Carpophilus brachypterus (Say, 1825)

Sunbury Co.: near Sunpoke Lake, 45.7658°N, 66.5546°W, red oak forest, on flowers of Viburnum cassinoides, (3, RWC); York Co.: Charters Settlement, 45.8395°N, 66.7391°W, 19.VI.2004, R.P. Webster, mixed forest, on mountain ash flowers, (1, RWC); same locality, 29.VIII.2007, mixed forest, in pile of corncobs and cornhusks, (1, RWC); Canterbury, near Browns Mountain Fen, 45.8964°N, 67.6273°W, 8.IX.2007, mixed forest, on flowers of Aster umbellatus, (1, RWC).

Carpophilus brachypterus has been recorded in Canada from Manitoba east to Québec and Nova Scotia ( McNamara 1991; Majka and Cline 2006), and in the Unit- ed States from New Hampshire south to North Carolina and west to Texas, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and South Dakota ( Parsons 1943; Chandler 2001). Price and Young (2006) found them on flowers of plum ( Prunus americana Marsh.), choke cherry ( P. virginiana L.), apple ( Pyrus malus L.) ( Rosaceae), everlasting ( Antennaria neglecta Greene), and white snakeroot ( Eupatorium rugosum Houtt.) ( Asteraceae), in leaf litter, on rotting fruit, recently cut hardwoods, on driftwood, scotch pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.), white pine ( Pinus strobus L.) ( Pinaceae), and willow ( Salix sp., Salicaceae) in a wide variety of forested and open habitats. Dillon and Dillon (1961) list the species from black haw ( Viburnum prunifolium L., Caprifoliaceae).