F - measurement frequency k - normalized attenuation coefficient (NAC) n - refractive index (RI) r - bulk density of soil sample t - measurement temperature W - volumetric moisture of soil sample BV - soil selected on the Yamal Peninsula at the coordinates N70.4310, E68.4227, organic matter content is 50% MS1 - soil selected on the Yamal Peninsula at the coordinates N69.7165, E66.8107, organic matter content is 61% MS2 - soil selected on the Yamal Peninsula at the coordinates N69.7152, E66.8180, organic matter content is 35% AK1 - soil selected on the North Slope of Alaska at the coordinates N68.6333, W149.5833, organic matter content is 80% AK2 - soil selected on the North Slope of Alaska at the coordinates N68.6333, W149.5833, organic matter content is 90% TM - soil selected on the Taimyr Peninsula at the coordinates N69.3523, E88.2832, organic matter content is 38% SI - soil selected on the Samoylov Island at the coordinates N72.3697, E126.4834, organic matter content is 30%