, I would ask the music department if I can use it a couple days a week for him. ",,I would ask him about his home life and how he was doing. I would offer some help or guidance for him.  ,690,3,3,25,10,2,60,White,4,1:22,1,17,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
134,2,3,3,2,2,2,2,4,56,Yes,2,American,0.7,Female,3,"Students feel valued when they have a supportive teacher, and when they feel that way they start to respect themselves and good behavior is a byproduct. Also,  when they know someone cares they will take risks and try harder on tasks and have less idle time to misbehave.",GROWTH,,Text my family,JOURNAL,,I would reflect on my day,,700,4,0,10,30,0,60,White,2,18 to 1,2,18,2.666666667,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
135,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,48,Yes,2,White,0.62,Female,4,"They gain trust with the teacher, so this will help them understand that they can talk out problems that they may be having, since they will feel more secure and safe in the environment. 

Also, they want to please the teacher and make them happy because they care, so they will make better choices on a daily basis, or at least try to. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Listen to music.,,"Music like artists that he likes, what kind of music he likes to see if we had similar taste. let him know I was interested in music too.",700,4,0,30,35,0,35,White,3,1:18,4,11,3,3.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
136,2,5,4,4,3,4,4,3,36,Yes,2,White,0.8,Female,2,,TECH,Students in lower grades definitely need more exposure to computers and iPads to help with typing more effectively and to become more comfortable with using this technology for assessments.  More technology allows teachers to have more access to help differentiate student instruction.,Get organized for the rest of the day,JOURNAL,,"Family, friends, job",,300,5,5,50,5,0,40,White,4,18 to 1,3,10,4.333333333,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
137,2,3,5,3,2,2,4,2,53,Yes,2,White,1,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"Students today are more tech savvy than ever before.  Obviously with use comes proficiency, so using technology in the classroom is a good thing.  Students must be directed and closely monitored because most of the time they know more than their teachers and know how to bypass securities put into place for their protection.",Catch up on grading papers or google new projects for the lessons we are on,JOURNAL,,No answer,,4000,5,2,63,2,0,33,White,4,24:01:00,3,3,3.666666667,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
138,2,3,3,2,3,3,3,4,37,Yes,3,American,0.62,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"1. Students can read more text on technology. For example- more use of tablets or personal devices that students can read from. This is how they will read as adults, so they should be learning this way as children. 
2. Research. Students should be completing more research on technology. ",,PERSPECTIVE,I would continue the conversation with him about his interests. I would try to ask him some more personal questions about ways he thinks school can be beneficial. I would try to make a connection with him to show him that he does have someone looking out for him at school. ,,"His interests, ways to make school more engaging, his personal life, any things that make a connection with him.  ",650,5,20,30,20,0,30,White,3,18-1 or 22-1,2,15,2.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
139,1,2,4,2,1,1,4,3,52,Yes,1,Armenian,0.85,Female,10,,TECH,"they could definitely learn that there are ways to use their phones that are for good use, and not just games.  They can learn that their are also educational apps, and not just ""play"" apps.",,PERSPECTIVE,Take Darnell to meet with the band director. ,,Ways to control his anger and help him put a solid plan into place for playing music and handling his studies at the same time.,2000,4,5,50,5,0,40,White,4,30 to 1,2,12,2.666666667,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
140,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,59,Yes,2,American,0.75,Female,"10,11,12,13","Teachers must develop a positive relationship with each student regardless of race, sex, background.  Always present a positive before using corrective advise. Students must think you have their best interest in heart. Never repremand them in front of others. Do it in private.Be a role model. ",GROWTH,,,NA,"how i can better manage my time, make exciting classroom assignments, catch up on current trends in the industry i teach",,,2500,4,5,15,20,5,55,White,4,1 to 30,2,28,3,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
141,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,2,27,Yes,2,White,0.15,Female,1,"They can learn how to monitor their own behavior and think about their choices. A caring teacher will take the time to talk with the student about their choices and brainstorm how to fix their choices and encourage them to make the better choices.

When a teacher cares about their students the students will want to please them. They will start to learn the classroom routines and start predicting what will happen next in the day and get ready for next activity before being instructed too.",GROWTH,,Read or research some new ideas I have been toying with wanting to implement in my room. ,JOURNAL,,"My life, marriage, goals, etc.",,500,3,9,8,3,5,75,White,3,1:18,3,6,2.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
142,1,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,48,Yes,1,Scottish,1,Female,2,They learn what behaviors are acceptable and which are not. They build self confidence.,GROWTH,,Check facebook,JOURNAL,,What I was concerned about,,550,4,1,33,33,0,33,White,5,1:18,1,9,1.333333333,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
143,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,51,Yes,1,Other,0.85,Female,6,"Students who feel that they have value and are respected by their teacher will behave in approproiate ways because of the mutual respect shared by the two individuals.  In addition, the student will understand the role of the teacher as the guide, and therefore follow directions better when they see value in the relationship.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"First I would find out what's up at home. (We have to accept the child for all he brings and help him with what he struggles with outside of school). I'd ask if he had breakfast and over a snack if he wanted one, I may play some piano with him. ",,"I would ask him to fill in the blank.... if my teacher only knew..... I would work to help him balance home live, his passion for music and school.",700,3,1,60,5,0,34,White,4,1:22,2,11,2,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
144,2,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,48,Yes,2,Caucasian ,0.72,Female,"8,9",,TECH,Keeping an online calendar and color coded files for classes can benefit students. Typing and researching are also two beneficial ways technology can be used.,,PERSPECTIVE,Play some of Darnell's favorite music or allow him to show or tell me what he has learned so far about music.,,"Music, family, and social life.",1300,5,5,20,10,5,60,White,5,22 to 1,2,17,1.666666667,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
145,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,3,27,Yes,1,White,0.5,Female,1,,TECH,"I have found that technology helps visual learners engage and stay focused on lessons that they see and have visuals to go along with the lesson, and technology often helps different types of learners to participate in activities. ",Write in my journal. ,JOURNAL,,Playing musical instruments. ,,600,3,5,20,5,0,70,White,1,18 to 1,2,3,2.333333333,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
146,2,3,3,3,1,2,2,2,53,Yes,1,American,0.8,Female,"10,11,12,13",Students learn from example. In order to get respect you have to show respect. If students feel loved and cred for they will work for you.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would bring my guitar in and play music with him,,what makes him upset. What his grades are and tell him I care and would like to see him as a positive role model,1200,5,0,70,10,0,20,White,5,25students 1 teacher,1,30,3,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
147,1,3,2,2,3,3,4,3,47,Yes,1,Irish,NA,Female,"10,11","By building relationships with our students, the child learns they are valuable.  By maybe attending one of their functions after hours, shows them and models for them that they are relevant.  Ultimately, when in your class, they also make you relevant to their lives by participating and actively listening.  

Also, a simple act of greeting each child as they enter your room and calling them by name, or a hand shake, or even a hug/high five/fist bump shows students you are also present in their lives.  No matter the social level, all adolescents like to feel needed and important; relevant to those around them.  

