Campodorus Förster, 1869 (1868): 213, type-species:Mesoleius melanogaster Holmgren, 1857.
Diagnosis (Townes 1970; Gauldet al. 1997; Kasparyan 2003)
Apical median portion of clypeus swollen; apical margin usually blunt at midline, sharp laterally, usually projecting as thin lobes. Notaulus usually reaching front edge of mesoscutum. Mesopleuron usually mat or sometimes subpolished, its punctures medium-sized to very fine. Median longitudinal and posterior transverse carinae of propodeum usually complete and strong. Fore wing areolet absent; vein 1cu-a distal to M&RS. Hind wing vein 1-cu longer than cu-a. Dorsal median carinae of first tergite at least reaching beyond spiracle. Second tergite matt (finely shagreened to scabrous), punctures small to very small, or almost absent.