Cissidium yoruba sp. nov. 473BE444-6BC1-42BC-B5A8-CE1EDC4C77E4

Fig. 45


Named after Yoruba, the West African language. Ile-Ife, known as Ife, in Osun State, Nigeria is believed to be the oldest Yoruba speaking city. Noun in apposition.

Material examined


NIGERIA • ♂; Ile-Ife; 29 Dec. 1970; black light trap; J.T. Medlar leg.; MMUE.


NIGERIA • 2 ♀♀; same collection data as for holotype; one mounted verso; MMUE, BMNH.


SIZE. Habitus ( Fig. 45A), length 0.59 mm.

COLOUR. Dark brown, shining, antennae, legs and pubescence dusky yellow.

HEAD. With a shallow median depression between the eyes, width across eyes 0.21 mm;. antennomeres III–XI length 0.30 mm, III–IX length 0.16 mm, X–XI length 0.14 mm; mentum obscure.

PRONOTUM. Length 0.15 mm, width 0.24 mm, sparsely pubescent, without foveolae but with a row of ± four foveae along the posterior margin; sides sharply rounded not quite angled, then slightly concave to the rectangular hind angles, lateral borders wide, continued more thinly for a short distance along basal margin to the emargination in front of the scutellum ( Fig 45B, tilted forwards)

ELYTRA. Length 0.42 mm, width 0.33 mm, foveolate, densest in basal half, pubescence sparse.

MESOVENTRITE. Collar with a tapering median extension widening posteriorly; mid-keel parallel-sided, the posterior angles with short raised carinae to the mesocoxal anterior borders; keel without setae, narrow, slightly tapering to a point near base of mesocoxae; mesoventral lateral margins rounded, serrate posteriorly; humeri large, bluntly toothed ( Fig. 45C).

METAVENTRITE. Length 0.15 mm, sparsely pubescent, disc simple, width across spines 0.11 mm; margins of mesocoxal cavities serrate.

WINGS. Macropterous.

GENITALIA. Male aedeagus not found in the dissection. Female spermatheca globular.


The only species of Cissidium to have been described from Nigeria.