Cautires simillimus Kleine, 1926

Figs 20, 38, 58, 76

Cautires simillimus Kleine, 1926: 187.


Cautires simillimus belongs to a group of mountain species with a uniformly black body ( Figs 38, 58). This species resembles C. nervosus and C. maseki sp. nov. in the general appearance, but the males of C. simillimus have long and slender antennal lamellae ( Fig. 20) and additionally they differ in the relatively robust, parallel-sided phallus ( Fig. 76).

Type material


MALAYSIA: ♀, Pahang, Lubok Tamang, 3500 ft., 10 Jun. 1923, H.M. Pendlebury ( BMNH). Additional material examined

MALAYSIA: 2 ♁♁, Pahang, Gn. Beremban, 1480 m, 4°27'51" N, 101°23'26" E, 6–28 Apr. 2013 (AJ0011, AJ0073); 1 ♁, Pahang, Gn. Beremban, N slope, 1580 m, 4°29'12" N, 101°23'27" E, 12 Apr. 2013 (AJ0090); 2 ♁♁, 1 ♀, Pahang, Tanah Rata, 1500–1800 m, 2–26 Feb. 2004 (VK0247, VK0259, VK0283); 1 ♁, Pahang, Tanah Rata, 1400–1650 m, 4–11 Apr. 2005 (VK0309); 2 ♀♀, Pahang, Tanah Rata, 1600 m, Cameron Highlands, 3–20 Feb. 2005 (VK0574, VK0620); 1 ♁, Ringlet (MM0005).


BL 7.0 mm, PL 1.1 mm, PW 1.5 mm, HW 1.0 mm, Edist 0.50 mm, Ediam 0.45 mm, LP 0.9 mm.


Peninsular Malaysia: Pahang. The species occurs exclusively in the high mountains in the Cameron Highlands.


The identity of this species is based on the general appearance, which might be misleading in some cases, but with a female designated as the holotype we do not have any other possibility for identification. The newly identified specimens were collected in the type locality and the species is common in the Cameron Highlands.