Metadata_filename,Related_data_subset,Metadata_Description metadata_master.csv,All metadata,This file: contains the list of individual metadata files for each of the data subsets Fig1H_1L_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 1H-L,Lists the filenames with fluorescent slide scanner images across subsequent coronal slices of BA and VTA underlying analysis in Figure 1H-L (retrograde labeling of BA-projecting DA neurons with CTB) Fig1M_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 1M,Lists the filenames with fluorescent slide scanner images across subsequent coronal slices of BA and VTA underlying analysis in Figure 1M (retrograde labeling of BA-projecting DA neurons with CTB) Fig2_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 2,Lists the filenames with the raw 16-channels extracellular recordings and corresponding video files wtih animal behavior underlying analysis in Figure 2 (optrode recordings in VTA) Fig3B_3C_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 3B-C,Lists the filenames with fluorescent confocal image stacks across subsequent coronal slices of VTA underlying analysis in Figure 3 (cFos quantification in DA neurons projecting to BA) Fig4G_4H_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 4G-H,Lists the filenames with video recordings of fear learning behavior underlying analysis in Figure 4G-H (silencing dopaminergic cell bodies in VTA) Fig5D_5E_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 5D-E,Lists the filenames with video recordings of fear learning behavior underlying analysis in Figure 5D-E (silencing of dopaminergic VTA axons in BA) Fig5H_5I_rawdata_metadata.csv,Fig. 5H-I,Lists the filenames with video recordings of fear learning behavior underlying analysis in Figure 5H-I (silencing of dopaminergic VTA axons in CeA) day1_CS_timing.csv,"Figs. 2, 4, 5",Provides CS timing in seconds relative to the video recording onset for all habituation sessions of the fear learning protocol (day 1) day2_CS_timing.csv,"Figs. 2, 4, 5",Provides CS timing in seconds relative to the video recording onset for all conditioning sessions of the fear learning protocol (day 2) day2_US_timing.csv,"Figs. 2, 4, 5",Provides US timing in seconds relative to the video recording onset for all conditioning sessions of the fear learning protocol (day 2) day3_CS_timing.csv,"Figs. 2, 4, 5",Provides CS timing in seconds relative to the video recording onset for all cued retrieval sessions of the fear learning protocol (day 3)