Lamprops fasciatus Sars, 1863

Lamprops fasciata Sars, 1863: 236; 1900: 19, pl. 9, 10.

Type material. Deposition unknown. Trondheim Fjord, near Steinkjer, and Lofoten Islands, Norway. Not seen.

Diagnosis. Carapace with 3 lateral ridges, antennal notch present, pseudorostrum blunt,eyelobe large. Telson 1.0 length of uropod peduncles, 1 pair long lateral setae, 5 terminal setae, outer pair and central seta equal, inner pair short. Uropod peduncle with 7 medial setae. Adult male smaller than female.

Depth. 1–71 m.

Distribution. Barents Sea, White Sea, Baltic Sea, Northern Atlantic Boreal. The record by Given (1965) from St. Paul Island in the Bering Sea, which is unlikely to be L. fasciatus; it is more likely either A. augustinensis or a new species.

Remarks. This is the only species in Lamprops sensu stricto with three lateral ridges on the carapace. The only Alamprops with three lateral ridges on the carapace is A. pseudosarsi, in which the posterior most ridge is weak rather than strong, and the telson terminal setae increase in length from the lateral towards the midline, with the central seta longest. In L. fasciatus all three carapace ridges are strong, and the telson terminal setae have the outermost pair long, the next pair short, and the central seta is the longest.