Rhinotorus mesocostanus ( Thomson, 1894)

Fig. 9

Spudaeus mesocostanus Thomson, 1894: 2011, lectotype examined.


This species is distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characters: face entirely black ( Fig. 9A); face roundish in anterior view ( Fig. 9A); scutellum black; mesopleuron coriaceous, matt, and impunctate; metasoma with second and third tergites reddish ( Fig. 9C); first metasomal tergite with transverse impression defined ( Fig. 9B); first metasomal tergite with projections at spiracles or narrow basally ( Fig. 9B).

Type material examined


SWEDEN: 1 ♀, Stockholm, MZLU.

Other material examined

FINLAND: 1 ♀, Inari Lapland, Utsjoki, Kaamanen, 24– 28 Jun. 2013, leg. R. Jussila, RJ.

POLAND: 1 ♀, Iwanowo, leg. B. Sokanowsky, NHRS-HEVA 000002062, NHRS.

SWEDEN: 1 ♀, Småland, Nybro kommun, Alsterbro/Alsterån. Mixed forest N 6312220, E 1506997 (=TrapID 1008) 22 May– 1 Jun. 2006 (= coll. event ID 1735), leg. SMTP, NHRS; 1 ♀, Dalarna, Lima, leg. E. Dahl, NHRS; 2 ♀♀, Lappland, 17 Aug. 1904, leg. A. Roman, NHRS; 1 ♀, Lapland, 10 Jul. 1918, leg. R. Malaise, NHRS; 2 ♀♀, Södermanland, Huddinge kommun, Sofielunds kadaverdeponi, cadaver dump, 59°10.592´ N 17°59.631´ E (= Trap ID 2003), 29 Jun. – 7 Jul. 2006 (= coll. event ID 2034), leg. SMTP, NHRS; 1 ♀, Uppland, Håbo kommun, Biskops-Arnö, northern beach, elm grove, 59°40.328´ N 17°30.051´ E (= Trap ID 8), 20 May– 20 Jun. 2005 (= coll. event ID 1601), leg. SMTP, NHRS; 1 ♀, Uppland, Knivsta kommun, Rickebasta alsumpskog, alder swamp wood, 59°44.061´ N 17°43.225´ E (= Trap ID 9), 11 Jun. – 24 Jun. 2005 (= coll. event ID 1609), leg. SMTP, NHRS; 3 ♀♀, Småland, Nybro kommun, Bäckebo, Grytsjöns naturreservat. Old, moist haymaking meadow on forest edge, N 6311678 E 1517066 (= Trap ID 1001), 18 May– 15 Jun. 2006 (= coll. event ID 1728), leg. SMTP, NHRS.



Fore wing around 6–7 mm long. Antenna slender, about as 0.8 times as long as fore wing and with 30–31 flagellomeres. Ratio of length of 1 st plus 2 nd flagellomeres to eye height 1.3. Scape as broad as long. Head not narrowed behind eyes, matt, with dense, fine punctures on shagreened surface. Lateral ocellus separated from eye margin by 1.5 times their widest diameter. Face transverse, 2.6 times as wide as high, shagreened and parallel-sided ( Fig. 9A). Clypeus 0.3 times as high as wide and distinctly separated from face by a deep impression, projecting medially, shining and sparsely punctate, its apical margin obtuse medially and impressed laterally. Clypeal fovea shallow. Malar space as long as basal mandible width. Occipital carina complete. Mandible teeth of equal length.

Mesoscutum weakly shining, finely granulate, with dense and uniformly strong punctation. Notaulus distinct. Mesopleuron finely punctate, shining in upper part and shagreened in lower part. Metapleuron weakly shining, smooth, with dense punctation. Propodeum weakly rugose ( Fig. 9B). Area superomedia fused with area basalis, their combined area 2.6 times as long as broad. Costula absent. Area apicalis trapezoidal, 0.6 times as long as broad, and equal to 0.4 of propodeum, often with longitudinal carina and sometimes with striation. Spiracles weakly oval, 1.2 times as long as broad. Hind femur 5.3 times as long as broad. Hind tibia 8.5 times as long as apically broad. First tarsomere of hind leg 8.7 times as long as broad and 2 times as long as second tarsomere. Claws not pectinate. Fore wing with pterostigma elongate, around 5.7 times as long as broad and intercepted by Rs before its middle. 2m-cu curved, with a single bulla. Cu-a slightly inclival, postfurcal. Hind wing with cu-a intercepted around its middle.

Metasoma strongly punctate ( Fig. 9B). First metasomal tergite 1.1 times as long as apically broad and projecting dorsally, its dorsal longitudinal carinae reaching middle of tergite and with a strong impression between carinae in basal part. Area between dorsal carina and spiracle with longitudinal impression. Spiracles projecting laterally. Subapical impression strong and rather broad. First metasomal sternite 0.2 times as long as its tergite. Second metasomal tergite 0.7 times as long as broad apically ( Fig. 9B), its transverse impression starting immediately after middle of tergite. Second and third tergite with weak transverse impressions. Ovipositor sheaths weakly cone-shaped ( Fig. 9C) and as long as height of last visible tergite. Ovipositor stout at base with a shallow subapical notch, tip of upper valve rather elongate after notch, around 0.3 times as long as ovipositor length.

Colouration: body mostly black ( Fig. 9); apical part of clypeus, fore and middle legs (except coxa), hind femur, base of hind tibia and second and third tergites of metasoma reddish; middle part of hind tibia reddish-yellow.



Host records



Austria, Belgium, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Sweden.