Platytyphlops rossi ( Jones, 1971) n. comb.

Paralamprops rossi Jones, 1971: 37–39, fig. 3.

Type material. Holotype: NIWA 1634, adult female. Ross Sea, 76°6–11’S, 164°46’E.

Diagnosis. Carapace with 2 pairs of lateral ridges, marginal carina entire, ridge present on pseudorostrum; eyelobe without lenses or tumidities. Antennule article 1 not expanded; main flagellum broken. Telson shorter than uropod peduncles, with 3 terminal setae, terminal setae equal. Uropod endopod article 11.8 length of articles 2 and 3 together. Adult male unknown.

Depth. 406–705 m.

Distribution. Ross Sea, Weddell Sea, Antarctic.

Remarks. The most similar species is Platytyphlops racovitzai, which is also known from the Antarctic. However, in P. racovitzai the carapace ridges have a tall, narrow hyaline margin, while in P. rossi the ridges are not tall and do not have a hyaline margin. Platytyphlops crosnieri is also similar to P. rossi; however, in P. rossi there is a ridge present on the pseudorostrum, while in P. crosnieri there is no ridge on the pseudorostrum.