Ceutorhynchus constrictus (Marsham)

Curculio constrictus Marsham, 1802

Records. ČER ČRK IFR DNI DON KHM LUG LWI POL TER VIN [ Łomnicki 1904: 369; 1905: 78; Penecke 1928: 371; Kryshtal 1949: 177; Kryshtal 1959; Kryzhanovskaya 1975: 34; Mazur 2002: 225].

Distribution. Europe and Asia Minor; introduced to North America ( Colonnelli 2013)

Material examined. Literature data only.

Biology. Forests, meadows. Adults occur in IV–X. Oligophagous on Brassicaceae ( Dieckmann 1972b; Kryzhanovskaya 1977; Mazur 2002; Colonnelli 2004a)