Building a relationship with each individual is key to a successful class or not.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would talk to him about what is really upsetting him.  I would ask when his next recital/concert is.  I do not have any musical talents and may share a funny story of the time I tried to learn to play the piano and got sick during the final as my nerves got the best of me.  I would show Darnell, that he is so much more talented than I am and I envy his capabilities and then I would attend his next concert.",,"After concert, I would have nothing but praise for him and then introduce him to band/chorus/drama/orchestra teachers.  Also, talk about careers in music therapy",2000,4,3,12,5,0,80,White,3,1:25,3,21,2.333333333,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
148,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,38,Yes,1,American,0.4,Female,4,,TECH,"I don't believe students benefit from more technology.  I like the fact that there are options for students to use it, such as learning about coding websites, but that is for the students that show interest in it.  I wish the technology would stop.  Students can barely choose books.  They love wonderful literature, but are hardly exposed to it.",,PERSPECTIVE,Find resources for Darnell.  I would look into free community programs dealing with music.  I would also contact someone (such as a guidance counselor) to set up a time for Darnell to speak with them.,,"Music, instruments, musicians, his likes and dislikes, the future.",350,2,5,40,5,5,45,White,5,"1:18, 1:22",1,11,1,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
149,2,3,5,4,5,2,5,5,37,Yes,2,Puerto Rican,0.7,Female,2,,TECH,They can learn how to research various topics and they can learn how to create a variety of presentations.,Read a book,JOURNAL,,My school day,,500,5,1,1,8,0,90,Latino,5,20:01,4,10,4,4,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
150,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,47,Yes,1,Ukranian,0.85,Female,"10,11,12,13","showing students how you  respect them even when they are being difficult models that behavior to continue toward others

math is intimidating, with multiple ways to achieve incorrect answers.  if students feel they are allowed to make mistakes and still be supported, they will attempt more challenging problems without feeling themselves challenged - which leads to better behavior and less task avoidance issues",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,attempt to make a connection between him and the music instructor at school,,coming in for extra help so he wouldn't feel so stressed on test days,2100,5,5,25,20,5,45,White,4,28:01:00,1,18,1.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
151,4,2,3,4,4,2,2,3,33,Yes,2,American,0.2,Female,4,,TECH,"Students can research their own questions and find answers to them vs asking the teacher.

Students can use programs that provide intervention or enrichment activities.",,PERSPECTIVE,Ask him if he thought about participating in the school band.,,Choices at school to get him to explore music via the band or chorus.,450,4,2,4,3,1,90,White,4,1:18,2,9,3,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
152,3,3,2,3,2,1,2,3,20,Yes,1,Caucasian ,0.4,Female,1,The students have someone who now cares about them and in return will control their outbursts and emotions better than with someone they do not have a positive relationship with.  They also learn effective ways to communicate with both teachers and students as the teacher has modeled proper communication as well as showing respect to both students and teachers.,GROWTH,,"Check student planners or emails and make copies for the next day or unit, etc.",JOURNAL,,Interactions throughout the day with my students as well as some highlights from the day,,700,3,15,10,4,1,70,White,5,18:01,3,1,2.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
153,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,46,Yes,2,Caucasian,1,Female,4,I think students have more buy-in when their teachers show that they love and respect them.  I think a good teacher can inspire and lead students on completely different paths on which they were previously.,GROWTH,,I would continue to keep my focus on my classroom and all that can be done to enrich and improve it.,JOURNAL,,"If I journaled, I would spend time writing about ways to improve myself, as well as the current feelings I'm experiencing.",,700,5,5,65,5,2,23,White,4,1:18,4,14,3,3,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
154,2,3,4,2,1,2,2,1,33,Yes,4,American,0.27,Male,"11,12",,TECH,"The students can benefit by becoming more organized or more informed. An app that helps with this is the remind app, I can use the app to send students text messages. Another way technology is beneficial is capturing student engagement. Educational games are a great way to capture student interest. ",,PERSPECTIVE,See what opportunity the school band had to get Darnell involved in extra curricular activities and if an elective course was available. If it was I would make those opportunities known to Darnell.,,Music and opportunities at the school to play music.,2100,5,1,2,2,1,94,White,1,1 to 30,2,9,3,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
155,2,2,3,3,2,1,2,3,51,Yes,1,White,NA,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","Students need to feel safe in order to for them to safely express their feelings.  They need to know that it is ok to have negative feelings, but they must know how to express them in a respectful manner.  Teachers need to model this respectful behavior that they expect from their students.  Teachers need to be tolerant of all students and realize that they all come to school with different baggage on a daily basis. ",GROWTH,,,NA,fiction stories about young adults that children could identify with,,,600,2,5,5,10,0,80,White,4,20-Jan,2,22,2.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
156,3,3,4,3,2,2,1,2,43,Yes,1,American,0.75,Female,4,,TECH,"1. students can benefit from more technology by being able to keep assignments, standards/ learning goals, grades earned, etc.  all in one place.

2.  Students can benefit from more technology by being able to have ample typing opportunities.",,PERSPECTIVE,Help him find resources to start playing music now.,,His music interests.  What types of music he enjoys.  What types of instruments he would like to try.  I may even help him learn to read music.,800,3,10,20,30,10,30,White,5,20-Jan,2,17,3.333333333,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
157,1,3,2,3,2,3,2,3,NA,,1,,NA,,,"Students become more behaved and respectful when they have a caring and supportive relationship with their teacher because they have a positive role model in their daily life. In addition, students who feel they are cared for will be more empathetic towards their peers.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would go to the school music teacher to see if there were any programs to help Darnell learn to play an instrument. I would also search online for local programs for music that Darnell could participate in.,,I would talk to him about his home life and ways I could make him feel more included in the school community.,NA,2,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,4,,1,NA,2.666666667,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
158,4,5,5,4,5,5,5,5,36,Yes,3,Puerto Rican,0.3,Female,"7,8,9",,TECH,"Typing skills can improve that would assist with FSA writing tests. Students can also use innovative collaboration like Socrative, Kahoot, Remind 101.",,PERSPECTIVE,Give him ideas on how he can pursue his musical talent in high school. ,,How I can best support him in class,990,5,10,45,10,0,35,Latino,2,22;1,5,14,4.666666667,5,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
159,4,4,4,5,3,3,3,3,62,Yes,3,German,0.4,Female,4,"They want positive feedback, so some students will work to improve their behavior to achieve that goal. 
They start to feel good about themselves and their accomplishments, so their behavior improves. 
160,3,4,3,4,1,2,2,2,49,Yes,1,White,0.1,Female,5,,TECH,"Technology instantly engages many students.  Students seem to grasp concepts quickly when the material is related to their world.  By using technology to enhance lessons by incorporating music or graphics, a teacher is able to keep students' attention.  Also, students enjoy having access to technology to present learned information creatively, maybe using Powerpoint, or Sway.  ",Spend time with a colleague catching up on what's going on in their lives.,JOURNAL,,"Actually, I rarely feel like I have extra time to just sit back and write for fun.  Between work and family life, and trying to squeeze in personal time for exercise, I really don't feel like there is much extra time to write in a journal.",,265,2,3,3,5,7,82,White,2,1:22,1,20,3.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
161,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,54,Yes,1,German,0.5,Female,5,,TECH,"Personally I don't find the use of technology as organizational devices, i.e. keeping a calendar, etc... key. Using technology to find unique way to present and reflect on what is learned using innovative software platform such as Alice animation or Scratch is great. It motivates, teaches sequential thinking, problem solving.... Using technology such as EV3 Robotics etc to teach problem solving,collaboration, creativity etc.. is great too.  Really using technology for typing, taking notes, and submitting assignments is well below what we should be expecting in 2017.",,PERSPECTIVE,I would talk with the music teacher and find out what opportunities the school had for Darnell to participate in music program at the school.  Once I had some information I would approach Darnell with some options.,,Opportunities the school had for him to explore his interest in music.  Maybe options within the community too.,750,2,12,31,10,0,47,White,4,22-Jan,2,12,1.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
162,1,1,2,1,1,2,2,2,53,Yes,1,Italian,0.7,Female,2,They will learn to trust - as their teacher continues to be caring and supportive even through students' initial misbehaviors.  I find it more effective to forgive and forget each misbehavior then to rule through fear and or harsh discipline.  ,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would research with him on the computer what instrument would be best suited for him to begin with according to his interest and availability in school or in the community.,,What kind of music or instruments he likes and why.  If he has any musical family members or anybody that he admires outside his family or in his community. I would share my musical background (I played the violin- my husband was in a jazz band).  ,780,4,5,20,20,5,50,White,5,1:20,1,6,1.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
163,2,3,3,3,2,3,3,3,42,Yes,1,Other,0.7,Female,,,TECH,Students today have grown up with technology and therefore feel very comfortable with it. They choose to use technology in their spare time at home and it is a preferred activity for many kids today. It only makes sense that using it in the classroom would benefit students. They seem to focus better with a screen in front of them. They also learn keyboarding and basic technology skills that they will need in the workforce.,I would plan and get ahead in my schoolwork so that I could use my time on the weekend to find a music class that I could attend.,JOURNAL,,My family and things I will want to remember about my daughters in the future.,,600,4,5,18,20,2,55,White,5,1:18,2,18,3,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
164,1,2,1,3,1,2,2,2,50,Yes,1,European,0.65,Female,7,"I think that when students know they are with teachers who like and respect them there is a natural instinct to try to please that teacher. A teacher can stimulate quite a bit of good behavior that way. In addition, students often act out based on factors that occur elsewhere. A student who has a caring and supportive relationship with a teacher is more likely to reach out to that teacher for help when needed rather than act out. Conversely, when students senses that a teacher does not like them, they are more likely to act out instead of seeking assistance from the teacher. A caring and supportive relationship with a teacher also makes it easier for students to rise to higher levels of learning in the classroom. Students will often do things (academically) for teachers that like them that they would never do for another teacher. ",GROWTH,,"This is a hard question to answer for two reasons: 1. I'm still thinking about poor Darnell and wondering what happened to him to upset him so much. 2. I never, ever have any time left in my off period. I always have several things that I did not have time to finish during my planning. I honestly don't know what it would feel like to have extra time in my planning period. However, if that ever does happen, I would like to take a walk around the school (outside).",JOURNAL,,I would most likely spend time writing about the kids at school. I would focus on the good things that happened and the things that made my heart ache so I could try to process through it all. ,,1075,3,15,12,25,3,45,White,5,1 to 22,2,21,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
165,1,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,37,Yes,1,American,0.75,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,Technology helps students organize their schedules through calendar apps. It is essential in today's world for students to be competent in communicating and using technology.,Find another work project to utilize my time efficiently,JOURNAL,,"My frustrations, challenges, and successes, and my thoughts on why they happened",,600,2,7,15,10,18,50,White,3,20:01,2,16,1.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
166,2,2,2,2,2,4,2,3,47,Yes,1,White,1,Female,3,,TECH,Students can benefit from more technology use in the classroom because they will have to have the knowledge of how to use these items once they are out of school.,,PERSPECTIVE,I would research ways for Darnell to have access to learning how to play an instrument. I would also discuss his interest with the school Music director.,,I would talk to him about life outside of school and any other interests he might have.,750,2,0,5,5,10,80,White,3,1:18,1,2,2,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
167,2,3,3,2,3,3,4,3,65,Yes,1,White,0.4,Female,"10,11,12,13",They can ask teachers for help when they are struggling.  They can learn to get enough sleep so they aren't cranky.,GROWTH,,Research classes I could take at the music store,JOURNAL,,The type of music I like,,1500,NA,10,20,20,0,50,White,3,25:01:00,3,23,2.666666667,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
168,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,54,Yes,1,German,0.25,Female,6,"When students are treated with respect in a caring and supportive environment, they treat others with respect.  They use their manners and are courteous when talking with others.  They hold doors for each other and participate in conversations appropriately, both listening and speaking without monopolizing discourse.

