Clubiona yueya sp. nov.

Figs 11–12

Type material. Holotype: ♂ ( IZCAS Ar 34709), CHINA: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna, Mengla County, Menglun Town, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanic Garden, 300 Acre-feet Bamboo plantation ( N21º53.901', E101º16.884',

515 m), 7 August 2018, leg. H. Yu and Z.G. Chen (Yu_20180807_Fogging-9). Paratypes: 1, 3♀ ( IZCAS Ar 34710–34713), same data as holotype.

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Chinese pinyin 'yuè yá', which means 'crescent moon', referring to the crescent-shaped tegular apophysis; noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. Males of Clubiona yueya sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from those of all other species of the C. japonica group by the crescent-shaped tegular apophysis ( Fig. 11D) and the inconspicuous sperm duct ( Figs 11 A–E) ( vs. tegular apophysis absent and sperm duct distinct in almost all the C. japonica group species, such as Clubiona zhanggureni sp. nov.; Figs 13 C–E).). Females of C. yueya sp. nov. are similar to C. digitata Dankittipakul, 2012 ( Dankittipakul et al. 2012: 52, figs 4–5, 17), C. filifera Dankittipakul, 2008 ( Dankittipakul et al. 2012: 57, figs 18–19, 23–24), and C. grucollaris Yu, Zhang & Chen, 2017 ( Yu et al. 2017a: 4, figs 13–14, 18–19) by the broad atrium with M-shaped anterior margin, and the globular bursae, but can be recognized by the small and bean-shaped spermathecae ( Fig. 12C) (relatively long and tubular spermathecae in the latter three species). In addition, the new species can be consistently separable by its unique habitus: dorsal opisthosoma with three longitudinal bands ( Figs 12D, F).

Description. Male ( holotype): Total length 5.42; prosoma 1.29 long, 1.63 wide; opisthosoma 3.07 long, 1.45 wide. Prosoma ( Figs 12 D–E), long-oval, narrowed behind ocular area, in profile slightly raised, highest just in front fovea; integument smooth, clothed with short fine hairs. Carapace yellowish-white, darker in ocular area, with irregular reticular pattern behind posterior eyes; fovea longitudinal and red. Chelicerae dark brown, with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Labium and endites ash brown, longer than wide. Sternum yellowish. Eyes: AER slightly recurved, PER wider than AER and almost straight in dorsal view. AME dark, other eyes light; with black rings. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.14, ALE 0.14, PME 0.14, PLE 0.12, AME–AME 0.09, AME–ALE 0.06, PME–PME 0.24, PME–PLE 0.17, MOQL 0.24, MOQA 0.33, MOQP 0.46. Legs light yellow, without distinct color markings. Leg formula: IV, II, I, III; leg measurements: I 5.93 (1.54, 2.49, 1.19, 0.72), II 6.82 (1.86, 2.79, 1.44, 0.74), III 5.43 (1.61, 1.90, 1.41, 0.51), IV 7.73 (2.14, 2.67, 2.33, 0.63). Opisthosoma ( Figs 12 D–E) lanceolate, dorsal scutum indistinct, furnished with a thick tuft of hairs anteriorly; dorsum yellowish-white, posteriorly with dark purplish coloring which is formed into three longitudinal and linear markings; venter light yellow. Spinnerets dark. Palp ( Figs 11 A–E): RTA dark, small but strong, digitiform, sharply pointed; bulb nearly pyriform, slightly excavated on prolatero-apical side to accommodate embolus; sperm duct indistinct; embolus spiniform, originated at 8–9 o’ clock position in prolateral view, its tip slightly overpasses the genital bulb; conductor with a slightly sclerotized and beak-shaped apex, its base part membranous; tegular apophysis large and heavily sclerotized, crescent-shaped in ventral view.

Female ( paratype IZCAS Ar 34711): Total length 5.13; prosoma 2.30 long, 1.74 wide; opisthosoma 2.77 long, 1.45 wide. General color darker than in male ( Figs 12 F–G). Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.10, ALE 0.13, PME 0.12, PLE 0.11, AME–AME 0.04, AME–ALE 0.07, PME–PME 0.23, PME–PLE 0.15, MOQL 0.34, MOQA 0.32, MOQP 0.47. Legs yellowish-white, without distinct color markings. Leg formula: IV, II, I, III; leg measurements: I 4.77 (1.18, 2.08, 0.96, 0.56), II 5.01 (1.20, 2.10, 1.04, 0.66), III 3.93 (1.05, 1.45, 1.02, 0.41), IV 6.22 (1.27, 2.36, 1.85, 0.74). Epigyne ( Figs 12 A–C): Epigynal plate slightly wider than long, margin not rebordered; atrium large, anterior atrial margin more or less “M” shaped; atrium about three times wider than long, blocked by mating plug before cleaning; two copulatory openings located at basolateral atrial borders; spermathecae consisting of bean-shaped proximal part and digitiform distal part; bursae globular and translucent, surface wrinkled and ribbed.

Distribution. Presently known only from Xishuangbanna.