Corynosoma beaglense Laskowski, Jezewski & Zdzitowiecki, 2008


Champsocephalus esox (Günther) ( Perciformes, Channichthyidae). SI: intestine. SD: cystacanth. L: Tierra del Fuego Province: Beagle Channel ( 54°59’S, 66º45’W). R: Laskowski et al. (2008), Laskowski and Zdzitowiecki (2009). C: holotype ( NHMUK 2007.10.15.4) and allotype ( NHMUK 2007.10.15.5).

Note. Laskowski et al. (2008) described this species based on juvenile worms collected from Champsocephalus esox. Laskowski et al. (2008) designated the juvenile female as the holotype which is an unusual taxonomic practice for acanthocephalans.