Kent Co.: Buctouche, V-VII.2007, J.P. Michaud, mixed forest and agricultural fields, on carrion, (many specimens, UMNB); York Co.: Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 17.IV.2005, R.P. Webster, mixed forest, in flight (1, RWC); same locality, 8.IX.2007, 14.IX.2007, 26.IX.2007, mixed forest, in pile of corncobs and cornhusks, (4, RWC).
This adventive Palearctic species is widely distributed in Europe and is recorded in Canada from British Columbia west to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and is widely distributed in the United States ( McNamara 1991; Majka and Cline 2006; Parsons 1943). Omosita discoidea is found on dry carrion, bones, hides, fungi, and in decaying vegetation ( Downie and Arnett, 1996).