Eidophelus Eichhoff, 1876: 200

( Figs. 23–26)


= Idophelus Rye, 1877: 362 (unavailable name).

= Lepicerus Eichhoff, 1878a: 388 syn. nov.

= Scolytogenes Eichhoff, 1878a: 387 syn. nov.

= Lepicerus Eichhoff, 1878b: 501 syn. nov.

= Scolytogenes Eichhoff, 1878b: 497 syn. nov.

= Lepidocerus Rye, 1880: 103 syn. nov.

= Cryphalomorphus Schaufuss, 1891: 12 syn. nov.

= Letznerella Reitter, 1913: 68 syn. nov.

= Ernoporides Hopkins, 1915: 34 syn. nov.

= Hypothenoides Hopkins, 1915: 11 syn. nov.

= Ptilopodius Hopkins, 1915: 11 syn. nov.

= Ernoporicus Berger, 1917: 242 syn. nov.

= Neocryphalus Eggers, 1922: 169 syn. nov.

= Negritus Eggers, 1923a: 141 syn. nov.

= Lepicerinus Hinton, 1936: 473 syn. nov.

= Cylindrotomicus Eggers, 1936c: 633 syn. nov. (unavailable name). = Eocryphalus Kurentsov, 1941: 161 syn. nov.

= Ernopocerus Balachowsky, 1949: 211 syn. nov. (unavailable name). = Ernoporoides Balachowsky, 1949: 201 syn. nov. (unavailable name).

= Ernopocerus Wood, 1954: 986 syn. nov.

= Phellodendrophagus Krivolutskaya, 1958: 107.

= Cryphalophilus Schedl, 1970c: 358 syn. nov.

= Xylocryptus Schedl, 1975a: 352 syn. nov.

= Cryphalogenes Wood, 1980: 91 syn. nov.

= Ernpocerus Wood, 1982: 858 syn. nov. (unavailable name). = Nigritus Wood and Bright, 1992: 858 syn. nov. (unavailable name).

Type of genus

Eidophelus imitans Eichhoff, 1876


Eidophelus can be diagnosed from superficially similar genera by the entire eye, by the lateral and basal margins of the pronotum marked by a carina, and by the antennal club which has a partial or absent septum, and by the proventriculus characters.


Frons simple, convex. Eye oval shaped, rarely broadly emarginated. Antennae typically with four funicle segments. Antennal club large and flat, with a septum and sutures sometimes present. Pronotum sometimes with asperities on anterior margin. Pronotal summit rarely pronounced (i.e., protruding higher than most of the disc). Elytra with variable setae, from almost glabrous to dense scale-like or hair-like ground vestiture. Apex of elytra nearly or distinctly vertical. Mesocoxae separated, often much more than metacoxae. Metatibiae with denticles distributed over at least apical quarter. Proventriculus with apical plate shorter than rest of proventriculus (except Eidophelus darwini), with rows of granules, occasionally less sclerotized around the median suture (i.e., appearing open). Crop with thick spines or granules, in sclerotized clusters.


Typically indistinguishable externally from the female. Some members of this genus have a sexually dimorphic frons (Johnson, unpublished), highly enlarged mandibles, or males have featherlike setae on the protarsi. Penis apodemes are much shorter than penis body, fused at apex. Tegmen open dorsally, of a similar thickness to penis apodemes. Median tegminal apodeme present, typically hooked at apex. Spiculum gastrale of a similar thickness or thicker than penis apodemes, with a fork. Basal sclerites visible.


Worldwide except Antarctica, but most diversity is in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and Europe.


In total, 152 species known. An extraordinarily diverse genus. The morphological variation in this genus has led to the description of many genera based on a limited number of characters, particularly in the antennae. However, there are no distinct groupings based on morphological characters, and many of the current genera are polyphyletic or represent smaller clades nested within the genus. The genera Cryphalogenes, Ernoporicus, Ptilopodius, and Scolytogenes are, therefore, all considered synonyms of Eidophelus.

