Phaenoglyphis nigripes ( Thomson, 1877)

Figs 6.15, 7.9

Allotria ( Auloxysta) nigripes Thomson, 1877: 813. Type: deposited in MZLU (examined).

Allotria nigripes Thomson: Dalla Torre 1893: 34.

Allotria ( Bothrioxysta) nigripes – Dalla Torre & Kieffer 1902: 40.

Auloxysta nigripes – Ashmead 1903: 142.

Charips ( Bothrioxysta) nigripes – Dalla Torre & Kieffer 1910: 268.

Bothrioxysta nigripes – Rohwer & Fagan 1917: 362.

Phaenoglyphis nigripes – Rohwer & Fagan 1919: 337.

Charips nigripes – Muesebeck & Krombein 1951: 607.

Phaenoglyphis ( Auloxysta) nigripes – Hellén 1963: 7.

Phaenoglyphis nigripes – Andrews 1978: 95.


Phaenoglyphis nigripes is mainly characterized by the absence of notauli and scutellar foveae (Fig. 7.9), and antenna with rhinaria and club shape beginning on F3, F1 subequal to pedicel, F1 longer than F2 and shorter than F3, and F3 shorter than F4 (Fig. 6.15). It is similar to P. laevis Andrews, 1978, but they can be differentiated by the length of the antenna (shorter than the body in P. nigripes but longer in P. laevis) and where the rhinaria begin (on F 3 in P. nigripes (Fig. 6.15) but on F 5 in P. laevis).

Material examined


NORWAY: ♀ [ TROMS, 20 Km S of Setermoen, along E6 Road, sweeping, 15 Jul. 1999, leg. G. Melika; 4198] ( MZLU).



Certain records: Norway ( Thomson 1877: 813).

Uncertain records: England ( Cameron 1889: 57), Finland ( Hellén 1963: 8), Ireland ( O’Connor & Nash 1997), Romania ( Ionescu 1969: 248; Trandafirescu et al. 2004: 260), Scotland ( Cameron 1889: 57), Spain ( Torras-Casals 1996: 196).