Fe chemical speciation collected using trace metal rosette in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017, on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Data file(s): ace_fe_chemical_speciation_in_seawater.csv File header: TMR_cast: trace metal rosette deployment number from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) ACE_event_number: unique event number from ACE date_time[UTC]: date and time at which the trace metal rosette deployment began in ISO_8601 format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mi:ss+00:00 [UTC] ACE_sample_code: unique sample identifier from ACE, formatted as standardized for the ACE cruise expedition as follows: shipname/ACE/legnumber/projectnumber/julianday[UTC]/eventnumber/PIinitials/projectsampleID latitude[degree_north]: latitude at which the trace metal rosette deployment began [degree_north] longitude[degree_east]: longitude at which the trace metal rosette deployment began [degree_east] depth[m]: depth below sea surface at which the seawater sample was collected [m] dFe[nM]: concentration of dissolved iron (Fe) [nmol] L[nM]: concentration of iron-binding organic ligands [nmol] error_L[nM]: statistical error in L from the Gerringa non linear fitting from ProMCC [nmol] K[mol-1]: logarithm of the conditional stability constant for inorganic iron binding the ligands [mol-1] error_K[mol-1]: statistical error in K from the Gerringa non linear fitting from ProMCC [mol-1]