Type material examined

Holotype of Ernoporicus alniphagus Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype of Ernoporicus ater Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype and paratype of Ptilopodius bambusae Browne, 1983 ( BMNH); 2 paratypes of Cryphalomorphus bangensis Eggers, 1927 ( NHMW); holotype of Cryphalomorphus brimblecombei Schedl, 1972 ( QM); holotype of Euptilius papuanus Browne, 1983 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus buruensis Eggers, 1926 ( NHMW); holotype of Cryphalomorphus camelliae Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype of Cryphalomorphus candidus Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype (?) of Lepicerinus coccotrypanoides Schedl, 1939 ( NHMW); syntype (?) of Lepicerinus coccotrypanoides Schedl, 1939 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalophilus concentralis Schedl, 1975 ( NHMW); holotype of Margadillius concentralis Schedl, 1975 ( NHMW); holotype of Cryphalomorphus confragosus Sampson, 1914 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus scolytomimoides Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); paratype of Ptilopodius dubiosus Wood, 1960 ( USNM); holotype and paratype of Cryphalogenes euphorbiae Wood, 1980 ( USNM); holotype and paratype of Cryphalogenes exiguus Wood, 1980 ( USNM); holotype [potentially mislabeled or misplaced] of Hypothenemus expers Blandford, 1894 ( BMNH); holotype of Lepicerinus fijianus Schedl, 1950 ( NHMW); holotype of Ptilopodius formosanus Browne, 1981 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus fujisanus Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype of Cryphalomorphus fulgidus Schedl, 1975 ( NHMW); holotype of Cryphalomorphus fulvipennis Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype of Cryphalophilus ater Schedl, 1971 ( QM); paratype of Cryphalomorphus granulatus Wood, 1960 ( USNM); holotype of Cryphalomorphus grossepunctatus Browne, 1974 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus hirtus Wood, 1974 ( USNM); holotype of Cryphalomorphus hylesinopsis Schedl, 1975 ( NHMW); holotype of Scolytogenes indicus Wood, 1989 ( USNM); holotype of Hypothenemus inermis Browne, 1984 ( BMNH); holotype of Hypothenemus insignis Browne, 1984 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus insularis Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype of Ericryphalus elongatus Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); lectotype of Ptilopodius javanus Schedl, 1942 ( NHMW); paratype of Hemicryphalus kinabaluensis Bright, 1992 ( MK collection); holotype of Cryphalomorphus leprosulus Browne, 1974 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalomorphus longipennis Eggers, 1936 ( BMNH); paratype of Hemicryphalus minutus Bright, 1992 ( MK collection); paratype of Cryphalomorphus nanulus Wood, 1960 ( USNM); Two paratypes of Cryphalomorphus nubilus Wood, 1960 ( USNM); Likely unlabeled holotype of Ptilopodius pacificus Schedl, 1941 ( BMNH); holotype of Cryphalus parvus Browne, 1984 ( BMNH); paratype of Hemicryphalus podocarpi Bright, 1992 ( MK collection); holotype of Ptilopodius praeda Browne, 1978 ( BMNH); holotype of Scolytogenes punctatulus Nobuchi, 1976 ( ITLJ); holotype and paratype of Hypothenemus quadridens Browne, 1983 ( BMNH); holotype and paratype of Cryphalomorphus rusticus Wood, 1974 ( USNM); holotype and paratype of Cryphalomorphus setifer Wood, 1974 ( USNM); holotype of Ptilopodius spirostachius Schedl, 1958 ( BMNH); holotype of Lepicerinus squamosus Schedl, 1942 ( NHMW); paratype of Hemicryphalus squamosus Bright, 1992 ( MK collection); holotype of Cylindrotomicus squamulosus Eggers, 1936 ( BMNH); holotype of Ptilopodius stephegynis Hopkins, 1915 ( USNM); holotype of Ernoporicus takahashii Nobuchi, 1975 ( ITLJ); holotype and paratype of Cryphalomorphus trucis Wood, 1974 ( USNM).