When students are treated with respect in a caring and supportive environment, they respectfully disagree and discuss various points of view.  Students understand that not all individuals have the same ideas but by listening reflectively, other ideas may have merit and by listening to others it can also serve to strengthen ones own understanding or his/or her point of view.

",GROWTH,,,NA,,"Why doesn't he think school is for him?  What type of music does he like?  What type of instruments does he think he would like to play?  Does he participate in chorus, the school musicals, band, or orchestra?  Who are his favorite music groups?",,550,2,5,9,10,6,70,White,4,1 : 22 grades 4 and 5 1 : 1 grades K - 3,2,18,2,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
169,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,2,34,Yes,1,West Indian,0.37,Female,"10,11,12,13","First, faculty have to create an environment that is safe & open and project an approachable image thus developing a relationship that allows the faculty member to provide guidance to students. 
1. They become more responsible and ultimately become to understand that they are accountable for their own behaviors. 
2. The expectations are set & they meet/exceed the expectations because of the relationships.",GROWTH,,Plan engaging activities for my classes. My personal interest are for outside of school paid hours.,JOURNAL,,My successes and failures...perhaps ways to improve myself.,,2100,2,2,4,10,5,79,Asian,4,1:40,1,11,2.333333333,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
170,2,3,4,3,2,2,2,3,49,Yes,2,Irish,1,Female,4,,TECH,"You can monitor the students activity on the computer.
It appeals to the students, since they love technology.
","I would organize, and clean so I would stay organized and could work more efficiently.",JOURNAL,,"I would write about dreams and experiences I have experienced, and still would like to experience.",,700,4,10,20,10,0,60,White,2,19-1,2,13,3.333333333,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
171,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,3,46,Yes,2,Italian,0.24,Female,1,,TECH,"Students can learn how to navigate with the basics aspects of utilizing a mouse, keyboard and other basic keyboarding functions.  Students can use technology for presentations and include pictures, videos and other multimedia to demonstrate what they have learned. ",I would make sure everything on my To DO list is checked off.,JOURNAL,,"I don't write in a journal, but if I did, I would write about my feelings at that time, whatever it is I am thinking about or what has been on my mind.",,500,5,6,9,7,4,74,White,4,20:01,3,24,3,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
172,3,3,4,4,3,2,3,4,27,No,1,Greek,0.7,Female,5,"The teacher should try to learn about interests and likes of the student to have something to discuss with the student. Adding in hobbies and interests into everyday life, school problems and lessons could help grab the attention of a troubled student. Also, giving a certain responsibility to a student could help them take ownership of a job and be more supportive or well behaved. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would have him talk about what types of instruments he plans to play and build a relationship with him. Afterwards, I would try to reconnect and discuss his behavior choices from the testing day and talk about how he would feel if someone came in and acted that way during a performance that he was playing music. ",,"Goals and interests. Also, talk about how we enjoy him being in class and look forward to having him. ",800,3,10,20,30,0,40,White,3,1:22,3,5,3.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
173,1,1,4,2,2,2,4,3,47,Yes,1,American,0.3,Female,3,"They can learn that honesty is best when teachers don't overreact when they do tell the truth.  Honesty is rewarded.  When they value telling the truth, they don't get into situations where they might be ashamed to tell the truth, hence they make better decisions to begin with.

They learn to be kind and inclusive of their peers when teachers model that behavior.
",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would spend some time with Darnell talking to him about music and the instruments he wants to learn to play.  I would make a connection with him, talking about music and my experiences with playing the piano.  I might suggest that when things are rough outside of school, he can come talk to me on my off period.  I would tell him that I noticed he was upset the other day and ask if he'd like to talk about it.  ",,"I would talk about music, instruments, and whatever else HE wanted to talk about. (See previous response.)",820,4,5,10,0,5,80,White,4,19:01,1,26,2.333333333,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
174,2,2,2,3,2,2,2,2,45,Yes,2,German,0.85,Female,2,,TECH,"They can enhance their learning because technology teaches using different modalities.
They can learn programs that will help them when in the work force ",,PERSPECTIVE,I would talk with Darnell more and also have him try some instruments ,,"His music, things going on outside of school and what he thinks would help him with school",700,5,5,10,10,0,75,White,5,18 to 1,2,21,2.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
175,3,3,4,4,4,3,3,4,24,Yes,2,American,0.8,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"They have access to all documents that we complete in class, this allows students to be more accountable for their own work and progress. 
This also helps students to become more organized with individual binders or collections of information because they have a visual online that models this for them.","Work with other teachers on strategies to implement in the classroom, offer quick questions to students who wanted to come in the last few minutes of planning or respond to emails in a quicker time frame.",JOURNAL,,Behaviors/events that took place in my classroom so far that day and reflect on my reactions.,,1200,NA,3,60,3,4,30,White,3,1 to 28,3,3,3.666666667,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
176,4,4,4,4,3,4,3,3,55,Yes,2,American,0.65,Female,3,"The teacher can model appropriate behaviors involving respect and support.

