Glischrochilus vittatus (Say, 1835)

Charlotte Co.: S of Little Pocologan R., 45.1731°N, 66.6141°W, 7.V.2007, R.P. Webster, clearcut, under bark of large white pine, (1, RWC); York Co.: Charters Settlement, 45.8188°N, 66.7460°W, 27.III.2005, R.P. Webster, clearcut, under and on bark of white pine, adults active and mating (deep snow-pack present), (7, RPW); Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 29.IV.2006, R.P. Webster, mixed forest, flight intercept trap adjacent to composter, (1, RWC); same locality, 29.IV.2006, mixed forest, in pile of corncobs and cornhusks, (1, RWC).

Glischrochilus vittatus has been found in Canada from British Columbia to Québec and Nova Scotia ( McNamara 1991; Majka and Cline 2006), and in the United States recorded south to California, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado in the west and in North Carolina, New Hampshire, Maine, and Wisconsin ( Parsons 1943; Chandler 2001; Price and Young 2006). The species is often found under the bark of pines, Pinus spp. ( Downie and Arnett 1996). Price and Young (2006) found it associated with red pine ( Pinus resinosa Ait., Pinaceae).