Porphyronota preissi Moser, 1913

( Fig. 16c)

Distribution: ANG, ZIM.

Distribution in Angola (Provinces): 1) MOX.

Historic records:

—Calombe (=Calomba) (MOX) ( Gomes Alves 1973 sub Porphyronota ruteri Gomes Alves).

Material examined: Calombe (=Calomba) ( 11º 50´S, 19º 55´E, 1360 m alt., 218) ( MOX), 4.XI.1954, 1 ♂, Nº 3264, Holotypus (red label), Porphyronota ruteri Gomes Alves, 1973 det., Estudos Apícolas do Ultramar nº 61, Junta de Investigações Coloniais (Entomologia), IICT, MUHNAC.

Remarks. The species was originally described from Rhodesia (= Zimbabwe) ( Moser 1913a). Gomes Alves (1973) sixty years later described the same species from Angola under the name Porphyronota ruteri, which was synonymized with P. preissi by Holm (1990b). Biological and ecological data are not available for this species.