Melaphis rhois (Fitch, 1866)


Diagnosis based on Pike et al. (2012). Resembling Pachypappella lactea but marginal wax gland plates on segments 1–6 in six longitudinal rows (in P. lactea in four rows on segments 3–6). Legs, antennae and rostrum short and stout; tarsi 1-segmented, ant. normally 4-segmented. RIV+V without pale subapical zone. Dioecious, alternating between leaf galls on Rhus glabra and R. hirta (syn. typhina, Anacardiaceae) and mosses (Bryophyta). In northern Europe anholocyclic on mosses. For detailed descriptions, see Pike et al. (2012).

Recorded secondary hosts

Brachytheciaceae: Eurhynchium striatum; Hypnaceae: Hyocomium armoricum, Hypnum; Polytrichaceae: Polytrichum commune; Sphagnaceae: Sphagnum.


S (if correctly identified: Heie’s (1980) fig. 243 based on material from Sweden is probably Pachypappella lactea).