Dasyhelea ( Dasyhelea) caesia Remm, 1993

Dasyhelea caesia Remm, 1993: 193.

Dasyhelea lugensis Brodskaya, 1995: 9.

New record

SWEDEN: 1 ♂, Haninge, Tyresta National Park, Löpanträsk, 59.182483° N, 18.303100° E, 40 masl, loc. 025-07, Malaise trap, 19 Jul.–2 Aug. 2011, leg. J. Strandberg ( NHRS).


Russia ( Leningrad Oblast, Yakutia), Poland ( Dominiak & Szadziewski 2010).


The specimen was collected in a marsh situated between two lakes with water flowing through. Last instar larvae and pupae of Dasyhelea caesia have previously been collected from a small body of water and the littoral zone of lakes in Russia during July ( Brodskaya 1995; Przhiboro 2005).