Quedius molochinus ( Gravenhorst, 1802)

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: Queens Co.: Harrington, 7.IX.2006, C. Noronha, potato field, pitfall trap, (1, CGMC).

Majka and Klimaszewski (2008) neglected to note that Q. molochinus also is known on Prince Edward Island (in addition to Nova Scotia) from a specimen collected in 2006 (Majka 2007). Th erefore, this species is added to the list of adventive staphylinids found on Prince Edward Island. Quedius molochinus was first discovered 1949 in North America in Newfoundland ( Smetana 1971). It is widely distributed in Europe and Russia south to North Africa and the Caucasus ( Herman 2001; Smetana 2004b). All North American specimens have been found in land affected by cultivation ( Smetana 1971; Majka 2007).