Caryocolum petrophila (Preissecker, 1914) (Fig. 5)

Records. HUEMER & KARSHOLT (2010), HUEMER et al. (2017).

Material examined. RUSSIA:ALTAIREPUBLIC: Katun valley, 10 km W of Katanda, 1200 m a.s.l., 15.–27.vii.1983, 4 1 ♀ (GU 94/471, P. Huemer), K.Mikkola, H. Hippa & J. Jalava leg.(FMNH); Chemal district, 2 km SW of Chemal, 450 m a.s.l., 51°22′59.90″N, 85°58′59.96″E, 8.–9. viii..2016, 3 (Barcode KLM Lep 06376, KLM Lep 06377, KLM Lep 06378), C. Wieser leg. (KLM); Belyashi (Dzhazator) env. (25 km NW), confluence of Argut and Karagem rivers, 49°51′56″N, 87°10′22″E, rocky steppe, 1400 m, 27.–28.vii.2017, 1 (Barcode NMPC-LEP-0375), J. Šumpich leg. (NMPC).

Molecular data. BIN BOLD: AAO3809 (n = 17, 11 public, 4 from the Altai). The average intraspecific divergence of the barcode region is 0.92% (maximum 2.41%). The nearest neighbour isC. huebneri (Haworth, 1828)with

4.98% p-distance.

Distribution. Very local arctic-alpine distribution pattern in Europe (from France to Ural) (HUEMER 1988, JUNNI- LAINEN et al. 2010), Central Asia and the Altai Republic of Russia (HUEMER & KARSHOLT 2010).