Solaster sp. 2 “yellow”

Figure 18F

This species displayed nine arms, possessed more abundant paxillae in a close, ordered and nearly imbricate pattern. Similar to Solaster sp. 1, this species also possessed large, distinct, evenly spaced paxillae forming an actinolateral boundary but spines appeared more elongate. Color in life was a light yellow.

Ecological Notes

Solaster sp. 2 was observed over an opening in the rock face where ophiuroids were noticeably present suggesting that it was moving in place to feed. Jangoux (1982) has listed ophiuroids as prey items for several Atlantic species, such as Solaster endeca, to which this species shows some similarity.

Images Examined

Richardson’s Jellyfish, 32.094912, -77.665695, 846 m
