Lamprops korroensis Derzhavin, 1923

Lamprops korroensis Derzhavin, 1923: 182, pl. 2, 5.— Lomakina, 1958a: 95–96, fig. 43.

Type material. Deposition unknown. Kamchatka Peninsula, USSR. Not seen.

Material examined. Adult male, ovigerous female, ZMB 23064.

Diagnosis. Carapace without lateral ridges, antennal notch absent, pseudorostrum blunt,eyelobe small. Telson 0.5 length of uropod peduncles, lateral setae absent, 5 terminal setae, outer pair and central seta long, inner pair short. Uropod peduncle with 6 medial setae. Adult male smaller than female, eyelobe larger than female, with lenses.

Depth. 4–16 m.

Distribution. Kamschatka Peninsula, Soviet Union.

Remarks. This species is recorded from brackish and freshwater basins on the Kamschatka Peninsula ( Derzhavin 1926), not marine waters. This is the only lampropid reported from waters that are not marine or estuarine. Within Lamprops and Alamprops, this is the only species in which the telson is approximately 0.5 the length of the uropod peduncles.