Epimeria ( Drakepimeria) schiaparelli subgen. nov. Lörz, Maas, Linse & Fenwick, 2007

Epimeria schiaparelli Lörz, Maas, Linse & Fenwick, 2007: 25, figs 1–7.

Epimeria schiaparelli – Lörz & Coleman 2009: unnumbered photograph on p. 17.


Diagnosis based on the figures of Lörz et al. (2007). Pereionites 1–2 smooth; pereionite 3 with posterior mid-dorsal bump and pair of dorsolateral protrusions; pereionites 3–7 with moderately slender mid-dorsal tooth of length increasing posteriorly and pair of dorsolateral smaller teeth; mid-dorsal tooth of pleonite 3 narrow and without median notch. Urosomite 2 with pair of small dorsolateral teeth pointing upwards. lateral carina of coxa 4 with well-developed tooth pointing backwards. Peduncle of antenna 1: article 1 with short lateral and medial teeth, with long ventral tooth reaching tip of article 2 (teeth excluded); article 2 with long lateral and medial teeth overreaching article 3; article 3 with short ventral tooth shorter than article itself.

Colour pattern

Usually whitish with irregular pale orange patches, more rarely whitish with red transverse stripes (one stripe per body segment).

Body length

30 mm.


Western Ross Sea, 130– 350 m.


Epimeria schiaparelli is very similar to E. corbariae sp. nov. They can be differentiated by the dorsal ornamentation of pereionite 3: a posterior bump in E. schiaparelli vs a tooth in E. corbariae sp. nov.