Jacksonia papillata Theobald, 1923

Fig. 11


Diagnosis based on Heie (1994, 2004). Apterae 1.3–1.9 mm, green-olive-brown-reddish. Cuticle rough, squamous or nodulose, particularly on head and antennae. Antennal tubercles well developed, their inner sides converging. Siphunculi squamose, from a thick base narrowing to a slender apical half; aperture small, terminal. Monoecious. Lives on basal parts of grasses and may, in addition to grasses, also feed on mosses.

Recorded hosts

Holman (2009) reports Hyocomium armoricum and Hypnum cupressiforme ( Hypnaceae) as hosts and Heie (2004) Bryum pallens ( Bryaceae).


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