Ipirophthalmus gen. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: CC 361198 -98 AD- 4399-8483-3912 AA 62D2A0

Petalophthalmus – Pillai 1965: 1684 ( partim). — O.S. Tattersall 1968: 273 ( partim). — Panampunnayil 1982: 643 ( partim). — Wang 1998: 202–203. — San Vicente & Corbari 2015: fig. 8 ( partim).

Type species

Petalophthalmus liui Wang, 1998, by present designation.


The generic name is a Latinized noun with masculine ending, formed as a condensate of the Ancient Greek adjective ύπηρεΤΙΚός (functional) with the noun ὀφθαλμὸς (eye), underlining the difference from the reduced visual elements in the genus Petalophthalmus.


Petalophthalminae with antennal scale setose all around; eyes with well-developed, functional cornea; anterior margin of carapace with rostrum flanked by a pair of processes; thoracic endopods 5–8 slender, each with more than three segments; flagellum of thoracic exopods 3–8 with 10–14 segments; male

pleopods biramous, female pleopods uniramous or biramous; telson large, subquadrangular, terminal margin truncate without or with distinct mid-terminal emargination, terminal margin with two submedian groups of small teeth, with 7–8 large, toothed spines and 1–2 pairs of long setae, these setae arising from the emargination, if present, otherwise from homologous submedian position.

Species included

Ipirophthalmus liui ( Wang, 1998) gen. et comb. nov., recombined from Petalophthalmus liui Wang, 1998, known only from the northern South China Sea, depth 194–219 m;

Ipirophthalmus caribbeanus (O.S. Tattersall, 1968) gen. et comb. nov., recombined from Petalophthalmus caribbeanus O.S. Tattersall, 1968, from the Caribbean, mesopelagic in 329–366 m depth;

Ipirophthalmus oculatus ( Illig, 1906) gen. et comb. nov., recombined from Petalophthalmus oculatus, Illig, 1906, from the NW-Arabian Sea, W-Indian Ocean, off Japan, mesopelagic to bathybenthic, depth Ĺ 1200 m;

Ipirophthalmus macrops (Tchindonova & Vereshchaka, 1991) gen. et comb. nov., recombined from Petalophthalmus macrops Tchindonova & Vereshchaka, 1991, from the W-Indian Ocean: off Madagascar, benthopelagic in 360–555 m depth.