README FILE ESM—Fear the reaper: ungulate carcasses may generate an ephemeral landscape of fear for rodents. Four files included in the ESM are described below: * “ESM_fea_the_reaper_code.R” o General description: R code for reproducing all analyses using provided datasets below. * “ESM_fear_the_reaper_carc_loc.RDS” o General description: the location of carcasses in unconventional UTM coordinates with minimum x and y = 0 in “.rds” format (R-specific format that can be imported to an object name of the user’s choice). o FID: unique id o x: standardized coordinate for easting (retained units in meters) o y: standardized coordinate for northing (retained units in meters) * “ESM_fear_the_reap…er_carc_scat.RDS” o General description: the count and presence-absence of scat (mesopredator, avian, and Rodents), location-specific kernel density calculations with varying search radii (meters), and percent cover for vegetation, data source year, stone, soil, and carcass, and xy carcass locations (as above) in “.rds” format (R-specific format that can be imported to an object name of the user’s choice). o A = bird feces abundance, M = mesopredator feces abundance, Rp = rodent feces presence-absence, car_den1 (through car_den200) = carcass kernel density with various search radii in meters, year = year of observations, stone_cov = % stone coverage of plot, soil_cov = % soil coverage of plot, plant_cov = % vascular plant coverage of plot, moss_cov = % bryophyte coverage of plot, lichen_cov = % lichen coverage of plot, grass_cov = % graminoid coverage in plot, carcass_cov = % carcass (hair, tissue, bone) coverage of plot, x = standardized coordinate for easting (retained units in meters), y = y: standardized coordinate for northing (retained units in meters) * ESM_fear_the_reap…r_study_site.RDS o General description: a ‘sp’ R object that outlines the study area (over which the kernel was calculated) in “.rds” format (R-specific format that can be imported to an object name of the user’s choice).