The student can learn to trust the teacher if they have a caring relationship.",GROWTH,,I would look into Darrel's schedule.,JOURNAL,,Darrel and what to do to develop a relationship with him.,,700,4,15,10,10,10,55,White,3,18:01,3,20,4,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
177,2,2,3,4,2,1,2,3,38,Yes,2,Italian,0.3,Female,6,They feel comfortable making mistakes and know they can learn from them.,GROWTH,,Take lessons ,JOURNAL,,Write my own music,,350,5,1,9,10,0,80,White,4,1:22,4,14,3,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
178,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,32,Yes,1,Other,0.9,Female,"3,4",They can develop better social-emotional skills and sense of self worth.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would spend more time talking to Darnell, either about music or what he is struggling with outside of school. ",,First music and then what he is struggling with outside of school.,500,2,20,20,20,10,30,White,4,22 to 1,1,3,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
179,3,4,4,3,3,3,4,3,59,Yes,2,Irish,1,Female,8,,TECH,Technology can be adapted to fit each student's learning style.  It can also teach students how to conduct research and be able to assist them when writing a research paper.,,NA,,I would let him know that I care about him and tallk with the music teacher about his feelings to see if he/she can help foster his skills and interest in music instruments.    I would also ask the social worker and guidance couselor if there are any music programs in the community that he could join.,,300,4,5,35,25,0,35,White,3,18-1,4,26,3.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
180,2,3,3,3,1,1,2,2,38,Yes,1,White,0.85,Female,3,"In my opinion, when students feel they are given respect from their teacher they will give respect back. When respect is mutual students feel supported and want to please their teacher by being better behaved. Also, it has been my experience that sometimes students act out to caring and supportive teachers because they feel safe with that teacher and they know the teacher will accept them in the long run. This promotes a long term relationship between student-teacher.  ",GROWTH,,I would read. I love reading for pleasure but feel like I rarely have the chance or the time.,JOURNAL,,"I would write about the stresses of managing all pieces of my life. Being the very best wife, teacher, student, daughter, sister...",,740,3,5,15,10,5,65,White,4,20-Jan,1,11,3,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
181,2,2,3,2,3,3,4,3,59,Yes,1,Scottish,0.35,Male,8,,TECH,"Technology gives students an opportunity to become more self-directed and self-sufficient in their learning. 

Technology gives immediate access to current events which is particularly useful in Social Studies to illustrate key concepts. ","Read content area books, but this is pleasureable for me.  For example, I'm reading presidential biographies now.  But I must say, I never have any extra time for this during my nearly non-existent planning.",JOURNAL,,"Personally, I would write about my children and sweet memories I have.  Professionally., I would probably do some rant and raving if I was writing, but only if I knew I could destroy it afterwards.",,970,2,3,40,5,7,45,White,1,1 teacher per 24 students,1,33,2.333333333,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
182,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,2,47,Yes,1,Caucasian ,1,Female,6,"Students can become better behaved and more respectful when teachers model the behaviors instead of just telling them how to behave. If the teacher show fairness, kindness, and empathy and then connect with the students ABOUT those behaviors. Ask them how they feel being on the receiving end. Help students by mediating inappropriate interactions instead of ""fixing "" the problem for them. Asking them WHY they acted or reacted the way they did helps them learn to process those types of situations in the future. ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Talk to him about his interests and also explain that music is a great outlet for feelings and could even end up paying for College by being able to apply for scholarships for doing what he loves. ,,"I would be able to share with him that music enabled me to travel around the country in my late teens, and that my first two years of college were COMPLETELY FREE because of a music scholarship. ",600,4,2,10,5,3,80,White,3,1:22,1,24,2.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
183,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,NA,Yes,2,American,0.3,Female,2,"1.  Students have a risk free environment to openly share feelings that may stem from an unstable home environment.  This may prevent negative behavior in the school setting.
2. Students satisfy the emotional need of a nurturing and supportive relationship that may be lacking in their home environment.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would get in touch with community services to see if their is addtionial supports for Darnell.  I would also try to communicate with his guardians to provide whatever support i am able to provide.,,Expectations and goals for the future.,800,3,2,5,12,6,75,White,3,18-22,3,31,2,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
184,2,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,45,Yes,1,White,0.95,Female,4,"When an adult truly cares for a student's well being, the student in return will show empathy and respect for the adult.  Children want to please adults they respect.  They crave positive attention and reciprocate respect when respect is given to them. Students show an increase in motivation and positive attitude toward school work when they know an adult  is supportive of their endeavors. ",GROWTH,,check your email so you had time after school to practice your trumpet,JOURNAL,,I would make to-do lists to make my work day efficient so I could spend time practicing music.,,670,4,0,10,30,0,60,White,5,18-22,1,13,3,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
185,1,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,61,Yes,1,American,1,Female,"7,8,9","Students will be more inclined to let you in on things that are going on in their lives and might want to talk to you in detail.  Your guidance and influence could lead to better decision-making.  Also, students will be less inclined to be disruptive in class when they know you are willing to work with them when they need to release some anger.",GROWTH,,I would probably talk to them about their lives and interests outside of school and encourage them to share.  ,JOURNAL,,"This question and the last question is misleading - am I the writer or are the students the writer????  If it is me, I would write about whatever I want to at that time!!  If it is the students, I might encourage them to elaborate more about a topic - it also depends on if they let me read their journal or not.",,300,2,13,35,20,2,30,White,4,18-Jan,1,31,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
186,3,3,3,4,2,2,2,2,35,Yes,1,Non Hispanic,0.8,Female,"4,5,6","They trust the teacher which in return will increase their likability to work hard.
They become independent learners where they know that their knowledge is valued,",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Let him share about what is happening in his life and maybe play different types of music in order to expose him to something different that might spark his interest. ,,Different types of music and history of musical instruments. ,605,3,0,10,20,0,70,White,3,22-Jan,2,14,3.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
187,1,2,3,2,1,1,3,2,42,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.7,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","Students respond in a respectful way more often if their teacher also treat them in a respectful and caring way. They need to know that the teacher is fair and consistent to feel safe and secure in their classroom community. Too often, we jump right into academics and skip the most important part of teaching - building a positive classroom culture and positive, genuine relationships with our students.",GROWTH,,,NA,,I would ask more questions about his homelife and life outside of school. I would discuss his goals of being a musician and try to help him see how achieving in school will support his future plans. See ifi there are opportunities that he plays music in a concert or something outside of school I could attend...,,704,2,10,7,20,0,63,White,4,1:20,2,17,2.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
188,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,3,43,Yes,1,American,0.5,Female,"11,12,13",,TECH,"The Elmo is an overhead camera that allows teachers to demonstrate and model new concepts quickly and easily.  Students can also participate with this device.  

Students can upload assignments directly to the grade book. This makes for a quick turn around when grading and less paper waste. ",,PERSPECTIVE,Research some information on playing instruments to incorporate into a future lesson.  This will engage Darnell in the classwork.,,Have a casual conversation about his day and what he looks forward to on a daily basis.,1300,4,10,25,20,5,40,White,3,1:25,2,4,1.666666667,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
189,3,4,4,3,4,4,4,4,37,Yes,3,White,0.75,Female,4,"Students can learn how to problem-solve without the constant dependence of a teacher.
They can learn to care for others feelings when they see that people care for theirs. ",GROWTH,,Google instruments to purchase since I have never actually purchased one,JOURNAL,,Future plans for my family,,650,4,5,70,5,0,20,White,4,1 teacher to 18 students,5,10,3.666666667,4,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
190,2,3,2,3,2,2,2,3,24,Yes,2,Caucasian,1,Female,6,,TECH,"Students can benefit from more technology use in the classroom in many ways. In my students, specifically, I see them benefitting from completing research projects using the classroom laptops. They are learning how to not only conduct research by finding legitimate sources, take notes on their research, and then put together a presentation through technology. By doing this, my students have also developed new strategies to communicate with their peers.","I would either make a To Do list of things I need to complete, or I would take the time to respond to emails.",JOURNAL,,I would probably make a list of things I've been thinking about or things I need to remind myself to do later.,,500,4,10,25,20,5,40,White,3,1:20,2,1,2.666666667,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
191,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,59,Yes,1,Other,0.44,Female,1,,TECH,As a Kindergarten teacher I know it helps my students recognize letters and reinforces writing stories. There are also many beneficial learning programs that can be used.,,PERSPECTIVE,I don''t have any down time as an elementary school teacher.,,I would ask him more about his homelife. Other things he likes to do. Try to make a connection with him.,630,4,1,13,19,4,63,White,3,18-Jan,3,37,3,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
192,4,4,4,3,2,2,3,2,27,Yes,2,Honduran,1,Male,"10,11,12,13",They build a relationship with that teacher and there becomes a new level of trust.,GROWTH,,Lesson plan,JOURNAL,,How I can become better,,1450,4,0,90,5,0,5,Latino,5,25:01:00,2,2,3.666666667,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
193,1,2,4,2,2,3,4,3,38,Yes,1,White,1,Female,1,,TECH,"Student can benefit by having a way to express themselves through technology while doing projects or assignments.

