::: THE REAL WINNER ::: DESCRIPTION: After a number of fierce play competitions, three siblings learn about the real winner. TAGS: comparison, superlatives, adjectives CREATED BY: Vera Hohaus ILLUSTRATED BY: Zahra Kolagar ADOPTED FROM: Elizabeth Coppock, Elizabeth Bogal-Allbritten & Golsa Hosseini (2018), "What Matters" VERSION: 1.2 UPDATED: 31st May 2020 SCRIPT: <1>: Joseph, Ana and Sina are siblings. One day, when they are outside, Joseph suggests to have a contest to see who can climb the tallest tree. <2>: Because he wants to win the competition, Joseph decides to climb the tallest tree that is nearby. <3>: But he fails: The tree is just too tall. <4>: So he climbs a different tree. Among the three children, Joseph is still the one who climbed the tallest tree. <5>: So he wins the climbing contest after all! <6>: Ana lost because she climbed the shortest tree. She is very upset and starts crying. Her sister Sina tries to calm her: "Ana, don't cry! The only reason Joseph won is because he is taller than us!" <7>: Ana stops crying and suggests a new contest: "Let's see who can walk the fastest! I bet I can walk faster than Joseph!" <8>: They agree on a big stone as the goal for their walking competition, and start the race. <9>: Sina is the first to reach the goal and wins. But Ana again finishes last. <10>: There is a big mango tree on the plantation, and many of the mangoes are ripe. Ana wants to make up for her loss and suggests yet another competition: "It is not important how fast you can walk! Let's see how many mangoes we can pick!" <11>: And indeed, Ana picks the most mangoes. Her brother picked fewer mangoes than Ana did, and Ana's sister picked the fewest mangoes. Ana wins! <12>: Ana says: "But we all winners! Together, we picked most of the mangoes that were ripe." <13>: After all the climbing, walking and mango picking, the children are thirsty. Joseph gets some coconuts for them. <14>: Joseph suggests to have one last contest: "Whoever drinks the most coconuts is the winner!" Joseph drinks three coconuts, so he wins. Ana drank fewer coconuts than Joseph but more than Sina. Sina only had one coconut, so she loses. <15>: When their mother return, all the children start talking at once: "I won the climbing and the coconut contest! I am the winner!" shouts Joseph. "I picked the most mangoes! I am the winner!" shouts Ana. "I won the walking competition to the big stone because I walked fastest! I am the winner!" shouts Sina. <16>: "Children, be quiet!" says their mother. "I am the real winner: I have the best kids!"