Chalarostylis elegans Norman, 1879

Chalarostylis elegans Norman, 1879: 65.—Gerken & McCarthy, 2007: 150–153, figs 1–2.

Type material. Holotype: NHM 1911.11.8.6024, adult male. Off Rockall, Porcupine Bight.

Other material. Female, NHM 2006.1187; 2 adult males, MNHN CU-477; 1 subadult female, MNHN CU- 459.

Diagnosis. Carapace, pereon and pleon with few or no setae. Carapace dorsal crest serrated. Pereopod 1 with serrate carinae on carpus and propodus. Telson with 3 pairs of lateral setae, with 3 terminal setae. Adult male antennule main flagellum article 1 with cluster of aesthetascs. Telson with 2 pairs of lateral setae.

Additional description. Male with pair of penial lobes.

Depth. 199–3178 m.

Distribution. Western North Atlantic, 34°20’– 54°21.6’N, 4°50’– 27°00.2’W.

Remarks. Chalarostlyis elegans is similar to C. guanchi, but C. guanchi is covered with long setae on the carapace, pereon and pleon, while C. elegans has only a few setae on the anterior part of the carapace. In addition, in C. elegans the dorsal crest is serrated while in C. guanchi the dorsal crest is entire.