It helps students stay up to date on technology they will use the future to complete their job. ",,PERSPECTIVE,I would catch up on lesson planning because we have so many meetings. ,,music and instruments he likes.,600,3,5,10,15,0,70,White,2,1:20,3,4,2.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
194,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,39,Yes,1,Irish,0.75,Female,1,They work harder on their assignments because they know the teacher values them and cares. They communicate more effectively when they know they are being heard.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Show Darnell the app that replicates real musical instruments on the iPad.,,How music can help us in school and how educational experiences are important to musicians.,700,3,5,10,10,5,70,White,3,18:01,2,15,2,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
195,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,55,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.75,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"I've been most interested lately in helping students use their smart phones as a way to extend their learning outside the classroom by using online tutoring and self-testing apps. In addition, students with poor time management and organizational skills would benefit from using apps that create calendars and to-do lists. ","I might look into purchasing a uses instrument, or possibly ask the band teacher about ways I might be able to receive lessons. ",JOURNAL,,I might brainstrom plans for learning to learn to play the trumpet.,,1700,2,5,50,15,0,30,White,4,1:30,1,20,2,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
196,3,4,3,4,3,4,3,4,NA,,2,,NA,,,"Students can gain self confidence when they are treated with respect and the student and the family know that you truly care about their learning and how their home life factors into their learning.
Students gain respect by learning from a positive role model.",GROWTH,,,NA,"Positives to picking up learning to play an instrument.  Gains, and new challenges to taking on something new.",,,NA,4,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,4,,2,NA,3.666666667,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
197,1,2,3,2,1,2,2,2,61,Yes,1,American,0.7,Female,5,  I feel that students who have developed a relationship with their teachers feel more secure in their classroom environment. This will affect them by knowing that the teacher respects them and they will then also respect the teacher and themselves. When they feel and show respect their behavior will change for the better. The student that knows the teacher truly cares about them will respond by having better behavior and by trying their best in their academic work.,GROWTH,,"I would probably read about music, go to the music department and try out some other instruments.",JOURNAL,,I would write about other activities that I enjoy doing in my spare time.,,700,2,0,10,25,0,65,White,3,1:22,1,11,2.333333333,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
198,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,42,Yes,2,Other,1,Female,"7,8,9",,TECH,#NAME?,,PERSPECTIVE,take time to talk to him personally,,his interests,1100,3,0,50,0,0,50,White,2,22:01,3,15,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
199,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,60,Yes,2,European,0.7,Female,1,,TECH,"Students can  progress at their own rate.
Students learn type skills",,PERSPECTIVE,Spend time with Darnell,,Things happening outside of school and his love of music,700,3,10,25,10,5,50,White,3,1 to 20,3,37,3,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
200,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,39,Yes,1,European American ,0.34,Female,"11,12,13","When they have a caring and supportive relationship with their teacher, students are more likely to think about the impact of their actions on others, including the teacher and their classmates.  They can be less disruptive, more considerate, and they will try to answer questions on material they would otherwise find uninteresting.  ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,Speack with the music teacher and see if Darnell could possibly join his class or if there are any after school opportunities to learn to play.  ,,What was causing him stress outside of class and what specific steps he can take to learn to play the instruments he wants to play.  ,2500,3,0,16,2,0,82,White,4,1:30,2,15,2,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
201,2,3,3,3,2,1,2,2,45,Yes,1,White,0.43,Female,4,,TECH,"Technology can help students by providing immediate feedback for spelling, or if answers to questions are correct.

Technology also allows students to work from home.
Tutorials (videos created by teachers) could reteach curriculum and in some instances help parents help their children.
",,PERSPECTIVE,"try to talk to his other teachers to share his interest of music, and see if others are having issues with his behavior. I could possibly talk to Darnell and explain the importance of education, and ""people skills"" in any future career choices or endevors.",,Importance of education in all career choices. Try to determine what makes him angry and try to help him find solutions to deal with those issues.,700,2,5,15,10,0,70,White,4,18-Jan,1,24,3,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
202,1,2,2,2,2,1,4,3,58,Yes,1,German,0.2,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","As a speech therapist working with students in the general education setting, I have  experienced/observed students to gain turn-taking skills as the classroom climate fosters respectful peer relationships.
I have also observed students' expressive skills to improve within a classroom environment that encourages that all voices are important.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would check Darnell's schedule to see if he could possibly be available to be enrolled in a music class within the school day.  If so, I would then talk with him about the options that he has to go after what he is interested in.  If he is interested, I would then try to foster a relationship between Darnell and the music teacher whose class he could be enrolled in.",,"I would encourage his interest in music by asking him what kind of music he likes, who are his favorite performers, etc...  Also I would let him know that I would be glad to listen to any concerns that he has that he feels keeps him from doing the things that he wants to do.  At this age, kids are sometimes torn between their own independence and the restrictions of family/money/friends/etc.",750,4,2,10,8,10,70,White,2,"1:20, on average",2,37,2,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
203,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,28,Yes,2,American,0.6,Female,2,,TECH,"Student's can retrieve, analyze and synthesize information more efficiently with the use of technology in the classroom.  In addition, there are many benefits to software programs that monitor students' progress and provide beneficial data.",Meet with team members to collaborate.,JOURNAL,,Reflections on teaching practices.,,600,3,10,17,20,3,50,White,3,1:18,2,4,2,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
204,4,4,4,4,3,3,4,3,42,Yes,3,White,0.2,Female,1,,TECH,"The world is becoming more technical in general, so the more they are accustomed to using technology, the better off they will be in their future.
Also, there are many different learning styles used in technology, including movement and music, in addition to visual and tactile. ",take a walk,JOURNAL,,"ways to improve my life, including: health, vacations, teaching strategies",,460,5,5,5,5,5,80,White,3,18-Jan,5,12,4,3.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
205,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,27,Yes,2,White,0.75,Female,1,,TECH,"Using technology expands methods of learning new knowledge. Use of the smartboard allows for closed captioning and voice to text. 

Using the document camera helps with student being able to examine pictures more closely and become more engaged.",,PERSPECTIVE,I would talk with our music teacher about allowing Darnell to join a music club.,,I would want to talk to him about joining the Music Club as an incentive.,600,3,15,10,20,5,50,White,4,1:18,2,2,2.666666667,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
206,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,NA,,1,,NA,,,When students build relationships with teachers they feel like someone has a vested interest in their future and their susccess. Students typically behave better when thye feel like it matters to someone else how they act. Many students do not want to dissapoint a teacher who they have  a strong relationship with.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"Invite him to stay in the classroom, play a song he likes as we boht work.",,Let him know my door is always open for him and engage in both school and home conversation.,NA,2,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,,5,,2,NA,1,1,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
207,3,3,4,3,3,3,3,3,58,Yes,1,White,0.25,Female,"12,13",,TECH,"They can learn how to find information on the internet that can supplement instruction.  Taking notes can be easier and more organized, it will prepare them for the use of technology in post secondary education or the work place","Plan for the next day, or the next week or write the next assessment",JOURNAL,,how I could improve a lesson for next year,,2600,4,3,4,2,1,90,White,3,30 to 1,4,30,3.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
208,1,2,3,3,2,2,3,4,53,Yes,2,American,0.7,Female,4,"*the student strives to do his/her best because they know the teacher will hold them accountable for their actions

*students will show respect to the teacher if he/she has shown consistent respect for  them",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would inquire more about his struggles outside of school and see if there is a way to help. I would assure him that there are people at school that care about him. I would ask if there is a male teacher he looks up to that may be able to mentor him. ,,see previous response,700,4,4,20,15,5,56,White,3,1:18,1,25,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
209,3,3,3,3,2,3,3,3,47,Yes,2,American Indian,1,Female,2,"I think it is important to develop a mutual respect with students of any age. It shows them that you care and are them for them whenever they have a problem or just need a kind word or smile. In my room we start our day with a smile and some kind of greeting in the morning. 

