Carpophilus sayi Parsons, 1945

Carleton Co.: Jackson Falls, Bell Forest, 46.2210°N, 67.7210°W, 2.VI.2005, R. P. Webster, rich Appalachian hardwood forest, UV light trap, (1, RWC); York Co.: Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 11.VI.2003, R.P. Webster, mixed forest, beating foliage, (1, RWC); same locality, 25.IX.2005, 29.VIII.2007, mixed forest, in pile of corncobs and cornhusks, (4, RWC).

Carpophilus sayi has been recorded in Canada from Manitoba, Québec, and Nova Scotia ( McNamara 1991; Majka and Cline 2006), and in the United States from Maine south to Georgia, west to Texas and New Mexico, and north to Iowa and Wisconsin; also in California ( Parsons 1943; Chandler 2001; Price and Young 2006). The species is frequently taken at sap flows of large-toothed poplar ( Populus grandidentata), and maple ( Acer sp.) and is associated with oak wilt fungus mats ( Cease and Juzwik 2001; Price and Young 2006).