- The data from the active regions in the north (south) can be found in the folder north_hemis_data (south_hemis_data). - Each active region has a separate folder, identified by it's NOAA number, which can also be found in Table 1 of the paper. - For example is one wants to plot the spectra from AR 12158, the data can be found in north_hemis_data/12158 - There are 6 files, each with a name such as: 12158_20140911_003600_#.fits where # (=0,1,2,3,4,5) corresponds to the spectra computed at each wavelength bin of HMI, as explained in Section 3.1 of the paper. - Each of those 6 files contains a primary HDU and an extension (image HDU). The primary HDU contains data used to plot the spectra such as in fig. 1 of the paper, it has the shape [7,spec] and contains the EB, TB , TE , EE, BB, TT spectra and k (wavenumber) in that order along the first dimension. The image HDU contains the maps of E and B polarisation, along with the vectors for plotting the polarisation pattern such as in fig. 5 of the paper. It has the shape [6,y,x] with E map, x component of E pattern, y component of E pattern, B map, x component of B pattern, y component of B pattern in that order, along the first dimension.