Glischrochilus confluentus (Say, 1823)

Carleton Co.: Jackson Falls, Bell Forest, 46.2200°N, 67.7231°W, 4-12.VI.2008, R.P. Webster, rich Appalachian hardwood forest, Lindgren funnel trap, (1, RWC).

Glischrochilus confluentus has been recorded in Canada from Ontario, Québec, and Nova Scotia ( McNamara 1991; Majka and Cline 2006), and in the United States south to Georgia, west through Missouri, Michigan and Wisconsin, to Colorado and Nevada ( Parsons 1943; Price and Young 2006). In Nova Scotia the species was found on bark of a dying trembling aspen ( Populus tremuloides). Price and Young (2006) found it associated with oak ( Quercus sp.), on moist decaying fungi, and on chicken of the woods ( Laetiporus sulphureus (Fr.) Murr., Polyporaceae).