Epimeria ( Hoplepimeria) rimicarinata subgen. nov. Watling & Holman, 1980

Fig. 208

Epimeria rimicarinata Watling & Holman, 1980: 642, figs 22–23.

Epimeria rimicarinata – De Broyer & Klages 1991: 165 (key). — Wakabara & Serejo 1999: 642 (key). — Coleman 2007: 51, fig. 27a–c, colour plate 2e, map 13 (circle). — Lörz & Coleman 2009: unnumbered photograph on p. 17.

‘Clade E georgiana-rimicarinata-rubriequies [sic] complex - RI’ – Verheye et al. 2016a, supplement: 4 (online).

Material examined

RV Marion Dufresne cruises:

SOUTHERN OCEAN: 1 spec., specimen used for illustrations, cruise MD42 (SIBEX), stn 22-CP66, Prydz Bay, 66°55ʹ45″ S, 74°04ʹ11″ E, depth not given [Google Earth depth for that position: 427 m (accessed 27 Sep. 2016)], 26 Jan. 1985 (MNHN-IU-2014-4265) [extraction M24; Genbank nr, COI: KU870887]; 1 spec., previously identified as Epimeria grandirostris, cruise MD42 (SIBEX), stn 22- CP73, Prydz Bay, 66°57ʹ25″ S, 72°41ʹ24″ E, depth not given [Google Earth depth for that position: 540 m (accessed 27 Sep. 2016)], 26 Jan. 1985 (MNHN-IU-2014-4256).


Morphology unique in the genus Epimeria. Pereionite 2 with small but broad posterodorsal tooth; pereionite 3 to pleonite 3 laterally sculptured, with tridimentionally sculptured and medially notched mid-dorsal tooth. Posteroventral border of coxa 4 very concave, surface just in front of this border forming a very deep groove.

Colour pattern

Red with on each side a broad white longitudinal stripe running along the upper part of the coxae ( Coleman 2007: plate 2 fig. e) or blood red with white patches ( Lörz & Coleman 2009: unnumbered photograph p. 17).


Western Ross Sea, 337–474 m ( Watling & Holman 1980); Prydz Bay, 427–540 m (present material).