A teacher might have a special place for a student to go in the classroom. (cool down or needs time alone spot) I use this in my own classroom and have a cool down box with different things to squeeze or play with for a short time just to cool down or be alone.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would talk to Darnell about if he is respectful in class I would give him rewards that deal with music.,,I would discuss the problems he is experiencing at home and find out more about his interest in music.  ,600,3,0,30,20,0,50,Other,3,18-20,2,13,3,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
210,1,1,2,2,1,2,2,3,34,Yes,1,Polish American,1,Female,5,,TECH,"As the world becomes more technologically driven, students will benefit from knowing how to use programs that allow them to interact with, view, type, create presentations, charts, notes, etc as a means to facilitate their own learning and understand the lesson information. 
In addition, students can benefit from the use of interactive programs while learning for individual group, such as using a tablet during reading or watching a digital lesson, to practicing computer based testing methods. ",,PERSPECTIVE,"I would continue to talk with Darnell. I would want to find out what happened the day of the test - why was he late or did something happen at home the night before or that morning?  I want to know more about why he thinks people don't care about him, too.  If he didn't want to discuss that, I would ask questions about his musical interests. What genre of music is he most interested in? What instruments does he want to play? Has he started practicing? Is he in the school band/music class and if not, would he be interested in joining? Depending on how he responsed to the musical interest questions, I would make a note or if time, visit the music teacher to see if it was possible for them to meet with or even mentor Darnell. ",,"I would want to know more about his homelife, musical interests and school interests. I would want to know what his particular interests in music were, which instruments he wanted to play, does he know how to play any yet, has he had lessons, etc? I would also ask if he was in the school band or music class and if not, would he want to be? ",675,4,14,16,17,5,48,White,3,1:20,2,6,1.666666667,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
211,3,4,3,3,2,1,2,2,56,Yes,2,American,0.8,Female,7,,TECH,"Computer based learning can adapt lessons based on individual student needs quickly.  The program quickly and ""instantly"" can change difficulty to allow the student to grow at their own speed and comfort level.

Technology is where the future is....and students need to be comfortable with all aspects of interaction with technology","listen to classical music...go back to that period of time when I was learning to play and playing in orchestra as well as learning the different styles of music and how the composers used music to make a person see or feel ""anger or sadness"" through tempo and notes",JOURNAL,,I would use my journal to reflect on myself and what works and doesn't work when working with difficult students or situations and how to best problem solve to react or interact more effectively in the future,,1200,4,0,55,25,5,15,White,3,22-24 (student/teacher ratio),2,6,3.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
212,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,45,Yes,1,White,0.25,Female,"11,12,13","When a student knows and believes a teacher truly cares about them, that student will do anything for the teacher.  That student will work hard and behave responsibly because they do not want to disappoint the teacher.  If a teacher praises a students for academic achievement and appropriate behavior, the students will want to continue to do well academically and with their behavior.",GROWTH,,No answer,JOURNAL,,Not sure why this question is being asked,,2400,2,5,10,5,0,80,White,4,1:28,1,24,1.666666667,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
213,3,4,4,4,3,4,4,4,45,Yes,2,American,0.8,Male,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"more effective and uniform communication
higher level of engagement with whole and small group when using interactive technology
",complete paperwork,JOURNAL,,,,650,3,3,10,15,12,60,White,2,18:1 or 22:1,3,20,4,4,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
214,1,2,4,2,2,2,4,3,39,Yes,1,Italian,0.95,Female,5,,TECH,"I think students can benefit from keeping a calendar with a technological tool.  At the elementary level, I am not sure how technology can really be used as far as students keeping track of things themselves, but we do use things like Smartboards  which are great.",,PERSPECTIVE,"Well, to be perfectly honest I know that no teacher has any minutes left in their ""off"" period due to meetings, data, paperwork, etc.  However, I would definitely talk with him about what was going on outside of school that made him feel like noone cared.  I'd also let him know that I care and maybe ask him if he needs help with anything right now.  Since I don't play any musical instruments, I can't help him there, but maybe I could refer him to the band or music teacher.",,"His home life and why he feels noone cares.  Also about things that he can do after school (for example, if there are any after school programs available for him to get involved in).",700,5,5,20,30,10,35,White,3,22 to 1,4,10,2.666666667,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
215,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,28,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.4,Female,6,,TECH,Students in this generation are way more engaged when it comes to technology. They tend to operate quickly and it helps them practice their basic computer skills. They are less bored and more likely to work.,,PERSPECTIVE,I would look to find an app or online program that is self guided for music.,,Why he feels the way he does? How I can help him. Does he do anything after school that I can attend? ,700,4,1,10,8,1,80,White,4,1:20,1,6,1.666666667,1.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
216,4,3,1,3,1,1,1,1,41,Yes,1,Japanese,1,Female,"1,2,3",,TECH,"As technology becomes more common placed in our society, students need to understand and use computers and how to access information, so researching a topic using the computer and how to decide which information on the Internet is truthful and reliable as a source.  Students also need to become more proficient with typing for a business world, versus texting to their friends.  Also, not all students have access to a computer with Internet access, so learning and practicing at home may not be an option.  Music in the classroom can help students to memorize information or help them to relax upon entering the classroom.",,PERSPECTIVE,"I would let Darnell know that he could talk with me if he needs someone just to listen, or we could find a teacher or adult in school he was comfortable with and arrange a time to meet with them.  I would also ask if he is taking any music lessons or classes.  I would talk with the music teacher at the school and see if there are low to no cost lessons that Darnell could start to take.  ",,"He experiences outside of school, why school feels like a waste of time and what would encourage him to come, and getting him music lessons.",350,4,2,45,10,3,40,Other,3,22:01,1,3,2.333333333,1,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
217,2,2,2,3,3,3,2,3,50,Yes,3,American,0.1,Female,4,I think students emulate what they see. If they are given respect they will give respect back in most cases. Students can feel when they are valued and their opinions are valued. When students realize that teachers learn from them through their thoughts being shared about their lives and their past. I think students also need to see adults setting high expectations for themselves and their students. Celebrating the success when the high expectations are achieved is also an important component in bonding. ,GROWTH,,"I would either look at my plans for an upcoming lesson, plan new lessons by looking for activites, or grading papers.",JOURNAL,,"I would reflect on the good things that are happening in my class, my family, and friends.",,275,4,0,5,0,0,95,White,4,18-1 in K-3 and 22-1 in 4 & 5,2,19,2.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
218,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,34,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.75,Female,3,They learn how to build trusting relationships with adults and others. They learn how to give and receive respect.,GROWTH,,Reflect in my journal.,JOURNAL,,How my lessons went and what I could do to improve them next time.,,300,2,2,55,2,1,40,White,4,18:01,2,9,3,3,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
219,2,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,49,Yes,1,Scottish,0.45,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"Students can use technology as a tool for research. Many times they can find primary source examples in archives at museums and such online that they cannot always access at local libraries.

Students can use technology to produce products such as graphs and spreadsheets to report out their learning and findings and even come up with power points and graphics to share their learning.",,PERSPECTIVE,"I would meet with Darnell and talk about making some connections for him to help him with his music interest. Schools often have adult mentors who come in for lunch with kids, maybe one of them has a connection to some resources for music.  Also, check his schedule and talk with guidance counselor see if he can get a music elective. Also, see why he was late and see if there are ways to plan to avoid tardiness.",,I would want to hear more about his music experience and family. I would want to know what about school in particular makes him feel like people don't care.,600,3,5,10,15,5,65,White,4,1:22,1,17,1.333333333,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
220,2,2,2,2,3,2,3,3,36,Yes,1,English,1,Female,6,Students will respect the teacher and therefore learning will occur. Students will be able to have empathy towards others. ,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would go to my students specials (art,music, p.e)and work/ talk with them there or join into the activity ",,"What his favorte music is, maybe find interesting facts about them",600,2,18,10,20,0,52,White,4,1 to 20,3,3,2,2.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
221,2,2,3,2,3,4,4,3,70,Yes,3,Scottish,1,Male,"10,11,12,13","A caring teacher can better communicate with students, where they will listen and respect the advice--especially when we warn them of impending consequences for their continued behavior.

