Hemilamprops merlini Mühlenhardt-Siegel, 2005

Hemilamprops merlini Mühlenhardt-Siegel, 2005: 114–117, figs 1–2.

Type material. Holotype: ZMH K 40,416, non ovigerous female. Paratypes: ZMH K 40,417, 15 females, 10 subadult males, 9 juveniles. Angola Basin, 22°20.0’– 22°20.2’S, 3°18.3’– 3°18.4’E. Not seen.

Diagnosis. Carapace without lateral ridges, without setae, dorsal crest entire. Pleonites without dorsal crest. Telson 0.6 length of uropod peduncles, with 4–5 pairs lateral setae, 5 terminal setae. Uropod exopod article 1 0.9 length of article 2. Adult male unknown.

Depth. 1798–5144 m.

Distribution. Angola Basin, 22°20’S, 3°18.3’E, and Bellingshausen Sea.

Remarks. Hemilamprops merlini is most similar to the Australian species H. diversus, but can be distinguished by the equal length terminal setae on the telson. In H. diversus the terminal setae on the telson are unequal in length.