Halirages Boeck, 1871

A total of 50 specimens were found at five stations. The specimens are placed in the genus Halirages for the following reasons: labrum rounded apically and acute dorsally, labium with small inner lobes, length of mandible palp article 3 about half that of article 2. Coxal plates small, coxa 1 not expanded distally. Gnathopods 1 and 2 subequal, propodi subrectangular, ischium of pereopod 7 with a small posterodistal process, second epimeral plate with small tooth on posteroventral corner, third epimeral plate smooth. Pereonite 7 with bilobed posterior margin. The uropods of all examined specimens were badly damaged, and only peduncles and proximal parts of rami were available for study.