Included species

Eidophelus absonus ( Schedl, 1975a: 344) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus afer ( Schedl, 1970c: 359) ( Cryphalophilus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus africanus ( Schedl, 1977a: 396) ( Stephanorhopalus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus aitutakii ( Beaver and Maddison, 1990: 1367) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus alniphagus ( Nobuchi, 1975: 43) ( Ernoporicus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus alstoniae Johnson nom. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Chiloxylon sumatranus Schedl, 1970c: 358 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Chiloxylon sumatranus Schedl, 1970c because the name is already occupied by Eidophelus sumatranus Schedl, 1961a. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, named after the host plant, described as ‘Pulai logs’ = Alstonia sp.

Eidophelus alternans ( Schedl, 1975a: 345) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus amanicus ( Eggers, 1919: 239) ( Cryphalus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus ankius ( Schedl, 1979c: 96) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus apicalis ( Schedl, 1971c: 11) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus approximatus ( Schedl, 1975a: 346) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus aspericollis ( Eichhoff, 1878a: 388) ( Lepicerus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Lepicerus aspericollis Eichhoff, 1878b: 501 syn. nov.

= Cryphalus stierlini Eggers, 1911: 121 syn. nov. (syn: Eggers, 1929c).

Eidophelus ater ( Eggers, 1923a: 142) ( Negritus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus australis ( Schedl, 1942c: 175) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus badius ( Nobuchi, 1975: 44) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus bambusae ( Browne, 1983b: 69) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus bangensis ( Eggers, 1927c: 75) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus basilaris ( Wood, 1960: 30) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus birosimensis ( Murayama, 1958: 935) ( Ernocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus borneensis Browne, 1984a: 153.

Eidophelus braderi ( Browne, 1965: 191) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus orientalis Schedl, 1971c: 11 (syn: Wood, 1992b).

Eidophelus brighti Johnson nom. nov. [ Hemicryphalus].

= Hemicryphalus minutus Bright, 1992: 187 syn. nov.

Remarks: Hemicryphalus minutus Bright, 1992 is transferred to Eidophelus based on the eye shape, and shape of the pronotum. A replacement name for Hemicryphalus minutus Bright, 1992 is proposed because the name is already occupied by Eidophelus minutus Blandford, 1894b. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, honoring the original author.

Eidophelus brimblecombei ( Schedl, 1972a: 146) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus brownei Johnson nom. nov. [ Ernoporus].

= Euptilius papuanus Browne, 1983b: 70 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: Euptilius papuanus Browne, 1983b was previously recognized as a junior synonym of Ernoporus antennarius Schedl, 1974. This was likely a mistake since the two species differ greatly. Wood (1989) probably intended to synonymize Ernoporus antennarius Schedl, 1974 and Margadillius papuanus Schedl, 1973b. Subsequently, the release from synonymy and the transfer of Euptilius papuanus Browne, 1983b to Eidophelus requires a replacement name because the name is already occupied by Cryphalomorphus papuanus Schedl, 1974. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, honoring the original author.

Eidophelus buruensis ( Eggers, 1926a: 300) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus camelliae ( Nobuchi, 1975: 45) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus candidus ( Nobuchi, 1975: 47) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus capucinus ( Schedl, 1971a: 283) ( Cryphalops) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus caucasicus ( Lindemann, 1877: 373) ( Ernoporus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

= Cryphalus schreineri Eichhoff, 1881: 185.

Eidophelus ceylonicus ( Schedl, 1959a: 475) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus cicatricosus ( Schedl, 1942c: 176) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus coccotrypanoides ( Schedl, 1939b: 343) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus communis ( Schaufuss, 1891: 12) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus concentralis ( Schedl, 1975a: 342) ( Cryphalophilus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Margadillius concentralis Schedl, 1975a: 344 syn. nov.

Eidophelus confragosus ( Sampson, 1914: 386) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus corni ( Kurentsov, 1941: 162) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus corpulentus ( Schedl, 1965a: 54) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus corrugatus ( Schedl, 1950a: 19) ( Stephanorhopalus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus creber ( Schedl, 1975a: 346) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus crenatus ( Sampson, 1914: 385) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus cylindricus ( Schedl, 1959a: 476) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus darwini ( Eichhoff, 1878a: 387) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Scolytogenes darwinii Eichhoff, 1878b: 497 (syn: Alonso- Zarazaga and Lyal, 2009).

