Eupetersia ( Nesoeupetersia) sabahensis sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 A-F)


The specific epithet refers to the state of Malaysia in which the holotype was collected, Sabah on the island of Borneo.

Material examined


Male: MALAYSIA, SW Sabah, nr Long Pa Sia (West), c. 1050 m, 1-14 Apr. 1987, Malaise trap 3, leg. C. van Achterberg ( NMNH, Leiden).


Very small species (4,5 mm long) with black brown body and yellowish legs, finely and sparsely punctuate on head and scutum.

Differential diagnosis

Similar to Eupetersia singaporensis sp. nov. but smaller ( 4.5 mm), legs more yellow, vertex line more elevated. Differs from E. nathani by its smaller size, completely brown metasoma, head and scutum more finely and sparsely punctuate, yellow testaceous legs.


BODY LENGTH. 4.5 mm. Forewing length 3.6 mm.

COLOUR. Black to chestnut brown, legs entirely yellow testaceous ( Fig. 2A). Scapes, mandibles and labrum testaceous.

PUBESCENCE. Grey and rather poor, denser on face and vertical sides of propodeum.

STRUCTURE. Head length/width = 0.81 ( Fig. 2C). Vertex rounded. First and second flagellomeres subequal in length as in other Eupetersia.

SCULPTURE. Head and scutum finely and sparsely punctuate ( Figs 2B, C). Dorsal surface of propodeum with irregular carinae, terminating at posterior margin ( Fig. 2D). Metasomal terga entirely shining and nearly impunctate ( Fig. 2E). Pygidial area rounded posteriorly. Genitalia very small, gonocoxites not depressed and not striate, similar to those of E. singaporensis sp. nov.