Student who know we car are more prone to try and please us, thereby making discipline easier.",GROWTH,,"Grade papers, plan for the coming week, listen to my favorite play list on iTunes.",JOURNAL,,"The challenges many of my students share--father with a stroke, girl working 2 jobs, 40 hours per week, etc.",,1700,3,5,10,5,0,80,White,2,22-1,3,40,2.333333333,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
222,3,2,3,3,4,3,4,4,30,Yes,2,Cuban,NA,Female,"10,11,12,13",,TECH,"As a world language teacher, it is important to have students research information about other countries. 
We watch videos relevant to the content. 
My students benefit from using powerpoint to work on projects. 
We also find news articles and podcast from other countries. ",,PERSPECTIVE,I would show an interest in his likes. Follow up with him to see if he started playing any instruments. Look up classes he may take to foster his desire to learn how to play an instrument. It important to show him school can be a place he enjoys. Ask him about his current grades in other classes. ,,I would continue to foster his desire to learn how to play an instrument. Discuss classes he may take to help him learn how to plan an instrument. Inquire about the grades in his other classes. Discuss future plans. ,1700,3,3,50,7,0,40,Latino,3,28,2,10,2.666666667,3.666666667,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
223,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,3,48,Yes,1,Norwegian,0.27,Female,4,Their self-confidence (academic and social) can increase; their attendance may improve; their grades may increase; they may trust you enough to come to you with issues related to neglect and abuse; they may increase positive behaviors and decrease negative ones.,GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"Ask him what instrument he wants to learn first and why, find out if he has a particular musician or musicians he likes, maybe suggest one if I know the instrument.  ",,"If appropriate, I would ask an open-ended question or two about his comments related to not thinking school was for him. I would try to find out if there was something specific, such as a particular class, or if it is something more general , like does he struggle with organization/time management.",660,2,4,28,4,10,54,White,3,"1:18 for K-3, 1:22 for 4-5",1,10,1.666666667,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
224,2,3,4,3,2,3,4,2,54,Yes,1,Other,0.35,Female,1,,TECH,"Good for research.
Good for independent learning",probably paperwork or take a survey that i had to take,JOURNAL,,self improvement things,,320,2,5,40,5,0,50,White,3,18:01,3,33,3.333333333,3,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
225,1,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,37,Yes,1,Norweigan,0.7,Female,1,"Students can become better behaved and more respectful when they have a caring and supportive relationship with the teacher by: 

- discussing and learning ways to deal with a problem situation appropriately 
- seeing what a respectful and caring relationship is ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would use his interest of music as a way to let him know that I care about him. I'd let Darnell know that I really like music too! I LOVE to sing and would ask him more questions to get to know more about his interest. I would also ask him if he'd like to share his talent with me or even his classmates. I feel that this would give him a sennse of pride.  ,,"MUSIC and encourage him to pursue it because it could be something that not only makes him feel better, but something he can be successful at. ",600,3,5,15,10,5,65,White,3,1:18,2,14,1.666666667,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
226,1,3,2,3,1,2,2,2,48,Yes,1,American,NA,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6","Students can learn to be kind and respectful to their classmates and even siblings by the way we as teachers treat others.  A simple hello, a smile, or how is your day going goes a long with students; even taking the time to ask about their weekend and or family members.  I have found that the more often I have conversations and learn about their personal lives, the students know I care and love them as I continue to ask more about their personal life.

Students can learn to be patient and forgiving by modeling themselves the way a special teacher would handle a student who maybe spoke rudely to the teacher and the teacher showed kindness and forgiveness instead of anger and punishment.",GROWTH,,I would re-direct my thoughts to a happy place other than work responsibilities; such as editing pictures of my baby.  I have found over the years to have something to sooth my moods with love and happiness if I have a challenging class or a challenging day....sort of psyching myself up mentally.,JOURNAL,,I would write about the changes my baby is going through each day so I could remember them when she grows older.  I want to share her childhood memories with her as a present for her when she turns 18.,,600,4,5,15,10,5,65,White,5,20-Jan,1,19,2.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
227,1,2,2,2,2,3,4,3,41,Yes,1,American,0.9,Female,2,,TECH,Technology can engage students in learning. Multimedia presentations of content subject areas develop students' interest. Learning with technology helps prepare students for their professional lives as technology use expands. Students can also benefit if more schools implement computer science into their curriculum.,,PERSPECTIVE,"When Darnell came in late, I would quietly ask him if everything was ok. Perhaps this would help him calm down before the test. I would email the music teacher to inquire about after-school programs for Darnell. I would also find ways to incorporate more music into my lessons (reading, math, science, social studies).",,"The topic of music would be a great way to get to know Darnell. What are his favorite songs? Who are his favorite musicians? What are Darnell's related interests - dance, theatre, singing?",850,3,0,39,0,2,59,Black,3,1:20,2,18,2,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
228,2,3,3,3,2,2,2,3,39,Yes,1,Italian,1,Female,7,,TECH,Students tend to be more engaged when technology is used.  They are used to getting immediate gratification outside of school and benefit from the immediate results of using technology.  Another reason students benefit from technology is the ability to research more in depth if they have already reached the goal/standard the teacher provided. Those students would have the option of going deeper into the material.,Plan ahead lessons that are outside of the materials provided from the district.,JOURNAL,,My students and the experiences I have shared with them,,1200,1,3,49,5,0,43,White,5,22-1,1,9,3,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
229,3,4,3,3,2,2,2,3,62,Yes,2,Caucasian,NA,Male,9,,TECH,Have the opportunity to learn skills needed in today's workforce.,Don't often have the time.,JOURNAL,,What works and doesn't in the classroom.,,950,3,3,45,5,2,45,White,2,22 to 1,3,28,3.333333333,2.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
230,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,3,35,Yes,1,German,0.73,Female,2,"Students can learn to express their behaviors in a way that doesn't take from teacher instruction such as going to a cool down area in a room or giving a nonverbal clue that they need the cool down area.

Students learn to trust the teacher that they are with and can communicate appropriately with the teacher about issues that concern them.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would ask Darnell what type of music he enjoys and the instruments he is interested in. I would try to get some of the instruments for him to try. If I could build a trusting relationship, I may be able to be his calm when he comes in late from a outside situation.",,"I would continue to talk to him about his music and instruments. If he is interested in it, I would make him aware that I care about his interests too!! I would talk to him about his future plans with music and help him look into music programs.",600,4,5,50,15,0,30,White,5,18-22 students per teacher,1,3,4,3,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
231,2,3,2,2,1,2,2,2,35,Yes,1,Italian,0.9,Female,2,"When you build a relationship with a student and more importantly their families, you can talk to them about problems that may be occurring and get more of a background knowledge on what is happening in this child's life. Additionally, this information can help to resolve problems that are occurring in the classroom because you have the support of the family to help motivate the child to act and behave a certain way. Additionally, the family can help strengthen the importance of school and make the experience more valuable to the student.",GROWTH,,,NA,,"Why he has this interest in music, and why he feels school is not the place for him to thrive with this passion of his?",,700,3,20,11,20,2,47,White,4,1:18,1,6,2.333333333,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
232,1,2,3,3,1,1,2,1,46,Yes,1,American,0.4,Female,2,,TECH,"Using technology in the classroom allows for students to use different means to show their learning.

Technology such as computers, ipads, or laptops will allow teachers to use online assessments to quiz students in a fun and unique way.","email parents, update lesson plans, get ready for the next class",JOURNAL,,I do not like to write,,600,2,8,25,22,0,45,White,2,18:01,2,6,2.666666667,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
233,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,42,Yes,4,Italian,0.7,Male,4,,TECH,#NAME?,,PERSPECTIVE,I would mentor Darnell and talk to him about his problems.  The key is building a relationship and connecting with Darnell.  I now know that he likes music so there is a start.,,His choices of behavior and how it's unacceptable.  ,400,4,5,70,5,0,20,White,3,1 teacher 22 students,5,12,4,4,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
234,3,5,5,4,1,3,3,4,46,Yes,1,PA Dutch,0.5,Female,3,,TECH,"Students can learn to research various topics from various sources on computers to create a research report and then create a powerpoint with that information.  Computers can read information to students or play audio, which can be appealing to students.  Seeing brightly colored photos also keeps them engaged.  

