Family Stilipedidae Holmes, 1908

Amphilochinae Boeck, 1871: 129–130 (in part).

Tironidae Stebbing, 1906: 273 (in part).

Stilipedidae Holmes, 1908: 535.

Astyridae Pirlot, 1934: 175.

Amphilochinae – Boeck 1876: 430 –431 (in part).

Amphilochidae – Stebbing 1888: 743 (in part). — G.O. Sars 1892: 212 –213 (in part).

Tironidae – Stephensen 1928: 225 (in part). — K.H. Barnard 1931: 427 (in part); 1932: 148, 153 (in part). — Hurley 1954: 803 (in part).

Acanthonotozomatidae – Schellenberg 1931: 116 (in part).

Paramphithoidae – K.H. Barnard, 1932: 170 (in part). — J.L. Barnard 1969: 389 (in part).

Stegocephalidae – Nicholls 1938: 40 (in part).

Astyridae – Gurjanova 1951: 596. — Birstein & Vinogradov 1955: 253. — Birstein & Vinogradova 1960: 152 (in part). — J.L. Barnard 1969: 159. — Bousfield 1979: 369 (discussion); 1982: 274. — Coleman & J.L. Barnard 1991a: 263. — Andres & Lott 1986: 133.

Stilipedidae – J.L. Barnard 1969: 451. — Bousfield 1979: 369 (discussion). — Bousfield 1982: 275. — Holman & Watling 1983: 27. — Andres & Lott 1986: 131. — J.L. Barnard & Karaman 1991: 379, 702. — Coleman & J.L. Barnard 1991a: 80, 263–264. — Lowry & Stoddart 2003: 262.

Astryidae [sic] – Coleman & J.L. Barnard 1991a: 263 (misspelling).

Iphimediidae – J.L. Barnard & Karaman 1991: 378 (in part).

non Stegocephalinae Dana, 1852: 310.

non Iphimedinae Boeck, 1871: 98.

non Paramphithoidae G.O. Sars, 1883: 25.

non Acanthonotozomatidae Stebbing, 1906: 210.


Holman & Watling (1983) proposed a classification scheme where the Stilipedidae consisted of an assemblage of three well distinct homogeneous subfamilies: Alexandrellinae Holman & Watling, 1983, Astyrinae Pirlot, 1934 and Stilipedinae Holmes, 1908. The monophyly of this assemblage was questioned by Andres & Lott (1986) and was not supported by a recent phylogenetic analysis including two of these subfamilies: the Alexandrellinae and the Astyrinae ( Verheye et al. 2016b, 2017). The classification of Holman & Watling (1983) is retained herein for convenience only. In the past, members of the family Stilipedidae have been attributed to a wide range of families. For example Schellenberg (1931) included Alexandrella schellenbergi (as Iphimediopsis australis) in the Acanthonotozomatidae; K.H. Barnard (1932) put Eclysis similis in the Paramphithoidae, and Nicholls (1938) put Alexandrella mixta (as Parandaniexis mixtus) in the Stegocephalidae.