Hemilamprops serrulatus Ledoyer, 1977

Hemilamprops serrulatus Ledoyer, 1977: 200, fig. 5.

Type material. Lectotype: MNHN Cu 163, female. Paratype: MNHN Cu 163, female. Kerguelen.

Diagnosis. Carapace without lateral ridges, without setae, dorsal crest serrate. Pleonites without dorsal crest. Telson 0.9 length of uropod peduncles, with 6 pairs lateral setae, 3 terminal setae. Uropod exopod article 1 1.2 length of article 2. Adult male unknown.

Depth. 195 m.

Distribution. Kerguelen Islands, 49.3°S, 69.3°E.

Remarks. The most similar species to H. serrulatus is Pseudolamprops abyssi from the Japan Trench. Hemilamprops serrulatus has the telson shorter than the uropod peduncles, while P. abyssi has the telson longer than the uropod peduncles.