Platytyphlops aspera ( Zimmer, 1907) n. comb.

Paralamprops aspera Zimmer, 1907: 373; 1913: 457–458, pl. 6 figs 52–55.

Paralamprops asper.— Corbera, 2000: 20, fig. 10b.— Petrescu & Wittmann, 2003: 586–588, fig. 200–220.

Type material. Syntypes: 2 ZMB 18339, ovigerous females. Winter Station, Antarctica, 66°21’S, 89°38’E.

Diagnosis. Carapace with 3 pairs lateral ridges, marginal carina toothed. Telson 1.0 uropod peduncles, with 3 terminal setae. Uropod peduncles with 13 medial setae. Adult male unknown.

Depth. 385–649 m.

Distribution. Antarctica, 66– 73°S, 22°W– 89°E.

Remarks. Redescribed in Petrescu & Wittmann (2003), with maxillule palp with two setae.