Corynosoma sp.


Eleginops maclovinus (Cuvier) ( Perciformes, Eleginopsidae). SI: mesenteries. SD: cystacanth. L: Santa Cruz Province: Puerto Deseado; Tierra del Fuego Province: Thetis Bay, Aguirre Bay. R: Szidat (1950), Gosztonyi (1979).

Genypterus blacodes (Forster) ( Ophidiiformes, Ophidiidae). SI: mesenteries. SD: cystacanth. L: Argentine Sea. R: Sardella et al. (1998).

Genypterus brasiliensis ( Ophidiiformes, Ophidiidae). SI: mesenteries. SD: cystacanth. L: Argentine Sea. R: Sardella et al. (1998).

Micropogonias undulatus Linnaeus ( Perciformes, Sciaenidae). SI: body cavity. SD: cystacanth. L: Buenos Aires Province: Mar del Plata. R: Suriano (1966) (see note below).

Notocheirus hubbsi Clark ( Atheriniformes, Notocheiridae). SI: mesenteries, body cavity. SD: cystacanth. L: Santa Cruz Province: Puerto Deseado ( 47º45’S, 65º55’W). R: Gosztonyi (1972).

Odontesthes nigricans (Richardson) ( Atheriniformes, Atherinopsidae). SI: body cavity, liver, mesenteries. SD: cystacanth. L: Chubut Province: Larralde Beach ( 42º25’S, 64º07’W), Puerto Madryn Beach ( 42º47’S, 65º02’W); Tierra del Fuego Province: Punta María ( 53º57’S, 67º27’W), Varela Bay ( 54º52’S, 67º16’W). R: Carballo et al. (2011), Flores et al. (2016). C: vouchers (MLP-He 7132; MLP accession numbers not provided by Carballo et al. 2011).

Parona signata (Jenyns) ( Perciformes, Carangidae). SI: intestine. SD: cystacanth. L: Buenos Aires Province: Mar del Plata, Quequén Port. R: Szidat (1969), Ivanov (1996) (see note below).

Patagonotothen tessellata (Richardson) ( Perciformes, Nototheniidae). SI: intestine. SD: cystacanth. L: Tierra del Fuego Province: Beagle Channel ( 54°59’S, 66º45’W). R: Laskowski et al. (2008), Laskowski and Zdzitowiecki (2009). C: vouchers (NHMUK 2007.10.15.1).

Note. Host reported as Micropogon undulatus by Suriano (1966), but the current accepted name is Micropogonias undulatus. Szidat (1969) reported free and encapsulated cystacanths of Corynosoma obtuscens Lincicome, 1943 in the intestine of Parona signata. Currently, Corynosoma obtuscens is considered a junior synonym of Corynosoma australe (see Lisitsyna et al. 2019).


Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus ( Cetacea, Physeteridae). SI: intestine. SD: unknown. L: Chubut Province: Puerto Madryn. R: Berón-Vera et al. (2008), Hernández-Orts et al. (2015). C: vouchers (LAMAMA, accession numbers not provided).


Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein ( Charadriiformes, Laridae). SI: unknown. SD: juvenile. L: Chubut Province: Fracaso Beach ( 42°25’S, 64°07’W), Puerto Madryn Beach ( 42°47’S, 65°02’S). R: Diaz (2006), Diaz et al. (2011).

Spheniscus magellanicus (Forster) ( Sphenisciformes, Spheniscidae). SI: stomach, intestine. SD: adult. L: Chubut Province: Valdés Peninsula. R: Boero et al. (1972), Pazos et al. (2003), Diaz (2006), Diaz et al. (2010), Brandão et al. (2014). C: vouchers (MLP-He 6086).