= Negritus similis Eggers, 1923a: 142 (syn: Wood, 1985).

= Negritus major Eggers, 1927c: 69 (syn: Wood, 1985).

= Scolytogenes cryptolepis Schedl, 1951b: 55 (syn: Wood, 1985). = Cryphalomorphus scolytomimoides Nobuchi, 1975: 50.

Eidophelus devius ( Schedl, 1975c: 280) ( Cryphalophilus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus dubiosus ( Wood, 1960: 19) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus eggersi ( Schedl, 1962e: 490) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus minor Eggers, 1927c: 76 (syn: Schedl, 1962e).

Eidophelus euphorbiae ( Wood, 1980: 91) ( Cryphalogenes) comb. nov. [ Cryphalogenes].

Eidophelus excellens ( Schedl, 1979c: 97) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus exiguus ( Wood, 1980: 92) ( Cryphalogenes) comb. nov. [ Cryphalogenes].

Eidophelus exilis ( Yin, 2001: 327) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus eximius ( Schedl, 1942d: 9) ( Erischidias) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus expers ( Blandford, 1894b: 85) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus fagi ( Fabricius, 1798: 157) ( Apate) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

= Bostrichus serratus Panzer, 1795: 288.

= Cryphalus (Ernoporus) thomsoni Ferrari, 1867: 14 (syn: Ferrari, 1869).

Eidophelus fijianus ( Schedl, 1950b: 42) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus formosanus ( Browne, 1981: 129) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus fugax ( Schedl, 1975a: 347) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus fujisanus ( Nobuchi, 1975: 46) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus fulgens ( Schedl, 1975a: 348) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus fulgidus ( Schedl, 1975a: 348) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus fulvipennis ( Nobuchi, 1975: 47) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus furvus Johnson nom. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

= Cryphalophilus ater Schedl, 1972a: 146 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Cryphalophilus ater Schedl, 1972a because the name is already occupied by Negritus ater Eggers, 1923a. The replacement name is an ajective, maintaining the meaning of the original name, meaning black, dark or obscure.

Eidophelus ghanaensis ( Schedl, 1977b: 281) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus glabratus ( Yin, 2001: 330) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus gracilis ( Schedl, 1950b: 44) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus granulatus ( Wood, 1960: 31) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus grobleri ( Schedl, 1962b: 68) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus hirtus ( Wood, 1974a: 18) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus hobohmi ( Schedl, 1955c: 215) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus hylesinopsis ( Schedl, 1975a: 349) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus imitans Eichhoff, 1876: 150.

= Phellodendrophagus elegans Krivolutskaya, 1958: 150 (syn: Wood, 1989).

= Ptilopodius nitidus Schedl, 1959a: 475 (syn: Wood, 1989).

Eidophelus incultus ( Yin, 2001: 325) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus indicus ( Wood, 1989: 184) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus inermis ( Browne, 1984d: 94) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Hypothenemus].

Eidophelus insignis ( Browne, 1984a: 151) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Hypothenemus].

Eidophelus insularis ( Nobuchi, 1975: 48) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus insularum ( Krivolutskaya, 1968: 56) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

= Ericryphalus elongatus Nobuchi, 1975: 42 (syn: Mandelshtam, 2006).

= Hypothenemus krivolutskayae Wood, 1992b: 79 (syn: Alonso- Zarazaga, 2005).

Eidophelus jalappae ( Letzner, 1849: 99) ( Bostrichus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Ernoporides floridensis Hopkins, 1915: 34 (syn: Wood, 1966).

= Ernoporides knabi Hopkins, 1915: 34 (syn: Wood, 2007).

= Hypothenemus ritchiei Sampson, 1918: 295 (syn: Wood, 1966).

= Cryphalomorphus caraibicus Schedl, 1951e: 96 (syn: Wood, 1966).

= Cryphalomorphus minutissimus Schedl, 1951e: 97 (syn: Wood, 1977b).

= Cryphalomorphus subtriatus Schedl, 1952c: 360 (syn: Wood, 1966).

