%%%%%% Variables' names contained in "rodriguezrosetal_data.csv" %%%%%% "id" = source of the data ("peg" = PEGASO cruise, "ace" = ACE Expedition, "pml" = ANDREXII, "ooki" = Ooki et al. 2015, "hack" = Hackemberg et al. 2017) "solar_time" = solar time estimated with solaR package on R. "iso_pm" = Isoprene concentration (pM) "chla_fluo" = Chlorophyll-a (fluorometric) "chla_matchup" = Chlorophyll-a (MODIS Aqua) "sst_matchup" = Sea Surface Temperature (MODIS Aqua) "zeu_matchup" = Depth of the Euphotic Layer (MODIS Aqua) "poc_matchup" = Particulate Organic Carbon (MODIS Aqua) "pic_matchup" = Particulate Inorganic Carbon (MODIS Aqua) "mld_matchup" = Mixing Layer Depth (Holte et al. 2017) "par_matchup" = PAR radiation (MODIS Aqua) "lat" = Latitude (decimal degrees) "lon" = Longitude (decimal degrees)