Students also benefit from programs where they must problem solve without being spoken to.  Visual representations of math problems can help students better understand.  Students who are more visual learner benefit and technology is makes learning interactive.",,PERSPECTIVE,"I would not wait a few days later to speak to Darnell.  I would ask Darnell how his morning was and I would let him know he could talk to me or another adult if needed to express what might have happened before coming to school to have him acting out so much.  It is difficult if he shuts down and does not respond, in that case I would talk to him at another time when he is ready.  I would ask him if he would like to talk to me about things he is struggling with outside of school and if I could help him by speaking with the guidance counselor.  I would let Darnell know I care about him and that he is needed in my room.  I would then talk to him more about his interest in music and playing instruments and suggest that I set up a time for him to speak with the music teacher about lessons or where he could go to take lessons on playing an instrument.  I would show him I care about him.",,"What he does after school, what interests him.  I would find a connection with him so that we had something in common to talk about.  I would want to pursue his interest in musical instruments and make sure if he is willing to take lessons that I found a way to get that started.",650,4,5,10,5,5,75,White,2,1-18 students,3,16,4.666666667,3.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
235,1,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,62,Yes,1,American,0.72,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"They can use functions of a program that provide for defining words of the material they are reading to better understand the subject matter.
For students that may not be reading on grade level, they can use the voice over for reading to assist with understanding.",read up on the difficulty of learning to play to play instruments I am interested in.,JOURNAL,,what happened during my day of teaching,,670,4,5,20,20,0,55,White,4,20-Jan,2,33,1.666666667,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
236,2,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,45,Yes,2,Irish,0.85,Female,2,"Students feel safe and cared about so the student is more likely to show respect toward the teacher.
The student will express their feelings and can control their actions ",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,I would have the student play his music for me.,,His music and how to make school better for him,700,5,10,15,15,0,60,White,5,18 to 1,2,21,2.333333333,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
237,2,4,3,3,2,3,3,2,38,Yes,2,American,0.4,Female,6,"They understand how they should be spoken to 

They have coping strategies to work through problems and challenges",GROWTH,,research playing the trumpet online,JOURNAL,,facts from reserach,,630,3,0,30,10,0,60,White,2,1:22,2,14,3.333333333,2.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
238,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,52,Yes,1,Caucasian,0.6,Female,"10,11,12,13","students in my experience have a stronger desire to do well when they know I really care about them.

In my experience students want to come to class; i have students who come to school just for my class.  Marked absent in every class but mine  =O",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would find Darnell and gift him an affordable instrument like a harmonica.  On other days I would just drop by to say hi, maybe share a snack or something.",,Whatever rolled naturally.  Once things start coming up I would share my experience which probably was as crappy as his,1870,5,2.5,17.9,26.4,3.7,49.5,White,3,28-30,1,16,1,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
239,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,47,Yes,1,European,1,Female,"6,7,8,9,10",students can better consider the consequences of their actions when they have a caring and supportive relationship with a teacher.  They also can take more time to develop appropriate strategies and options when making decisions.,GROWTH,,Maybe I would watch some videos about some of the instruments I want to play,JOURNAL,,The instruments I want to learn to play,,320,3,3,35,20,2,40,White,2,22 to 1,2,17,2,2,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
240,2,1,2,2,2,2,3,2,30,Yes,2,White,1,Female,"1,2,3",,TECH,"They can benefit in math by using the program ST Math. It aligns to the curriculum the teacher is teaching and allows students to work at their own pace. In addition, students can learn how to type and create word documents. It is expected that students in college are successful note takers in college using computers. This is preparing them for their future. ",,PERSPECTIVE,"Take him to the music teacher and ask to borrow an instrument of his choosing, if possible",,"Who he lives with, what his day is like after school, who his friends are, and other various questions just so he knows someone cares about him",600,3,2,34,34,0,30,White,1,18 students - 1 teacher (K-2),3,6,1.666666667,2.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
241,1,2,3,2,2,1,2,2,41,Yes,2,Irish,0.3,Female,3,Students can learn to communicate effectively and learn about real world relationships.,GROWTH,,Relax and tune my mind out.,JOURNAL,,My family and my goals for them.,,800,2,1,21,5,3,70,White,4,18:01,2,12,2.333333333,1.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
242,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,46,Yes,2,White,0.75,Female,6,"1. They can begin to change their roles from follower to when the teacher models good instructional coaching and a respectful tone with students, students could begin to imitate those strategies and become leaders in the classroom, possibly even beginning to help other students in similar ways.

2. They can begin to realize the power of their words and begin to have a more selective (and hopefully) and more empathetic word choice when speaking with adults and their peers.",GROWTH,,,PERSPECTIVE,"I would try to connect to him and see if he wanted to talk about the ""things he experienced outside of school.""  I might also approach one of the music teachers at school and try to find ways for Darnell to begin to learn to play.",,"First, I would try to find some shared experiences or commonalities between us.  Building a relationship is important. After that, I would try to get him to talk about life away from school.",650,4,5,5,20,0,70,White,2,1:20,2,24,2,2,PERSPECTIVE,1,GROWTH,1
243,1,2,1,3,1,1,1,2,30,Yes,2,Non Hispanic,1,Female,"1,2,3,4,5,6",,TECH,"Students of this generation are surrounded by technology in all aspects of their lives.  It important to implement technology into the classroom.  Technology provides the teacher with an opportunity to create a student-centered classroom.  Students can use technology to interact with each other.  Smartboards and tablets can allow the students to interact with each other while learning.  They can create powerpoint slides, play academic games, and work together on projects.  ",Sit and put on calming music and just take deep breaths,JOURNAL,,Reflecting on how I handled situations,,608,2,5,18,5,2,70,White,5,20-1,1,3,2,1.333333333,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1
244,2,2,3,2,1,1,2,1,26,Yes,1,African American,0.4,Female,10,,TECH,"They can do assessments online, if gives all students the opportunity to complete a task interactively",,PERSPECTIVE,Explain to Darnell that music and math are similar,,Music and how math and music are similar,2500,2,5,20,10,5,60,Black,5,28:01:00,1,1,2.333333333,1.333333333,PERSPECTIVE,1,TECH,-1
245,2,2,3,2,3,4,4,3,30,Yes,3,American,0.2,Female,1,"Students feel safer reaching out to a teacher that has made an effort to personally reach out to them. 

Students work harder for a teacher that is proven an interest in their well-being/education.",GROWTH,,Visit my son- He is on playground during my planning period.,JOURNAL,,Events at home,,500,4,5,5,5,5,80,White,3,1:18,3,4,2.333333333,3.666666667,JOURNAL,-1,GROWTH,1
246,3,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,34,Yes,1,White,1,Female,"11,13",,TECH,"Students can benefit from more technology use in many ways. First, technology can be engaging. Using fun games and activities such as Kahoots can help students become more involved in the lesson and thus, learn more. Secondly, technology helps prepare students for jobs they may have in the future. We are preparing students for careers we don't even know exist yet, and the more experience students have with technology, the more prepared they will be. Also, utilizing technology can help students discover things they excel at, which can not only deepen understanding of the content, but can also increase student self-esteem and competency. Technology is also a way to foster student collaboration and independence. Students yearn for more autonomy and to forge strong friendships with people outside their family. Technology can bring varied students together and give them opportunities to work together in a safe, collaborative atmosphere.","If I was done with my required duties (including lesson planning, grading, and conversing with parents), I would contact parents to give some positive feedback about their student.",JOURNAL,,"Perhaps I would write about how good it felt to contact those parents for positive reasons, and the great feedback I received.",,1700,4,2,45,10,8,35,White,4,25:01:00,3,12,4,2,JOURNAL,-1,TECH,-1