= Cryphalomorphus alienus Schedl, 1976: 65 (syn: Wood, 1989). Eidophelus javanus ( Schedl, 1942d: 10) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus kanawhae ( Hopkins, 1915: 35) ( Ernoporus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus kinabaluensis ( Bright, 1992: 186) ( Hemicryphalus) comb. nov. [ Hemicryphalus].

Eidophelus levis Johnson nom. nov.

= Eidophelus gracilis Browne, 1984a: 152 syn. nov (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Eidophelus gracilis Browne, 1984a following the genus synonymy of Eidophelus and Scolytogenes, because the name is already occupied by Lepicerinus gracilis Schedl, 1950b. The name is an adjective, meaning smooth.

Eidophelus landolphiae ( Schedl, 1961b: 133) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus leprosulus ( Browne, 1974: 45) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus longipennis ( Eggers, 1936a: 30) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus lucidus Johnson nom. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Lepicerinus pacificus Schedl, 1959a: 477 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Lepicerinus pacificus Schedl, 1959a following the genus synonymy of Ptilopodius and Eidophelus, because the name is already occupied by Ptilopodius pacificus Schedl, 1941b. The name is an adjective, with reference to its shiny appearance.

Eidophelus magnocularis ( Yin, 2001: 326) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus marquesanus ( Beeson, 1935a: 101) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

= Ptilopodius zimmermani Schedl, 1951d: 143 (syn: Beaver, 1991).

Eidophelus mauritianus ( Schedl, 1965a: 56) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus micans ( Eggers, 1927b: 396) ( Stephanoderes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus minor ( Eggers, 1927c: 69) ( Negritus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus minusculus Johnson nom. nov.

= Eidophelus minutissimus Schedl, 1962a: 191 syn. nov. (secondary homonym)

Remarks: A replacement name is proposed for Eidophelus minutissimus Schedl, 1962a because the name is now occupied by Ptilopodius minutissimus Schedl, 1943. The replacement name is an adjective, and maintains the original meaning, referencing the very small size.

Eidophelus minutissimus ( Schedl, 1943: 34) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus minutus Blandford, 1894b: 88.

Eidophelus mus ( Schedl, 1975a: 349) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus nanulus ( Wood, 1960: 29) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus nigellatus ( Schedl, 1950b: 44) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus niger Johnson nom. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

= Ernoporicus ater Nobuchi, 1975: 43 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name for Ernoporicus ater Nobuchi, 1975 is proposed because the name is already occupied by Negritus ater Eggers, 1923a. The name is an adjective, following the meaning of the original name, meaning black.

Eidophelus nitidus Schedl, 1965b: 26.

Eidophelus nubilus ( Wood, 1960: 30) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus ocularis ( Schedl, 1965c: 368) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus onyanganus ( Schedl, 1941a: 391) ( Letznerella) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus similaris Schedl, 1965d: 8 (syn: Browne, 1973). Eidophelus opacus ( Schedl, 1959a: 477) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus pacificus ( Schedl, 1941b: 111) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus papuanus ( Schedl, 1974: 459) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus papuensis ( Wood, 1989: 179) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Xylocryptus papuanus Schedl, 1975a: 352 (secondary homonym).

Eidophelus paradoxus ( Wood, 1992b: 80) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus papuanus Schedl, 1979c: 97 (secondary homonym).

Eidophelus parvulus Johnson nom. nov. [ Cryphalus].

= Cryphalus parvus Browne, 1984a: 152 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: Cryphalus parvus Browne, 1984a is transferred to Eidophelus based on the cylindrical third tarsal segment, on the entire eye, and on the near-vertical apex of declivity. A replacement name is subsequently proposed due to the name being occupied by Hypothenoides parvus Hopkins, 1915. The replacement name is the diminutive of the adjective parvus (=small), emphasizing that particularly small body size.

Eidophelus parvus ( Hopkins, 1915: 11) ( Hypothenoides) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus philippinensis ( Schedl, 1967a: 126) ( Erioschidias) comb. nov. [ Cosmoderes].

Eidophelus pityophthorinus ( Schedl, 1943: 39) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus pleiocarpae ( Schedl, 1957b: 51) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus podocarpi ( Bright, 1992: 188) ( Hemicryphalus) comb. nov. [ Hemicryphalus].

