* Tmesorrhina tridens tridens Duvier, 1891

( Figs. 26b, c, d)

Distribution: ANG, DOC, EQG, RCI.

Distribution in Angola (Provinces): 2) MAL.

Historic records: none.

Material examined: Carima (Cacuso-Pungo Andongo) ( 09º 35´ 00´´ S, 15º 42´ 01´´ E, 1117 m alt., 130) ( MAL), 17–21.XI.2017, 1♂, 1♀, CT, A. Serrano & R. Capela leg., ASC.

Remarks. A polytypic species with four subspecies. The Carima adult specimens were collected by CT in an

open secondary forest. See also the remarks under C. africana mutica. It is a new species record for Angola and the Malanje Province.