Platytyphlops girardi ( Reyss, 1978a) n. comb.

Paralamprops girardi Reyss, 1978a: 15–18, fig. 8A–E.

Type material. Deposition unknown. Not seen.

Other material. Four subadult females, 1 adult male, MNHN-CU303, INCAL WS04, 2505 m; 1 ovigerous female, 2 subadult females, MNHN-CU304, INCAL WS05, 4805 m; 1 subadult female, MNHN-CU307, INCAL DS06, 2494 m.

Diagnosis. Carapace without lateral ridges, marginal carina bluntly dentate, ridge absent on pseudorostrum; eyelobe without lenses or tumidities. Antennule article 1 not expanded; accessory flagellum subequal to main flagellum. Telson shorter than uropod peduncles, with 3 pairs lateral setae, with 3 terminal setae, central seta longest. Uropod peduncle with 3 medial setae. Uropod endopod article 1 1.0 length of articles 2 and 3 together. Adult male carapace identical to female. Uropod peduncle with 18 medial setae. Telson with 2 pairs lateral setae.

Depth. 2494–4805 m.

Distribution. North Atlantic, Gulf of Gascogne, 54°21.6’N, 27°10.2’W; tropical Atlantic, 00°03’–46’S, 27°48’– 29°28’W and 7°58’S, 34°17’W.

Remarks. Platytyphlops girardi is most similar to P. semiornatus, but can be distinguished by the proportions of the carapace. In P. girardi the carapace is as wide as it is long, while in P. semiornatus the carapace is longer than wide.