Eidophelus polisquamosus ( Yin, 2001: 329) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus praeda ( Browne, 1978: 589) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus puerarae ( Choo and Woo, 1989: 58) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus pumilionides ( Schedl, 1977c: 500) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus pumilus ( Wood, 1960: 29) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus punctatulus ( Nobuchi, 1976: 72) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus punctatus Nobuchi, 1975: 49.

= Cryphalomorphus nobuchii Schedl, 1980: 118 (syn: Choo and Woo, 1989).

Eidophelus punctatus ( Schedl, 1951b: 55) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus puncticollis ( Schedl, 1950b: 43) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus grossepunctatus Browne, 1974: 63 (syn: Beaver, 1991).

Eidophelus pygmaeolus ( Schedl, 1971c: 12) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus quadridens ( Browne, 1983b: 71) ( Hypothenemus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus ramosus ( Beeson, 1935b: 115) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus rhododendri Johnson nom. nov. [ Hemicryphalus].

= Hemicryphalus squamosus Bright, 1992: 188 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name for Hemicryphalus squamosus Bright, 1992 is proposed because of the transfer to Eidophelus, where the name is already occupied by Lepicerinus squamosus Schedl, 1942c. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, named after the host plant.

Eidophelus robustus ( Schedl, 1955b: 32) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus rugosus ( Schedl, 1943: 34) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus rusticus ( Wood, 1974a: 18) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus samoanus Schedl, 1972b: 268.

Eidophelus schedli Johnson nom. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Cryphalomorphus ceylonicus Schedl, 1959a: 477 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name for Cryphalomorphus ceylonicus Schedl, 1959a is proposed because the name is occupied by Ptilopodius ceylonicus Schedl, 1959a. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, honoring the original author.

Eidophelus semenovi ( Kurentsov, 1941: 161) ( Eocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus separandus ( Schedl, 1965a: 56) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus setifer ( Wood, 1974a: 18) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus sodalis ( Schedl, 1965a: 55) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus spessivtzevi ( Berger, 1917: 243) ( Ernoporicus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus spirostachius ( Schedl, 1958a: 557) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus splendens ( Schedl, 1975a: 350) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus squamatilis ( Schedl, 1977c: 500) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus squamosus ( Schedl, 1942c: 175) ( Lepicerinus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus squamulosus ( Eggers, 1936c: 633) ( Cylindrotomicus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus stephegynis ( Hopkins, 1915: 11) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus sumatranus Schedl, 1961a: 72.

Eidophelus takahashii ( Nobuchi, 1975: 43) ( Ernoporicus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].

Eidophelus tarawai (Beaver, 1990: 149) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus tonsus ( Schedl, 1969: 49) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus tricolor ( Lea, 1910: 141) ( Cryphalus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus trucis ( Wood, 1974a: 19) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus uncatus ( Schedl, 1971b: 373) ( Cryphalophilus) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Remarks: Cryphalomorphus ater Schedl, 1972a:146, nomen nudum, was listed as a synonym of this species ( Wood and Bright, 1992), but this is likely an error, probably misinterpreted from the genus transfer of E. uncatus and Cryphalophilus ater Schedl, 1972a:146, by Beaver (1991).

Eidophelus usagaricus ( Eggers, 1922: 169) ( Neocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus varius ( Schedl, 1975a: 350) ( Cryphalomorphus) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus venustus ( Schedl, 1953c: 78) ( Ptilopodius) comb. nov. [ Ptilopodius].

Eidophelus yinae Johnson nom. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

= Scolytogenes venustus Yin, 2001: 328 syn. nov. (secondary homonym).

Remarks: A replacement name for Scolytogenes venustus Yin, 2001 is proposed because the name is occupied by Ptilopodius venustus Schedl, 1953c. The replacement name is a noun in the genitive case, honoring the original author.

Eidophelus yunnanensis ( Yin, 2001: 324) ( Scolytogenes) comb. nov. [ Scolytogenes].

Eidophelus zachvatkini ( Krivolutskaya, 1958: 149) ( Eocryphalus) comb. nov. [ Ernoporicus].