Helophorus grandis Illiger, 1798

Queens Co.: Harrington, 14. VI.2004, C. Noronha, barley field, pitfall trap, (1, ACPE); Mount Herbert, Orphanage Pond, 30. V.1923, J. R. Mutch, (1, UPEI); West Royalty, 16. V.1983, L.S. Th ompson, (1, ACPE); Wood Islands, 30. VI.2003, C.G. Majka, (1, CGMC).

Newly recorded on Prince Edward Island, this species favours temporary pools and muddy or weedy margins of ponds or lakes ( Smetana 1988).

This adventive, Palaearctic species was first reported in North America by Darlington (1927). Smetana (1985) examined specimens from as early as 1904 from Montreal, although Brown (1940) noted a specimen from Chicoutimi, Québec, from the “second” collection of Provancher acquired sometime between 1877 and 1892. The earliest records from New Brunswick are in 1926 and from Nova Scotia in 1947 ( Smetana 1985) so the collection from 1923 on Prince Edward Island establishes a new early timeline for H. grandis in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.