**************************NECESSARY FOR RUNNING WRF IN NWP MODE at the HLRS************************** *******The script runs the WRF model in the so called numerical weather prediction (NWP) mode******** ***************************************************************************************************** Running WRF in the NWP mode means updating the atmospheric conditions using the forcing data, and keeping soil moisture and soil temperature continuous. The script runs the real.exe and wrf.exe in loops defined by a user (e.g. 30 hours). For that it is neccessary: 1. To have prepared met_em files necesarry for the real runs on the HLRS cluster. It is advisable to have the files organised within the folders named by dates that will be simulated. 2. To have to create start_wrf.sh and start_real.sh for submitting jobs at the HLRS cluster in the working directory (typically it is WRFV3/run) 3. To have a ncl script called change_wrfinput.ncl in the working directory as well (the script changes the soil moisture data in the wrfinput file from the nc file wrfout_wrfinput_d0x (x=domain number), which will be created by the main NWP script after the first loop)