/* ** svn $Id: inlet_test.h 838 2008-11-17 04:22:18Z jcwarner $ ******************************************************************************* ** Copyright (c) 2002-2008 The ROMS/TOMS Group ** ** Licensed under a MIT/X style license ** ** See License_ROMS.txt ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** Options for Vegetation Test Case, ROMS only. ** ** Application flag: VEG_TEST ** Input script: ocean_veg_test.in ** vegetation.in ** sediment_veg_test.in */ #define ROMS_MODEL #undef SWAN_MODEL #undef MCT_LIB #define UV_VIS2 #define MIX_S_UV #define MASKING #define WET_DRY #define UV_ADV #undef UV_COR #define TS_HSIMT #undef TS_MPDATA #undef TS_MPDATA_LIMIT #define DJ_GRADPS #define SOLVE3D #define SPLINES_VVISC #define SPLINES_VDIFF #undef WEC_VF #undef BOTTOM_STREAMING #undef WDISS_WAVEMOD #undef UV_KIRBY #undef ANA_INITIAL #undef ANA_FSOBC #undef ANA_M2OBC #define RADIATION_2D #define RAMP_TIDES #define SSH_TIDES #define UV_TIDES #define ADD_FSOBC #define ADD_M2OBC /* define only one of the following */ #define UV_LOGDRAG #undef SSW_BBL #ifdef SSW_BBL # define SSW_CALC_ZNOT #endif #define VEGETATION # ifdef VEGETATION # undef ANA_VEGETATION # define VEG_DRAG # ifdef VEG_DRAG # undef VEG_FLEX # undef VEG_TURB # endif # undef VEG_SWAN_COUPLING # ifdef VEG_SWAN_COUPLING # define VEG_STREAMING ! dependence to WEC_VF/BOTTOM_STREAMING # endif # undef MARSH_WAVE_THRUST # endif #ifdef SOLVE3D # define GLS_MIXING # ifdef GLS_MIXING # define KANTHA_CLAYSON # define N2S2_HORAVG # ifdef VEG_TURB # undef N2S2_HORAVG # endif # define RI_SPLINES # endif # define SEDIMENT # ifdef SEDIMENT # define SUSPLOAD # undef BEDLOAD_SOULSBY # undef BEDLOAD_MPM # undef SED_MORPH # endif # if defined SEDIMENT || defined SG_BBL || defined MB_BBL || defined SSW_BBL # undef ANA_SEDIMENT # endif # define ANA_SMFLUX # define ANA_STFLUX # define ANA_SSFLUX # define ANA_BPFLUX # define ANA_BTFLUX # define ANA_BSFLUX # define ANA_SPFLUX # define ANA_SRFLUX #endif #undef DIAGNOSTICS_UV