Mesolamprops hartleyi Shalla & Bishop, 2007

Mesolamprops hartleyi Shalla & Bishop, 2007: 1196–1199, figs 4–5.

Type material. Holotype: NMSZ 2005.061.0001, adult male. Paratypes: NMSZ 1999.217.0872, immature male; NMSZ 2005.061.0002, preparatory female; NMSZ 2005.061.0003, adult male. 61°7.06’N, 1°18.42’E. Not seen.

Diagnosis. Carapace wihtout lateral ridges, dorsal crest entire. Pleon not including telson longer than carapace and pereonites together. Telson with 4 pairs lateral setae, 3 terminal setae, central seta longest. Adult male antennal flagellum long, extending to pereonite 4, pleopods not figured.

Depth. 155–240 m.

Distribution. North Sea, North Atlantic, 61°N, 1°E.

Remarks. The most similar species to Mesolamprops hartleyi, in terms of the carapace morphology, are M. bispinosus and M. japonicus. However, they can be differentiated from the M. hartleyi by the length of the telson, being about 0.8 the length of the uropod peduncles in M. hartleyi, and equal to the uropod peduncles in the other two species.